«*> / __• GAZETTE PHONti 874-4141 SCHENECTADY GAZETTE, THURSDAY, JULY, 2, 1$70; _ GAZETTE PHONE 374-4141, -13 Midi Length Spotlighted r ' NEW YORK - Girls who sew By Gretchen Dorp their own clothes should get started right now on-the new lengths in everything from pants This morning, Mrs. Harry R.j formed by Judge Guy Graves on Mr. Many is employed at the to skirts. Summerhayes of Stratford Road June 26. Following the ceremony .Watervliet Arsenal. Mrs. Many That's the advice from the and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Acton of Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Smith is a teacher in the Schenectady current Seventeen, which spotLowell Road will entertain at a | entertained at their home on Public School System.. lights a pattern wardrobe acshower at Mrs.. Acton's home j Washington Avenue. A dinner * * jk centing the midi length in for Miss Cynthia Terry whose;was held directly afterwards at Mrs. Frank A. Cryan and her skirts, suits, dresses, knickers, marriage to, Robert Vogel will j the Mohawk Club, children Timothy Paul and Keland gaucho pants. Plaid, pattake place Saturday. , M r a n d M r s A b b e v a r e r e s i d . ly Cathleen of Allentown, Pa., terned corduroy and ribby knit Mrs. Harrison T. Todd of Ros-j m g a t 824 DeCamp Ave. are visiting Mrs. Cryan's parmake fabric news, while earthy endale Road will entertain this I * * * ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles tones such as ginger and terraevening at a cocktail party and 0 n J u n c 7> a t t h e First Uni- Guare of Anita Drive in Scotia. cotta are leading colors. buffet dinner for the out-of-town tarian Societv, Miss Jessica Ixs* * * Dress patterns go on a cowguests at Miss Terry's wedding. H e M v e r s w ' a s w c d t 0 Francis Miss Margaret Wood, daughgirl whirl. One shirtdress style Tomorrow Mrs. Robert.Cum-!». Many in a ceremonv per- ter of Mrs. Elizabeth Wood of with a western-look yoke is ming Miss Tonys sister. of |formC(1 })V l h e R e v . Robert M. Schoharie was graduated with shown in both midi and short Grand Rapids, Mich., will honorjKddv. The bride was attended honors from the State Univer(two inches above "the knee) the bride at a luncheon at the b v Miss Judith Lutzer of Sche- sity College at Cobleskill. Miss versions. The midi, done in home of their grandfather. ncctadv. Stewart V. George of Wood majored in accounting, ranch red wool crepe knit, butJames Cushmg of Union Street. i Petersburg was best man with was a member of Orange Key tons all the way down the front Before the rehearsal dinner Thomas Haberbush of Schenec- service organization for one and has newsy fake snake trim. year, Phi Theta Kappa National Fnday night. Mrs. Heaword tadv serving as an usher. The shorter version is made up Robinson will entertain at her fhe ceremonv was followed bv Honor Society for two terms and. •»**j. in navy wool and fur flannel home on Sunnyside Road. a reception for the wedding par- dean's list for three terms. She' with red accents. A long gin•* * * and guests at Falling Leaf also participated in the college's gersnap of rib knit sweatering Mrs. J. R. Pyle and Mrs. G ty home of Dr. and Mrs. E. mixed choir for three terms and sports a collared V-neck and J. Wagner won |irst place in Farm, the select choir for one term. the duplicate bridge tournament O. Roessle. long, narrow sleeves. at the Edison Club Monday Midi-length pants put the acnight. Mrs. G. T. Fallows and cent on punchy patternings. Mrs. Gary Skogland tied for Blousy knickers are shown in —(Ambrose) second place with Mrs. F. M. herringbone corduroy, belowNold and Mrs. F. E. Kroghan. MRS. DAVID J. FAGIANI the-knee flared gaucho pants * -* * are stitched in diamond-patMaria A. DeBlasis Miss Linda Pedro of St. Johnsterned knit, and!-a buttoned —(Boom) Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Gloversville, was the ville was guest of. honor at a midiskirt with flapped patch y MRS. ROBERT J. PETERS pockets is done in clan plaid setting on June 20 for the wedding of Miss Maija A. DeBlasis bridal party held recently at the Karen Marshall and David J. Fagiani. The Rev. Joseph D'Agostino officiated. Manor. Hostesses for the event wool. