Road map - Pourvoirie CLUB SCOTT

Club Scott outfitter
Km 52 chemin Parent
Mont St-Michel (Qc) Canada
J0W 1P0
Toll free: 1.888.359.2220
Fax: 819.623.2220
Club Scott is located 3h½ from Montreal and Ottawa, at 90 km north of
Mont Laurier on Chemin Parent.
The main camp and reception office are easily accessible by car via
Montreal by:
- Aut. 15 North to road 117
- 117 North until you pass Lac Saguay
- Road 311 towards Chutes St-Phillipe
- Continue until Mont St-Michel
- Road 309 North until Chemin Parent
- Chemin Parent to the km 52
- Access road to Club Scott’s main camp