Registration Online Seminars It’s easier to register online! Go to I wish to attend: Program 1 in Adelaide Online registration with your credit card is strongly encouraged to secure and guarantee your place. You will be sent a confirmation email immediately. Program 2 in Melbourne Seminar Series ABA member Registration Title: Ms Mrs Mr Dr First/Given Name: Last/Family Name: Sydney Brisbane Standard Fee Registration Fee Earlybird (closes Jan 10 2014) After Jan 10 2014 Closes Jan 10 2014 After Jan 10 $195 $235 $235 $265 $ Online Seminar $205 $235 $225 $255 $ Special: Attend one live seminar plus online seminar $265 $295 Once completed this form becomes a Tax Invoice ABN 83820560346 Please make cheques payable to ALMA and mail to 41 Heath Marsh Rd Panmure, Vic 3265. Please print clearly – your confirmation will be sent by email. Perth Live Seminar $245 Program 2 – Join us for the live broadcast from Melbourne on Feb 22 2014. Attend a seminar in the city closes to you and then ALSO watch the other lectures from the other program TOTAL FEES: $ Postal Address: State: Postcode: Card type: Country: Visa Credit Card Number Gluten Free Dairy Free Vegan Other: Card Holder’s Name: My primary occupation is: Total Amount: $ Expiry Date CVV Accreditation (both seminars) Aboriginal Health Worker Midwife 5.75 L CERPs have been allocated to this program Allied Health (please specify) Nurse Pre-exam hours = 5.75 4L, 0.5E & 1.25R CERPs have been allocated to this program Dietitian Pre-exam hours = 5.75 GP (QI&CPD No. __________ ) Yes Rydges World Square 389 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 sydney-nsw/world-square-sydney-cbd/ welcome/ BRISBANE Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Cnr Merivale and Glenelg Streets South Bank, Brisbane QLD 4101 Challenge your t hinking February 2014 Seminars for Health Professionals Adelaide | Perth | Melbourne | Sydney | Brisbane Online Seminars IBCLC CERPs Program 2 Approval No: C21404 Other (please specify) I have previously attended an ABA seminar series SYDNEY IBCLC CERPs Program 1 Approval No: C21401 Lactation Consultant Child health nurse The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre 1 Convention Centre Place South Wharf, Melbourne VIC 3006 To book for this seminar please go to ABA Counsellor/CE/volunteer Paediatrician MELBOURNE Mastercard / Dietary requirements: Diabetic Vegetarian The online seminar is not a public broadcast – access is by registered login only. Credit Card Payments Suburb: The University Club of Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway Crawley WA 6009 The online seminar will be available from Feb 22 to April 1 2014. Made payable ALMA Mobile: PERTH Or watch both programs online. Enclosed is a cheque/money order for $(AUD): Daytime Telephone: Riverbank Rooms 1-3 Adelaide Convention Centre North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 You can: $ Breastfeeding: ADELAIDE Program 1 – Available pre-recorded from Feb 22 2014. Organisation/Employer: Email: You can access all the great information, speakers and atmosphere of the seminars right from your computer screen or phone from our online seminar. Both programs will be available as part of our online seminar. Venue Details No I do NOT wish to receive promotional material for other ABA events Platinum sponsor: DATES Round 1 Adelaide – Feb 19 Perth – Feb 20 Round 2 Melbourne – Feb 22 Sydney – Feb 24 Brisbane – Feb 25 Seminar series proudly managed by Program 2 – Melbourne | Sydney | Brisbane Program 1 – Adelaide | Perth Adelaide: Wednesday, 19 February 2014 8.00 Registration – Tea and Coffee Melbourne: Saturday, 22 February 2014 8.00 Registration – Tea and Coffee Perth: Thursday, 20 February 2014 8.45 Welcome and open Sydney: Monday, 24 February 2014 8.45 Welcome and open 9.00 Dr Alison Hazelbaker Failure to launch: Working with the baby who has difficulty latching, latches but won’t suck or who won’t latch at all. This presentation addresses the various treatment approaches to address this infant sucking dysfunction, including ways to maintain the milk supply and support the mother while the suck problem is being addressed. Brisbane: Tuesday, 25 February 2014 9.00 Alison Baum Best Beginnings – ‘From Bump to Breastfeeding’ & ‘Small Wonders Change Program’ Dr David Todd Implementing BFHI for babies admitted to SCN Often babies admitted to the SCN are of low birth weight and require nutrition via IV or gastric tube. These babies may be separated from their mothers from birth. Can BFHI principles be applied in this setting? Dr Alison K. Hazelbaker, PhD, IBCLC, FILCA, CST, RCST Dr. Hazelbaker maintains a private practice in Columbus, Ohio. She has been a La Leche League Leader for over 30 years and a practising lactation consultant for nearly 30 years. She incorporates her special training in Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Lymphatic Drainage Therapy into her lactation practice. She authored the “Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function” and invented the Hazelbaker(TM) FingerFeeder. She is one of the few lactation consultants who earned a graduate degree in human lactation (Master’s.) Dr. Hazelbaker also holds a doctorate in Psychology, specialising in Energetic and Transformational Healing. Dr. Hazelbaker mothered her five children through long-term breastfeeding and is the proud grandmother of two breastfed grandchildren, Aidan and Eva. Dr David Todd, FIMLS, MSc, PhD, MBBS, CCPU David is Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University Medical School, and CMO in the Department of Neonatology at the Centenary Hospital for Women and Babies in Canberra, Australia. He has been working in Neonatology for 33 years first as a scientist obtaining a MSc and PhD in Neonatal respiratory physiology and pathology and then studying medicine to qualify in 1999. His main areas of interests are 1) infant ventilation and the development of the newborn lung, 2) retinopathy of prematurity and 3) infant nutrition including breastfeeding and the treatment of tongue tie in problematic breastfeeding. He was first trained to divide tongue-ties in Southampton UK in 1999 and then on returning to Westmead Hospital in Sydney in 2002 started up the practice of tongue-tie division there. He moved to Canberra in 2006 and has been treating babies with tongue tie and breastfeeding difficulties since that time. David will discuss in his presentations today the implementation of BFHI in the SCN and the division of tongue-tie at the Centenary Hospital in Canberra. Renee Kam, BPhysio, IBCLC, Cert IV Breastfeeding Education (counselling) Renee Kam qualified with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy from The University of Melbourne in 2000. She then worked as a physiotherapist for 6 years, predominantly in the areas of women’s health, paediatric and musculoskeletal physiotherapy. Renee became a mother in 2006 with the birth of her first daughter, Jessica and then her second daughter, Lara, in 2009. She became an Australian Breastfeeding Association Breastfeeding Counsellor in 2010 and has run private antenatal baby education classes since 2008. In 2011 Renee obtained the credential of International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and has worked in private practice ever since. In 2013, Renee’s book, The Newborn Baby Manual, was published which covers the topics that Renee is passionate about; breastfeeding, baby sleep and baby behaviour. 10.00 11.00 Morning tea 11.30 Renee Kam What mothers want to know about breastfeeding: Issues, case studies and information from the Australian Breastfeeding Association Breastfeeding Helpline 12. 15 Dr Alison Hazelbaker Assessing and treating infant sucking problems 1.15 Lunch 2.15 Dr David Todd Tongue ties: Divide and conquer? When to divide and prevent an interruption in breastfeeding 3.15 4.15 Renee Kam What every lactation professional needs to know about formula feeding Close From common breastfeeding concerns (such as milk supply, sore nipples, blocked ducts, length and frequency of feeds, and expressing) to multiple others – what are mothers really wanting to know about breastfeeding? This presentation examines different types of sucking problems and their various causes, and presents a conceptual framework for working with these problems. From early 2011 new guidelines directing clinical management of TTs have been written in the Department of Neonatology. Data suggests that TT should be divided as soon and clinically possible. Most mothers want to breastfeed, but most end up using formula to some extent in their baby’s first 6 months. This presentation outline what every lactation professional needs to know in practical terms about the use of infant formula. Alison Baum, MA, MSc Alison Baum is the CEO and Founder of Best Beginnings, which she set up in 2006 as a catalyst for change to radically reduce child health inequalities in the UK. Best Beginnings works collaboratively, innovatively and from the evidence base to help parents make positive healthcare choices and enable professionals to support them. Using her leadership and executive production experience from her days at the BBC, Alison has pioneered the development of innovative resources including DVDs, art and mobile apps to support the emotional and physical transition to parenthood. Before setting up Best Beginnings, Alison was a producer and director for the BBC. She made science and health programmes such as Horizon and Animal Hospital. Alison has an MA from Oxford University in Pure and Applied Biology and an MSc from UCL in Neuroscience. 