SERVING JESUS TODAY 8:00 am Service Liturgist: Greeters: Acolytes: Musicians: Sound Technician: Heather Dolhi Jamie & Ed Murray and Robin Henry TBA Organist: Kim Thoma Pianist: Linda Lorenz AV Team Liturgist: Greeters: Acolytes: Musicians: Sound Technician: John Toellner Lisa & Jim Wagner and Audrey Hayes Emily Spudy and Maura Coiner Organist: Kim Thoma Pianist: Linda Lorenz AV Team Liturgist: Greeters: Acolytes: Musicians: Sound Technician: Alyce Urban Bob & Julian Riley and Linda Riley Allison Huffman and Ben Hollerman Organist: Kim Thoma Pianist: Linda Lorenz AV Team 9:30 am Service 11:00 am Service Welcome to Community United Methodist Church ~ April 5, 2015 Our Vision: To know Christ and to share Christ with others Ministers: All of the Church Family Pastor: John E. Ciampa - Ext. 115 Email Address: Pastor: Rich Phipps - Ext. 116 Email Address: Director of Youth Ministries: Frank Audia – Ext. 130 Email Address: Minister of Pastoral Care: Pastor Jim Decker – (724) 515-7252 – Director of Connectional Ministries: Elizabeth Somes –Ext. 204 Email Address: Director of Children’s Ministries: Erin Kerstetter - Ext. 214 Email Address: Director of Traditional Worship Arts - Keeley DiMartino - 724-713-5273 Email Address: Director of Current Worship Arts - Jessica Wegley - Email Address: Director of Food Ministries: Kendra Simpson - Secretaries: Carole Helsel– Wendy Johnson– Church Telephone: (724) 744-3413 Church Address: 3487 Route 130, Irwin, PA 15642 Resident Bishop: Thomas J. Bickerton Church Fax Number: (724) 744-4758 District Superintendent: Patricia Nelson Church E-mail Address - Church Web Page Address: Parsonage Address: Pastor John - 6 Brook Valley Drive, Harrison City, PA 15636 (724) 744-2289 Parsonage Address: Pastor Rich - 404 Longview Drive, Manor, PA 15665 (724) 454-1395 Ministry Areas: Discipleship: Pam French - (724) 744-5011 Email Address: Fellowship: Worship: Ric DelleCave (724) 594-7384 Email Address: Evangelism: Don Dolhi - (724) 744-2986 Email Address: Ministry: Krista Karnbauer - (724) 861-0286 Email Address: Communications: WELCOME TO COMMUNITY CHURCH CHILDREN’S MOMENT “Easter Surprise” Kids4Christ: Children (3½ - 3rd Gr) are invited to the Fellowship Hall for this exciting children’s ministry! A United Methodist Congregation Our joy is immeasurable on this day of Resurrection. We are moved to exclaim, “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!” Happy Easter! Welcome! Let us worship God. READING GOD’S WORD Acts 10: 34-43 (The Message) SHARING OUR JOYS AND CONCERNS PREPARING OUR HEARTS TO PRAY UMH #318 -verses 1 & 5 “Christ Is Alive” Christ is alive! Let Christians sing. His cross stands empty to the sky. Let streets and homes with praises ring. His love in death shall never die. Christ is alive, and comes to bring good news to this and every age, till earth and all creation ring with joy, with justice, love and praise. CONGREGATIONAL WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS MUSIC LEADING US TO WORSHIP “Christ Is Risen! Alleluia!” CALL TO WORSHIP ONE VOICE: ALL VOICES: ONE VOICE: ALL VOICES: ONE VOICE: ALL VOICES: ONE VOICE: ALL VOICES: ONE VOICE: ALL VOICES: Slow steps under the shadow of death, three women make their way to the tomb. Heavy hearts are bent in sadness, Reddened-eyes from the ache of the brutal death. Then, the dawning of hope and the ripples of joy. An angel speaks; He is not here! He is risen! He is risen as he said! Sound the trumpet, shout for joy, laugh, hug, rejoice!!! An empty cross and now, the empty tomb! Grab hold of courage; unleash the buried song. Look death in the eye; walk on in confidence. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! HYMN UMH #302 “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” –verses 1,2,4,6 AN EASTER AFFIRMATION OF FAITH As Easter people, WE BELIEVE God is Lord of both life and death. WE BELIEVE that in an astounding act of grace, Jesus suffered and died on the cross to save us from our sins. WE BELIEVE, three days later, Jesus was raised from the dead, promising us salvation, not because we deserve it, but out of love, through grace. WE BELIEVE we are called to respond to that gift of grace, not out of duty, but in gratitude, to seek peace, care for the ill, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, lift up the downcast and welcome the outcast; to carry on Christ's work until Christ comes again. WE BELIEVE, as Easter people, that