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. John DeBlasis and which was attended by 100 Suits sew up in a variety of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fagiani, all of Gloversville. guests were her attendants, lengths: a check-bedecked pantGiven in marriage by her father, the bride was attended Mrs. Rosiane Crouse, mother of suit with flared jacket and cuffed trousers, a midisuit with by Miss Mary Ivancic, maid of honor; Mrs. Marie "Vtsconti, the prospective bridegroom, and shorter jacket and wraparound Miss Toni Valiante, Miss Donna Chakmakian and Miss Jean other members of her family. Miss Pedro will- become the. skirt, and battle jacket to make Stoffolano, bridesmaids. Thomas Fagiani Jr. served as best on July 25. with a be-buttoned midiskirt, "man. Ushers included Nick DeMagistris, James Mosconi, bride of John-V. Maher .«. .V. Joseph Blaha and Lou Mendetto. A reception was held at Marriage vows were ex- a cascade of white phaleanopsls, shortskirt or pants. Miss Nancy Taylor, daughter the Circle In, Mayfield. changed by Miss Karen Lee slephanotis, ivy and baby's "Fats and oils are higher in of Mr. and Mrs."Robert Taylor Following a trip to Nassau, the Bahamas, the couple .Marshall and Robert Joseph breath. •: of Dean Street left Wednesday calories than any other—food. will reside at 61 West St., Gloversville. Peters in a ceremony held June Miss Mary Leal attended as to spend the holiday weekend 20 in the Fisher United Method- maid of honor wearing an em with Miss Lisa Kineke. daughter of-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kineke ist Church. The Rev. Richard p j r e g0\vn of aqua chiffon fash-j Campbellofficiated-at-the- noon ioned^witlr lace and ribbon trim of East Orleans. Cape Cod, formerly of Schenectady. on the bodice, standup collar service. ' .£ J£ .£. The bride is the daughter of and cuffs. Her triple bow headMiss Christine Meyer, daughMr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. piece held a veil and she carried ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Marshall pf Maida Lane and the a colonial bouquet of aqua Meyer of Country Fair Lane in bridegroom's parents are Mr. colored carnations, pink sweetScotia has been named to the and Mrs. Carson J. Peters of heart roses and baby's breath. dean's State University If you're planning an active College,list-at Staten Island." Bridesmaids included Miss Oneonta, where she will Escorted by her father, the Julia Peters, Mrs. Patricia Whitcouple of weeks of vacation, it's be a junior. She is a graduate bride chose an empire gown of ley and Mrs. Gail Smith. Their wise to give some thought to of Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake crystal peau de soie designed ensembles of aoricot, yellow the "still life" of-those auto- High School. with bodice, stand-up collar and and gTeen were fashioned' simimatic appliances that will be Miss Nicky Rozendaal, daughcuffs of Belgian lace and sleeves larly to the maid of honor's and idle'while you're gone. of silk organza. The embroi- they carried matching colonial! I ter of Dr. and Mrs. Hans Rozendered appliques were accented boUqUets with vellow sweetheart Virginia Stacy, home eco- daal of Roscndale Road has left with pearls.' Her fingertip veil roses. nomics -supervisor for Frigid- to spend the summer in Idaho. of illusion was caught to a airo Division of General Motors, Miss Rozendaal is working with crown of pearls and she carried Frank Padalino served as offers.. these suggestions for retarded children under the best man. Ushers were Timothy various home appliances wrTich American Friends Service ProjMarshall, Jeffrey Marshall and -(Belk) will also be having a vacation ect. John Peters. A reception was Advertising Made DR. NANCY JANE SEARS while you're away: held at the Edgewood RestauMrs. Elizabeth Jean MacDoiP Range—If you have a self- gaL Havner of Bronxville anTo Please Women rant. cleaniMg oven, take advantage nounces the marriage of her MIAMI, Fla. (UPI) - Ad- A graduate of Draper High of it. After dinner the_evening daughter Joanne Havner Chinvertising agencies keep a wo- School and State University Colbefore you leave, set the con- man to Peter G. Abbey, son of man around to