No: CIV/017/2015/DGM (CE) BIENNIAL RATE CONTRACT FOR GENERAL DISINFESTATION SERVICES IN CSL LIST OF TENDER DOCUMENTS 1. TENDER NOTICE. 2. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. 3. CERTIFICATE. 4. TENDER SCHEDULE. Tel. No. +91(484) 2501459/2501672/2501737 Fax No. +91(484) 2370897/373902 E– Mail: Web: COCHIN SHIPYARD LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) P.O. BAG NO.1653 COCHIN-682 015 INDIA No. CIV/017/2015/DGM (CE) 11.05.2015 TENDER NOTICE Sealed competitive tenders in the prescribed form are invited on behalf of Cochin Shipyard Limited from experienced contractors for the under mentioned work so as to reach the undersigned on or before the date and time mentioned below: Name of work : Biennial Rate Contract for General disinfestation services in CSL Estimated cost of work : Rs.1501735.00 Earnest Money to be deposited : Rs.30, 000.00 Cost of tender form (Those who down load the tender form from website also will be required to remit the cost Along with the tender documents in the form of DD drawn in favour of Cochin Shipyard Ltd) : Rs 200 + ST (5 %) Last date and time of issue of tender forms : 21/05/2015 up to.15.00 hrs Last date and time of receipt of tender : 22/05/2015 up to.15.00 hrs Date and time of opening of tender : 22/05/2015 at 15.30 hrs Time of completion of work : Two Years Short description of work : The work involves doing disinfestation works by spraying chemicals and antitermite treatment works in various buildings and shop floors in CSL as per the requirement. Fogging using departmental fogging machine, deratting etc. Price bid of only those contractors, who have submitted proof of remittance of EMD, cost of tender forms and certificate signed by the contractor shall only be opened. The rates quoted should be inclusive of all taxes and duties. The tender documents can be obtained from the office of the undersigned during office hours till the last date and time of issue of Tenders. All the tender documents (NIT, General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions, specification & Tender Schedule) are available on Cochin Shipyard’s website and Govt. website Tenderers can download the forms and use the same for submission of the tenders. (Sd/-) Deputy General Manager (CE) 1 2 CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT No. CIV/017/2015/DGM (CE) SPECIAL CONDITIONS NAME OF WORK: BIENNIAL RATE CONTRACT FOR GENERAL DISINFESTATION SERVICES IN CSL 1. The conditions enumerated below are in addition to the General conditions of contract given in “Conditions of contract and instructions to Tenderers of CSL” and will have precedence over them. 2. “General Conditions of Contract (GCC) and Instructions to Tenderers” is available in the CSL website. The tenderer shall submit his tender document including GCC. Although, it is permissible to submit the tender without the copy of GCC, while entering into agreement by the successful tenderer, the GCC shall be duly signed by both the parties and form part of the agreement. As such, it is deemed that the tenderer has made reference to the GCC in the website or otherwise, and has full knowledge of its contents, although it is not signed and attached with the tender. 3. In the General Conditions of Contract AGM (Civil) should be read as DGM (Civil) who will be the Engineer- in- charge. 4. Throughout these bidding documents, the terms “bid” and “tender” and their derivatives (“bidder / tenderer”, “bid /tender”, “bidding / tendering”, etc.) are synonymous, and day means calendar day. Singular also means plural. 5. The bidder shall not be put on holiday by CSL or black listed by any Government Department / Public Sector undertaking etc 6. All corrigenda, addenda, amendments and clarifications to Tender Specifications will be hosted in the website and not in the newspaper. Bidders shall keep themselves updated with all such developments till the last date and time of submission of tender. 7. The tender for the work will be based on Single Bid system. The tender has to be submitted in two covers. Signature of Contractor 3 7.1 Cover A: Cover A shall contain EMD of ` 30,000/- (Thirty Thousand only) in the form of DD/TDR drawn in favor of Cochin Shipyard Limited and cost of tender form of `210/-(Two hundred and ten only) if it is downloaded from the website in the form of DD/TDR drawn in favor of Cochin Shipyard Limited and the following Certificates signed by the contractor. 