D e p a r t m e n t o f P u b l i c Wo r k s The City of Oklahoma City INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Storm Water Quality Management (405) 297-1774 Fourth Quarter, 2012 Waste Collection Event 2 Failure to Install Basic Sediment and Erosion Controls Can Be Costly! Industrial Workshop 3 3 Another company has learned an expensive compliance lesson: EPA is deadly serious about enforcing its storm water runoff control rules. 4 4 EPA hit Toll Brothers Inc. with a huge $741,000 fine which reflects the homebuilder’s failure to install storm water controls like silt fences, site grading and sediment basins. Household Hazardous COSWA Conference Storm Water Activities Wayne’s Snippet Toll Brothers also failed to conduct required inspections to make sure runoff controls worked properly. EPA inspectors recorded the Clean Water Act violations at more than 600 construction sites across the country. Storm water compliance is one of EPA’s top enforcement priorities Each site needs storm water manager Develop site-specific storm water plans at each site Train construction managers and contractors on storm water rules Conduct more frequent inspections than required by EPA rules and Designate trained storm water staff for each construction site INFO: tinyurl.com/toll446 Environmental Compliance Alert Reprinted with permission from Environmental Alert It was a cold day but despite the inclement weather, 471 Oklahoma City residents braved the cool temperature and brought approximately 83,000 pounds of unwanted ammunition, medicine, computers and tires to the State Fair Park on October 6, 2012 for proper disposal. Household Hazardous Waste held its Fall collection event at the State Fair Park. Collection events, held each spring and summer, provide a way to discard unwanted hazardous waste products that are normally not accepted at the permanent facility or allowed in curbside bins. Storm Water Quality Manager, Raymond Melton, says “The State Department of Environmental Quality takes the tires as part of one of its other programs. City police collect the ammunition and medication and a contract recycler takes the computer parts.” The Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility is operated by the Storm Water Quality Division of the Public Works Department. Visit www.okc.gov for a list of materials the facility accepts. For more information, call (405) 682 682--7038. Jeremy Coffey, Supervisor Rebecca Dallen, Techncian Kevin Bahjat, Technician displays a door prize Vendor activities Workshop breaks allow time for Q&A and network with vendors and their products. Raymond Melton, SWQ Manager assists lucky door prize winner Dale Bruns Technician Buckley Pearson, Technician The Industrial Annual 2012 Fall workshop was held on October 2nd and 3rd in the Education Center Auditorium at the OKC Zoo. Networking opportunities, the latest rules and regulations, SWP3 examples and door prizes were just a few of the many benefits offered at the workshop. The 2012 Oklahoma Storm Water Conference, held on November 7th and 8th, is sponMaking the Connection... Conference sored by the Central Oklahoma Storm was held on November 7-8, 2012Water Alliance (COSWA), Green CounRosser Conservation Education Center, tryOklahoma Storm Water Alliance (GCSA), and City Zoo. The 2-day free theworkshop Department of Environmental Qualattracted 196 attendees on ityNovember (DEQ). Rosser Educa7 and Conservation 139 on November 8. tion TheCenter, workshopOklahoma was sponsored City bywas Central the Oklahoma Storm Water Alliance host site for businesses and state and (COSWA), Green Country Storm Water federal agencies throughout the state (GCSA), and the Department of of Alliance Oklahoma. Environmental Quality (DEQ). Profes- sional (PDHs) were The 2012Development Conference Hours Presentations are available now online:for engineers and continuing education hours for those with operator http://www.deq.state.ok.us/wqdnew/ licenses. stormwater/conference/ conferenceMaterials.html Raymond Melton, Storm Water Quality Environmental Department Manager was keynote speaker for local retiree’s luncheon. Zenobia Napoleon, SWQ Outreach Coordinator displays some of the environmental materials used to promote Storm Water education programs and also to raise awareness to the danger of polluting Oklahoma’s water-ways. Youth and adults attended the Health Fair in Yukon. Kevin Bahjat, Environmental Tech, discusses the program and provides additional information in the form of brochures and promotional items at Yukon’s Health Fair. Departmental Contact Listings Kevin Wayne’s Water Snippet Keep Turkey Grease Out Storm Water Quality Management Division Office 420 West Main Street—3rd Floor (405) 297-1774 Eric J. Wenger PE., Director/ Public Works /City Engineer (405) 297-2581 Raymond Melton Environmental Protection Manager (405) 297-2179 Jeremy Coffey Industrial Unit Supervisor (405) 297-1778 David Phillips Construction Unit Supervisor (405) 297-3542 Derek Johnson Environmental Unit Supervisor (405) 297-1517 Lyndel Gibson, Facility Manager Household Hazardous Waste 1621 South Portland Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) 682-7038 of Your Drain! What should you do with the five gallons of used peanut oil? Please don’t pour it down the drain or on the ground. Fats, oils and grease clog sewer lines and contaminate rivers and lakes. Pour used oil back into the original container and take it to the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, 1621 South Portland. You can do so anytime of the year! CITY NEWS NOVEMBER 2012 Keep our water clean! www.okc.gov/SWQ Storm Water Quality Management maintains an email list which will remain private. This newsletter has been sent as a court esy. If you wish to be added to or deleted from this distribution list, please contact the Public Outreach Coordinator, zenobia.napoleon @ okc.go v.
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