Guggulu Triphala Ayurvedic Deep Tissue Channel Cleanser 5:1 12:1 10:1 8:1 12:1 7:1 50:1 1:1 Guggulu....................................160 mg..................800 mg Amalaki.......................................60 mg..................720 mg Haritaki.......................................80 mg..................800 mg Bibhitaki......................................50 mg..................400 mg Manjistha.....................................80 mg..................960 mg Picrorrhiza...................................30 mg..................210 mg Curcumin L..................................20 mg................1000 mg Bibhitaki..................................….50 mg............…....50 mg Total 7 Herbs.....................................530 mg...+ caps...660 mg 65 Capsules $35 200 Capsules $95 Take one or two capsules with water warm or at room temperature, three times per day. Please, for best results dietary restrictions are paramount; Avoid, excess sugar and processed grains. Always favour fresh organic fruits and vegies, and whole grains. Basmati rice is excellent according to the glycaemic index! (available on the internet!). Kitchari is the best food for cleansing and vitality ! Ghee is the best fat, and rock salt in moderation the best salt for the liver according to the Ayurvedic understanding. Excess blood sugars tax the liver and disturb fat metabolism. Alcohol, chilli and sour foods need to be controlled or avoided. Simple diet (Ama reducing food) is best! Commiphora Mukul-Guggulu Clinical studies showed cholesterol and triglycerides decreased by 11.7% to 12% after 3 months at 100 mg. Animal studies showed that Guggulu decreased platelets adhesiveness and inhibited platelet aggregation. The anti-inflammatory action has also been confirmed by J. N. Sharma in 1977. More traditional Ayurvedic use is as a detoxification agent, anti-septic (anti-biotic support), rejuvenator & nervine, used in arthritis, rheumatism, gout, lumbago, disease of the nerves, neurasthenia, debility, sores and ulcers, cystitis, endometritis, leukorrhea, tumours, diabetes, obesity, bronchitis, whooping cough, dyspepsia, haemorrhoids, pyorrheal, skin disease, Guggulu increases white blood cell count and disinfects secretions including mucus, sweat and urine. Rejuvenates vata, and also kapha, and only mildly aggravates pitta after long term use. Not suitable with kidney infection. KV-P+ (excess) YH. MM KB * Embilica Officialis-Amalaki …………………….contains over 5% of natural Vitamin C and is a natural anti-acid. Ayurvedic doctors used Amalaki for bleeding gums, acid conditions (gout) and inflammation of the stomach and colon. Remember research shows you only need 15 mg of Vitamin C per day to prevent scurvy. Each capsule contains 48 mg of natural ascorbic acid. This Vitamin C is boilable and storable according the Indian Materia Medica by Dr M Nadkarni. Picrorrhiza Kurroa-Kutki. Medical uses include weakened immunity, infections, allergies, liver infections and asthma. Ayurveda considers Kutki a powerful purifying agent, as well as a digestive aid, anti-infective and liver protective. Rubia Cordifolia-Manjistha.…Cools and detoxifies the blood, arrests haemorrhage, dissolves obstruction in blood flow and removes stagnant blood. Considered an anti-infective & anti-inflammatory and probably the best alterative (blood purifying) herb of Ayurvedic medicine. Manjistha helps dissolve tumours, increases blood flow and promotes healing of damaged tissue. Uses include amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, menopause, bleeding disorders, kidney and bladder stones, gall stones, jaundice, hepatitis, diarrhea, dysentery, broken bones, traumatic injuries, cancer, heart disease, skin disease, dropsy, rickets, paralysis and herpes. PK-V+ YH. * Terminalia Belerica-Bibhitaki is a rejuvenative tonic for Kapha, for lungs, voice, vision and hair. Laxative, astringent, anti-parasitical, anti-septic, toning as well as cleansing for the bowels. Known by Ayurveda to remove deposits, stones and accumulations. Part of the tridoshic (balanced) ‘triphala’ formula. Used for sore throat, cough, laryngitis, bronchitis, catarrh, stones, chronic diarrhea, dysentery, parasites, eye disease. KP- V+(in excess) YH.* Terminalia Chebula-Haritaki improves digestion, absorption and regulates the colon. Ayurvedic uses include nervous disorders, spleen disease, tumours, asthma, parasitic infection, skin disease, edema, cough, hiccough, horse voice, vomiting, haemorrhoids, diarrhea, colon regulation, malabsorption, abdominal distension, parasites, jaundice, heart disease, itching & ulcers. Rejuvenative for vata, regulating kapha and only aggravating pitta in excess. VPK= YH. * Not in pregnancy in large doses by itself. Curcuma Longa-Tumeric Considered a natural anti-biotic by Ayurvedic practitioners. Tumeric aids digestion, improves intestinal flora, purifies the blood and stimulates formation of new tissue. Guggulu Triphala is packed by Jay D Mulder for one to one prescription from a Natural Health practitioner to patient. Guggulu Triphala is not a retail shelf product. Warning……………Not suitable with kidney infection ! Caution- Herbal medications should be taken with care as directed, and under no circumstances combined with other herbal or allopathic medications Discontinue immediately adverse side-effects are experienced.
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