Educational Seminars

Brown Bag Educational Seminars
Presented by Clinical Health Appraisals, Inc.
These are the current, 2015
2014 Brown Bag seminars Clinical Health Appraisals Inc. is offering
to our clients. We hope to supplement our outstanding and recognized health screening
services for you this year with educational seminars.
The list below is constantly being reviewed and if there is a topic you do not see on the list
but you would like, please give us a call and we will work on finding a great solution for your
Our staff of health professionals have many years of speaking on the following topics. All
are degreed professionals and current with issues related to their topic.
Please feel free to contact me at:
Clinical Health Appraisals Inc.
Attn: Mike Otto
Cell: 916-769-4880
Preventing Job Burnout
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Everyday Benefits of Meditation
Sun Safety and Skin Cancer
How to Guide: Lose Weight,
Increase Energy and Restore Health
Preventing Repetitive Motion
Disease Management: Heart Health
Walking For Health
 Disease Management: Controlling
 Balancing Work & Family
 Nutrition and Wellness
 Fitness For Everyone
 Back Safety and Ergonomics
 Colds and Flu: Don’t Let the Bug
Get You!
 Why and How to start a Wellness
Program **free seminar**
A brief description of the more frequently requested seminars follows to better inform
you of their features and benefits
9312 Candalero Ct, Elk Gove CA 95758 ● (916) 769-4880 ●
Preventing Job Burnout
(45-60 Min)
Our goal in this workshop is to train skills that will stop the following equation:
Demands x Caring x Duration = Job Burnout!
Four different skills are taught and an outstanding booklet is used to enhance stress reduction techniques that are
practical & proven to be effective. The exercise of life spacing is done to find out how much variety and control
we have over our lives.
This is a fun and informative seminar!
Cost for the seminar/training……………………………………………………$300.00
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
(45-60 Min)
A large part of the successful management of stress levels as well as the maintenance of a healthy body
stems from achieving a good night’s rest. The goal of this seminar is to increase your employees’ awareness of
the importance of sleep. This talk covers the science of sleep and techniques used to enhance sleep quality and
quantity. Your day starts long before your alarm clock rings, let his seminar teach you how to start it right with a
good night’s sleep!
Cost for the seminar/training……………………………………………………$300.00
Everyday Benefits of Meditation
This presentation seeks to dispel the common attitudes that mediation is only for “hippies” and serious yogis.
On the contrary, meditative techniques can be used by anyone to improve their quality of sleep, reduce
feelings of stress, and drop high blood pressure. We briefly cover some easy meditative exercises and
techniques that can be used both during the evening and later on in the day for overall wellness of mind and
Cost for seminar/training………………………………………..……..$300.00
9312 Candalero Ct, Elk Gove CA 95758 ● (916) 769-4880 ●
Sun Safety and Skin Cancer Prevention
(45-50 Min)
This seminar covers the safety issues of sun damage and what you can do to try to prevent the damage
caused by exposure to the sun. These areas are covered: Types of skin cancers and how to identify potential
cancerous lesions, types and strengths of sunlight exposure, What does SPF really mean? What is the best type of
skin protection for all ages? These issues are only some of the educational material that is covered in this
informative seminar. Complimentary Dermascan Sun damage viewer screenings are offered for all seminar
Cost for the seminar/training……………………………………………………$300.00
How to Guide: Lose Weight, Increase Energy
And Restore Health
(45-50 Min)
This talk focuses on the critical importance of lowering insulin levels in our body, which is the key to
losing fat, preventing and managing diabetes, heart disease and a host of other health conditions. It explains the
importance of good and bad eicosanoids (superhormones) in our body and how they affect every aspect of our
health. This talk details how we can control the formation of “good eicosannoids” by lowering insulin levels,
eating healthy fats, and eating right for our unique genetics. Most importantly, the talk will give you specific,
proven dietary strategies to take home and impact your health immediately.
Cost for the seminar/training……………………………………………………$300.00
Preventing Repetitive Motion Injuries
(45-50 Min)
Injuries can occur from many incidents. Sometimes just doing the same repetitive movements over and
over can create major health related problems. These types of injuries do not happen suddenly; instead they
develop over time- days, months, even years. This workshop will give detailed information on how to specifically
prevent injuries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Back Pains, and other related injuries. Our goal is to
give employees detailed information that they can use on the job site as well as at home.
Cost for the seminar/training…………………………………………………$300.00
9312 Candalero Ct, Elk Gove CA 95758 ● (916) 769-4880 ●
Disease Management: Controlling Diabetes
(45-50 Min)
This seminar focuses on the basics of Diabetes prevention and management. Topics covered emphasize
lifestyle changes, eating habits, and balancing the incorporation of regular exercise into your routine to prevent or
manage diabetes.
