Planning & Zoning Commission 54 East Main Street Clinton, Connecticut 06413 Regular Monthly Meeting April 13, 2015 Amended* Minutes Present: A. Delia, Chairman; A. Kravitz, Vice Chairman; M. Knudsen, Secretary; E. Alberino, M. Carr, P. Fritz, C. Goupil, T. Guerra, G. Bousquet, M.E. Dahlgren and P. Sullivan Absent: M. Rapuano Also Present: John Guszkowki, CME Associates, Inc. The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. Alternate Mary Ellen Dahlgren* was seated for Mark Rapuano. 1. Chairman’s Comments: Anselmo Delia The Chairman had no comments at this time. 2. Staff Reports: Eric Knapp, Zoning Enforcement Officer There were no comments on the report. John Guszkowski, CME Associates, Inc. Carr inquired if Route 145 has been the subject of a Planning Coordination Meeting. Guszkowski stated that it has not been since the previous meeting of the Commission. 3. REF 15-069: 61 West Main Street, Board of Selectmen: Request for a planning report under CGS Section 8-24 for the sale of 61 West Main Street. Chairman Delia noted that this item was withdrawn prior to the meeting. 4. PRE 15-071: Cream Pot Road, BPAC: Preliminary discussion regarding a footbridge over the Indian River between IRRC and Cream Pot Road. Carr moved to table PRE 15-071: Cream Pot Road, BPAC to the May 11, 2015 Regular Monthly Meeting. Fritz seconded the motion. Clinton Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Monthly Meeting Amended Minutes April 13, 2015 Page 2 In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. 5. SE/CAM 15-043: Bluff Avenue/Butternut Road/9 Robin Lane, Bluff Properties, LLC: Contractor’s business and storage yard. Map 85, Block 69, Lot 111/100. Zone R-10. New No applicant or agent was present. Kravitz moved to receive SE/CAM 15-043: Bluff Avenue/Butternut Road/9 Robin Lane, Bluff Properties, LLC and schedule a public hearing on Monday, May 4*, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Dahlgren seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. 6. AR 15-050: Petition to Amend the Zoning Regulations, David A. Mack Properties, LLC: Section 10.34.3(a) [Currently 10.28.3(a)]; Section 24.2.40(a). New Marjorie Shansky, agent for the applicant, gave a brief presentation. Carr moved to receive AR 15-050: Petition to Amend the Zoning Regulations, David A. Mack Properties, LLC and schedule a public hearing on Monday, May 4*, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Guerra seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. Carr moved to move agenda item #12 to 6B. Kravitz seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None Clinton Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Monthly Meeting Amended Minutes April 13, 2015 Page 3 Abstentions: None Not Voting: Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) The motion carried: 8-0-0-3. 6b. SE 15-069: John Street, David A. Mack Properties, LLC: Change of use to Commercial Indoor Recreation Facility, Type A. Map 44, Block 26, Lot 19. [Former Unilever facility] Zone I-1. Marjorie Shansky, agent for the applicant, gave a brief presentation. Carr asked if there was a variance granted. It was noted that a variance was granted and that it had been filed on the Land Records. Carr moved to receive and schedule a public hearing on 5/4 at 7:00 p.m. Knudsen seconded the motion. DISCUSSION: Kravitz asked for an independent review of the traffic study. Goupil requested it be forwarded to the local Traffic Authority. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. Fritz moved to take up agenda item #11 as #6c. Guerra seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. 6c. AR 15-068: Petition to Amend the Zoning Regulations, Founders Village Homeowners Association, Inc.: Section 10.28: Commercial Recreational Facilities; Add Section 25.4.3. A representative from Founders Village was presented and requested that a public hearing be scheduled. Goupil moved to receive AR 15-068: Petition to Amend the Zoning Regulations, Founders Village Homeowners Association, Inc. and schedule a public hearing on Monday, June 1, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Fritz seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None Clinton Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Monthly Meeting Amended Minutes April 13, 2015 Page 4 Abstentions: None Not Voting: Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) The motion carried: 8-0-0-3. 7. AR 15-052: Petition to Amend the Zone Map, Darylle & Richard Connelly: Change a portion of 10 & 14 West Main Street from R-10 to B-3; a portion of 10 West Main Street from B-2 to B-3; and a portion of 17 Commerce Street from R-10 to B-2. New Traver Steiner, agent for the applicant, gave a brief presentation. from the Commission clarifying the changes to the zone map. There were questions Goupil moved to receive AR 15-052: Petition to Amend the Zone Map, Darylle & Richard Connelly and schedule a public hearing on May 4, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Knudsen seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. 8. SE 15-057: 112 Pratt Road, Omar Francis: Change of use from two-family home to a singlefamily home with an accessory apartment. Map 34, Block 15, Lot 97A2. Zone R-10. New Omar Francis, applicant, gave a brief presentation. Goupil moved to receive SE 15-057: 112 Pratt Road, Omar Francis and schedule a public hearing on May 4, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Dahlgren seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. 9. AR 15-058: Petition to Amend the Zone Map, Shoreline Gardens, LLC: Change a portion of 31 Old Post Road from R-20 to I-2, a portion from R-30 to I-2, a portion from R-20 to R-30 and a portion from I-2 to R-30. New Clinton Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Monthly Meeting Amended Minutes April 13, 2015 Page 5 Alberino read a letter from the applicant and requested Fritz to recuse herself from the proceedings regarding 31 Old Post Road. After a discussion, Fritz recused herself. Bousquet was seated in her place. Robert Grabarek gave a brief presentation. Dahlgren moved to receive AR 15-058: Petition to Amend the Zone Map, Shoreline Gardens, LLC and schedule a public hearing on May 4, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Alberino seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. Grabarek inquired if the Commission would be interested in a Powerpoint presentation. They are and recommended to the agent that it is to be arranged with Land Use Staff. Fritz has returned to the meeting. Bousquet unseated. 