1. “I / WE COMPLY WITH ALL CONDITIONS OF TENDER BY CSL AND CONFIRM THAT RATES QUOTED IN THE PRICE BID ARE INCLUSIVE OF ALL TAXES APPLICABLE. AND DUTIES INCLUDING SERVICE TAX IF I / WE ALSO CONFIRM THAT COVER B (PRICE BID) DO NOT CONTAIN ANY CONDITIONS ” 2. “I / WE HAVE NOT MADE ANY PAYMENT OR ILLEGAL GRATIFICATION TO ANY PERSON/AUTHORITY CONNECTED WITH THE BID PROCESS SO AS TO INFLUENCE THE BID PROCESS AND HAVE NOT COMMITTED ANY OFFENCE UNDER THE PC ACT IN CONNECTION WITH THE BID. Cover B: Financial /price bid - shall contain the rates and amount for each item of work. There shall not be any clause, added by the tenderers in the price bid. 7.2 The cover A & cover B shall then put together in another cover marked Cover C, which shall be sealed and superscribed with name of work, the address & Contact No. of contractor. 7.3 Cover C shall be opened at 15:30 hrs on 22/05/2015 at the tender opening room near North gate. At first cover A containing EMD and certificates from the contractor shall be opened. In case the earnest money is not deposited or is not in order, the tender shall be returned to the tenderer unopened either on the spot, if the tenderer is present, or later by post. Only a mention to this Signature of Contractor 4 effect shall be made in the tender opening register. 8. Price bid of those tenderers who have submitted EMD and undertaking that the Cover B does not contain any conditions shall be opened on the same day. Tenderer should ensure that his quoted amount as per cover B is not mentioned anywhere in other documents, directly or indirectly. If any such mention is made the tender will become invalid and shall become liable for rejection. 9. Late tenders, tenders with conditions and conditional rebates / discounts will be summarily rejected. 10. The acceptance of a tender will rest with CMD who does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received without assigning any reason. 11. The tenderer should keep open the validity of the tender normally for 90 days from the date fixed for its opening. Should any tenderer withdraw his tender before this period, or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to CSL, the earnest money deposited by the tenderers shall be forfeited. 12. During the evaluation of tender DGM (Civil) may at his discretion ask the bidders for clarifications. Request for clarification will be given in writing and no change in prices or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. No post-bid clarification on the initiative of the bidder will be entertained. 13. If any difference is found in different parts of the tender documents, the following will be in order of precedence. (i) Schedule (ii) Specifications (iii) Special conditions (iv) Condition of contract and instructions to tenderers. However all of the above shall be read in conjunction while operating any item. The order of precedence shall only govern in case of any discrepancy. Signature of Contractor 5 14. Rates shall be both in figures and words. Rates quoted should be in Indian Rupees inclusive of all taxes and duties, including service tax if any, in accordance with the tender schedule. 15. The rates quoted by the contractor shall be for finished items of works including all labour, equipment/tools, conveyance etc. all complete, unless specified in the tender schedule. 16. The tenderers should note that the tender is strictly on the item rate basis and their attention is drawn to the fact that the rates for each and every item should be correct, workable and self supporting. If called upon by the CSL detailed analysis of any or all the rates shall be submitted. But CSL shall not be bound to recognize/accept the contractor’s analysis. The tenderer should quote for all the items. 17. The rates quoted by bidder shall remain firm till completion of all works even during the extended period, if any, on any account what so ever. 18. The tenderers are expected to have inspected the site, before quoting, read the conditions thoroughly and understand the works in all respect. Clarifications, if any may be obtained from the DGM (Civil) before the tender is submitted, and if clarifications/details are not obtained before the tender is submitted, no claim on this account will be admitted. 19. The contractor is expected to acquaint himself with the site conditions, labour situation, wage and benefits applicable to labourers, working hours, out turn of work by labour and the fluctuations which are likely to happen till the work is completed on all the above aspects prior to quoting the rates. The submission of a tender by tenderer implies that he has made himself aware of all the above situations and conditions. Any extra claim on this account will not be entertained. 