Third Sunday of Lent March 8, 2015 All Are Welcome No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, No matter what your current family or marital situation, No matter what your past or present situation, No matter what your personal history, age, background, race, etc., No matter what your own self-image or self esteem, you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at St. Peter Catholic Church. Mass For Requested by Sat. Mar. 7 Sugarloaf 4pm Deceased Members of St. Peter Parish Sat Mar. 7 BPK 5:30 pm +William Byrnes Margaret & Jim Sun. Mar. 8 8:30 am +Joan Colasurdo The Rudys Sun. Mar. 8 11:00 am +Karin Golder-Young Joan Fritz Monday 8am +Karin Golder-Young Katie McCarthy Tuesday 8am +Susan Byrne Wednesday 8am S.I. Malen Cabassa Ethel Thursday 8am +Jay Peffers James Rosenberger Friday 8am +Janice Weaver Joann Heinle Sat. Mar. 14 Sugarloaf 4pm Deceased Members of St. Peter Parish Sat. Mar. 14 BPK 5:30 pm +William Byrnes Margaret & Jim Sun. Mar. 15 8:30 am +Krysten Makos Ruth Rizzo & Richard Sun. Mar. 15 11:00 am +Bertha Lopez The Hallys Mass Lector Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers Sat 5:30pm S.Myers B.Jackowski D.Bleich Deacon Jack B.DiMarino B.Dimarino Sun 8:30 am S.Paul R.Castillo V.Haskins S.Haskins L.Carrick Sun 11:00 am J.Hammon R.Hally D.Lahey R.Stormm Z.Stormm M.O’Hearn This Week’s Readings Monday: 2 Kings 5:1-15b; Luke 4:24-30. Tuesday: Deuteronomy 3:25, 34-43; Matthew 18:21-35. Wednesday; Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9; Matthew 5: 17-19. Thursday: Jeremiah 7:23-28; Luke 11:14-23 Friday: Hosea 14:2-10; Mark 12:28-34. Next Week’s Readings—March 15, 2015 First Reading - The wrath and the mercy of the Lord are revealed in the exile and liberation of the chosen people. (2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23) Second Reading - By grace you have been saved. (Ephesians 2:4-10) Gospel - The Son was sent by God so that the world might be saved through him. (John 3:14-21) Collections: First Collection: $5,823.00 Second Collection: $762.00 (The Church in Latin America & the Caribbean) Sugarloaf 1st: $745.00 Sugarloaf 2nd: $124.00 Direct Debit: $445.00 This week’s second collection is for ABCD. Contribution statements for 2014 are available in the vestibule. If you notice that your neighbor in the pew no longer puts an envelope in the collection basket, he or she might be taking advantage of our Direct Debit service. Direct Debit electronically takes whatever amount you designate weekly or monthly from your checking account. If you would like to take advantage of direct debit for your weekly donations, fill out the form that is in the pew and put it in the collection basket, or call Jennifer in the office at 872-2537. Help Needed: We Ask Your Prayers For Parishioners: 1. The Knights would appreciate donations of home baked desserts for We will purge our sick list the 1st of each their Friday night Fish Dinners. If you month. Please call us in the office (872-2537) can help, please call Diane Bleich at on the first of each month if you would like a 872-1033. The dinners run through name included. Maggie Mendez, Friday, March 27th. Dan Lynch, Marci Kiser, Steven Fidler, Gene Smith, Hilda Doody, Cathy Girgen, Mary Doris Scheidell, Br. Bud Luks, Donna Lahey, Tita Verde, Robert Arias, Michele MacKenzie, Roger and Betty Lederer, and Sandy Clark. Please let us know in the office if you or someone else is homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist at home. Please call the office at 872-2537. One in Faith, One in Hope, One in Charity Together, as one family of God, we continue to build the Kingdom of God here in South Florida. Because of you and your stewardship through the Archbishop’s Charities and Development Drive (ABCD), in the past year alone, you are Mission Collection: helping to train the largest group of seminarians Donna Dye collects cancelled stamps the Archdiocese has enjoyed in many years; and eyeglasses for the foreign missions. through ABCD you are assisting our most needy Please put your donations in the collection basket Catholic elementary and high schools, and you or in the box in the office near the water cooler are continuing to support the evangelization labeled “Altar Society/Sacristan.” efforts within our migrant community in south Dade. Thanks to your support of ABCD our St. Peter Church website is Respect Life ministry continues to grow, and