June 2015 - Christchurch and St Peters Church, Mountsorrel

June 2015
Christ Church, Mountsorrel
St. Peter’s, Mountsorrel
Services and Diary Dates
Monday 1 June
Christ Church - Craft Group meets in Bower Room
Christ Church - Men’s fellowship meet in the Bower Room
Tuesday 2 June
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
Wednesday 3 June
Prayers at CC and SP Primary School
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
12.00-2.00pm Meet for Lunch at Cromwell Road Coffee House.
Christ Church – CAP Course in the Bower Room
Thursday 4 June
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
St. Peter’s – A meeting to plan the Churches Together in Mountsorrel
contribution to the Mountsorrel Revival Event on 9 August. All
welcome to give ideas, suggestions and offers of help.
Friday 5 June
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
Christine’s “Sing & Story” at MyCafe (for pre-school)
Marriage Preparation Course (final week)
Sunday 7 June (Trinity 1)
St. Peter’s – Matins
- Rev’d Colin Resch
Christ Church – Holy Communion
- Christine Butcher/Rev’d. Colin Resch
Fun@4 – Christ Church – Theme ‘Sharing the Story’
All Nations Church – Prayer for Leicestershire.
at the All Nations Centre, 10 Frog Island, LE3 5AG
Monday 8 June
Craft Group meets in The Bower Room, Christ Church
Tuesday 9 June
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
Wednesday 10 June
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
12.00-2.00pm Meet for Lunch at Cromwell Road Coffee House.
Christ Church – CAP Course in the Bower Room
Thursday 11 June
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
Friday 12 June
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
Christine’s “Sing & Story” at MyCafe (for pre-school)
Saturday 13 June
Resourcing Event - New and existing wardens and PCC officers are Invited to
attend a Resourcing Event at St. Martins House, Leicester - 9.15am for 9.30 until
Mountsorrel Annual Charities Fayre on The Green
Sunday 14 June (Trinity 2)
St. Peter’s – Holy Communion - Rev’d. Barry Hill
Christ Church – Service of Healing and Wholeness
- Christine Butcher
St. Peter’s – Senior Sunday/TLC
(ask Christine or Lesley for an invitation)
Monday 15 June
Christ Church, Craft Group – meet in The Bower Room,
C.T.i M. Prayer Meeting, at Mountsorrel Baptist Church
Tuesday 16 June
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Wednesday 17 June
Christ Church and St. Peter’s School Prayers
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
12.00-2.00pm Meet for Lunch at Cromwell Road Coffee House.
Hymn Singing at ‘The Poplars’
Christ Church – CAP Course in the Bower Room
Thursday 18 June
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Deanery Synod, at All Saints, Thorpe Acre
Friday 19 June
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Christine’s “Sing & Story” at MyCafe (for pre-school)
Sunday 21 June (Trinity 3) Father’s Day
Christ Church – Family Worship for Father’s Day
- Helen Hodson
St. Peter’s – Evensong –
-Edmund Stacey/Christine Butcher
Monday 22 June
Craft Group – meets in the Bower Room, Christ Church
Tuesday 23 June
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Wednesday 24 June
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
12.00-2.00pm Meet for Lunch at Cromwell Road Coffee House.
Thursday 25 June
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Friday 26 June
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Christine’s “Sing & Story” at MyCafe (for pre-school)
Saturday 27 June
10.-00 am Christ Church Annual Summer Fayre – see p.9) Lots of stalls
with goodies to sell. Donations of plants, cakes, bric a brac,
craft etc. volunteers needed to help. For more details,
contact Christine Butcher. Proceeds to Tearfund for Nepal.
Sunday 28 June (St. Peter) PATRONAL FESTIVAL DAY
Christ Church - Prayer and Praise, - Rev’d Colin Resch
Benefice Summer Picnic for Church members, families
- 4.00pm
and friends at Stafford’s Orchard Park, Quorn.
Bring food to eat/share, and games to play
St. Peter’s - Holy Communion for St. Peter’s Day
- Rev’d Colin Resch
Monday 29 June
Christ Church, Craft Group meet in the Bower Room
Tuesday 30 June
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
Just for Ladies Pudding Party, Hosted by Liz at the Vicarage
Mission Action Group meeting at Quorn
Wednesday 1 July
Prayers at CC and SP Primary School
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
12.00-2.00pm Meet for Lunch at Cromwell Road Coffee House.
