Sunday 8th February 2015 Welcome We welcome everyone to our worship. There is a loop system in this church for those with hearing aids. If you are a visitor, newcomer or haven’t been in church for a while, we hope you will enjoy being with us. There are cards at the back of church for newcomers to fill in contact details if you would like to keep in touch. Please speak to one of the stewards about these or anything else: they can also tell you useful things like where to find the loos! Parish Centre: Today: Second Sunday before Lent Today : Prov.8:1,22-31; Col.1:15-20; John 1.1-14 8.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.45am 12.30pm Holy Communion, St Augustine’s Holy Communion & Children’s Church, St Peter’s Lighthouse Sunday School, St Nicholas’ Sung Eucharist, St Andrew’s Baptism, St Peter’s Mon 9 7.15pm Choir Practice, St Andrew’s & Parish Centre 7.30pm Bellringing, St Augustine’s Tue 10 9.30am Eucharist, St Nicholas’ 7.30pm Bellringing, St Peter’s Wed 11 11am Holy Communion, St Andrew’s 7pm Deanery Synod meeting, St Nicholas’ 7.45pm Parish Fellowship, Parish Centre If you have completed one of the forms about helping out at the Parish Centre please return it to me as soon as possible so that I can get some rotas worked out and know Thu 12 to which groups we could offer our facilities. If you Fri 13 haven't had a form but would still like to contribute in some way with your time and talents please contact me. Val Hawley (tel: 827354 or email: Sunday Exploring church and community This year’s deanery synod programme begins with a follow up to last autumn’s excellent meeting when diocesan mission development officer Doug Chaplin led us in thinking about how we might explore the make-up of our local communities in order to engage more fully with needs, celebrations, concerns and opportunities. We shall be digging deeper into this at the synod meeting on Wednesday 11th February (refreshments 7.15pm, meeting 7.30pm) at St Nicholas’ church. Why not bring your church and community stories to share with others. All are welcome. Doris Poole, MBE Doris, an enthusiastic and active member of St Andrew’s Congregation for many years, has died. Her funeral Service will be held at St Andrews on Monday 16th February at 12.30pm. Men's "Pie & Pint" Evening I have booked the Wych Way Inn at Wychbold for an evening's get together on Monday 16th February for 7:30pm for the men of our churches (sorry ladies!). If you would like to come please let me know by phone (827354) or, preferably, email: before Friday 13th as I will need to give the pub the numbers on that date. We have had very convivial evenings on previous occasions, so I hope you will be able to join in this one - and apologies to those men who already have another commitment, but we will have another evening together later in the year on a different day of the week! Steve Hawley The Real Easter Egg Campaign It’s back ... and this year with 3 different eggs to choose from! The Real Easter Egg is the only Easter egg which tells the Easter story, gives money to charity AND is Fairtrade. 9.30am Eucharist, St Augustine’s 9.45am Prayer Group, St Andrew’s 10am Parish Toddlers, St Nicholas’ 15th February: Next before Lent Readings: 2 Kgs.2:1-12; 2 Cor.4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9 8.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.45am 12.30pm Holy Communion, St Augustine’s Morning Worship, St Peter’s Lighthouse Sunday School, St Nicholas’ Sung Eucharist, St Andrew’s Baptism, St Nicholas’ The Real Easter Egg is now in its 5th year of production with more than 750,000 sold so far - 300,000 last year alone! This year the £3.99 Original Real Easter Egg (same price as previous years!) has a new 24 page Easter storybook/3ft Happy Easter Banner, a high quality Fairtrade milk chocolate egg (125g), plus a pack of Fairtrade milk chocolate Chunky Buttons (25g). A donation of at least 10 pence from every sale of this egg will be made to Traidcraft Exchange. The Special Peace Edition Real Easter Egg (280g) contains an olive wood peace dove keyring from the Holy Land, a simple guide to the Easter story, an orange milk chocolate bar and a high quality Fairtrade milk chocolate egg (200g). This retails at £9.99 – again the same price as last year. This year there is also the Dark Real Easter Egg (180g), which costs £5.50. This contains an egg made from premium dark Fairtrade chocolate with 3 dark chocolate mini squares and a simple guide to the Easter story. Visit for more details. Sue Cottam at St Peter’s is again co-ordinating the ordering of these eggs for the Parish, (with help from Hazel Rose at St Augustine’s and Sue Mobley at St Andrew’s). Please contact Sue on 01905 779429 or 07702 563304 to order your eggs OR look out for the “sign up” list at your church! Money will have to paid “up front” please before orders can be placed. Easter is early this year. We can get free