we continue to minister to the seafarers and at the airports. These are extraordinary It’s filled with new and updated features. accomplishments – all made possible because of You can also find a copy of this bulletin as well as you! If you have not already responded to the past issues. Many photos of our parish events letter sent to you by Archbishop Thomas Wenski are there too. Take a look and watch us grow. received by mail, please take time to consider your pledge for this year. Your faithful and For questions or additional information, contact generous participation in the ABCD flows from Linda Luizza at or the office. God’s many blessings to you and to those you hold dear. We ask for your continued support and If you would like to advertise your business card on invite you to join us to be One in Faith, One in the website with a link to your web site for $25 a year Hope and One in Charity. Thank you. (free to registered parishioners), contact Linda Luizza at the address above. Centering Prayer Group meets every Friday. We are now meeting in the home of one of our members who is housebound. Please call the office at 872-2537 for information if you would like to join us. New members are always welcome! We have scrip (gift certificates) for Barracuda Grill in Marathon and for Square Grouper on Cudjoe Key. Profits benefit our Education Fund. We still collect Box Tops for Education, Campbells’ Soup Labels and aluminum pull tabs! Experience the loving presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament at Eucharistic Adoration, following the 8am Mass on Tuesdays. The Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed at 11:30 and Adoration ends at noon. “God in his omnipotence could not give more in His wisdom. He knew not how to give more, in His riches, He had not more to give than the Eucharist.” St. Augustine Welcome to all new adorers. Thank You! For more information or to add your name to the schedule, contact Amy at 396-7528. In addition to Tuesday Adoration, we now have Eucharistic Adoration every first Friday of the month in the Chapel, right after the 8:00am morning Mass. Eucharistic Adoration will follow until 10:00am. Please join us for this holy time to be with Jesus. We can now accept credit cards for donations and purchases. Contact Jennifer at 305-872-2537. St. Peter Church Youth Mass Sunday, April 19th at 4 p.m. Youth - of all ages - welcome! Join us for dinner in the hall after mass. All are welcome on March 22 to hear about the Altar & Rosary Society and what they do for St. Peter Church. Join us in the Hall between the Masses and we will be hosting Hospitality after the 8:30am Mass. Come into our Stained Glass studio on Tuesdays or Wednesdays between 10am & 2pm and learn to make your own stained glass creations, or help work on one of our projects. Beginners and experienced glass workers are welcome. The Studio is open on Thursdays as well with the emphasis on items for the December Festival of Trees. We invite crafters in other mediums to come in on Thursdays and join the glass crafters in getting a head start on the Festival of Trees. St. Peter’s Youth Group thanks everyone who has been saving used printer ink cartridges for them! Please keep them coming! There is a box in the office in which you can deposit your cartridges or give them to any Youth Group member. SUPPORT GROUPS Grief Support Meeting for Adult Children of Alcoholic or Group Dysfunctional Parents (ACA). This 12-Step Group meets Wednesday evenings 7pm-8pm in Cuarto Gato. Anyone who comes from Codependents Anonymous a dysfunctional home or is still living with old (CODA) messages from childhood should check us out. For more info, see ACA Fridays at 10am in Cuarto Gato. Call 305-744-0139 (Mary) for help or info. Tues. 6:30 pm in Cuarto Gato 7-8pm Wednesdays in Cuarto Gato Upcoming Events CCD classes meet on Sunday from 9:30-10:50 a.m. Students grades Pre-K-6th meet in the chapel. We appreciate your efforts to arrive on time. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday! Friday, March 13, 4:30-6 pm: Just 4 Fun Youth Kickball on the soccer field. Parents welcome to join! Enjoy the Knights of Columbus Fish Fry dinner in the hall after the game. Sunday, March 15 @ 11 a.m.: Children’s Mass Sunday, March 29: No CCD. Enjoy Spring Break! For more info or to volunteer, please contact Ligia at 872-2537. St. Peter High School Youth Group High School Youth Group will next meet on Sunday, March 29 from 4-6 p.m. We will watch the movie, The Passion of the Christ. HSYG students please remember to sign up for your Fish Fry Dinner shift. Shifts are 5-6:30 pm and 6:30-8 pm on Fridays between 3/6 and 3/27. For more info, please call Barbara .Jackowski @ 305-304-8191. First Communion Schedule of Events Saturday, March 14 @ 9 a.m. -- Retreat Saturday, March 21 @ 10 a.m. -- First Reconciliation Saturday, April 11 @ 10 a.m. -- First Communion Confirmation Class Parent Meeting Sunday, March 8 @ 9:30 a.m. Please plan to attend. Thank You! St. Peter Church Education Fund Scholarship 2014-2015 The Education Fund mission is to help members of the parish pursue their educations goals. Please visit the office to obtain the scholarship application, or contact Ligia for more information. CRS Rice Bowl This Lent, CRS Rice Bowl focuses on the difficult circumstances and needs of families and communities around the world who benefit from CRS aid. CRS concentrates this week on Niger, where we are reminded that life’s joys and challenges are often seasonal. We pray for people who struggle to feed their families during the hungry season--when food is in short supply--and we commit to acting for the common good. Each student should have received a rice bowl that comes with a poster and calendar to help families better understand the CRS mission and guide them on a Lenten journey of prayer, fasting and giving. We invite Peterites who would like to join this effort to pick up a rice bowl at church. Extra bowls are available in the vestibule. There is also a CRS Rice Bowl app this year! Father Randy cordially invites you to share his ABCD donation And join him and the St. Peter Celebrity Chefs for drinks and dinner at the Rectory. $275 per person donation to ABCD First Come—First Served. Hurry, we Sell Out Fast! Sunday, March 15th— Surf & Turf at the Rectory! A fabulous Surf & Turf dinner with Barracuda Grill filets and lobster tails imported from Maine. Shrimp cocktail, imported meats & cheeses, Caesar salad, ending with a decadent dessert from the Sugarloaf Food Company bakery. (Wow!) Sunday, March 22nd— Surf & Turf at the Rectory! A fabulous Surf & Turf dinner with Barracuda Grill filets and lobster tails imported from Maine. Shrimp cocktail, imported meats & cheeses, Caesar salad, ending with a decadent dessert from the Sugarloaf Food Company bakery. (How could you go wrong?!) Do you love to sing? We would like to invite you to sing with the choir at any one of our weekend Masses. We welcome more keyboard players or other musicians to join in the rotation! We invite new members to join any time-adults and teens welcome. Please join us even if you are here just for the winter or for a short visit. Talk to any choir member after Mass or call the office at 872-2537. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) classes are closed for this year. Classes will resume in November. Please watch the bulletin for dates and information for next year. Knights of Columbus Fish Dinner Friday, March 13 from 5-7pm Live Music! Menu: Fried or grilled Mahi Fries, cornbread, beans and coleslaw $14.00 children under 10 $5.00 Free with dinner: dessert and coffee, tea or soft drink! Buy your Big Bucks tickets this weekend! Available after all Masses Donation per ticket $100.00 Only 300 tickets sold 1st Prize: $10,000.00 2nd Prize $2,000.00 3rd Prize: $1,000.00 4th through 13th prizes: $200.00 each The winning ticket will be drawn on March 17th at the St. Patrick’s Day Party. The 50/50 Jumbo Jackpot Rolls Over! The Jackpot rolls over this week! Bill and Charlotte Rudy had the winning number (#116), but they didn’t play………….. don’t let this happen to you! How to participate….(remember, you must make an offertory contribution of at least $5.00 to be eligible to win) 1. If you use church envelopes, put your envelope in the basket. Write your envelope number on an additional plain envelope with $5 enclosed. This will be included in the 50/50 drawing. 2.If you use direct debit you must call the church office & get a number. You can then either use a plain envelope as described above or you can sign up with Jennifer to have the $5 jackpot money automatically taken from your account each week. 3 If you have neither or are just visiting, you may call the office for a number. Put your weekly contribution in a “Welcome” envelope, available in the pews, and put your $5 in an additional plain envelope. Be sure to put your number on both envelopes. 