10. SE/CAM 15-067: 12 Nod Place, New England Road, Inc.: Contractor’s business and storage yard; deposit and stockpiling of earth materials. Map 21, Block 9, Lot 3. Zone I-2. New. Grabarek gave a brief presentation. This is being submitted to resolve violations and modify conditions of approval of a previous application. Goupil moved to receive SE/CAM 15-067: 12 Nod Place, New England Road, Inc. and schedule a public hearing on May 4, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Guerra seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. 11. AR 15-068: Petition to Amend the Zoning Regulations, Founders Village Homeowners Association, Inc.: Section 10.28: Commercial Recreational Facilities; Add Section 25.4.3. See Item 6c. 12. SE 15-069: John Street, David A. Mack Properties, LLC: Change of use to Commercial Indoor Recreation Facility, Type A. Map 44, Block 26, Lot 19. [Former Unilever facility] Zone I-1 Clinton Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Monthly Meeting Amended Minutes April 13, 2015 Page 6 See Item 6b. 13. SE 15-017: 121 West Main Street, George Marshall: Personal service facility and accessory apartment in a commercial structure. Map 33, Block 10, Lot 26. Zone B-4. It was noted that Alberino was ineligible to vote on this application. Alternate Peggy Sullivan was seated for Alberino. Dahlgren moved to approve SE 15-017: 121 West Main Street, George Marshall. Guerra seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Carr, Goupil, Guerra, Dahlgren, and Sullivan None Fritz Delia (Chairman), Alberino (Ineligible), and Bousquet (Not Seated) 7-0-1-3. 14. AR 15-020: Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Regulations: Section 10.3: Multiple Dwelling Units in Commercial Structures. PH continued to 5/4/2015. 15. AR 15-021: Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Regulations: Section 10.5: Village Residential Development (VRD). PH continued to 5/4/2015. 16. AR 15-022: Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Regulations: Section 3: Definitions (Common Green Space & Tract). PH continued to 5/4/2015. 17. AR 15-023: Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Regulations: Section 24: Schedule of Uses by District. PH Continued to 5/4/2015. Carr moved to table AR 15-020: Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Regulations, AR 15-021: Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Regulations, AR 15-022: Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Regulations, and AR 15-023: Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Regulations. Alberino seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. Clinton Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Monthly Meeting Amended Minutes April 13, 2015 Page 7 18. AR 14-215: Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Regulations: Addition of Section 33: Vendors; Addition of Section 24.1.33: Vendors; Addition of Section 24.2.33: Vendors. Carr moved to schedule AR 14-215: Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Regulations for public hearing on Monday, June 1, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Alberino seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. 19. AR 15-072: Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Regulations: Accessory apartments. Dahlgren briefly reviewed the proposed amendment. Carr moved to schedule a public hearing for AR 15-072: Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Regulations on Monday, June 1, 2015. Alberino seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. 20. Town Plan of Conservation and Development There was a discussion regarding the layout, pictures and the timeline. 21. Incentive Housing Grant – update Guszkowski discussed the progress made by the steering committee and noted that *it was narrowed down to two properties, although they are scheduled to meet with another property owner this week. Guszkowski needs to coordinate with Milone & MacBroom to modify the grant to be able to provide one of the property owners with an appraisal. 22. Committee Reports: Administrative: T. Guerra & M. Carr Has met and found the archives of the previous town planner research. Discussed job description and a mission statement, cover page which discussed their analysis. Clinton Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Monthly Meeting Amended Minutes April 13, 2015 Page 8 Carr found salaries in CT area that the Committee has available. The Commission discussed salary ranges. Planning: C. Goupil & A. Kravitz Tomorrow is the Resiliency meeting 9:00 to 1:30. Kravitz discussed the meeting; the Commission discussed the topic. PoCD Working Group: C. Goupil There was a brief discussion regarding the timeline. Goupil stated that she doesn’t recommend changing the timeline yet. Regulations: M. Rapuano & M.E. Dahlgren There was a discussion regarding the pacing of the proposed Regulations and the need for professional assistance. 23. Minutes: March 2, 2015 March 9, 2015 March 12, 2015 March 17, 2015 March 19, 2015 March 23, 2015 March 26, 2015 March 30, 2015 Public Hearing Regular Monthly Meeting PoCD Working Group Planning Committee PoCD Working Group Regulations Committee PoCD Working Group Public Hearing Carr moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Kravitz seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. 24. Bills & Correspondence: CME Associates, Inc. (Invoice #21896) Dzialo, Pickett & Allen, PC o Cashman Violations (Invoice #27148) Halloran & Sage LLP (Invoice #11177752) o General Land Use Matters o Global Companies LLC o Pamela Fritz –Zoning Enforcement $4,000.00 $1,517.00 $370.00 $2,423.50 $781.00 Clinton Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Monthly Meeting Amended Minutes April 13, 2015 Page 9 o Gibson, David B. & Susan $200.00 Goupil moved to approve the bills as submitted. Dahlgren seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. 25. Old Business 26. New Business Carr moved to adjourn the meeting. Knudsen seconded the motion. In Favor: In Opposition: Abstentions: Not Voting: The motion carried: Kravitz, Knudsen, Alberino, Carr, Fritz, Goupil, Guerra and Dahlgren None None Delia (Chairman), Bousquet (Not Seated) and Sullivan (Not Seated) 8-0-0-3. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Julia N. Pudem Clerk
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