Open to the Public: January 2012 Request from puppeteer Voicemail received January 4, 2012 from MA Hi, my name is Brett XXX. I am a puppeteer, character designer, story teller, and puppeteer designer. I have been in the business for about five and half years, graduated from Massachusetts College of Art and Design, worked at Disney for six years as a puppeteer and character performer, and started my own business in these hard times. My work is large scale realistic body puppets. They have been shown briefly on ABC’s the Shoe, a quick little five second skit on a puppet called the Cyclops. He performs at King Richard’s fair, a very realistic body puppet. I have some great ideas, some great writing, and I kind of have my own crew that would back me up in a lot of what I’ve been doing. I’ve also done music videos, and I’m going to continue going to school for my masters degree, and I’d really really love to get some of my work out on the tube and get people’s responses. Because my work is extremely different than a lot of the work out there. There is no computer graphic imaging. It is all realistic puppets. A lot of hard work is put into it and I think it will pay off in the end. People respond to this stuff now more than ever before because it’s really really rare to see. Please respond to me. My number is XXXXX. Right now I’m in Orlando, Florida, working for Disney. Thank you very much. I will continue to do research. My work is on the web many links online, my Facebook page, YouYube, things of that nature. Thank you very much, hope to hear from someone soon. Byebye. World Children's Radio / World Children's Media Foundation Received January 6, 2012 from NY Dear ladies and gentlemen, I write to you as Founder and Editor in Chief of Radijojo World Children's Radio Network, the European Children's Radio Network and as initiator of the World Children's Media Foundation. We are not just another commercial radio station playing irrelevant music and selling advertising to the kids - we are the opposite: * strictly non-commercial * made by kids for kids * free of advertising * dedicated to education, cultural exchange, empowerment and inclusion of all kids of all age groups. We connect children in more than 100 countries in media based education projects of global learning, participation and media literacy. Hereby, we focus on children in marginalized communities. In the US, we have as special chapter called the Transatlantic Children's Radio "Across the Ocean" ( Hundreds of kids of all age groups and regions throughout the States have joined us already with reports, songs, poems, skype sessions. Many community stations from Alaska to Arizona have broadcast parts of our programming. We are member of PRX, Generation PRX and partner of PACIFICA. Our work has received numerous distinctions from UNICEF, UNESCO, UN Alliance of Civilizations, EU, German Federal government. As part of our global reachout strategy, we plan to establish a chapter in the US now - in cooperation with local community radios, non-commercial media centres, youth centres and schools. We could also imagine to establish the Head office of the World Children's Media Foundation in the US. We would like to discuss this issues with you. It would be good if talks could be held around the NFCB annual meeting in Houston in June - there, we will present our plans for the US and hold talks with partner stations. We are convinced that our work will help millions of American children throughout the States to learn, speak out and improve their life in family, school and community. Please feel free to contact us at any time. Dipl.-Soz. Thomas XXX, MBA Founder and Editor in Chief Radijojo World Children's Radio Network Initiator of the World Children's Media Foundation XXX-XXX-XXX Doc Martin Received January 6, 2012 from CA I have enjoyed the Doc Martin series tremendously and am now watching the re-runs on KCET (now not a part of CPB). Are there plans for another series? Feature and Short film projects Received January 8, 2012 from CA To whom it may concern, My name is Rasekh XXX, I am a young director living currently in Los Angeles. My background is from Afghanistan. To make the story short, I have ideas and projects regarding Afghanistan's current situation. I would like to know where or to whom I can write to get fundings for humanitarian media projects. The projects will help educate people that are in western countries about the facts what are young girls, women, and helpless farmers are facing. The movie is based on true story. I want to ask if the organization can help me or if it's not possible please direct me to anyone else who is ready to hear my story and ideas to help this project to move forward. Kind Regards, Rasekh G. Director RJ STUDIO Mobile: XXX-XXX-XXX Story Idea Received January 9, 2012 from WA Sounds and Stories of Native America CDs and Film I wanted to introduce you to our new projects in the hopes you may be interested in a feature with Educator Julie Cajune and/or our musicians. Thank you for your consideration. Two new recordings, Heart of the Bitterroot: Voices of Salish and Pend d’Oreille Women and Remembering the Songs: Music Traditions from the Zuni, Navajo and Salish (Npustin Press), and the companion film that shares its title with the latter, were created in order to ensure that the traditional music and stories from several American Indian tribes never vanish. Each of the projects is the brainchild of Julie Cajune, a celebrated educator whose work with the Salish tribe to which she was born has been recognized and applauded by many. The projects were undertaken with the assistance of a generous $1.4 million grant awarded to Cajune by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, with a focus on preserving and bringing Indian history and culture into classrooms across the state and possibly across the nation. Conceived and executive-produced by Salish educator Julie Cajune named one of the 50 visionaries who are changing your world by Utne Reader magazine Heart of the Bitterroot tells the stories of four Salish and Pend d’Oreille women. The stories are portrayed in the women’s voices through the inspired writings of Jennifer Greene, a Salish/Chippewa-Cree poet who won the North American Native Authors Poetry Award. Recited by Joanne Bigcrane, the stories are complemented by traditional songs and music performed on flute, violin and piano. Remembering the Songs shares music traditions from the Zuni, Navajo and Salish