throw in like "a lege of Oswego with a B.A. detrols and let the overt -clean Mrs. Eleanor Abbey. of Schepinch of salt" when they want gree, in elementary education, itself while you perform last- nectady and the late Dr. Leon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harmon tiles in the School of Home ; to demonstrate their in-depth the bride is a teacher in the Economics at East Carolina minute packing. Abbey. The ceremony was per- Sears of McLeansville, N.C., an- University, Greenville. Altamont Elementary School, understanding of women, nounce the engagement of their Check your range for spillFranche^lie Cadwell told the Guilderiand Central School Disdaughter, Dr. Nancy Jane Sears Dr. Healey was graduated overs arid spatters. Given two " Advertising Club ' of Miami. trict. Burnt Hills-Ballston Laka or more weeks to age, these Flared Pants Help of McLeansville and Greenville, from She is the president of an Mr. Peters was graduated High School and from the Unispots will be harder than ever N.C., to Dr. Kent Waddell Hea- versity of North Carolina at agency specializing in selling to from New Dorp High School, Fun Fashion Look to. remove. And nothing will ley of Chapel Hill, N.C. and women. She said the "token Staten Island, and SUC at take the edge off that relaxed .After-five party pants 'with Burnt Hills. He is the son of Chapel Hill where he received woman" system doesn't work. Oswego where he received a vacation feeling as quickly, as wide-flared legs and topped with Mr. and "Mrs. John T. Healey of the degree of doctor of dental *'Current advertising created B.S. degree in industrial arts surgery and was a member of opening the oven and seeing the sleek Oriental-style tunics are a . by men for women are these education. He is a teacher in Psi Omega, dental fraternity. Scotch Bush Road, Burnt Hills. rage among fashionables every, previous two week' menu writhorrendous commercials con- the Bethlehem Central Schools, He served for two years as a Dr. Sears received the degrees where. ten in spatters and spills on the temporary women find insulting Delmar. captain in the U.S. Dental Corps. of bachelor of science in home With these fun fashions, jewwalls.' beyond endurance," she said. Following a trip to Canada the $Mmi&m& economics, master of science in Until recently, Dr. Healey was elry is used with a lavish hand Miss Cadwell recently launched couple will reside in Oswego for Refrigerators—Before, leaving, —(Proskin) daring, dramatic, individual home economics and doctor of dental director with the Guilford a_campaign to eliminate televis- the summer where they will clear the refrigerator of perish- for MRS. ANTHONY MONE effects. A pendant swinging a philosophy from The University County Health Department .in ion advertising that demeans take summer courses at SUC ables; If you have-a combinaSharon Ellis wealth on antique coins put to- of North Carolina at Greensboro Greensboro. He is now specialand insults women. at Oswego. tion refrigerator-freezer, check gether with a glittering long where she was named to Omi- izing in prosthodbntics at tha those perishables to see if they multi-strand dangle .ear- cron Nu, national home econom- University of North Carolina can be stored in the freezer sec- rings and arope, of hinged ics honorary. She is assistant School of Dentistry. S tion for an excellent first meal bracelets add toduo the individual- professor and chairman of the • The couple plans an Aug. 21 or hearty snack upon your re- istic look. department of clothing and tex- wedding. turn home. For example, a few You will be looking for a reliable florslices of leftover roast,- some ist. A florist that will give you origcold chicken, a dab of cheese inal and creative ideas, a guarantee spread—all of these make tasty a matching headpiece held her In a ceremony on June 20 in of. quality and freshness of your Our Lady of Mount Carmel veil of French illusion. She car- sandwiches. Likewise, a / piece flowers. Church, Miss Sharon Lynn Ellis, ried a bouquet of red roses and of pie or part of a cake will You will find time to" discuss these daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al- white baby carnations with taste just