Connection Card Today, May 03, 2015 I want to… ___ Respond to Jesus Christ for the first time, asking Him to be my Savior and Lord ___ Talk with someone about a situation in my life ________________________________ —-Malaga June 6 ___Children’s Ministry ___Coffee Cove ___Housekeeping ‘Welcome’ We hope the following information will prove helpful to you as you worship with us today. What We Believe We believe The Bible is the Inspired Word of God, and that Jesus died on behalf of the world and each person must repent of their sins and receive Christ as their Savior in order to receive the gift of Eternal Life. Who We Are We are a fellowship of Christians that exists to serve Christ. We have no denominational affiliation. Our desire as believers is to obey Christ through spiritual growth and ministry to others. We long for all people to know of a savior who loved us all enough to die on a cross so that we are able to be forgiven of sin and given the gift of eternal life. Our church’s purpose statement speaks to that desire. ___Audio/Visual/Lighting “Our purpose is to lead people into a loving and mature relationship with Jesus Christ and to equip and inspire them to do the same.” Please visit: Name____________________________ Address:____________________________________ Phone:______________________________________ Requested by:_______________________________ Prayers Requests: May 03, 2015 Name:___________________________________ Broadcast on LIFT FM Bridgeton 98.3, LIFT FM Millville 103.3 Sunday 7 am & 2 pm. CHURCH GIVING Weekly Budget Goal: $ 7764.00 April 26 $ 3650.00 Corporate Worship Each Sunday we participate in corporate worship at 9am and 11am. Our service is contemporary in style, so you will see the song lyrics on the screen as well as the Bible passages we use. Bible passages are displayed using the English Standard Version (ESV). We encourage you to bring your own Bible. Community Kids Our children’s ministry called, “Community Kids,” is designed to present the Bible as the Word of God. Children are instructed in Biblical truth in a way that is understandable and interesting. They are surrounded by teachers who have a heart to reach these little ones with God’s truth. Currently in our 9am service we offer classes for all children Birth-3rd grade. At the 11am service we have a program for all children Birth through 6th grade. We are excited about our curriculum and encourage you to join your child in the learning process! Our infant nursery (Birth to 1 year old) is located in the first room on the right in the hallway next to the Sanctuary. All other children are in the Family Life Center. Connect Several small groups and ministries exist for you to connect here at CCCC. Please stop at our Welcome Center to receive updated information on small groups and ministries that are offered. How To Connect With Us You will find a tear off on the right side of the bulletin. Please fill this out and take it to the welcome desk in the foyer/welcome area. As you drop off the card we have a special gift to give you in appreciation for your sharing this day with us. You may also go to our web site at for more information. For The Benefit Of All As a courtesy to others, please be sure all cell phones, pagers and watch alarms are turned off before worship begins. Thank You again for sharing this Lord’s day with us. It is our hope and prayer that we have been a blessing to you and that you will return Your Blessed Life Now Living the Beatitudes April 12 Who do you think you are? April 19 Good Mourning April 26 Mastered by the Master May 03 Hungering for Holiness May 10 Giving People what they don’t deserve May 17 The Cure for Heart Disease May 24 Becoming a Peacemaker May 31 Profiting from Persecution The Motivation of Resurrection Faith OUR PURPOSE IS TO LEAD PEOPLE INTO A LOVING AND MATURE RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST AND TO EQUIP AND INSPIRE THEM TO DO THE SAME. Finding Your Place To Serve This Week at CCCC MONDAY TUESDAY May 03, 2015 Women of the Word— Ladies Small Group May 04, 2015 Angel’s Closet 4Seasons Small Group May 05, 2015 8:00am 5:00pm Overeaters Anonymous (Room 103 Family Life Center) 7:30pm WEDNESDAY May 06, 2015 Master’s Maintenance Men Ladies of the Lord—Ladies Small Group Worship Team Band Team KID Worship Team Brenda’s Small Group THURSDAY FRIDAY May 07, 2015 Weight Watchers (Family Life Center) FIGS Small Group May 08, 2015 Friday’s Ladies Group (Conference Room) Community Health & Wellness Fair SATURDAY 1:00pm 6:30pm Home School Academy South Jersey Weight Watchers (Family Life Center) Tea N Talk—Ladies Small Group 7:00pm 9:00am 9:30am 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 10:00am 7:00pm 10:00am 2-6pm May 09, 2015 Community Health & Wellness Fair 9am-12N HEALTH FAIR Come out and join us for our 1st Annual Community Health & Wellness Fair! We will have local health agencies and organizations provide services, resources & information on how to get healthy & stay healthy! We encourage you to make positive lifestyle changes to help reduce your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses. These screenings are a first step to helping you identify some of your health risks. Screenings will be provided on a first come, first serve basis. SUNDAY SERVICES WITH PASTOR SAL ROGGIO: 9:00AM & 11:00AM Kid Oriented 12:30pm Blesssed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they shall be satisfied…..Matthew 5:6 TODAY Prayerfully consider these opportunities to find your place of service! Connection Card May 03, 2015 Thank you for choosing to worship with us today; we are delighted to welcome you as our guest. We would appreciate having a record of your presence. Please complete the information on this page and place in the basket located at our Welcome Booth. ____1st Time Guest ____Regular Attendee Teachers, Substitutes and Helpers for Sundays and TeamKID Behind the scenes during the week Housekeeping (alternating weeks) Love to serve people on Sundays and special occasions Coffee Cove (before or after service) Technical I attended: ____ 1st Service (9am) ____ 2nd Service (11:00am) First Time Guests, show this form at the Welcome Booth in the Foyer for a free gift. NAME: _____________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________ CITY:_______________________________________ Training & positions are available for camera, sound, computer and lights for Sunday and special occasions. Colossians 3:23-24 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Spring Cleaning at Malaga It is time again to help one of our Missionaries. We will take part in preparing Malaga Camp grounds for Handi Camp on Saturday June 6 from 9-12N. Come in cleaning clothes. You can bring your cleaning and yard care tools with you. Arrive at Malaga Camp at 9am for donuts and coffee and you will be done by Noon and will then enjoy Pizza! Malaga Camp is on Delsea Drive just before the town of Malaga. Please register on your `Connection Card 1800 EAST BROAD STREET MILLVILLE, NJ 08332 PHONE: 856.327.2222 STATE:__________________ ZIP:_____________ BIRTHDATE: M______ D______ Y__________ EMAIL:______________________________________ PHONE: H:__________________________________ Cell:__________________________________ SPOUSE’S NAME:___________________________ BIRTHDATE: M______ D______ Y___________ EMAIL: _____________________________________ CELL PHONE: _________________________________ HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US? __ FRIEND/FAMILY __ SIGN __ WEBSITE __ TV/RADIO __ OTHER ____________________________ ____ Yes, I have been attending for a while and would like to be included in the Directory. ____ This is a Change in my Contact Info. Age Group: ____School age ____College ____ Adult
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