10.00 Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D., IBCLC, FAPA Dr. Kendall-Tackett is a health psychologist, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and the owner and Editor-in-Chief of Praeclarus Press, a small press focusing on women’s health. Dr. Kendall-Tackett is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association in both the Divisions of Health and Trauma Psychology, and Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Lactation. She is a founding officer of the American Psychological Association’s Division of Trauma Psychology, and is currently President-Elect. She has won several awards including the Outstanding Research Study Award from the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. Her websites are,, www., and This lecture presents a brief overview of the epigenetic implications of maternal gut health to the breastfeeding dyad. Morning tea 11.30 Dr Kathleen Kendall-Tackett A new paradigm for depression in new mothers: The central role of inflammation and how breastfeeding and antiinflammatory treatments protect maternal mental health Recent research has revealed a surprising link between inflammation and depression. This research tells us why women are vulnerable to depression in the last trimester of pregnancy and postpartum. Alison Baum Getting the message across: Innovative strategies for health professionals to support breastfeeding in younger and disadvantaged groups This public health intervention, designed to engage groups experiencing the worst inequalities in health has been co-developed by parents, professionals and government agencies to be effectively embedded into maternity and health-visiting services. 12.30 1.15 Lunch 2.15 Jennifer Tow Gut connection: Breastfeeding and the development of the infant gut. 3.15 4.15 Dr Kathleen Kendall-Tackett Weighing in on obesity and breastfeeding Close About the seminars The Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) is excited to present it’s 2014 Seminar Series ‘Breastfeeding: Challenge your thinking’. One day seminars are held around Australia in major capital cities as well as online. Attend one program at the venue closest to you and watch the other program online to earn extra professional development points. ABA is a Registered Training Authority and has been running seminars for health professionals for more than 10 years. 11.00 Jennifer Tow, BFA, IBCLC Jennifer practises Holistic Lactation. Currently residing in Paris, she was in private practice for 12 years in CT, prior to which she coordinated a hospital-based peer counselor program. Through Intuitive Parenting Network, LLC and Intuitive Health Network, Jennifer relies on her 22 years of passionate informationgathering, education and training in holistic practices to provide lactation consulting, parent education and mentoring to families. She offers workshops on topics related to infant feeding, attachment and holistic practices. She focuses on healing infant trauma, the inter-dependent relationship between maternal and infant gut health and the synergy of maternalinfant physiology, form and function, including tongue-tie. Having established a reputation for working with parents to resolve complex problems, Jennifer works with clients internationally, primarily through Skype. She integrates a myriad of holistic modalities, such as nutrition, herbs, home remedies and energy medicine in her work. Jennifer Tow Breastfeeding and epigenetics Best Beginnings is a child health charity dedicated to reducing health inequalities across the UK, giving every baby the best possible start. This presentation will focus on ‘From Bump to Breastfeeding’ and the ‘Small Wonders Change Program’. Who should attend these seminars? Any health professional or breastfeeding supporter working with breastfeeding families – lactation consultants, maternal and child health nurses, midwives, paediatric nurses, dietitians, speech therapists, medical doctors, breastfeeding counsellors and community educators and allied health professionals. Sponsorship and Trade Exhibitors The Australian Breastfeeding Association welcomes WHO Code compliant companies to sponsor this event, or and exhibitors. For a Sponsorship Prospectus, please email Barb at: info@ or Phone: 0488 757 334 The breastfeeding relationship may well reflect this epigenetic reality in ways we are only beginning to consider, influencing the development of personality and the ability to manage stress and trauma. Accreditation This session also describes research on the impact of BMI on breastfeeding, and provides practical steps for working with mothers with higher BMIs. IBCLC CERPs Program 2 Approval No: C21404 IBCLC CERPs Program 1 Approval No: C21401 5.75 L CERPs have been allocated to this program Pre-exam hours = 5.75 4L, 0.5E & 1.25R CERPs have been allocated to this program Pre-exam hours = 5.75
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