Sunday 25th January 2015 Welcome We welcome everyone to our worship. There is a loop system in this church for those with hearing aids. If you are a visitor, newcomer or haven’t been in church for a while, we hope you will enjoy being with us. There are cards at the back of church for newcomers to fill in contact details if you would like to keep in touch. Please speak to one of the stewards about these or anything else: they can also tell you useful things like where to find the loos! Parish Centre Café Plans are afoot to re-open the Café in the Parish Centre on Saturday 7th February, following a small make-over, and with the idea that we can offer a little bit more than instant coffee and a biscuit. We hope that the centre can continue to be seen as a warm and welcoming place or even a refuge from the bustle and problems of everyday life, especially for those who are facing particular difficulties through illness, loneliness, bereavement, unemployment, etc. Therefore we would ask for volunteers for the following: Making and serving drinks and washing up; Manning an information desk; Meeting and greeting visitors; Praying with people; Offers of home made cakes each week. FOR ALL THOSE PREPARED TO VOLUNTEER there will be a Coffee Morning at the Parish Centre on Thursday 29th January at 10.30am. Please come along if you can. Val Hawley (Tel: 827354 or email: Age UK Flash Sale Wednesday 28 January 10am to 1pm, at Age UK Droitwich Spa office, Severn House, 32 Ombersley Street West (Severn House is the first building on the left, through the underpass). All items will cost £1. There will also be refreshments and a raffle. Today : Third Sunday after Epiphany ~ The Conversion of Paul Readings: Gen.14:7-20; Rev.19:6-10; John 2:1-11 ~ Jer.1:4-10 or Gal.1:11-16a; Acts 9:1-22; Matt.19:27-end 8.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.45am 12.30pm Holy Communion, St Augustine’s Holy Communion & Children’s Church, St Peter’s Lighthouse Sunday School, St Nicholas’ Sung Eucharist, St Andrew’s Baptism, St Peter’s Mon 26 10-11am Bereavement Group, Parish Centre 7.15pm Choir Practice, St Andrew’s & Parish Centre 7.30pm Bellringing, St Augustine’s Tue 27 9.30am Eucharist, St Nicholas’ 7.30pm Bellringing, St Peter’s 8pm Baptism Enquirers’ meeting, Parish Centre Wed 28 11am Holy Communion, St Andrew’s 7.30pm PCC meeting, St Nicholas’ Thu 29 9.30am Eucharist, St Augustine’s 10.30am Helpers’ Coffee Morning, Parish Centre Fri 30 9.45am Prayer Group, St Andrew’s 10am Parish Toddlers, St Nicholas’ 10am Study Group, 12 Langley Road Sunday 1st February: The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas) Readings: Deut.18:15-20; Rev.12:1-5a; Mark 1:21-28 8.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.45am 12.30pm Holy Communion, St Augustine’s Morning Worship, St Peter’s Lighthouse Sunday School, St Nicholas’ Sung Eucharist, St Andrew’s Baptism, St Nicholas’ Quiet Days 2015 at Old Rectory Cottage Retreat House & House of Prayer, Feckenham: 28th February Lent Quiet Day A day to reflect upon the cross and its meaning for each of us ♦ 25th April Eastertide Quiet Day A day reflecting on Jesus' resurrection appearances Peter, formerly a communicant at St Peter’s church, died, ♦ 29th August Summer Quiet Day aged 91, on Saturday 17th January at Dorset House. A day to enjoy the peace and beauty around us and the The funeral has been fixed for 3.15 pm on Thursday 5th chance to have a go at needle felting February at Worcester Crematorium. ♦ 5th December Advent Quiet Day A day to prepare for the coming of Christ and to have a go at making an Christmas wreath at Martin Church, Sunday 1 February All Quiet days begin at 10am with coffee/tea and biscuits. For a number of years Candlemas has been celebrated at Includes a two course lunch, tea and cake and all Martin Church with a candlelit evensong. As time has gone materials. Finishing at 4pm. by fewer are familiar with the art of singing psalms but Suggested donation towards our expenses £25 the words of the liturgy when spoken are as beautiful as Contact – Rev Sue Barrett ever. This year we shall try something new and will be Phone – 01527 894894, Mobile 07825030607 listening to sung recordings of settings to the Magnificat Web – and Nunc Dimittis composed by Thomas Tomkins. 