the risen Christ is with us and that Christ will come again. As Easter people, this WE BELIEVE! Alleluia! AMEN! SINGING OUR FAITH UMH #307 -verses 1 & 3 “Christ Is Risen” Christ is risen! Shout Hosanna! Celebrate this day of days. Christ is risen! Hush in wonder; all creation is amazed. In the desert all surrounding, see, a spreading tree has grown. Healing leaves of grace abounding bring a taste of love unknown. Christ is risen! Earth and heaven nevermore shall be the same. Break the bread of new creation where the world is still in pain. Tell its grim, demonic chorus: “Christ is risen! Get you gone!” God the First and Last is with us. Sing Hosanna everyone! PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE ~ THE LORD’S PRAYER UMH #895 SHARING OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS “Easter Hymn” SONG OF THANKSGIVING UMH #95 “Praise God, from Whom all Blessings Flow” Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. READING GOD’S WORD - I Corinthians 15: 1-11 -pew Bible, N.T. page 176 MINISTRY OF MUSIC 8:00am “In Christ Alone” By Taylor Powell 9:30 & 11:00am “Forth He Came At Easter” By Chancel Choir GOSPEL READING - Mark 16: 1-8 (NRSV) -pew Bible, N.T. pages 54, 55 (those willing and able, please stand) THE EASTER MESSAGE ~ “The Never-Ending Story” ~ Pastor John Ciampa HYMN OF TRIUMPH UMH # 310 “He Lives” BLESSING AND SENDING FORTH CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE UMH #322–vs 3 “Up From the Grave He Arose” Death cannot keep its prey, Jesus my Savior; he tore the bars away, Jesus my Lord! Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o’er his foes; He arose a victor from the dark domain, and he lives forever, With his saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose! 9:30am & 11:00am “HALLELUJAH CHORUS” -from “Handel’s Messiah” ~ you are invited to stand ~ presented by the Chancel & Easter Choir ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LECTIONARY READINGS – April 5, 2015, Easter Sunday Acts 10:34-43, Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8 Please stand if able Please Note: No Connect Guides This Weekend. Please enjoy a time of fellowship with your family. ~ Trouble Hearing the Service? Please ask an Usher for a Hearing Assist System device. Please check the area(s) that interest you, and provide your contact information in the space provided on the front. Leave in the offering plate or at the Welcome Center. EVENTS AT OUR CHURCH April 5 - 11, 2015 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUNDAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would like information about: □ Becoming a Christian □ Church Membership □ Children’s Ministries □ Youth Ministries (grades 7-12) □ Adult Ministries □ Music Ministries MONDAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please Remember to Fill Out the Other Side With Your Contact Information. TUESDAY Graduate Information □ Name: ____________________________________ School Graduating From: ____________________________________ Service Attending: 6:00pm 8:30am WEDNESDAY (circle one) 10:45am 11:00am Pizza With The Pastor □ Yes, I/we will attend Sat. _______ # of people attending Sun. _______ # of people attending ================================== Prayer Request THURSDAY (Please Print All Information) My Name:____________________________ (Optional) Please Pray For: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ (Please select one option below - Request will not be printed in bulletin if nothing selected) Please put in bulletin _____ Please keep confidential _____ Please remove from list _____ FRIDAY SATURDAY 8:00am 9:30am 9:30am 9:45am 9:45am 10:45am 11:00am 1:00pm 8:00pm Easter Traditional Service - Sanctuary Easter Traditional Service - Sanctuary Easter Family Current Service-Multi-Ministry Rm. No Sunday School - All Ages No Confirmation Easter Current Service - Multi-Ministry Room Easter Traditional Service - Sanctuary Fellowship Hall Reserved AA’s Open Meeting – Fellowship Hall Office Closed 6:45pm Girl Scouts - Rooms 203-205 7:00pm Stephen Ministry - Room 211 7:00pm Trustees Meeting - Room 207 7:30pm Praise Moves - Multi-Ministry Room 9:15am 9:30am 2:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm PraiseMoves - Multi-Ministry Room Girl Scout Leaders - Patterson Parlor Staff Building Meeting - Patterson Parlor GriefShare - Room 207 Divorce Care - Patterson Parlor Building Team Meeting - Room 210-212 Pastoral Care - Room 209 Mission Team - Sanctuary NO F.E.A.S.T. 6:15pm KC³ - Room 202 6:30pm Disciple 1 - Pastor John’s Office 6:30pm Disciple 2 - Room 211 6:30pm Disciple 3 - Room 209 6:30pm Safe Sanctuary - Room 210-212 6:45pm UM Kids / Faithweavers/Bible Buddies - FH 6:45pm CLUB 56 - Youth Room 6:45pm Men’s Group - Room 207 7:00pm Prayer Service - Sanctuary 9:00am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Busy Hands - Room 207 Disciple 1 - Patterson Parlor Women’s Group - Room 209 Disciple 3 - Room 211 Prayer Group Meeting - Room 207 Girl Scouts - Room 209 Disciple 4 - Patterson Parlor Kids 4 Christ Team Meeting Family Project – Room 210-212 Youth Worship - MMR Scholarship Meeting 9:00am MOPS - Patterson Parlor Women’s Retreat - Jumonville 9:00am Praise Moves - MMR 1:00pm Fellowship Hall Reserved 11:30am MMR Reserved 3:00pm Current Service Set Up - Multi-Ministry Room 6:00pm Current Service - Multi-Ministry Room Women’s Retreat - Jumonville 8 Here Are Some Ways For You To Get Connected @ Events & Announcements April 5 ~ 11, 2015 Welcome Guests! We are so glad you decided to worship with us today and hope you enjoy your time with us. Please fill out the “Tear Off” on pages 7 & 8 to let us know you were here. Thank you for joining us and we hope to see you again soon! Childcare for Easter Services Childcare will be available in Room 120 for the 8:00am, 10:45am & 11:00am services only. There will be no staffed childcare for the 9:30am services. Room 120 downstairs and the comfort/cry room upstairs outside the Sanctuary will be available for parents to use. Attention ALL Women! It’s NOT Too Late to sign up for the 2nd Annual CUMC Women’s Retreat! Join us April 10-12 join us for a Beth Moore Study: LOVING WELL Bring your girlfriends, sisters, mothers for a weekend of God-filled fun and relaxation! Flyers available at the Welcome Centers! SAFE SANCTUARY TRAINING Safe Sanctuary Training will be held Wednesday, April 8th and April 20th at 6:30pm in room 210-212. New laws state that ALL staff must have act 33/34 and FBI fingerprinting and recommend Safe Sanctuary Training. Volunteers involved in children/youth groups, classes, and events must have Safe Sanctuary Training and act 33/34. Please contact Colleen Mosser 412-952-9286 or to register for class or with any questions. Prayer Service The Prayer Service will be offered Wednesday evening April 8th at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. This service is a time to rest your soul and reflect before God, experiencing His presence through music, scripture, prayer, and anointing. Communion Schedule Change April’s observance of Holy Communion will be held on April 11th & 12th. MONDAY, April 6, 2015 ~ Church Office Will Be Closed ~ Happy Easter! Just as a reminder, please do not take your Easter Flower(s) until after the 11:00am Sunday Service. ~ Thank you. Pizza With The Pastors Saturday, May 2nd after the 6:00pm service and Sunday, May 3rd after the 10:45 and 11:00am services. Any new attendee can sign up. We want folks to really be able to talk one to one, we will limit the size of the group, so sign up early. Be sure to sign up on the “Tear Off”. Have questions? Contact Elizabeth Somes at Christian Book Donations Needed For Upcoming “Book Nook” The CUMC Book Nook committee is beginning its purpose to encourage Children, Teens, and Adults in Christian reading. However, it needs your book donations to help it grow. Each family may donate up to ten Christian books for adults, teens, and/or children and drop them off in Patterson Parlor, the weekend of April 11 and 12. We strongly suggest that you bring current and popular Christian works. Books may be new or gently used and free of stains, mildew and musty odors. Any questions, contact Becky Hollerman at or 724-733-8631. 