My3,2 Fifth Sunday of Easter Aw esome God Mullins, Rich Our God is an awesome God. He reigns from heaven above; With wisdom, power and love, Our God is an awesome God. © 1988 BMG Songs, Inc . Step By Step Beaker O God, You are my God, And I will ever praise You! O God, You are my God, And I will ever praise You! I will seek You in the morning, And I will learn to walk in Your ways; And step by step You'll lead me, And I will follow You all of my days. © 1991 BMG Songs, Inc . You Are My King Foote, Billy I'm forgiven, because You were forsaken I'm accepted, You were condemned I'm alive and well, Your Spirit is within me Because You died and rose again Amazing love, how can it be That You my King would die for me Amazing love, I know it's true It's my joy to honor You In all I do, I honor You (Ending) You are my King, You are my King Jesus, You are my King Jesus, You are my King © 1996 worshi ptogether.c om songs Forev er Tomlin, Chris Give thanks to the Lord Our God and King His love endures forever For He is good He is above all things His love endures forever Sing praise sing praise Sing praise sing praise Forever God is faithful Forever God is strong Forever God is with us Forever forever © 2001 worshi ptogether.c om songs\Six Steps Music CCLI # 489431 PRELUDE CALLtPRAISE PRAISEIME(eeC uebckge) Cheryl Smith ELCOME&ANNOUNCEMENSrry *SHARINGIME *HYMN#92F teBeutyfteE t(v.-) CHILDREN’SCHA OFFERORY “IGveMySg”Chir *DOXOLOGY(#9) PRAYERHYMN#3ISu ee A(v.,3,) PRAYER&LORD’SPRAYER(#89)rry MESSAGESe eHe MyC yMike Hudn “Fu e&Cfe”Luke8- SACRAMENfHOLYCOMMUNION *HYMN#37JutAIA(v.,2,6) *BENEDICION&POSLUDE *Cg egeetfyu ebe. Sun ence Please Remember to Pray JOYFUL SOUND NEEDS YOU! of a hea rt uire s mo re “P ra ye r req ue.” th an a tong larke —A dam C Peter Blomerley Meredith Gould Stan Harrison Lou Kraft Jim & Judy Liston Judy Kurinsky J. Paul Martin Arloine Ellis Pat Billings Bill Ferguson Karla Wilson Pete Hotaling Barbara Hotaling Hal Loud Bennett Coleman Joy Lederman Lee/Lois Zimmerman Trish Hadsall Joan Olsen Janice Johnson Carl Herren Fran Manningham Howard Davis Marcia Wooddell John Waugh Cal Stone LaVina Fox Ransom Jones Sue David Dick & Irene LaFave Richard & Janie Palmer Dan Sukel Marie Sheets Don Lorenc Jean Schleutker Keith Freeland Andy Clark Beverly Hong Betty Stahlnaker Abby Ruehr Sharon Monk Kenneth Druley Frank Moitis Larry Davis David Evans Joe Foster Janet Outerbridge Bea Wildauer Marilyn Dittmer Mary Jo Dick John Everitt Jackie Metz Deborah Knight Eleanor Montano Olivia Theis Peggy Mitrushi Betty Booth Rich Ritchie Bobbie Allen Louise Griffiths Arlene Decker Rose Hancock Frank Welsh Shirley Mankhe Byron/Joann Carpenter Peter Warhurst Joe & Myrna Gop Bob Spalin Kathy Hees Brooke Noser Dee Robson Connor Gaunt Joan Philips Virginia Endriss Dick & Joan Bigelow Gene & Pat Hunt Kay Snider Phyllis Tucker John Ptacek Jim &Catherine MacKay Susan Wonnell Bob Erwin David Bryant kete,eeeveyu geDgb e.ey eeef teCete fHe bcteteMe H qut e et,bug y, B-A,ve tecute fye .kyu! ecte OCe, PeetettteCete f Fgt,bcc e,u HeNOLONGERA CCEPS c ee,cee , BEDDING fee uct,bckck fyck.Ifyuwu Center of Hope’s cet IN THE SERVICE Chris Anderson Dallas D. Bergl, II David Bruce John A. Campanale Jr. David Colucci Daniel Cutting Ashley Ehasz Maddie Wright Farris J. D. Frank Zachory Goldberg Randall Hinkle Philip Martin Alisha Milligan Anthony Morley II Andrew Olson Danny Parks Alan