Christ Church, Mountsorrel #S - Christchurch and St Peters Church

April 2015
Christ Church, Mountsorrel
St. Peter’s, Mountsorrel
Services and Diary Dates
Wednesday 1 April
Morning Prayer, Christ Church
St. Peter’s – Lent Study Group
Lunch at Cromwell Road Coffee House.
Meet Christine, Mick and others.
Christ Church – Lent Study Group
Thursday 2 April (Maundy Thursday)
Chrism Eucharist Service, Leicester Cathedral
Passover Fellowship Meal, Christ Church
- tickets from CR
Friday 3 April (Good Friday)
Open Air act of Witness at The Butter Market –
- Hot cross buns
St. Peter’s -An Hour Before the Cross
– Rev’d. Colin Resch
Sunday 5 April (Easter Day)
Sonrise Service, Beacon Hill
St. Peter’s – Holy Communion
- Rev’d. Colin Resch
Christ Church – Holy Communion
- Edmund Stacey/Rev’d. Colin Resch
Christ Church - Fun@4 – theme - ‘Easter’
***7 – 10 April – No Morning Prayer this week***
Wednesday 8 April
Fun@4 team meeting, 71 Balmoral Road
Sunday 12 April (Easter 2)
St. Peter’s - Holy Communion
- Rev’d. Colin Resch
Christ Church – Healing and Wholeness
- Helen Hodson/Rev’d. Colin Resch
Monday 13 April
The Craft Group meet in The Bower Room,
Christ Church. New members welcome.
Men’s Fellowship – Bower Room, Christ Church
Tuesday 14 April
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Wednesday 15 April
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Hymn Singing at ‘The Poplars’
Thursday 16 April
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Friday 17 April
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Sunday 19 April (Easter 3)
Christ Church – Holy Communion
- Rev’d. Alan Costerton
St. Peter’s –Evensong – Helen Hodson
Monday 20 April
The Craft Group meet in The Bower Room,
Christ Church. New members welcome.
Tuesday 21 April
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Wednesday 22 April
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Lunch at Cromwell Road Coffee House.
Meet Christine, Mick and others.
Churches Together in Mountsorrel (CTiM)
Prayer Meeting – St. Peter’s
Thursday 23 April
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Friday 24 April
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Christine’s “Sing & Story” at MyCafe
(for pre-school)
Sunday 26 April (Easter 4)
St. Peter’s - Holy Communion
-Rev’d Colin Resch/Christine Butcher
Christ Church – Morning Worship
Helen Hodson/Christine Butcher
Christ Church – Prayer and Praise
- Rev’d Colin Resch
Monday 27 April
The Craft Group meet in The Bower Room,
Christ Church. New members welcome.
Tuesday 28 April
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Churches Together (CTiM) meeting,
Mountsorrel Baptist Church
Wednesday 29 April
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Lunch at Cromwell Road Coffee House.
Meet Christine, Mick and others.
Thursday 30 April
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Friday 1 May
Morning Prayer – Christ Church
Christine’s “Sing & Story” at MyCafe
(for pre-school)
Week 1 – Marriage Prep Course at St. Peter’s
Sunday 3 May (Easter 5)
St. Peter’s – Matins – Edmund Stacey
Christ Church – Holy Communion
- Rev’d. Colin Resch
Fun@4 – Christ Church
Future dates for your diary
Saturday 27 June - Christ Church Summer Fayre
Lots of stalls with goodies to sell.
For more details, contact Christine Butcher
Sunday 28 June - Celebrate St. Peter’s Day with us
Prayer & Praise at Christ Church
Benefice Summer Picnic, for Church members,
– 4.00pm families and friends. Bring food to eat/share, and
games to play. Venue to be confirmed.
Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church
From the Vicarage………..
Have you ever noticed that in the darkness, even a dim light seems to
shine with renewed brightness?
Recently, I was woken up in the night by a power cut. In the past, a
power cut has never woken me up and the first I know about it is when I
wake in the morning and the alarm clock is flashing indicating that at some
point, whilst I slept, the power went out and has now been restored;
although we never really know for how long. This time was different
though. The power cut we experienced this time caused the burglar
alarm panel to bleep – very loudly! I tried to resolve the issue by fumbling
around in the dark to see if any of the circuit breakers had tripped but
they hadn’t and I was left in the darkness with just the light of a torch to
guide me.
And so, what with resetting the alarm panel, phoning the engineer,
waiting for the engineer, meeting the engineer, waiting while he replaced
a fuse at the local sub-station, resetting the alarm panel again (because the
power returning caused it to bleep again – Just as loudly), three hours had
passed and it was now nearly 5am. The next morning, I felt exhausted.
The loss of electrical power in the night led to a physical loss of power in
my body the following day.
