Urgent Regd. From Director General AYUSH Haryana, Panchkula To Nodal Officer, CM Grievances Redress & Monitoring System Haryana. No. CM-Window/D-1/AY/HR/2015/6263 Dated: 21.04.2015 Subject:- Issues concerning with Ayurvedic Medical Officer i.e. BAMS Doctors appointed in the Governmental Health Care Facilities. ******** Kindly refer to the no. CMOFF/N/2015/35381 dated 18-03-2015 on the subject cited above. The point wise reply on the representation dated 18-03-2015 of Dr. Jaideep Kumar, Research Scholar H.No. 970, Near Govt. School, Prem Nagar, Sirsa is as under:1. Lack of Human Resources at Directorate AYUSH Haryana. The recommendations of vacant post of all categories are sent time to time to HPSC & HSSC, to Govt., to fill up the posts. At present there is no doctor deputed at Head Quarter. One AYUSH Co-ordinator is deputed in NHM Cell to co-ordinate the matters with Department/Govt./GOI. 2. Lack of Infrastructural Facilities at District Ayurvedic Offices in Haryana. Most of the District Ayurvedic Offices are running in Mini Secretariat Building of Districts. (a) Most of the District Ayurvedic Offices have been shifted in newly built mini secretariats. Remaining District Ayurvedic Offices will also be shifted as soon as possible, as & when the space will available in the premises of mini secretariat. To provide the space in the Mini Secretariat, a request has submitted to the concerned Deputy Commissioner in every financial year by the concerned DAO. (b) To provide more staff in the District Offices, a proposal had already been sent to the Govt. Govt. has raised some observations which are under consideration. (c) To provide the Govt. Vehicles to the District Ayurvedic Officers, the proposal has already been sent to the govt. It is also submitted that there is a provision to purchase three govt. vehicles for DAOs in the next financial year 2015-16. 3. Lacking of Promotional System i.e. Cadre Based System in the Overall Promotion of the Ayurvedic Medical Officers. The promotional avenues for the post of Ayurvedic Medical Officer is District Ayurvedic Officer, from District Ayurvedic Officer to Assistant Director, Assistant Director to Deputy Director and Deputy Director to Director. It is also submitted to increase the promotional avenues for the post of Ayurvedic Medical Officer, the necessary amendment in departmental service rules is being proposed. In financial year 2014-15, the two post of Assistant Director, One post of Deputy Director have already been proposed for creation & to increase the promotional window for AYUSH Doctors. 4. Lack of Infrastructural Facilities at Governmental Ayurvedic Health Care Institutes:Under the component i.e. “Upgradation of Government/Panchayat/Government aided AYUSH Dispensaries” of National AYUSH Mission, provision of amounting Rs. 415 Lakh for construction/renovation for 201 dispensaries has been made in State Annual Action Plan (SAAP) for the Financial Year 2015-16. Furniture, instruments and drugs are being procured as per the available budget of State Plan/Non Plan. 5. Modern Medicine Supply to Ayurvedic Health Care Institutes (APSKs, Dispensaries and Hospitals):AYUSH Department is procuring medicines as per the Haryana Govt. Medicine Procurement Policy and as per the approved essential drugs list of AYUSH Medicines. Department will persue the matter with Government to include essential allopathic drugs in the list of drugs supplied to the Ayurvedic Health Care Institutes of Haryana. 6. Involvement of Governmental Ayurveda Health Care System in Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of National Health Care Programmes/Schemes. All AYUSH doctors posted at DHs/CHs/PHCs under AYUSH and other AYUSH doctors appointed under RBSK scheme are involved in all National Health Program/Scheme implemented by Allopathic Health Care System. AYUSH doctors appointed under AYUSH are also looking after OPD works at their place of posting. It is mentioned here that no separate sweeper and helpers have appointed under AYUSH in these facilities. Sweepers and helpers appointed under Health Department are looking after the works of AYUSH facilities as well. Sufficient furniture and instruments are available for the smooth functioning of AYUSH facilities. Procurement of AYUSH drugs for free distribution in these institutions is under process. Shortly AYUSH drugs will be provided in these institutions. 7. Discrimination in the Pay Package of Ayurvedic Medical Officers. The cases of Pay Anomalies for AYUSH Doctors are being put up to Govt. and Pay Anomaly Committee from time to time. Director General AYUSH Haryana
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