2015 cuMc Men’s softball Community Church's men’s softball team is open to anyone over 16. All skill levels are welcome. Games are played locally against other area churches with the season running from mid May to mid August. Anyone interested in joining the team contact Kevin Dolhi at before April 19. Join us for a summer of great competition and fellowship. Huntington’s Disease Support Group Our HD Support Group meeting will be held on Saturday, April 18th in Patterson Parlor from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Past President Kim Etzel, M.S.N., R.N. and Tammy Makoul, H.D.S.A. W. PA LSW will be our speakers, leading, answering questions pertaining to the disease of symptoms, medications, feedings, caregiving, research, etc. Please park in back of the church at the double glass office doors. Turn left, up the stairs to the 2nd floor. Looking Forward to Spring? We need your help in making our church campus a beautiful place to worship. Please plan to join us on May 2 to spread mulch on the parking lot islands, weed the landscaping beds, prune shrubs and trees, and do general clean-up on the church grounds. We will be working from 8 a.m. to noon. Kendra will provide us with a scrumptious lunch at noon. Please contact Deb MacAllister at 724-744-3413 or for info. F.E.A.S.T. Will Be Back! We will take a week of rest, and recoup from serving thousands at our Fish Dinners, we will resume F.E.A.S.T. on Wednesday, April 15th between 4 and 7 p.m. This is a great opportunity to gather in fellowship. All are welcome…invite your family, friends, and neighbors. Noah’s Kids Registrations for 2015-2016 Onsite Registrations for Noah’s Kids Before/After School Care, Kindergarten Kare and 2015 Summer Day Camp will be held on April 8th & 9th from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at Community UM Church. Please call 724-744-0402 Opt. #2 with any questions. Preschool Teacher Position Available THE ARK is now accepting applications for a preschool teacher for the 2015-2016 school year. A degree in Early Childhood or Elementary Education is required. Contact Dawn Albright, ARK Supervisor @ 724-744-0402, option 1 or with questions. 2 “The Tear Off” April 4 & 5, 2015 WELCOME! Hospitals: Home: George Hayes, Heaven Grace Adam Nursing Homes / Rehab Centers: Golden Heights: Millie Thomas Latrobe Care Center: Anna Mae Watt, Bill Iverson Manor Care: Agnes Leonard Nature Park Commons: Kelly DiRemigio, Don Pitzer St. Annes: Jessie Komara Wm Penn Care: Marlyn Bowery Westminster of Presbyterian Home: Rev. Richard L & Leanna Wright Week #1- God’s will to be done in our world, our church, our government, the armed forces, on our jobs, within our homes, for our families, and for: Brad & Carne, Guy C., Dan, Dorothy Fox, Fran, Mary Jennings, Jody Johnston, Jared Knox, Marion, Petro Family, Timothy Roberts, Todd & Katie Week #2 - Abby, Alison, Bruno Buterworth, Carolyn, Alex Ciampa, Wilma Cobb, Maria Curler, Frank Decker, Marlene & John DePretto, Dave Francis, LeeAnn Grace, Madelyn H., Lisa Herbst, Betty Kanarkowski, Kelley, Rita Kukic, Kelsea Lander, Brian M. Rick M., Marcy Miller, Bill & Donna Noble, Rachel, Harold & Tim Sanner, Slivinsky Family, Rick Smith, Norman Spillers, Terri, Millie Thomas Week #3 - Jeannine Baird, Kelly Brown, Kylie & Rylee Chism, Jamie Grace, Janet Graham, Joe Hackney, Michael Harter, Vicki Harter, Jane Inks, Jason, Jeff, Joanne, Carolyn Joiner, Noa Kunkle, Maybelle Loughner, Mains Family, Rick Nedley, Becky O’Blak, Jean Rowe, Bill Samuels, Donna Yatsko Week #4 - Cathy Bluey Family, Colleen, Karen Colley-Mission Trip, Leora Cumberland, Dom, Fello Family & Bailey, Frances & Samantha, Anita & Kriss Hopkins, Joe Lucas, Paul Jr., Paul Stark We would like to know you were here! If you are a guest or your contact information has changed, please complete this Response Card and place it in the offering plate or take it to the Welcome Center. Welcome Visitors We’re Glad You’re Here! _____ _____ _____ _____ Saturday 6:00pm Service Sunday 8:30am Service Sunday 10:45am Service Sunday 11:00am Service Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Mr. & Mrs. __________________________________ Name __________________________________ Address __________________________________ City __________________________________ State Zip Phone: __________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________ E-mail: ___________________________ ____ I am a member of CUMC ____ I regularly attend ____ I wish to join Child(ren’s) Name(s) and Age(s): _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ I am visiting today, this is my: ___ 1st Visit ___ 2nd Visit ___ 3rd Visit Prayers For Fellow Churches Pray for our brothers and sisters at Friendship Baptist Church - N. Huntingdon Pray for God’s blessings on their ministry. 