Peacock Patrick Penney Joseph Perry Chris Peters Jessica (Ruehr) Powell Nicholas Reider Michael Rodgers Mike Ruehr Sean Ruehr Betsy Scott Mark Scott Jason Toole Travis Toole Alex Welsh David Zachary Wilson Sue David Larry Moore Luther Spence In Extended Care: Jean Anderson - HealthSouth Dick & Joan Bigelow - Consulate Lois Crouch - Harbor Chase Ann Flanagan - Sunset Lake LaVina Fox - S.L.C. of Sarasota Betty Fuller - Sunset Lake Dolores Glass - Sunset Lake Paul Lindholm - Sunset Lake Rehab Tommi Matthews - Venetian Gardens Julie McLain - Harbor Chase Kitty Pugh - Lexington Manor Rich & Helen Ritchie - The Pines Bonnie Snyder - Jacaranda Trace ALF Marcia Wooddell - Pinebrook Buck Zeigler - Harbor Inn Missionary of the Week: Karl & Liesl Kranich, CRU Please pray for our Asian teams using motor bikes to reach more college campuses with the Gospel and raise volu nte ers to contin ue the work. Prayer Chain - Call Judy Kurinsky, 496-8046 or If you or someone you know is ill or in the hospital, call the church offi ce, 493-7504. We won’t know if you don’t tell us. June 2222-25, 66-8pm In Memorial Hall Vacation Bible School Everyone is Welcome Call or email Susan Pence for registration or more information 941-493-7504 or Abg“kYu”tu Jyfu Suge tu E yRe e vce! eebef ectefk uct u w exe e ce.e eetecSuy g tectu yt73t uceck ut ugf te g’te.Pee ctctCe yStf e f fyu ee yukwte etet t y. OFFERINGS for April 26, 2015 General Fund Mortgage Pay ment Fund Ministry Through the Roof M-1000 Mission Fund Children’s Home Year to Date Offerings General Fund Offerings Mortgage Pay ment Fund Ministry Through the Roof M-1000 Mission Fund (3/1/15-2/28/16) Children’s Home & Ranch (2015) Week 17 18,733 612 100 100 1,857 70 446,751 14,997 11,145 7,755 20,808 6,328 General Fund / Mortgage / Thru the Roof Weekly Av erage Budget (ytd) 26,464 Weekly Offering 18,733 Weekly Av erage Offering (ytd) 27,817 Income (March) Expenses (March) 123,823 102,455 Y TD Income (3/31/15) Y TD Expenses (3/31/15) 355,409 297,590 MORTG AGE RESERVE FUND 2/28/15 139,953 136,339 Roof Project Loan Bal. 347,297 344,248 ATTEND ANCE 8:00 Worship 118 9:15 Worship 201 10:45 Worship 466 Children’s Church 13 Total Worship 798 (last year) 553 Sunday School 138 Club Whatev er 38 Salty Service twe fuexe etteFtP e PuLeteP g w!Avfu excgbeg ece tgetf $8.33.At ec gete w g(we ) ceby tkeewttkeete$.8.e e t ecuf $.2.e e we ebeewt$.38. LetPt L ykwfyu beg. Scripture Reading Luke8- "wewetutte tee t y,eP eete te txcect . eP ee tu yebutef`G,ItkyuttItkete e - bbe ,eve ,ute e -- evekettxce ct .2Ifttwce weekgvete tf Iget.' 3"Buttetxcect tttce.Hewutevekuteve,butbet b et ,`G,vee cye,e .' "Ite yuttt, te t te te ,wetejuPebef e G.F eve yew exte fwbe ube,ewubee fwbeexte ." Summer Hours for the Church Office ecu cfficewce tF yf te ue t. e STEPHEN MINISTRY: eeteby CtgetybeRe SG etcu c,g ete e, Jck&JQeggceeb fu 6t ve yMy7, Ry,Meg,&SMe yf EtM. Mother’s Day Floral Cross 41,756 3/31/15 Mem. Hall Loan Bal. Total Worship Faith Promise Stories LIBRARY CORNER Rcutf tbck tw k!Peececkut fbkP ye yu c e ePt Mke’ cu e te e e. jutg-te e eve te ye yu CUMCLb y.See te t teRc. Sgfte eek Re...f cge. NextSuyMte ’Dy.ew gveu “F c ”te N te xSuy g.B gf e cutFwe f yu y ce tec f e yf yu te .e e Fwe yu b g,te ebeufute c wbe. L E AD P A S T O R Rev . Mic ha el T. H uds on A S S IS T A N T P A S T O R Rev . La rry D . P o tts A S S IS T A N T P A S T O R Rob er t E . Hal ey TR E A S U R ER Jo Ell en Wh ip pl e S E CR E T A R Y M ich ele M orl ey DIS C IPL E S H IP & L A Y M IN IS T R Y Nan cy K in ney g etwete .Afyu' efcgfficute yu fe,yuveccetg ett y. Yucveyu wSteeMte twk beeyu etebu'tcu e cuebutwecte e cu geyu weyu' ew.e ebutt t ykSteeMte c Stee Lee ,JuyOb eg-682,DPu9797, JuSt.C 6-27. eexteu eee tC ytytMR&Be tEce tte etfb te ,Frank Eichert. ejtgete e x ef vette. M U S IC M IN IS TR Y Cher yl S mi th / Bo bby W hip pl e Caro le S au l Y OU T H MIN IS TR Y Jeff D un n-R ank in / J on e tta Du dl ey M arci a S ch ab erg CH IL DR E N’ S M IN IS T R Y S usa n P en ce CH IL D D E V E L O P M E NT C EN T E R A ni ta B urton A CO L Y T E S Gav in D rob isc h & Ol ivi a La wh un s Sunday 5/3 Monday 5/4 Tuesday 5/5 Wednesday 5/6 Thursday 5/7 Frday 5/8 8:00am Early Riser Worship (S) 9:00am Bible Classes 9:15am Contemporary Worship (MH) 10:30am Bible Classes 10:45am Traditional Worship (S) 5:00pm Club Whatev er (FLC) 9:00am Exercise Class (FLC) 4:30pm Adult TaekwonDo Class (FLC) 5:30pm Y outh TaekwonDo Class (FLC) 6:00pm SAFE Support (MH 24) 6:30pm Acts 2 Team (MH 22-23) 7:30pm AA-12 Step (MH) 9:30am Quilting (FLC) 10:00am Jonathan (P) 6:30pm Second Touch Group (MH 22) 7:00pm Mission Team (MH 25) 7:00pm High School Boys Group (FLC) 8:15am Bread & Coffee (MH) 9:30am Better Together Group (MH 23) 3:45pm Scholarship Team (MH C) 5:00pm Pastor’s Bible Study (S) 6:00pm Dinner (MH) 6:45pm Adult Choir (C) 6:45pm Exploration Station & The Current (FLC) 6:45pm Pastor’s Social (P) 6:45pm Small Groups 7:00am Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast (MH 24) 9:30am Day Care Chapel (C) 10:00am UpReach Team (MH C) 4:30pm Adult TaekwonDo Class (FLC) 5:30pm Y outh TaekwonDo Class (FLC) 6:00pm Pray er Serv ice (S) 6:30pm Adult Shim SooDo Class (FLC) 7:00am Lawn & Garden 7:30am Men’s Bible Study (MH 24) 9:00am Exercise Class (FLC) 12noon AL-ANON (MH 25) 7:00pm AA Men’s & Ladies Groups (MH 22-25) Sa%&rday 5/' Pastor’s Social teP teey, May 6, at 6:45pm.MeetteMe HP f f eteetwt Pt Mke,kque,Putwttetbe cetCUMC,gettkwte .Peecte cu cfficetRSVPttwe cu c kwte xectyu.e,fyu ete e tebecgebe fC tUMC,wevteyutRe etctefwg etc eeyttweyugetcecte,g wyu ft. CUMC Nite at DAIRY QUEEN teP tu y,May 7, from 5-8pm.JutteVece AveueD yQueetvee jutee twt yu cu cfy.Vfte eu gtee etebcktuf c. United Methodist Men’s Dinner teecuey,May 12 at 6:00pm.Cef e Me Hguet eet.Sgu Suy gWe e vceXe $6,ybette . Monday, May 18 at noon-Se SgeMge(AC ScG u)Luc,FewMve Me H.GePeRyw e euc,$6e e ,ybette .Ree v ee ce y.CPtLye t8-38(We 93)bef e 38(We 93)bef eF y,My. Wednesday, May 20 at 6:45pm -“u fI ewtAyStey”RecbyRc&EeHuRe .JteWe tee Me HR 22tey eteggtfte t tI e,cugteegegvebyAySteyteBbctettwe e vte.Aytte teP tgtfte 22tey eteggtfte t tI e,cugteegegvebyAySteyteBbc t ttte ewevetttf eve cgetew ,Putwtewt kgbut. (e)* Sunday+ 5/,8:00am Early Riser Worship (S) 9:00am Bible Classes 9:15am Contemporary Worship (MH) 10:30am Bible Classes 10:45am Traditional Worship (S) ./01 2 2 2 First Time Guests EcSuy g,eetPt L y teLb ye teyfwgte Se vce. Adult Exercise Class My&F yt9-Meette FyLfeCete f tutece/ exe cec. SAFE Ministry: Support and Addic:on Family Educa:on Myt6-eeteve yMy evegMe H,R2.F f www.cuc.f/SAFE, SAFE@cuc.f, cJewet76-669. Thursday Golf Let’gettgete f weekyfu,fe w, gf!F ef ,cAe Me ge t-96. One-On-One Grief Support ecSue t2-37.
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