Thursday 2 July
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
Friday 3 July
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
Christine’s “Sing & Story” at MyCafe (for pre-school)
Alpha Re-union Celebration Meal, Christ Church
Sunday 5 July
School Summer Fayre, C. C. and St. Peter’s Primary School
St. Peter’s – Matins
Christ Church – Holy Communion
Christ Church - Fun@4 – theme “I’m not doing that”
Monday 6 July
Christ Church, Craft Group meets in Bower Room
Christ Church - Men’s fellowship meet in the Bower Room
Tuesday 7 July
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
Christ Church – PCC Meeting in the Bower Room
An honour for Mountsorrel. Following his successful re-election,
Cllr. John Capleton will be made Mayor of Charnwood on 1st June
and Rev’d Colin Resch will become Mayor’s Chaplain. This is a
great honour that will allow our Priest in Charge to support the
Mayor on various occasions and the privilege of taking prayer to
the heart of the council meetings. Please remember both Colin and
John in your prayers.
From the Vicarage……
The Spitting Image
Have you ever been to an event or made a purchase only to discover that
All is not quite as it might have been advertised. You may feel cheated
because you were expecting one thing and what you got was distinctly
different; or maybe you’ve been to a theatre performance to discover that the
‘big name’ star due to play the lead role is poorly and you end up watching a
I recently read of a Mexican state politician who finds his time so stretched and
that he wants to be in two places at the same time and is looking for a body
double to cope with his “many obligations”. Renato Tronco Gomez, an
independent deputy in the eastern state of Veracruz, is running a contest to
find the right man. “I used to send representatives to events I couldn’t attend
and the idea of a double emerged two years ago as a joke,” he said. The
winner will be required to study the way he acts and speaks but according to
Mr Tronco Gomez engagements like attending the state legislature will be offlimits. The competition is being run via his Facebook page and his wife who is
also strictly out of bounds to the successful candidate, will play a crucial role in
picking the winner. “She knows me inside and out,” said Mr Tronco Gomez.
No-one likes second best. Nobody really wants to end up watching he
understudy – no matter how good they are.
But what about God? Does Jesus play second fiddle to the Father? Well,
clearly not. Here’s how St. Paul put it when he wrote to the Christian Church at
“Christ is exactly like God, who cannot be seen. He is the first-born Son, superior
to all creation. Everything was created by him, everything in heaven and on
earth, everything seen and unseen, including all forces and powers, and all
rulers and authorities. All things were created by /god’s Son, and everything
was made for him. God’s Son was before all else, and by him everything is held
together. He is the head of his body, which is the church. He is the very
beginning, the first to be raised from death, so that he would be above all
others.” From the Bible: Colossians 1.15-18
From this it is clear to see that Jesus is not a substitute for God. He is far more
than that, he is in very nature, God. Let us worship him today in Spirit and in
……With every blessing, Colin Resch
Patronal Festival
This year we will be celebrating St Peter's Day on Sunday 28th June.
Do join us for as much of the day as you can manage. We will begin with a
special service of Prayer & Praise in Christ Church at 11am. This will be followed,
as usual, by refreshments in the Bower Room. We will then gather at the
Stafford Orchards Park in Quorn for a bring-and-share picnic. Either bring your
own picnic or bring some food to share. We will end our day together with a
special service of Holy Communion in St Peter's Church at 6pm. If you would like
a lift to any of the events, please contact one of the wardens or leave a message
at the vicarage.
Prayer Ministry Training
Have you ever wanted to feel more confident in praying with and for other
people? Would you like to be part of a team of people offering prayer ministry
during our Sunday services? Would you like to know more about prayers for
healing? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the do join the short
(4 evening sessions) Prayer Ministry Course that we are running within the
Mission Partnership Group beginning on 2 September. This course will be lead
by Rev’d Prebendary John Woolmer and culminate with a service of
commissioning on Sunday 18th October, 6pm at St Leonard's Church, Swithland.
Please have a word with me if you would like more information.
A Farewell Service for Bishop Tim
A special service in Leicester Cathedral will mark the retirement of Bishop Tim
Stevens on Saturday 11th July 2015. Everyone is welcome to attend this service
to bid farewell to Bishop Tim as he retires. The service will begin at 3pm, doors
open from 2pm. There are no reserved seats or tickets. Seating will be on a 'first
come first served' basis, but there will be room for everybody either in the
Cathedral or in the Cathedral Gardens. A large screen will be erected in the
Cathedral Gardens so everyone can see. After the service there will be a party
with music and refreshments in the Cathedral Gardens, concluding at 7:30pm.