7 What brought you to today’s service? ____ I am new to the area ____ I am considering a new church home ____ I am here for a special event ____ I am a guest of ___________________ ____ Other __________________________ MINISTRIES THAT CAN HELP Stephen Ministry Introduction Workshop Stephen Ministry Would you like to find out more information on Stephen Ministry? Join us for an introductory workshop here at CUMC on Saturday, April 18th from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Check-in and refreshments begin at 8:00am. Those attending will experience a sample of Stephen Ministry training and learn caregiving skills they can put to use right away. The cost for this half-day event is $15 per person or $50 per congregation (four or more). To register, visit for call 314-428-2600. Stephen Ministers are available for anyone hurting from a painful life changing circumstance such as divorce, death of a loved one or financial stress. Or a transition such as moving, having a new baby or newly wed. Stephen Ministers are trained to meet confidentially one-to-one with those who need someone to confide in. Please contact Elizabeth Somes for more information at 724-744-3413 ext. 204. GriefShare Most people who have experienced loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend knows it is difficult to feel optimistic about the future. GriefShare, can help you face the challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. The group will meet each Tuesday from 6:30-8p for 13 weeks. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Winnie Kruhm, or the church office. Graduates to be Honored Graduates will be honored on May 16th & 17th during services. If you are graduating from High School, College, Trade School, etc. please notify the Church Office with graduate’s name, school name, and which service you will be attending at 724-744-3413 or fill out information on “The Tear Off” as soon as possible. Divorce Care Do you know someone who is hurting from the pain of separation or divorce? Divorce Care is a 13 week biblically based support group seminar. Group meets at 6:30pm in Patterson Parlor. Each session will include a DVD video followed by small group discussions. Please contact Carole Soule at 724-519-7084. Prayer Service The Prayer Service is offered every second Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. This service is a time to rest your soul and reflect before God, experiencing His presence through music, scripture, prayer, and anointing. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7). PraiseMoves Looking for a new exercise program? PraiseMoves is a Christ-centered fitness program designed to improve physical fitness through low-impact aerobics and powerful stretching, while integrating Scripture verses and Christian music. We exercise the body, mind, and spirit! Men and women of all ages and fitness levels are encouraged to try it out. Exercises can be modified for seniors and those with limited mobility. Please contact Shannon Hach for information at 412.877.1552 or SPECIAL GROUP OPPORTUNITIES AT CUMC United Methodist Women Meeting The UMW supports missions and ministries within the church, the local community and the world. Join us for fellowship with other women and special events 2nd Monday each month from September to May. Super Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of each month (except January & February) at 12:00pm in the Multi-Ministry Room. Come enjoy lunch, a group meeting, occasional guest speakers and entertainment. Busy Hands Sewing Group We meet Thursday mornings from 9am to 12pm in Room 207. We make items for area hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, homeless & women’s shelters, veteran hospitals and anyone in need. Please contact Madeline Rainey at or 412-373-2241. Busy Hands has been serving our community for 20 years! 6 LOCAL AND WORLD MISSIONS AT CUMC Have questions or need more information about ANY of our missions? Contact Rebekah Aber at Town Hall Missions Meeting Tuesday, April 7th from 7-9pm in the Sanctuary. We will hold a Town Hall style meeting for anyone interested in local or international missions. Bring your questions and ideas for new missions. Missions in India We have broken ground for the new church in Andhra Pradesh, India! Not only are we helping them build a church, but it’s also the new home for Pastor Shibu and his family! If you checked Missions on your Time and Talent Card, you will be receiving an invitation for an upcoming “Informational Meeting”. For more information on Missions News and Opportunities, please email Prayers for the Uganda