20. Price Bids shall be evaluated based on total overall amount. CSL reserves the right to conduct negotiations with L 1 Contractor to have possible reduction from the original offer or if the condition so warrants. The bidder shall attend the negotiation meeting in time upon intimation to them by CSL. Signature of Contractor 6 21. Normally CSL will award the contract to the Bidder whose bid has been substantially responsive to the bidding documents and who has offered lowest evaluated total amount. 22. The contractor shall thoroughly study the specifications and errors/omissions/modifications if any shall be brought to the notice of the Engineerin-Charge well in advance so that a final decision in the matter could be given in time. 23. If any ambiguity arises as to the meaning and intent of any of portion of the specifications as to execution or quality of any work or material or as to measurement of the works the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 24. EMD of unsuccessful bidders except L1 and L2 bidders will be released after the checking of the comparative statement by the Finance department.EMD of L2 bidder will be released on issue and acceptance of the Work order by the successful bidder (L1 bidder) or after expiry of 3 months whichever is earlier. 25. EMD amount of the successful tenderer will be converted as security deposit for the work and the same will be released along with the final bill after completion of the contract period. 26. Period of contract: Two years from the date of award of work or handing over the site. However, CSL has right to terminate the contract at the end of first year, if the services are found not satisfactory. After the expiry of two years, the contract may be renewable by one more year with the same rate, terms and conditions, if the contractor’s services are found satisfactory. Whether the contract is renewed or not, it is mandatory for the contractor to undertake the work on same rates, terms and conditions for a further period of 3 months after the expiry of two years. 27. Rates: For each item, unit rate for first year and second year has to be quoted separately. The rates quoted should be all inclusive of all taxes and duties including service tax. The price Bids shall be evaluated based on total overall amount for the two years. Signature of Contractor 7 28. Quantity: The quantities shown in the tender are approximate only. The quantities shows under the proposed Rate Contract is just to give an idea to the bidders about the likely volume of works and not guaranteed to be executed by CSL. Bidders shall not be entitled to any compensation on account of variation (Plus or Minus) in the quantity of works ordered under the Rate Contract. 29. Payment: Payment will be based on actual executed quantity and finalized rates for each year. 30. Any work ordered till the last date of the contract period should be executed by the contractor at his awarded rates within a reasonable time fixed for the same and no extra claim will be entertained on this account. 31. No claim for the increase in rates of materials and labour during the currency of contract will be entertained by CSL. 32. The contractor or his authorized representative with sufficient experience shall be available at CSL throughout the period of contract for receiving instructions from department, arranging and executing the work. 33. The Contractor / representative shall report at the office of the Engineer-in-charge on all working days before 8:30 hrs and receive instruction regarding the works. 34. The Contractor may have to work round the clock including holidays, if required to complete the work in time without any extra cost. However works executing out of office hours and holiday shall be informed to the Engineer-in-charge well advance and get his clearance. 35. The normal working time of the CSL is from 8.15 A.M. to 5.00 P.M on all weekdays and Saturdays with half an hour interval from 12.15 noon to 12.45 P.M. All Sundays, second Saturday and fourth Saturday are holidays. If the Contractor wishes to carry out the work beyond normal working hours and or on holidays, he should get specific approval from the Engineer-in-Charge for the same. Necessary supervision will be arranged by the department. 36. The successful tenderer will be required to execute an agreement at his expense on proper value Kerala State Stamp Paper in the prescribed departmental form. Signature of Contractor 8 37. Till signing of agreement, the tender together with the acceptance letter shall constitute a binding contract between the Contractor and Cochin Shipyard Ltd. 38. In the event of the tenderer, after the issue of work order by CSL, failing / refusing to execute the agreement, the tenderer shall be deemed to have abandoned to the contract and such an act shall amount to and be construed as the contractors calculated and the willful breach of the contract, the cost and consequence of which shall be to the sole account of the tenderer and upon such an event CSL shall have full right to claim damages therefore either together with or in addition to the forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit. 39. The contract shall come into effect on the date of signature of both the parties on the contact (effective date) and shall remain valid until the completion of the obligation of the parties under the contract. The deliveries, supplies and performance of the service shall commence from the effective date of the contract. 