I figured that in a similar way, as Jesus was led away to be crucified and
then laid in the tomb his disciples must have felt powerless and empty.
Their lives suddenly becoming as dark as the cave that held their Lord and
We will never know exactly what happened in that dark place as the
Saviour of the world lay slain. But there must have been a moment when
the fuse of his life was replaced and Jesus was raised to life. Reset. The
same, but different; Full of life again – but even more than ever before.
It is my prayer for each one of us that we find the love of Christ shining in
our hearts as we welcome him as our living, resurrected King this Easter.
With every blessing, Colin Resch.
Good Friday 3 April Humberstone Gate 11.00am
Following the success of last year’s Leicester @ the Cross, Good
Friday 2015 will follow a similar magazine format with a few
fresh additions. We will have the popular mix of band and
Gospel choir and sing some cracking hymns. The Easter story
will be retold using film and drama. The Bishop of Leicester will
be joined by church leaders from different churches across
Leicestershire to lead this event. And this year we will be
adding a rap artist and a live painting of a piece of art.
All of this in 45 minutes from 11.00am on Good Friday.
You are warmly invited to come and join us in celebrating the
resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
On Easter Sunday, 5 April 2015 at 6.30am
On Beacon Hill , Woodhouse Eaves
(By kind permission of Leicestershire County Council)
Please note: £2.50 parking fee per car)
Arranged by the Soar Valley Gospel Partnership
Good Friday
in Mountsorrel
Do come along and join us on Good Friday between 10.00am
and 12.00noon. We are meeting at The Buttermarket
for Open Air Witness. In addition to Prayers and Songs of
Worship, we shall be distributing hot cross buns, tracts and
mini eggs for the children.
Pray for fine weather…..
the Buttermarket provides limited shelter!
Also 2.00pm at St. Peter’s – ‘An Hour Before the Cross’
The last Alpha Course was a great success with ten people
The next Alpha Course will commence on Friday 4 September.
Pilgrim Courses
Following on from the Lent Course, further Pilgrim courses will
be offered on Wednesday evenings at St. Peter’s commencing
6 May or Thursday evenings at Christine and Mick Butcher’s
Home, commencing Thursday 30 April.
Archdeaconry Visitation 2015
Our local event will be on Thursday 7 May at 7.30pm, at
St. Edwards, Castle Donington. This is when the new
Churchwardens make their declaration before the Bishop or his
surrogate. No decisions by new wardens are legal before this
act. The wardens remain in office until their replacements do
this at next year’s Visitation.
Deputy Churchwardens are also encouraged to attend, and
other PCC members are cordially welcome to attend to support
their wardens.
Resourcing Event
New and existing wardens and PCC officers are invited to
attend a Resourcing Event on Saturday 13 June 2015 at
St. Martins House, Leicester - 9.15am for 9.30 until 12.40pm.
Like me, you may have been shocked by the devastation
caused in Vanuatu by Cyclone Pam. These remote Pacific
islands were ripped apart when the cyclone hit and the
islanders are in desperate need of help and support. Our PCCs
have responded, on your behalf, by sending an immediate
payment of £500 each to Tearfund, who are already at work
in the area, to help with the aid effort. If you would like to
contribute towards this, donation envelopes are available at
both Christ Church and St Peter’s Church. Please consider
prayerfully how much you might be able to contribute and
place these envelopes on the collection plate alongside your
regular offering throughout the coming weeks. Should we
receive more than the £1000 already sent, the surplus will
also be sent to Tearfund marked for use in Vanuatu.
Thank you. Colin Resch.
Thank you to everyone who has been taking part in our Lent appeal for
WaterAid. Please bring your bottles to Church on or before Easter Day.
Children of Christ Church & St. Peter’s CE School should return their
bottles to school before the Easter holiday or bring them to Church on
Easter Day to present them alongside Church members. Please don’t
forget that if you are a UK tax payer, your gift can be increased at no
extra cost to you by completing and enclosing the gift-aid form with
your donation
 Is a congregation of the church
 Is for all ages, not just children
It expresses the values of:
 Christ as the centre of all things
leicester at the cross flyer.pdf
 Hospitality - Creativity - Celebration
 All-age ~ something for everyone
We meet on the 1st Sunday each month (except Bank Holidays)
The programme includes:
 Welcome
 Activities ~ crafts/competitions/games
 Celebration ~ with story /song/prayer
 Tea ~ sandwiches/nibbles & cakes
Each session follows a theme that is explored by the
activities and developed in the celebration.
at Christ Church
For more information please contact Helen Hodson
Tel: 0116 2303828
SyCafe News –
The end of March marks the end of an era for the SyCafe with the
retirement from the Trustee Board of Leslie Strange. Leslie is the
originator of the idea for the Youth Cafe and has worked tirelessly over
the last 5+ years to ensure its success. We and all the Cafe’s users owe a
huge vote of thanks to Leslie for all her efforts. But as with any
retirement, the work within the organisation continues and March has
seen the start of a series of Music Workshops similar to those we ran so
successfully last year. These will run on into April. Although the Echo
billed the workshops as “Hard Rock Cafe” and the Loughborough College
students who are leading the workshops are bringing all their
paraphernalia we’ll not be up to “Monsters of Rock” noise levels!