Medical Team! We have a team leaving on April 10, 2015 and returning May 3, 2015. Let's cover them in prayer that God leads them in their work for His Kingdom from now until they return safely home! The team members include Nancy Denardo, Nancy Watt, Lori Bergman, Autumn Perry, Laurie DeArmitt, Kay Rahuba, Cathy Kessinger, Pam Dzialowski, Ken Dzialowski, Pastor Sue Hutchins, Pastor Randy Sweet, Don Scarborough, Sarah Carlson, Patty Smith, Jeff Rahuba, Rick Smith, Bernie Lopretto, BJ Dzialowski, and Jason Nies. Summer Mission Trip Meeting For those of you who are interested in the mission trip during the week of June 28, we are having a meeting to talk about the trip and make some decisions about where the destination should be and what kind of work we wish to do. We hope to make firm arrangements for the trip at this meeting. We will meet at CUMC at 7PM on April 7. If you would like further information or have any questions, please contact Rob Liermann. 3 Vacation Bible School Registration The flowers on the Sanctuary Altar are placed in honor and memory of our loving son Bob. By Ed & Danna Burmeister is Coming Soon! 2015 Vacation Bible School will be “Everest ~ Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power” Save the date to join us June 8th through 12th from 9am to 12pm. LOOK for information on registration in April! TODDLER CHILDCARE The comfort/cry room adjacent to the sanctuary are available for parents use during Sunday Morning services in the Sanctuary. Staffed Toddler Care (8 – 36 months) is located in Room 120 on the 1st floor during all weekend services. The flowers on the Sanctuary Altar are placed in memory of Mom/Grammy’s Birthday. Love, The Kochasic Family We express our Christian Love and Sympathy to the following families: FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS 9:45 AM SUNDAY Sue & Larry Wojcik & Family on the death of Sue’s mother, Betty Byerly. Lynn & Lance Mischen & Rene & Kevin Rourke & Families on the death of Lynn & Rene’s father, Art Fedele Mark & Rebecca Dawson on the death of Mark’s father, Don Dawson. Please Register Your Child in Fellowship Hall Before Services Kids Ages 3½ (potty trained) to 3rd Grade Children’s Worship The following people recently became New Members of Community Church. Please join us in welcoming them. Pick Up for All Services will be in Fellowship Hall You will need your registration name badge to pick up your child. Chris & Leigh Anderson Brian, Joan & Meredith Bennett Ron & Linda Briggs Carl & Sarah Heller Carl & Jennifer Kamzalow Justin & Melissa Kiste WEDNESDAY NIGHT KIDS GROUPS Kindergarten Bible Buddies~Start/End in Fellowship Hall - Class in Rm. 201 1st and 2nd Graders ~ Faith Weaver Friends ~ in Fellowship Hall 3rd and 4th Graders ~ UM Kids ~ in Fellowship Hall 5th & 6th Graders ~ CLUB 56 ~ in Youth Room MUSICAL OPPORTUNITIES Summer Camping Community Church Ringers is our handbell group who play for the congregation once a month September through May. Rehearsals are Sunday evenings at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. New Ringers Always Welcome! Pick up a brochure at the Welcome Center or go online to find out what SUMMER CAMP is all about! Scholarships are available for all campers. Start making plans now for camping at Jumonville, Camp Allegheny and Wesley Woods! Student Ministries @ CUMC Youth Worship Grades 7th - 12th Join Us Each Thursday at 7:00pm in the Multi-Ministry Room Warriors for Christ Bible Club Mondays 2:30pm—3:30pm in room 214 at Penn-Trafford High School 4 Ray & Linda Lutz Ron & Jennifer Marecic Philip & Keri Schreyer Nancy Shaw Robert & Starr Warnock Billy Watterson Community Church Chancel Choir sings each week at 11 am September through May. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. New Members Always Welcome! KC³ KC³ is our Children’s Choir who sings to our Lord Jesus Christ in Forté! Any child in Kindergarten through 6th grade is welcome at rehearsals in the Choir Room on Sunday mornings from 9:15am to 9:45am OR Wednesday evenings from 6:15pm to 6:45pm. September through May. Join us as we rejoice, give thanks and worship our God with songs of praise. Is God calling you to share your musical talents with our Worship Band? Prayerfully consider joining our Current Worship Band. E-mail Jessica Wegley, Director of Contemporary Worship Arts at for more information. 5
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