40. All notices / written orders issued by CSL to the contractor under the terms of the contract shall be served by sending by Post or Fax or Email or delivering the same to the contractors authorized site official nominated for this purpose. 41. The Cochin Shipyard is an International Ship & Port Facility Security (ISPS) code compliant Shipyard and the contractor is obliged to comply with the provisions of the code in force and as amended from time to time. The site for the proposed work is a protected area and hence security rules and regulations including obtaining work permits, obtaining entry / exit passes including photo passes for men, vehicles and materials etc. for entering the area shall be observed by the contractor. Contractor/workers should produce police clearance certificate, passport or any other photo ID cards approved by CSL and Medical Fitness Certificate, as per the performa issued by recognized medical practitioner (Allopathy) to get entry pass to Shipyard area. 42. All labour, skilled or unskilled shall be provided by the contractor. Settling any dispute with the labour/ subcontractor will be contractor’s responsibility. The workers Signature of Contractor 9 engaged for works should have sufficient knowledge and experience in the respective fields. This shall be proved to the Engineer-in-charge. 43. If the contractor abandons the contract or fails to commence the work in time or suspend the work for long duration (15 days) or delay the progress of the project without valid reasons acceptable to CSL or labour dispute with their workers or poor safety records etc CSL will terminate the contract and arrange the work at the risk and cost of the contractor. In such case EMD & Security Deposit will be forfeited forthwith. 44. The tender documents is to be returned along with the tender, duly signed by the contractor in all pages. 45. The contractor shall bring all necessary machinery and equipments required for the work. 46. Cochin shipyard reserves the right to award the work to one or more contractors or delete any part of the work from the scope of the contract or cancel the tender without assigning any reason. 47. The work shall be carried out without damaging any of the existing structures. If any damage occurs to the CSL property, by the contractor’s operation shall be compensated / made good at contractor’s risk and cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge of the works, failing which department will do the rectification work and the cost incurred will be recovered from his bill or from security deposit. 48. The following services will be issued free of cost depending on availability. Contractor has to make his own arrangements to avail the same at his risk and subject to satisfying statutory rules and regulations if any. a. Electricity b. Water c. Staging materials d. Csl cranes etc. 49. All notices to be given to CSL under the terms of contract shall be served by sending by post or delivering the same to DGM (Civil). Signature of Contractor 10 50. It is the responsibility of the contractor to follow all safety rules and regulations in force, during the currency of contract in CSL, and any violation of the same during the course of work will be at the risk and cost of the contractor and will attract penal action. CSL Safety instructions are available in the GCC and the same may be referred before quoting the rates. 51. Any violation of Safety rules by the contractor, safety department will impose penalty of Rs 1000/- to Rs 5000/- depending on the gravity of violation. Action for debarring the contractor also will be taken in case of repeated violation. Any accident caused due to safety violation and any damage to the company property suitable penalty will be imposed by CSL including termination of contract, if required. 52. For all items brought from outside to be used/ consumed on the work, Material Declaration forms with work order number shall be obtained from Security section and the same shall be submitted at the office of the Engineer-in-Charge. 