delivery if we order before the end of February so please put your orders in as soon as possible and by 22nd February latest! Saltmine Theatre Company Prayer diary Mon Readings: Gen.1:1-19; Mark 6:53-end Topics: The Deanery of Droitwich, Rural Dean Sheila Banyard, those who worship in St Andrew’s, those who work in the health services, people with disabilities, local Middle Schools Tue Readings: Gen.1:20—2:4a; Mark 7:1-13 Topics: The Diocese of Worcester, Nigel Byard, those who worship in St Augustine’s, those who work in the media, the High School Wed Readings: Gen.2:4b-9,15-17 Mark 7:14-23; John 17:20-end Topics: The Church of England, those who worship in St Nicholas’, those who work in education, schools & training, local shops Thu Readings: Gen.2:18-end; Mark 7:24-30 Topics: The Anglican Communion, those who worship in St Peter’s, Rita Holden, those who work in business and commerce, local Voluntary Services Fri Readings: Gen.3:1-8; Mark 7:31-end Topics: Other churches and Christian denominations, those who worship in the other churches in Droitwich, the Readers of the parish, those who work in leisure services, local small businesses Sat Readings: Gen.3:9-end; Mark 8:1-10 Topics: Other faith groups and religions, Archbishop Justin, Bishop John, Bishop Graham, Archdeacon Nikki, the Churchwardens, those who work in government and public service, local charities Through the week Baptised today: Esmae Jane Featherstone-Coward Those ill or in need: Sue Stitson, Peter Mobley, Laurie Hall, Penny Grange, Shirley Gandy, Margaret Anderson, Beryl Titley, Barbara Smart, Pat Harrison Those who have died: Angela Hambling. Roy Annable. Doris Poole. Praying for the Parish: This week we are praying for people who live and work in Greenbank, Victoria Avenue, Parsons Corner, Pelham Road, East Park Drive, Shirley Jones Close Urgent requests for prayer: Contact Heather Ward on 01905 772837 or 07800 631239 return to the Swan Theatre, Worcester on Friday 27th February at 7.30pm, with John Newton’s Amazing Grace. This celebration of the transformative power of grace is suitable for all aged 12+ and makes an ideal outreach event. Tickets: £12 and Concessions £10 on sale NOW: http:// (Call 01905 611427 for group rate) For a taste of the show, please view our trailer: http:// Can you help us on our tour? We need to find: - Hosts for our team of six overnight after the show - People to provide a lunch and a snack tea for our team - Two people to man our front of house stand at the theatre We can offer a free ticket to anyone who can help us, so please contact Joanna Bell Creative Arts Coordinator, Saltmine Trust on 01384 454807 / if you are interested. Quiet Days 2015 at Old Rectory Cottage Retreat House & House of Prayer, Feckenham: ♦ 28th February Lent Quiet Day A day to reflect upon the cross and its meaning for each of us ♦ 25th April Eastertide Quiet Day A day reflecting on Jesus' resurrection appearances ♦ 29th August Summer Quiet Day A day to enjoy the peace and beauty around us and the chance to have a go at needle felting ♦ 5th December Advent Quiet Day A day to prepare for the coming of Christ and to have a go at making an Christmas wreath All Quiet days begin at 10am with coffee/tea and biscuits. Includes a two course lunch, tea and cake and all materials. Finishing at 4pm. Suggested donation towards our expenses £25 Contact – Rev Sue Barrett Phone – 01527 894894, Mobile 07825030607 Web – 55-57, High Street, Feckenham. B96 6HU Keep up with the News If you would like to keep up with church news and activities even when you aren't around on Sunday, you can sign up to receive this newsletter by email. Just email Jean in the Parish office at to join the mailing list. St Augustine’s Breakfast To contact us & Congregational meeting Our next breakfast after the 0800 Eucharist at St Augustine's will be on Sunday 8 March and will be combined with a congregational meeting. Names to Barbara Stephens would be appreciated but this is not essential. Churches Together in Droitwich invite YOU to join a LENTEN SAFARI 7.30pm – 9.00pm on Wednesdays : ♦ 25th Feb Sacred Heart RC church ♦ 4th March Baptist church ♦ 11th March Salvation Army ♦ 18th March Methodist church ♦ 25th March St Andrew's church Cafe church is worship in a different style ...… Seated at tables with coffee (or tea), in an informal, relaxed atmosphere, and fun, so come & join us - everyone is welcome ! A Registered Charity No. 1128487 Parish Office 01905 794952 Clergy Revd Nigel Byard ~ 01905 778265; mob: 07902 217144; Revd Rita Holden ~ 01905 772787; Parish Churchwardens: Hilary Fisher 01905 798 551 ; (particular responsibility for St Andrew’s & St Nicholas’) Michael Norris 01905 796 254 ; (particular responsibility for St Peter’s) Richard Rose 01905 773 911 ; (particular responsibility for St Augustine’s) Director of Music Mr Roger Gay 01905 770539
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