City of Clive Mayor’s Bike Ride with Scott Cirksena Saturday, July 18th, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. Bike ride to start & finish at the Clive Aquatic Center parking lot @ 1801 NW 114th St., Clive. Join Mayor Cirksena on a great 21-mile ride that will take you through the Greenbelt and proceed east on the Walnut Creek and Bill Riley Trails. After turning around at the Gray’s Lake loop, you then return to the start/finish point at the Clive Aquatic Center. You may also choose to join us for a family-friendly eight-mile ride on the Greenbelt Trail. Proceeds from the rides will go to planting trees within the City of Clive. You can register online at or complete this form and mail with payment to: Clive Parks and Recreation, 1900 NW 114th St., Clive, IA 50325. The fee is $10 per person (program #215710-01). The fee includes a one-day admission to the Clive Aquatic Center for the 2015 season and a raffle ticket. The raffle will be held Saturday evening for an adult and youth bicycle. Raffle tickets are $10 and will be sold at the Festival. You need not be present to win. City of Clive Parks and Recreation and REGISTRATION FORM Participant or Parent/Guardian (if minor) _____________________________________________________________ Street Address ____________________________________________ City_____________________ Zip____________ Home Phone__________________ Cell Phone___________________ E-mail_________________________________ Emergency Name ___________________________________________ Emergency Phone_______________________ Additional Comments/Medical Information _____________________________________________________________ One family per form. Multiple immediate family members may be registered on same form. If you are signing up someone outside of your family, a separate form is required in order to enroll. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Clive Parks and Recreation Department and City of Clive, its agents, commissioners, officers, volunteers and employees (“Released Parties”) from any and all liability for personal injuries or damages I may hereafter sustain while participating in, traveling to or from, or observing of the Department sponsored activities whether such personal injuries or damages are caused by negligence of the Released Parties or otherwise, to the full extent permitted by law. I understand that there are inherent risks in participating in this activity. I also give my permission for any photos/videos of these participants taken during the program to be used for future department promotional materials. The individuals listed on the registration form have my permission to participate in the listed programs. Participant or Parent/Guardian (if minor)__________________________________________________________ Date______________________ SIGNATURE REQUIRED PARTICIPANT NAME(S) ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Credit Card: Visa MasterCard Discover Card Number __________________________________________ Exp. Date______/______ Signature ___________________________________________ Check #________________ The fee for the rides is $10.00 per person. Please make checks payable to City of Clive. 2015 Clive Festival Mayor’s Bike Ride
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