53. The monthly payment shall be based on the bill submitted by the contractor. The bill for previous month along with detailed measurement shall be prepared and submitted on 7 th working day of the current month and payment shall be released within one month from the date of submission of claim (bill) by the contractor or date of acceptance of the bill by both parties which ever is later .The contractor shall submit running account bills in one copy along with joint measurements. The contractor shall inform the Engineer in Charge or his representative well in advance for recording the joint measurement. The contractor shall raise only one bill in a month and shall submit the bill after joint measurement. 54. For the completed items of the work (where measurements are specifically noted in the measurements book as final measurements and as such have been signed and accepted by the contractor and CSL) 75% of the net amount payable on each bill can be paid as advance by CSL at the discretion of DGM (Civil), on a request by the contractor and a recommendation of the Engineer-in-charge and production of an undertaking on approved format by the contractor. Balance amount will be paid after scrutiny and check of the bill. Signature of Contractor 11 55. The tenderer shall specify the PAN No: allotted to him so that GM (Fin) can ascertain his liability to the Income Tax Department. The income tax/KVAT/ any other statutory taxes, as per the rules /directions of the concerned departments, prevailing in force at the time of payment of bills will be deducted while making payment or when crediting the amount to the account. 56. The tenderer shall furnish documentary evidence in support of Valid Service Tax Registration. Service Tax Registration number is to be clearly mentioned in the tender. 50% of Service Tax prevailing in force at the time of payment of bill will be deducted while making payment to the contractor .While submitting all the running account bills the contractor has to specifically mention the taxable value of work done and its service tax component, separately, totaling to the bill value. 57. CSL is an ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 certified firm. All the contractors and subcontractors shall comply with the measures related to the Quality, Health, and Safety & Environment (QHSE) policy of CSL. Any clarification related to IMS requirements of the yard, may be obtained by the contractor from the Engineer in charge or the authorized representative of the contract, prior to the commencement of work 58. The final bill shall be paid within Four months from the date of submission of claim (bill) by the contractor or completion of all the items of work or date of acceptance of the bill by both parties which ever is later. 59. It will be mandatory for the bidders to indicate their bank account numbers and other relevant E-payment details so that payments could be made through ECS/EFT mechanism instead of payment through cheques, wherever feasible. 60. The contractor shall report to the Engineer-in-Charge details of any accidents as soon as possible after its occurrence. In the case of any fatal or serious accident, the contractor shall in addition, notify the local police authorities immediately by available means. 61. CSL shall not be liable for, or in respect of, any damages or compensation payable at law in respect or in consequence of any accident or injury to any workmen or other Signature of Contractor 12 person in the employment of the contractor or any sub-contractor, except an accident or injury resulting from any default of CSL, the contractor shall indemnify and keep CSL indemnified against all such damages and compensation and against all claims, demands, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto. 62. The contractor shall insure against such liability and shall continue such insurance during the whole of the time that any persons are employed by him on the works. Provided that, in respect of any persons employed by any sub-contractor, the contractor’s obligations to insure as aforesaid under this sub-clause shall be satisfied if the sub-contractor shall have insured against the liability in respect of such persons in such manner that CSL is indemnified under the policy. 