Storm Prepare edness Kit K Check k List Water – fill up bathtubs and containe ers with water for washing g, and also sttock up on bo ottled water for f consumption n. Food - at lea ast enough fo or 3 to 7 days, non-perish hable package ed or canned d food, juices, foods for infants or the elderly, snac ck foods, non-electric can opener, cook king tools, fuel, paper plattes and plasttic utensils. Blankets, Pillows P and Seasonal S Clo othing Item ms First Aid Kitt / Medicine es / Prescrip ption Drugs s Special Item ms - for babiies and the elderly Toiletries / Hygiene ite ems / Moistture wipes Flashlight / Batteries Radio and Clock C - Batte ery operated, also conside er purchasing g an NOAA we eather radio Telephone - Fully charge ed cell phone e with extra batteries b and a traditional (not cordless) landline te elephone set Emergency y Numbers – Keep a list of o emergency y telephone numbers n inclu uding the loca al utility company Cash (with some smalll bills) and Credit C Cards s - Banks and d ATMs may not be availa able for exten nded periods Keys Toys, Books s and Game es – (in a waterrproof contain Important documents d ner or bag) in nsurance card ds, medical records, r bank k account numbers, So ocial Security card, birth certificates c ettc. Tools - keep p a set with you y during the storm. Some items inc clude duct tap pe, screw driv vers, work gloves, safety goggles, etc. d Vehicle fuel tanks filled Pet care ite ems - ample supply of foo od and water,, proper identification, immunization re ecords, medications, a carrier or cag ge, muzzle and leash. Keep fam mily and fr riends outt of floode ed baseme ents to av void electrrical shock k. Keep fam mily and fr riends awa ay from all downed d power lines during or afterr a storm.
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