Issue: 005 Friday 27 February 2015 CoalindoNews is published in 2007 by PT.Coalindo Energy and dedicated as complimentary for each subscriber of Indonesian Coal-price Index (ICI) . With regards to new ICI subscriber and trial issues , please contact : Telephone + 62-21-3001 2490 and + 62-21-3001 2488, Fax : + 62-21-3001 2491, Email : maydins & Website : COAL PRODUCTION BY THE YEAR 2019 Based on the 2015-2019 coal production plan of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the government of Indonesia is targeting the country’s coal productions from year to year as follows: 425 million tons (322 million tons for export), 429 million tons (318 million tons for export), 434 million tons (313 million tons for export), 434 million tons (303 million tons for export), and 442 million tons (302 million tons for export). COAL REMAINS GOVERNMENT’S MAINSTAY The Director for Development and Coal Mining Undertakings under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Bambang Tjahjono, said that coal will remain a mainstay for the government in its efforts to raise the State’s revenues. As targeted by the government the non-tax revenue (PNBP) will be at Rp40.3 trillion, mostly coming from coal commodities. EXPORT DECLINES Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is targeting that the domestic coal demand will rise 8 percent per year, the export will decrease 1.5 percent and as controlled by the government the production will rise only 1 percent. It was reported by the press. REQUESTED TO OPERATE SOON Three mining companies as the holders of the permits of mining undertakings (IUPs) and Coal Mining Authorizations (PKP2B) in Tabalong sub district of South Kalimantan are requested to operate immediately because they have already entered a stage of production. It was said by the Division Head of Energy and Mineral Resources of Tabalong, Imam Fahrullazi. ILLEGAL EXPORT OF 60 MILLION TONS OF COAL Based on the data from the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, 50-60 million tons of coals per year have been exported illegally. The coal could be exported illegally because of the difficulty of monitoring the shipments of coal from Indonesia due to vast sea territory of the country. DOUBLE RAILWAYS TO OPERATE IN MARCH PT Bukit Asam Tbk is currently working on the railway project of double tracks from the railway station of Prabumulih to the railway station of Tanjung Enim. The company's President Director Wilawarma said as planned the project with investment of Rp3 trillion can be completed by March 2015. 76 PERCENT EXPORTED Based on the data from the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal the coal production of 425 million tons is targeted in the year 2015 and 76 percent or 322 million tons of the production will be exported, and 24 percent or 103 million tons will be allocated to domestic markets in the country. TWO UNFRIENDLY POLICIES Secretary General of the Association of Indonesian Suppliers of Energy and Coal (Aspebindo) Ekawahyu Kasih said, two unfriendly policies that have made coalmine operators suffocated are those on royalties and export duties. REMOVAL OF 25-PERCENT MARGIN Indonesian Director General of Mineral and Coal R Sukyar said the central government of Indonesia will provide incentives to businesses that are eager to increase the value added of coal in the country. It can be done by removing a 25-percent margin. PRICE CONTINUES TO DECLINE Since the year 2011 until now the price of coal has continued to decline. Many mining companies have been closed down. Even this year the price of coal will be again declining. It occurs because China will reduce its coal consumption due to high pollution levels in the country, said an Economist from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Tony Prasetiantono. CAUSE OF FALLING PRICE APBI-ICMA’s Executive Director Supriatna Suhala said there are a number of factors both on national and international bases causing the terrible conditions of coal market. Among others are the factors of the spirit of green movement for the use of new and renewable energy sources, the oversupply of coal due to high prices in the years 2007 - 2012, and the low absorptive capacity of the domestic market in Indonesia. A GOOD HOPE FOR 35 000-MW PROJECT Coal producers have a good hope for the project of 35,000-MW power plants that will be developed this year. Secretary General of Aspebindo Ekawahyu Kasih gave his appreciation to the project because 20,000 MW of the capacities will be generated by coalfired power plants (PLTUs) that will consume coal from the country. ADDITIONAL 130 MW NEEDED PT Freeport Indonesia needs an addition of 130 MW of power supplies to operate its underground mine. SVP Geoscience & Technical Services Division of Freeport Wahyu Sunyoto said the total capacity of Freeport’s power generation is 220 MW, and 195 MW of the capacity is generated by coal-fired power plant (PLTU). TO DEVELOP TWO SEAPORTS OF COAL PT Asiatic Universal Indonesia will develop a Main Seaport and coal processing facility in Muara Badak and Merangkayu of Kutai Kartanegara in East Kalimantan. President Director of Asiatic Herru Tomo Husodo said the development of the seaport will be completed in the year 2017 by investing Rp4 trillion. TO STOP MINING PT Garda Tujuh Buana Tbk will terminate its coal mining operations by April 2015. The mining cost has so far been so high and the market is bearish. "During the period of transition the workers will be dismissed and suspended and the contract of barges will be cancelled," said President Director Ratendra Kumar Srivastva. 600 MW OF ELECTRICITY TO BE EXPORTED PT PLN ensured that it will continue a plan to export electricity from Riau Islands to the peninsula of Malaysia. Head of Public Relations of PLN Bambang Dwiyanto said coal-fired power plant (PLTU) of Riau is a joint-venture project of PLN, Tenaga Nasional Berhad and PT Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam Tbk with capacity of 2x600 MW and it is now in progress of construction. The export of electricity is targeted approximately at 600 MW starting in the year 2017.
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