communities through stories told by a culture bearer, a flute maker and a daughter. The music of Remembering the Songs, performed by Fernando Cellicion, Florentine Johnson, Gary Stroutsos and Paul Thompson, includes both traditional songs and original compositions. Complementing the music are the stories of Zuni culture bearer Fernando Cellicion, Thompson, a master Din flute maker, and the late Jerome Vanderburg, one of the last Salish men to make and play traditional Salish flutes. Pagan Channel Received January 10, 2012 from MI Would like to see a Pagan Channel on television. With information on the different pagan beliefs, recipes, crafts, rituals, etc etc etc. Never have seen or heard of anywhere. Local channel Create is the closest thing Wiccan Received January 10, 2012 from MI Just stating the fact that much of the population I am sure would love to see a weekly program on wiccan or pagan beliefs. I am a practicing pagan and like other beliefs there are many followers world wide that follow the pagan fundamentals. Pagan program Received January 10, 2012 from FL We'd like to see a program geared toward the Pagan community. Pagan Channel Received January 10, 2012 from SC I would very much be interested in seeing a channel with shows that appeal to the pagan community. Pagan/Wiccan Themed Articles Received January 10, 2012 from NJ There is a lack of Pagan/Wiccan education to inform others about the true meaning of this nature-based faith and the love & respect for all living things. Our beliefs have been pushed to the back-burners for centuries since Christianity...and it's time to bring them out into the open again! No more hiding our positive approaches to life and living and encouraging others to learn the REAL meanings of what we firmly believe in and stand by. Hundreds of us are waiting to allow the good energies to finally supercede all the negative energies from false accusations and lies! Time for the truth to be uncovered! Blessed Be! Pagan podcasts Received January 10, 2012 from Outside U.S. As a pagan i would like to see a pagan channel on here as there isnt enough education out there on all aspects of paganism/wicca shamanism etc ......many blessings Complaint regarding MLK Day programming Voicemail received January 16, 2012 I’m a big supporter of PBS and I was watching tonight Monday Martin Luther King Day, your national broadcast with Judy Woodruff and I’m just appalled at this white woman who was brought on to say that Martin Luther King (she wasn’t even born when he said it) and he did say it, I’m a drummer for civil rights. Why should she be on, to even be allowed to say that? This woman was not even born when he was alive. You people should really get your facts straight and be the journalists that you always were. Thank you. Local Legends Received January 19, 2012 from OH My name is Jeremy XXX and I have a show entitled "Local Legends". The show is an investigative show where my crew and I investigate legends in small towns across the United States. We investigate the paranormal, cryptozoological creatures, and unsolved mysteries. We are looking for funding to help with better equipment and travel. If you could help us out, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Bring Breastfeeding Back to Sesame Street Received January 20, 2012 from MT Dear Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Bring Breastfeeding Back to Sesame Street (BBBSS) is a group of mothers who want to see Sesame Street bring breastfeeding back to their program. As a sponsor of Sesame Street, you are well aware that this show impacts yo...uth significantly. BBBSS wants to ensure the health of future generations and to do this, it is very important that one of the best options for infant nutrition be shown to children. This is where we need your help. We think it is important for Sesame Street to address that breastfeeding, just as bottle feeding, is a normal way to feed an infant child. According to the CDC, in 2011 74.6% of mothers attempted to breastfeed and by six months, only 14.8% of mothers were exclusively breastfeeding. In order to raise these rates it is crucial that breastfeeding is shown to be a normal everyday occurrence. BBBSS recognizes that Sesame Street is devoted to the portrayal of important childhood issues in a positive, tasteful, and age appropriate manner. We are confident that breastfeeding will be shown the same care as in previous decades when Buffy and Maria were featured breastfeeding on the show. Social change is needed to encourage breastfeeding and BBBSS believes that your influence will be groundbreaking! As a large icon, supporting breastfeeding will also imply your support in healthy families and healthy children. A petition supporting our cause has garnered over 30,000 signatures already, but your voice is needed to promote a cause devoted to improving the health of the next generation. Signed, BBBSS (Bring Breastfeeding Back to Sesame Street) Question regarding programming Voicemail received January 26, 2012 from IA Yeah I was wondering. I get my stations from Des Moines on a dish channel. I was wondering why we can’t get the knitting daily TV program Lydia's Italy horrific animal abuse Received January 30, 2012 from IA Lyida's Italy in America recently featured the sight of a live lobster being dismember with shears. Lydia put the animal in the freezer until it became "inactive" then hefted a large pair of shears and proceeded to cut the living animal to pieces. Not only will I NEVER watch her program again, I'll be withholding donations to any entity assoicate with CPB until I hear that this sort of nightmarish behavior won't be tolerated on what is supposedly an "enlightened" network. I'm a carnivore, and the gods know I'm not perfect, but this was hellish, even tho my wife and I leaped for the remote to switch it off before it went very far. Good grief. This is the very definition of animal abuse. I mean, it doesn't get any more abusive than dismembering a living creature, does it? How could you broadcast this in this day and age?? Somebody should lose their job. Please forward my comments to Lydia. Improving hearing quality Received January 31, 2012 from NC Please,please get rid of the background music so we can hear the narration. Limit the number of contributors with small speaking parts. Narrators with voices that project(some women and soft spoken men and those with monotonal speech are difficult to understand.
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