Fundraising continues as ever and by the time you read this we will have
had a final book sale organised by Leslie and her family but also two very
successful sponsored activities, a bike ride (covering the distance to
Skegness) and also a swimming event. Thanks to everyone who took part
or supported any of our fundraisers.
We’ll be seeing a new face amongst the Youth Workers in April with the
arrival of a European Exchange worker who is one of a group coming over
to work in Charnwood – more details next month.
Finally thank you for your continuing support and of course if you’d like to
be more directly involved please talk to me.
A Games morning including light lunch – for only £4.00.
On the second Saturday of each month at SyCafe
May –‘Whist’
June - ‘Scattergories’
Just turn up or phone Brenda Chappell on 0116 2301471 for further
information. (If anyone is able to donate scrabble boards, dominoes or
playing cards they would be very much appreciated)
Regular Activities
These groups and activities are open to anyone in the community.
Invite family, neighbours and friends -just come along
(Tea and Lovely Cake)
To be held at St. Peter’s, one Sunday each month at 4.00pm
The first one will be on Sunday 10 May
Please let Christine, Lesley or Colin know of any people over 60
who would value going to a short service followed by tea.
Meet, usually on the first Monday of each month
at 7.30pm in the Bower Room, Christ Church.
We would be pleased to welcome more men to the group.
1.30 – 3.30pm in the Bower Room, Christ Church.
Everyone welcome to join this friendly group.
Bring your current craft project
Sew, knit, crochet, Stitch, Compare ideas, swap patterns etc.
We share our skills - everyone welcome
……Regular activities continued
Join Christine, Mick and other regulars for
a cuppa or lunch.
Maureen and Nigel sell lovely food at reasonable prices
11.00am on 3rd Wednesday of each month as follows:
April 15 May 20(A) June 17 (M) July 15 (A)
Aug 19 (A)
Sept 16 (M) Oct 21 (A)
Nov 18 (M)
Dec 16 (A) Carol Singing
All Welcome
(A = Anglican led
M = Methodist led)
We support……
Soar Valley Community Food Project
The Soar Valley Community Food Project is open at
Rothley Baptist Church on Mondays from 11.00am to 1.00pm
If you would like to make a donation, there is a box at the back
of Christ Church to receive gifts of canned meat and vegetables
and packets of dried food.
Need Prayer or a Home Visit?
If you, or someone you know, is in need of prayer, then
please call 0116 429 9946
or email
If you would like a home/hospital visit for prayer and/or
communion, please contact me in the same way
– Colin Resch
Prayer and Praise
Join us for an informal time of prayer and worship as we
listen to the Spirit of God and pray for the needs of
Mountsorrel. Prayer and Praise evenings will be on the
fourth Sunday of every month. The next one will be at
6.00pm on Sunday 26 April at Christ Church.
All are welcome.
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals at
Christ Church or St. Peter’s Mountsorrel
For enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals,
please contact Rev. Colin Resch on 0116 429 9946
or email
Christ Church and St Peter’s – Contact Information
Priest in Charge
T: 0116 429 9946
Rev. Colin Resch
The Vicarage, 4 Rothley Road, Mountsorrel,
Loughborough, LE12 7JU
M: 07878 029879
Mrs Christine Butcher 0116 2376122
or 0770 8443870
Mr Edmund Stacey 01509 214802
Mrs Helen Hodson 0116 2303828
Wardens for Christ Church:
Mr Peter Hodson
0116 2303828
Mr Edmund Stacey 01509 214802
Wardens for St. Peter’s:
Mr David Bird
0116 2303095
Mr Ian Evans
01509 890889
Booking contact for Bower Room:
Mrs Val Doyle: 0116 2375623 or Email
For PCC Agenda items contact:
Christ Church PCC Secretary: Mr Peter Hodson
St. Peters PCC Secretary:
Mr David Bird
0116 2303828
0116 2303095
Treasurer - Christ Church and St. Peter’s:
Mrs Val Doyle
0116 2375623 Email
Parish Administrator:
Paul Rowley
0116 4120143
Copy date for the newsletter is the third Sunday of each month but if items
are ready, please send early.
to - Jo Clarke Email