as fresh two weeks important plans in a relaxed atmofrom now if packaged and bert Ellis of Third Avenue, be- baby's breath. sphere. came the bride of Anthony Mrs. Linda DeNisio was ma- frozen. David Mone, son of Mr. and tron of honor for her sister. If you're storing foods in the Call Bob or Ron Felthousen^ — Mrs. Anthony Mone of Hend- Bridesmaids were Mrs. Nadean freezer section, you : may want rickson Street. The Rev. San- Plumb, sister of the bride, Miss to package ice cubes and store tino Titta performed the cere- Linda Starsiak and Mrs. Mari- 4hem in the freezer, too, says mony, and Mr. Ellis gave his anna Peek of Poughkeepsie. Miss - Stacy. • Packaging the daughter in marriage. • Each attendant wore an empire cubes will -prevent their going gowrt of red and white printed stale and. will assure you the The bride was gowned in eyeCOUNTRY FLORIST t CUSTOM LANDSCAPING let embroidered organza. The cotton with a white straw pic- makings of an ice cold drink • 1537 VAN ANTWERP RD. 374-4414 yoke, bodice, deep cuffs of the ture hat, and carried a basket oh your return. "still in the Felthouten family since 1860" gown and its chapel train were of red and white carnations. accented with venise lace, and Robert Mone was best man About controls: If you're leavfor his brother, and guests were ing a supply of frozen foods in seated by Richard Plumb, the freezer section, the control brother-in-law of the bride/ Jo- should be kept at its regular seph Rizzo, cousin of the bride- setting during your absence. If groom, and Ronald Peek of the frozen food supply, however, is exhausted, then the control Poughkeepsie. A reception was held at the should be turned to a warmer CIO Hall, after which Mr. Mone setting. and his bride left for Florida. The refrigerator, if it will be On their return, their address empty, may be turned comwill be 1.393 Glenwood Blvd pletely "OFF". Just remember, The brjdejs a__gTaduate_of|however. to leave the door ajar rnhnn-ir/tn U infi C?iTlrtftT nnff -# _•_ . l . ^ T H ^ — — . V : I_ »i Mohonasen High School arid of air cirtfuiaTfdn wmie you ' f? Colonna Beauty School of Al- gone and, on your return, rebany, Inc. She Is owner and member again Mo allow time operator of The Beauty Haven for-.the refrigerator to reach on Guilderiand Avenue. proper cooling temperature. Mr. Mone, an alumnus of Food feezer — celebrate your Mont Tlcasant High School, is homecoming before you ever employed by Wilson and Co. start your vacation by stocking —» your "freezer with food for the first major meal upon your reDifferent Ideas turn. This eliminates the need Four Attend Miss Marshall Bride of Robert J. Peters Pre-vacation Check List Suggested Fiancee of Dr. Kent Healey PLANNING a JULY WEDDING? Sharon Lynn Ellis, Bride Of Anthony David Mone FELTHOUSEN'S fe. For Fixing Carrots for an immcd,nto ,rjp |(| . |he The carrot docs not have to market for first-meal fixings, be the bland part of your din- j U's a good idea , sucuests ner menu. They may be boiled.Miss Stacy; to arrange with a with the skin on and the outside!neighbor to check your food jacket will slip off easily. Or freezer in case of a prolonged they can be fried. power outage. Before frying they can be dip- Dishwasher — If yours is a ped in flour, .egg, and flour portable dishwasher, be rare again, or they can be rolled in the hoses are disconnected. crushed breakfast cereal. How Soiled dishes and silver should about cooking them with pota- be cleaned before leaving. The toes and then mashing to- short cycTOrTsome dishwashgether? ers is ideal for doing lastA package of frozen french- minute odds and ends. fried onion rings can be cooked Check your dishwasher, too. with the carrots for a casserole If the detergent box is only effect. Just heat the onions and partially full, place the box in a carrots together thoroughly. plastic bag or wrap to prevent caking. When the white man first arrived on New England shores Washer — Turn off your launthe indians sold him dried dry faucets to relieve pressure wild blueberries in huge wicker on the hoses connected to your automatic washer. baskets. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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