63. The contract involves an obligation of secrecy and the contractor, his agents, servants or sub-contractor or their agents or servants shall observe and comply with the requirements of the Indian Official Secrets Act 1923, and the rules there under or any statutory modifications or re-enactments thereof. Any breach of this clause shall constitute a breach of the contract. The contractor shall not disclose to anybody the details of drawings prepared for the work without the approval of CSL. No photographs of the CSL area shall be taken or permitted by the contractor to be taken by any of his employees without the approval of the competent authority and no such photographs shall be published, or otherwise circulated without the approval of CSL. 64. The contractor shall not stop the work or abandon the site for whatsoever reason except force majeure conditions. The following shall amount to force majeure:- a) War, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies b) Rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, or civil war, c) Riot, commotion, disorder, strike or lockout by persons other than the contractor’s personnel and other employees of the contractor, d) Munitions of war, explosive materials, ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity, except as may be attributable to the contractor’s use of such munitions, Signature of Contractor 13 explosives, radiation or radio-activity, and Natural catastrophes such as earthquake, hurricane, typhoon or volcanic activity. e) Epidemic, famine; f) Strikes, Harthal or boycotts interrupting supplies and services to the site (excluding strikes or boycotts by employees, agents or representatives of contractor, or its subcontractors for any reason whatsoever); g) Fire caused otherwise than by any act or omission on the part of the contractor or its agents servants or employees or its subcontractor; h) 65. Any event or circumstance of nature analogues to any of the above or an Act of God. If the contractor suffers delay in due execution of the contractual obligation due to delays caused by force majeure as defined above, the agreed time of completion of the job covered by this contract or the obligations of the contractor shall be extended by a period of time equal to period of delay, provided that on the occurrence of any such contingency, the contractor immediately should report in writing to CSL. A hindrance register shall be maintained by CSL in which the hindrances due to force majeure and hindrances attributable to CSL shall be recorded and signed by both parties. The hindrance so recorded will be regularized in accordance with the Contract provisions. The contractor shall resume performance of its obligations under this Contract as soon as possible after the Force Majeure Event no longer exists. During the period of Force Majeure CSL shall not be responsible for any cost resulting from a Force Majeure Event. 66. Canvassing in connection with tender is strictly prohibited and tenders submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection. 67. The workmen are strictly banned from use of any kind of Narcotics drugs / Alcohol / smoking etc inside CSL and any illegal activity by the work men should be reported to EIC without delay and the contractor shall remove such persons from CSL premises forthwith. 68. The tenderers shall have to sign in each page of the tender documents with official stamp as a token of his acceptance of the conditions stated therein. Signature of Contractor 14 69. Any dispute(s) or differences arising out of or in connection with the Contract shall, to the extent possible, be settled amicably between CSL and the contractor. Any litigation in connection with contract shall be subjected to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts at Kochi, India. 70. Tenders duly filled shall be deposited in the Tender Box kept at the tender opening room near north gate information centre, Cochin Shipyard Ltd. before the date and time as specified in the Tender Notice. Sd/Deputy General Manager (Civil) Signature, Name & Address of contractor: Date: Signature of Contractor No: CIV/017/2015/DGM(CE) UNDERTAKING BY CONTRACTOR Name of Work : BIENNIAL RATE CONTRACT FOR GENERAL DISINFESTATION SERVICES IN CSL 1. “I / WE COMPLY WITH ALL CONDITIONS OF TENDER BY CSL AND CONFIRM THAT RATES QUOTED IN THE PRICE BID ARE INCLUSIVE OF ALL TAXES AND DUTIES INCLUDING SERVICE TAX IF APPLICABLE. I / WE ALSO CONFIRM THAT COVER B (PRICE BID) DO NOT CONTAIN ANY CONDITIONS ” 2. “I / WE HAVE NOT MADE ANY PAYMENT OR ILLEGAL GRATIFICATION TO ANY PERSON/AUTHORITY CONNECTED WITH THE BID PROCESS SO AS TO INFLUENCE THE BID PROCESS AND HAVE NOT COMMITTED ANY OFFENCE UNDER THE PC ACT IN CONNECTION WITH THE BID.” Signature: Name & address of the contractor : 15 16 CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CIV/017/2015/DGM(CE) Name of work :- Biennial Rate Contract for General disinfestation services in CSL TENDER SCHEDULE Sl No. Description Quantity Unit 2 915980.00 m m2 523570.00 m 2 m2 2 100000.00 m m2 PART-A (FIRST YEAR) 1 Doing disinfestation by spraying chemicals of approved brand of Deltamethrin/ Cyfluthrin in the buildings of CSL, mainly Canteen, Guest House,METI etc. so as to be proof against houseflies, cockroaches, lizards and such other insects. The ratio is 1:150 ml of water . 