The cathedral would like an idea of the numbers likely to attend so please add
your name to the lists in either church so that we can let them know how many
folk from Mountsorrel might be going.
Thank you, Colin
Future dates for your diary
Thursday 9 July
Men’s Curry Night at The Spice Cube restaurant, Mountsorrel
Saturday 11 July
Special service at St. Martins Cathedral to mark
the retirement of Bishop Tim Stevens (see p.7 )
Saturday 26 July
Church BBQ at The Vicarage
Sunday 9 August
Mountsorrel Revival Event
Friday 4 September
The next Alpha Course begins
Saturday 12 September
Leicestershire Historic Churches Trust Ride and Stride DaySunday 20 September
Christ Church - Confirmation Service
Just 4 Ladies – A Pudding Party
Come and enjoy fellowship - whilst trying out some puddings
Date Tuesday 30 June 2015
Time: 7.00pm at The Vicarage
Men’s Curry Night
Calling all men….
Come and join us for an evening of curry (limited English
food available) on Thursday 9 July at the Spice Cube
restaurant, Mountsorrel. Prior booking is essential so that
we can confirm numbers with the venue.
Please call/email Colin Resch (details on back page) to
confirm your place
Christ Church, Mountsorrel
Annual Summer Fayre
Saturday 27 June
(10.00am – 3.00pm)
Cream Teas
& more
**Proceeds to Tearfund for Nepal**
For more details contact Christine Butcher
Quiet Days
Rev’d. Prebendary John Woolmer
offers a day of quiet, study and prayer
with the opportunity to walk in
Swithland Wood and Bradgate Park.
Programme: 10.00am
Study with music
Lunch (BYO)
Prayer with music:
Tea and Depart
Dates offered: Wed. 24 June and Wed. 15 July
To book a place contact:
jstwoolmer@gmail.com / tel. 0116 2355237
Quiet Gardens in Leicestershire
Enjoy a day of spiritual renewal, reflection and the
appreciation of beauty - Leave daily cares behind and share
with a small group of others, the hospitality of a private house
and garden.
Enter into the silence of the day, gently guided by a leader and
conclude by joining a short act of Christian worship
Lots of dates from June to September,
including some local venues - Birstall, Rothley, Loughborough
for more information and detailed list of venues
please contact Heather Parkinson
Tel 01509 827081 or heather.parkinson@uwclub.net
Leicestershire Historic Churches Trust
Annual Ride and Stride
Saturday 12 September 2015
Raise funds for Leics. Historic Churches Fund/Church Funds by walking
or cycling to local churches
See information on our church notice boards
for sponsorship forms, contact Jo Clarke
(Please volunteer to greet visitors at each of our Churches)
Trusts throughout England organise within their own counties a
Sponsored Ride+Stride The basic principle is that 50% of sponsorship
money goes to the church or chapel chosen by the participant, with the
other 50% going to the respective County Trust. You can be sponsored
as a cyclist, as a walker or as a recorder (someone who welcomes visitors
to your church and signs sponsorship forms).
Participants plan their own routes (which may cross county borders), with
the assistance of each county’s printed list of churches and chapels that
are open on the day. Riders and striders ask their relations, friends and
colleagues to sponsor them - so much for each church or chapel they visit
between 10am and 6pm on the day, or a lump sum. This is recorded on
a special sponsor form, and participants can take part for as long or short
a time, within the day, as is convenient for them.
The first Ride in Leicester and Leicestershire was held in 1990 and has
been going strong ever since. The total amount raised in Leicester/shire
now exceeds £877,000.
SyCafe News –
SyCafe News – 14th May 2015
Although it may seem quiet at present in the background our Youth
Workers and Volunteers are plotting and planning a new youth
programme to refresh and widen the appeal of the Cafe to a larger
catchment of young people in the village. They are being helped by the
three European Volunteer Service youth workers who have now started
working with us, one each from Poland, The Ukraine and Italy. Hopefully
many of you will have the opportunity to meet them as they will be with us
until the year end. Along with their help we also hope to have some
National Community Service Volunteers working with us over the summer.
Debbie, one of our very supportive parents, is running a Rummage Sale
as fund raiser on the morning of 30th May. Do please come along and
support her efforts on our behalf.
Although we are, as ever, looking for funds to support The Cafe, the
young people and the users of the morning Community Cafe also
recognise the needs of others and recently raised money through cake
sales and donations for relief in the recent Nepalese earthquakes.
We welcome any offers of help (and financial support of course!) be that
directly as a Youth Work or Cafe Volunteer or indeed in the background
helping with fundraising or maintenance. If you’d like to know more just
ask me.