4. The Payout….. Each week a number will be drawn from a drum that contains all of the Parish issued numbers. The drawn number is then checked against the numbers on the 50/50 envelopes or the direct debit list. If there is a match , then the participant receives 50% of the total pot. If there is no match, then 50% of that total is added to the pot for the coming weekend. Food Bank: Food Bank open Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 9 am-12 noon in the Ministry Center. The second Sunday of the month is Loaves and Fishes Sunday— there is a basket in the vestibule for your food donations. Your donations are greatly appreciated any time! Thank you! St. Peter Altar & Rosary Group is sponsoring the Easter lilies for the altar this year. Donate a Lily in memory of a loved one for only $10. The sign up sheet is available in the vestibule after all the Masses, or call the office during the week. In memory of James Anthony Abbati McCarthy by Mom & Dad In memory of the Jenkins Family by Mary & William Schediell The Scheidell Family by Mary & William Scheidell Blease & Ruth Farreny by Barbara Farreny The McCarthy & DuBois Families by Katie McCarthy In memory of Agnes Rosenberger, Joseph P. Rosenberger Sr., Joseph P. Rosenberger Jr, Diane Skruch, John Skruch, Debbie Ogle and Jay Peffers by James Rosenberger In memory of Verona & Harold Ebel by Connie Hauk Mullin & Boyle Families by Flo Boyle JOIN US FOR LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS AND PRAYER TUESDAYS IN LENT Schedule for March 10th 6:30 PM – Stations of the Cross by Anthony Kelly, C.Ss.R. 7:00PM – Father Randy will speak about Marriage During Simple Soup Supper in the Hall PLEASE, PLEASE SIGN UP IN CHURCH VESTIBULE IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND SO WE CAN ADEQUATELY PREPARE! LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS Good Friday, April 3rd, 2015 at 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome, man or woman, teenager or child to take a part in the reenactment of the Passion on church grounds. A special welcome to Marcus Brisson, who has agreed to play the main role. Please volunteer to be his supporting cast or to help behind the scenes. (No previous acting experience is necessary.) Sign-up sheets are in the vestibule. You may also contact Enid Mendoza at or Magda Trott at (305) 849-7500. Actors are requested to come to a meeting on Wednesday, April 1st at 5 p.m. (before Pizza and Penance) to be fitted for costumes. The dress rehearsal is at noon on Good Friday, April 3rd. Stations start at 3pm. We would like to recognize the following parishioners for 15 years of volunteering for the pageant: Rosemary Farrell, Mike Coppola, Howard & Diane Bleich, Sue Myers, Connie Hauk, Hilda Doody, Roberta Castillo and Richard DiBonaventura. 2015 Holy Week and Easter at St. Peter’s Palm Sunday, March 29 Sat. March 28--the last 4pm Mass at Sugarloaf Firehouse for the season. Sat. 5:30pm Vigil Mass at the church Sunday 8:30 & 11:00am Masses begin in the pavilion with the blessing of palms Tuesday, March 31 Seder Meal at 6:00pm This is the sacred meal eaten by the Jews during Passover and the meal from which the ritual elements of the Masses were taken. Celebrate your Judeo-Christian heritage by joining fellow parishioners for this meal. The sign up sheet is at the entrance to the church--deadline is Sunday, March 29. You are requested to bring a kosher dish and a donation of $6.00. Wednesday, April 1: 5pm meeting for persons participating in the Living Stations of the Cross 6:30pm Pizza and Penance Service Holy Thursday April 2 No 8am Mass 6:30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper includes the Washing of Feet Good Friday, April 3 No 8am Mass Noon dress rehearsal for the Living Stations of the Cross 3pm Living Stations of the Cross--a dramatized Way of the Cross followed by Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion. Holy Saturday, April 4 No 5:30pm Vigil Mass 8pm Easter Vigil Mass--includes the Service of Light and reception of the Catechumenate into full communion with the Church. A reception follows Easter Sunday, April 5 7am Sunrise Mass at Camp Wesumkee on Scout Key, MM 34.2 8:30 and 11am Mass at St. Peter’s Easter Egg Hunt after Mass on the soccer field
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