2 Spraying anti-mosquito chemicals of approved brand of Dichlorovos Divinyl Phosphate (DDVP) in the various areas/ inside Ships/Shops, floor/Offices etc. to any height as and when required by the Engineer-in-charge. a For Open area, The ratio is 1:150 ml of water b For Drains, The ratio is 1:75 ml of water Rate (Rs) Amount(Rs) ( Both in words and figures) 17 3 Spraying disinfestation chemicals of approved brandDichlorovos Divinyl Phosphate (DDVP)over the nest of bees/insects on cranes/structures/trees of any height in CSL Estate as and when required as directed by the Engineer-in-charge (Rate is inclusive of all labour charges, cost of chemicals, hire charges of tools and plants etc. complete).The ratio is 1:40 ml of water . 4 Providing antitermite treatment in various buildings in CSL area by injecting chemical toxicants (CHLORPYRIPHOS (Dursban) or equivalent) through the joints between wall and basement and around wooden doors, cup boards, partitions, wooden members, ceiling etc. wherever termite attack is found and expected so as to destroy the live termites hiding inside and to avoid further attack by termites (all works to conform to IS 6313 Part III 1981 and subsequent revision of any) etc. complete all as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (Payment based on treated area) 5 Fogging using departmental fogging machine by deploying skilled labour for operation of fogging machine using chemical of approved brand NCORE-125 ULV (Ultra Low Volume) or equivalent inside CSL yard including cost of chemical petrol labour etc complete. (Cycle for carrying fogging machine and diesel will be supplied by CSL free of cost.) The ratio of chemical is 100ml / Hr 30.00 Nos E 585.00 m 2 m2 425.00 hrs hrs 18 6 Deratting inside offices and shops of CSL by placing rat traps at locations as instructed by the Engg. in charge including cost of placing food inside the traps, cost of killing and cleaning the traps, labour etc compete.(rat traps of sufficient size will be supplied by CSL free of cost) 375.00 Nos E TOTAL AMOUNT FOR FIRST YEAR PART-B ( SECOND YEAR) 1 Doing disinfestation by spraying chemicals of approved brand of Deltamethrin/ Cyfluthrin in the buildings of CSL, mainly Canteen, Guest House,METI etc. so as to be proof against houseflies, cockroaches, lizards and such other insects. The ratio is 1:150 ml of water . 2 915980.00 m m2 2 523570.00 m m2 2 100000.00 m m2 2 Spraying anti-mosquito chemicals of approved brand of Dichlorovos Divinyl Phosphate (DDVP) in the various areas/inside Ships/Shops, floor/Offices etc. to any height as and when required by the Engineer-in-charge. The ratio is 1:150 ml of water a For Open area, The ratio is 1:150 ml of water b For Drains, The ratio is 1:75 ml of water 19 3 Spraying disinfestation chemicals of approved brand Dichlorovos Divinyl Phosphate (DDVP)over the nest of bees/insects on cranes/structures/trees of any height in CSL Estate as and when required as directed by the Engineer-in-charge (Rate is inclusive of all labour charges, cost of chemicals, hire charges of tools and plants etc. complete).The ratio is 1:40 ml of water . 30.00 Nos E 4 Providing antitermite treatment in various buildings in CSL area by injecting chemical toxicants (CHLORPYRIPHOS (Dursban) or equivalent) through the joints between wall and basement and around wooden doors, cup boards, partitions, wooden members, ceiling etc. wherever termite attack is found and expected so as to destroy the live termites hiding inside and to avoid further attack by termites (all works to conform to IS 6313 Part III 1981 and subsequent revision of any) etc. complete all as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (Payment based on 585.00 m 2 m2 5 Fogging using departmental fogging machine by deploying skilled labour for operation of fogging machine using chemical of approved brand NCORE-125 ULV (Ultra Low Volume) or equivalent inside CSL yard including cost of chemical petrol labour etc complete. (Cycle for carrying fogging machine and diesel will be supplied by CSL free of cost.) The ratio of chemical is 100ml / Hr 425.00 hrs hrs 20 6 Deratting inside offices and shops of CSL by placing rat traps at locations as instructed by the Engg. in charge including cost of placing food inside the traps, cost of killing and cleaning the traps, labour etc compete.(rat traps of sufficient size will be supplied by CSL free of cost) 375.00 Nos E TOTAL AMOUNT FOR SECOND YEAR GRAND TOTAL FOR TWO YEARS Date: Signature Name and address of the tenderer (Sd/-) Deputy General Manager (CE)
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