55-57, High Street, Feckenham. B96 6HU You are all most welcome to join us. Peter Piggott 6pm Evening Prayer ♦ Prayer diary Mon Readings: Heb.9:15,24-end; Mark 3:22-30 Topics: The Deanery of Droitwich, Rural Dean Sheila Banyard, those who worship in St Andrew’s, those who work in the health services, people with disabilities, local factories and large businesses Tue Readings: Heb.10:1-10; Mark 3:31-end Topics: The Diocese of Worcester, Nigel Byard, those who worship in St Augustine’s, those who work in the media, refugees and asylum seekers Wed Readings: Heb.10:11-18; Mark 4:1-20 Topics: The Church of England, those who worship in St Nicholas’, those who work in education, schools & training, politics and politicians Thu Fri Future deanery synod dates Monday 8th June – ‘Spirituality, ageing and well-being’, with the Revd Albert Jewell, retired Methodist minister and writer on spirituality and ageing, including dementia. We look forward to an engaging evening on this important topic with a speaker who is a leader in this field of pastoral and spiritual care. Tuesday 13th October – details tba. All meetings are at 7.30pm. Celebration of Lay Ministry This year’s service is on Monday 13th July at 7.30pm at Hanbury church. Authorised Lay Ministers and Readings: Heb.10:19-25; Mark 4:21-26 Topics: The Anglican Communion, those who worship in Eucharistic Ministers in the deanery are invited to renew their commitment to ministry at this service, but St Peter’s, Rita Holden, those who work in business and commerce, local factories and large businesses everyone is warmly invited to come to support members of their congregations and celebrate the gifts we receive Readings: Heb.10:32-39; Mark 4:26-34 and share. Topics: Other churches and Christian denominations, those who worship in the other churches in Droitwich, the Readers of the parish, those who work in leisure services, local healthcare providers Sat scripture in community with others is now familiar to Christians of many different traditions. Please drop Sheila a line if you would like more information. Readings: Heb.11:1-2,8-19; Mark 4:35-end Topics: Other faith groups and religions, Archbishop Justin, Bishop John, Bishop Graham, Archdeacon Nikki, the Churchwardens, those who work in government and public service, creative and performing arts groups Through the week Baptised today: Olivia May Hawkes Those ill or in need: Sue Stitson, Peter Mobley, Laurie Hall, Penny Grange, Shirley Gandy, Margaret Anderson, Beryl Titley, Barbara Smart, Pat Harrison Praying for the Parish: This week we are praying for people who live and work in Elgar Crescent, St John’s Nursing Home, St Peter’s Walk, Oatfields, Old Coach Road, Drovers Green, Drovers Place, Shepherds Hill Urgent requests for prayer: Contact Heather Ward on 01905 772837 or 07800 631239 Deanery news: Exploring church and community This year’s deanery synod programme begins with a follow up to last autumn’s excellent meeting when diocesan mission development officer Doug Chaplin led us in thinking about how we might explore the make-up of our local communities in order to engage more fully with needs, celebrations, concerns and opportunities. We shall be digging deeper into this at the synod meeting on Wednesday 11th February (refreshments 7.15pm, meeting 7.30pm) at St Nicholas’ church, Droitwich (Ombersley Road WR9 8JE). Why not bring your church and community stories to share with others. All are welcome. New year resolution? If one of the things you think you might like to do this year is find out more about how the bible can ‘speak’ to us, you might be interested in joining a group to explore the ancient practice of lectio divina or ‘holy reading’. Rather than analysing the text or discussing ideas, lectio divina is about reading in an unhurried, reflective way that allows the word to illuminate our personal experience, and vice versa. With its roots in ancient monasticism, this way of being drawn prayerfully into Deanery quiet day An advance date for your diary – last year’s quiet day at Holland House, led by Canon David Rogers, was received with enthusiasm and David is generously offering another opportunity for some biblical reflection, peace, good food and fellowship at beautiful Holland House. The date is Monday 14th September – look out for more details later in the year. For more information contact Rev Sheila Banyard on 01905 773134 or at Prayer Requests You can make prayer requests in different ways in each of our churches? At St Peter’s there is a Prayer Tree where you can attach your prayer request on a leaf, and at St Andrew’s, St Augustine’s and St Nicholas’ a board where you can pin cards. You can also light a candle in both St Nicholas’ and St Andrew’s. Do remember too that for truly urgent requests for prayer you can ask members of the parish prayer chain to pray in immediate response – there is a note about this each week on the newsletter at the end of the ‘Through the Week’ section of the prayer diary. To contact us A Registered Charity No. 1128487 Parish Office 01905 794952 Clergy Revd Nigel Byard ~ 01905 778265; mob: 07902 217144; Revd Rita Holden ~ 01905 772787; Parish Churchwardens: Hilary Fisher 01905 798 551 ; (particular responsibility for St Andrew’s & St Nicholas’) Michael Norris 01905 796 254 ; (particular responsibility for St Peter’s) Richard Rose 01905 773 911 ; (particular responsibility for St Augustine’s) Director of Music Mr Roger Gay 01905 770539
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