Cost for the seminar/training…………………………………………………$300.00
Disease Management: Heart Health
(45-50 Min)
This seminar focuses on the basics of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks, and how to live a lifestyle to
avoid it. Emphasis is placed on the health factors that can help avoid heart disease, and how to deal with it if early
signs have already appeared. Emphasis on lifestyle, eating habits, and the incorporation of regular exercise into the
daily routine will be encouraged.
Cost for the seminar/training…………………………………………………$300.00
Walking For Health
(45-50 Min)
Not only is physical activity a powerful way to combat heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and osteoporosis, but
it can also make you feel great! Still, nearly 60% of the population continues to be inactive. Getting regular
physical activity can take a lot of effort, but walking can make it fun. And walking has lots of advantages:
 It’s easy to fit into a busy schedule.
 It doesn’t require fancy, expensive equipment.
 It is so safe, nearly everyone can do it.
This class will motivate its participants and encourage them to include walking for health as part of their life.
Cost for the seminar/training…………………………………………………$300.00
Balancing Work and Family
(45-50 Min)
Whether we have families or not, balancing our work and personal lives can occasionally be difficult 
if not impossible. Feeling overwhelmed at times is normal. We just need to realize that we probably can’t do it
all. Learning to prioritize allows us to focus our limited time in the right places. This class will help us decide on
the right combination of priorities so that each of us can fully enjoy the most important things in our lives.
Balancing work and family is an issue that we all face  whether children at home, elderly parents to care for, or
relationships and other interests that compete for our time. This program will bring us all closer to a balance that
feels comfortable for us.
Cost for the seminar/training…………………………………………………$300.00
9312 Candalero Ct, Elk Gove CA 95758 ● (916) 769-4880 ●
Nutrition and Wellness
(45-60 Min)
This presentation filled with practical examples of how everyone can improve their nutrition for
healthier living and longevity. Many ideas are given to overcome the urge to get into a “Fad diet” and get back
to fundamentals with eating. “You are what you eat” is the main theme of this talk. Conducted by a highly
qualified nutritionist with years of experience.
Cost for the seminar/training…………………………………………………$300.00
Fitness for Everyone
(45-60 Min)
This presentation is filled with practical examples of how everyone can benefit from living a healthy
lifestyle. Many ideas are given to overcome the barriers to starting and maintaining a fitness program and a
moderate diet for optimal health. Participants will learn about the F.I.T. exercise program: F = Frequency,
I = Intensity, T = Time, and how to measure the effectiveness of what they are achieving out of a regular exercise
program. We will also cover the different types of blood fats: ie cholesterol, triglycerides, and how to improve or
maintain healthy levels. The goal is to help the participant understand how to control their body weight and
blood lipid levels to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Cost for the seminar/training…………………………………………………$300.00
Ergonomics and Back Safety
(45-60 Min)
This presentation is both an active lecture and active movement class. After a brief job activity survey
is taken, an educational period of back anatomy is thoroughly covered. Specific job safety issues found in your
workplace are discussed. Stretching and the need for a regular exercise program are covered. The active part of
the class has participants (if healthy) take part in typical workplace movements and lifts that are demonstrated by
the instructor. Corrections are made so that everybody can do a few simple things safely! The goal is to help the
participant understand why and how to lift, carry, and move not only in the workplace, but in the home
environment as well. Reduce your employees’ risk of injury, time off work and from life with this informative
Cost for the seminar/training…………………………………………………$300.00
9312 Candalero Ct, Elk Gove CA 95758 ● (916) 769-4880 ●
New for your employees!
Cold & Flu Prevention Presentation
Don’t miss out! Colds and Flu can easily cause each employee to miss seven working
days each year. Bring this interactive presentation full of fun and
practical information to your worksite. The cost is only $300 for a
1-hour presentation, $250 for 45-minute format. All handouts are
included. Contact Mike Otto, Clinical Health Appraisals today!
You can reach Mike by phone at (916) 769-4880 or email your
request to to arrange a presentation for your
Colds and Flu – D ’ le
Presented by Cathy Rasmusson, MHA
Prevent the misery of colds and flu – don’t let the Bug Get YOU! Find out about eight
easy ways you can avoid getting the dreaded cold & flu this season. Learn how to select
over-the-counter treatments and when to see the doctor. Get tips on getting through
colds and flu if the bug does get you.
9312 Candalero Ct, Elk Gove CA 95758 ● (916) 769-4880 ●