The Beacon

The Beacon
Sunday 19th October 2014
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Anglican Parish of Rockingham-Safety Bay
Dear Friends,
O God, the author and lover of peace, in knowledge of whom stands our
eternal life, whose service is perfect freedom; defend your servants in all
assaults of our enemies, that, surely trusting in your defence, we may not fear
the power of any adversaries, through the might of Jesus Christ our Lord.
With warmest greetings and love in Christ,
A very warm welcome to you today.
Some years ago Dean W.R. Inge wrote: “the Christians who did most for the
present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since
Christians have begun thinking less of the other world that they have become so
ineffective in this. Aim at Heaven and you get earth thrown in; aim at earth and
you get neither!”
When Peter writes in 1 Peter 4. 7 – 11 about our love and service of each other
in the church, he reminds us that “the end of all things is near”. Far from being
a reason for inactivity or laziness, our Lord’s coming is our incentive or reason
for warm hearted love and single minded service.
Bible Readings (all page numbers refer to the church Bibles).
Paul Barrett explains “since the ‘end’ will mean ‘perfection’ or ‘restoration’ it
follows logically that believers should conduct themselves with one another
appropriately in the meantime. In short, Peter is saying that church life is to be
a preview of the ‘end’ when God will make all things perfect”.
Next Sunday (26/10): Deuteronomy 34 : 1 – 12 (p.168); Psalm 90
1 Peter 4 : 12 – 19 (p.986);
Matthew 22 : 34 – 46 (p.804)
How do we participate now in this perfection? By using our gifts and energies
to serve others. Whether in teaching or serving, we fulfil God’s purposes by
stewarding His gifts for each other and for His glory. Service is the antidote to
self-interest. Not only are we imitating Christ when we serve each other (as and
for Christ) but we find our true worth, our true reason for being and true joy.
The prayer from Morning Prayer (page 13) says it all:
Almighty God, your Son has opened for us a new and living way into your
presence: give us pure hearts and steadfast wills to worship you in spirit and in
truth; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Exodus 33 : 12 – 23 (p.70);
1 Peter 4 : 7 – 11 (p.985);
Australian Hymn Book
476, 5, 6, 138 (omit 3), 148.
Sermon series in 1 Peter
26 October 4 : 12 – 19
2 November 5 : 1 – 7
9 November 5 : 8 – 14
Psalm 99
Matthew 22 : 15 – 33 (p.803)
1. Tonight at 5 p.m. Further aspects of 1 Peter 4 : 7 – 11 focusing on
using our gifts, in God’s strength, for His glory.
2. Men 25th October combined men’s breakfast at St. Nicholas (with
Church of Christ men). Special guest: The Hon. Nick Goiran
(Legislative Council Member for South Metropolitan Region). Cost is
$5. Please indicate attendance on the sign up sheet.
3. Friday fellowship group meets 9.30 a.m. at St. Nicholas and is studying
Mark’s gospel.
4. Small groups meet and all are welcome on Tuesdays @2p.m. (finishes
at 3.30 p.m.) Wednesdays @ 10.15 a.m. (finishes at 11.45 a.m.) We
are reading 1 Peter together.
5. Energise Mission Conference Saturday 1 November 9 a.m. – 3.30
p.m. Come and meet your local heroes. Cost $25 Adult, $15
Concession, $40 Family. Brochures available on the back table.
6. Sunday at 5p.m. 26th October : “What we owe to the Reformation”.
7. This year the Pioneer Service will be on the 2nd November. Arrive at
1.30pm for 2pm. Can you come and sing? Same dress code as last
time. I hope as many people can be there as last year. The Hymns will
be well known ones, as usual. Please contact me if you need more
information. Deana 95277837
St Nicholas’: 8 am and 10 am
5 pm Sunday@5
St George’s:
8 am
St Nicholas’
Holy Communion every Wednesday at 9 am
St Nicholas’
Morning Prayer Thursday at 8 am
St George’s
Evening Prayer Wednesday and Thursday at 5 pm
The Right Reverend Peter Brain
Tel: 9439 3793 (home) Mob. 0414895791 Email:
48 Abingdon Crescent, Wellard 6170
The Rector’s day off is Monday.
Ted Ansell
Paul van Bilsen
Tel: 9527 8995
Tel; 9592 5527
Christine Brain
Tel: 9439 3793 Email:
Church Postal Address:
PO Box 799, Rockingham WA 6968