John johncdoyle@talktalk.net
Saturday Games Sessions - refreshments included - £4.00.
On the second Saturday of each month, 2.00pm at SyCafe.
Just turn up or phone Brenda Chappell on 0116 2301471 for further
information. (If anyone is able to donate scrabble boards, dominoes,
playing cards or any other games, they would be very much appreciated)
Regular A
For families/people of all ages
Meets at Christ Church on the first Sunday of the month
(except August)
The programme includes:
 Welcome
 Activities ~ crafts/competitions/games
 Celebration ~ with story /song/prayer
 Tea ~ sandwiches/nibbles & cakes
Each session follows a theme that is explored by the
activities and developed in the celebration.
for more information please contact Helen Hodson
Tel: 0116 2303828
Regular Activities
These groups and activities are open to anyone in the community.
Invite family, neighbours and friends -just come along
Senior Sunday
T.L.C - (Tea and Lovely Cake)
To be held at St. Peter’s, one Sunday each month at 4.00pm
The next one will be on Sunday 14 June
Please let Christine, Lesley or Colin know of any people over 60
who would value going to a short service followed by tea.
Meet, usually on the first Monday of each month
at 7.30pm in the Bower Room, Christ Church.
We would be pleased to welcome more men to the group.
1.30 – 3.30pm in the Bower Room, Christ Church.
Everyone welcome to join this friendly group.
Bring your current craft project
Sew, knit, crochet, Stitch, Compare ideas, swap patterns etc.
We share our skills - everyone welcome
12.00 – 2.00pm
for a cuppa or lunch and fellowship
(Maureen and Nigel sell lovely food at reasonable prices)
11.00am on 3rd Wednesday of each month as follows:
June 17 (M)
July 15 (A)
Aug 19 (A)
Sept 16 (M)
Oct 21 (A)
Nov 18 (M)
Dec 16 (A) Carol Singing
All Welcome
(A = Anglican led
M = Methodist led)
Soar Valley Community Food Project
The Soar Valley Community Food Project is open at
Rothley Baptist Church on Mondays from 11.00am to 1.00pm
If you would like to make a donation, there is a box at the back of Christ
Church to receive gifts of canned meat/vegetables & packets of dried food.
Need Prayer or a Home Visit?
If you, or someone you know, is in need of prayer, then please
call 0116 429 9946
or email revcolinresch@icloud.com.
If you would like a home/hospital visit for prayer and/or
communion, please contact me in the same way
– Colin Resch
Prayer and Praise
Join us for an informal time of prayer and worship as we listen to
the Spirit of God and pray for the needs of Mountsorrel. Prayer
and Praise evenings will be on the fourth Sunday of every month.
The next Prayer and Praise service will be a morning service
- 11.00am on Sunday 28 June at Christ Church.
All are welcome.
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals at Christ Church
or St. Peter’s Mountsorrel
For enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals,
please contact Rev. Colin Resch on 0116 429 9946
or email revcolinresch@icloud.com
View our web pages http://cofe.mountsorrel.org/
Christ Church/St. Peter’s Church, Mountsorrel
Christ Church and St Peter’s – Contact Information
Priest in Charge
T: 0116 429 9946
Rev. Colin Resch
The Vicarage, 4 Rothley Road, Mountsorrel,
Loughborough, LE12 7JU
M: 07878 029879 E: revcolinresch@icloud.com
Mrs Christine Butcher 0116 2376122
or 0770 8443870
Mr Edmund Stacey 01509 214802
Mrs Helen Hodson 0116 2303828
Wardens for Christ Church:
Mr Peter Hodson:
0116 2303828
Mrs Veronica Liquorish:
Wardens for St. Peter’s:
Mr David Bird
0116 2303095
Mr Ian Evans
01509 890889
Booking contact for Bower Room:
Mrs Val Doyle: 0116 2375623 or Email valjdoyle@hotmail.com
For PCC Agenda items contact:
Christ Church PCC Secretary: Mr Peter Hodson
St. Peters PCC Secretary:
Mr David Bird
0116 2303828
0116 2303095
Treasurer - Christ Church and St. Peter’s:
Mrs Val Doyle
0116 2375623 Email: valjdoyle@hotmail.com
Parish Administrator:
Paul Rowley
0116 4120143 admin@mountsorrelstpeters.org
Copy date for the newsletter is the third Sunday of each month
but if items are ready, please send earlier.
to - Jo Clarke Email clarkejo44@yahoo.co.uk