Newsletter - the Parish of Droitwich Spa

Sunday 22nd February 2015
We welcome everyone to our worship. There is a loop
system in this church for those with hearing aids. If you
are a visitor, newcomer or haven’t been in church for a
while, we hope you will enjoy being with us. There are
cards at the back of church for newcomers to fill in
contact details if you would like to keep in touch. Please
speak to one of the stewards about these or anything
else: they can also tell you useful things like where to
find the loos!
The Real Easter Egg Campaign
Today: First Sunday of Lent
Readings: Gen.9:8-17; 1 Pet.3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15
Holy Communion, St Augustine’s
Holy Communion & Children’s Church, St Peter’s
Sung Eucharist, St Andrew’s
Lighthouse Sunday School, St Nicholas’
Mon 23
7.15pm Choir Practice, St Andrew’s & Parish Centre
7.30pm Bellringing, St Augustine’s
Tue 24
9.30am Eucharist, St Nicholas’
7.30pm Bellringing, St Peter’s
8pm Baptism Enquirers meeting, Parish Centre
Wed 25
11am Holy Communion, St Andrew’s
12noon Lent Course, Parish Centre
7.30pm Lenten Safari , Sacred Heart Church
Thu 26
9.30am Eucharist, St Augustine’s
7.30pm Lent Course, Parish Centre
Fri 27
9.45am Prayer Group, St Andrew’s
10am Parish Toddler group, St Nicholas’
10am Study group, 12 Langley Road
Sat 28
10am-12 Fairtrade Coffee Morning, Methodist Church
Last chance today to order your eggs!!
The Real Easter Egg is the only Easter egg which tells the
Easter story, gives money to charity AND is Fairtrade. The
Real Easter Egg is now in its 5th year of production with more
than 750,000 sold so far - 300,000 last year alone! This year
there are 3 to choose from:♦ Firstly, the £3.99 Original Real Easter Egg (same price as
previous years!)
♦ Secondly, the Special Peace Edition Real Easter Egg (280g)
@ £9.99
♦ And thirdly, new this year, the Dark Real Easter Egg (180g),
@ £5.50.
Visit for more details (or see previous
week’s newsletter).
Contact Sue Cottam at St Peter’s (07702 563304) OR Sue
Mobley at St Andrew’s OR Hazel Rose at St Augustine’s.
Sunday 1st March: Second Sunday of Lent
Readings: Gen.17:1-7,15-16; Rom.4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38
Holy Communion, St Augustine’s
Morning Worship, St Peter’s
Sung Eucharist, St Andrew’s
Lighthouse Sunday School, St Nicholas’
25th Feb
Sacred Heart RC church
4th March
Baptist church
11th March
Salvation Army
As part of the celebration of Fairtrade, we will be holding a
Methodist church
Coffee Morning at Droitwich Methodist Church on Saturday
St Andrew's church
February 28th from 10am to 12noon.
Information, quizzes, children's activities and of course delicious Cafe church is worship in a different style ...… Seated at tables
with coffee (or tea), in an informal, relaxed atmosphere, and
Fairtrade refreshments. Please come and enjoy a sociable hour
or two as well as raising some money for the projects and people fun, so come & join us - everyone is welcome !
that Traidcraft support.
As part of the fortnight we will also be having a display in the
library, a stall at the Farmer's market and at the Women's World Swan Theatre, Worcester on Friday 27th February, 7.30pm,
with John Newton’s Amazing Grace. This celebration of the
Day of Prayer service.
transformative power of grace is suitable for all aged 12+ and
makes an ideal outreach event. Tickets: £12 and Concessions
£10 on sale NOW:
Many thanks to all those who have completed forms indicating
events_review.asp?eid=453058311 (Call 01905 611427 for
ways in which you are willing to help at the Parish Centre.
Although we may not need all your offers of help at the moment group rate) For a taste of the show, please view our trailer:
it is useful to know who is available and when so that we can
February 23rd until March 8th
Saltmine Theatre Company
Parish Centre:
start planning future use. So please be patient - we will call
upon you in the near future. As you know Saturday mornings
are up and running again but I really need more helpers, so if
you can offer help on a monthly basis or even every other
month, please let me know as soon as possible. We shall also
be open on Wednesdays during Lent as Nigel is running a Lent
Study Group (after the Communion Service) from 12 - 1pm and
this will be followed by a Soup Lunch.
Val Hawley (Tel: 827354 or email:
Churches Together in Droitwich
invite YOU to join a LENTEN SAFARI—7.30pm – 9.00pm on
Wednesdays :
Droitwich Spa Foodbank
Lenten Collection
This Lent we are supporting the Lenten Collection for our local
Foodbank. In church today there are sheets with a calendar
which offers a series of short bible readings and snippets of
information about Foodbanks to take us through Lent. We are
asked to contribute 40p a day, which throughout Lent amounts
to no more than a meal for two at some cafes but would make a
huge difference to those in food crisis in our own community.
Please take a sheet and join in this important work as you
observe Lent and reflect on its meaning.
Prayer diary
Readings: Lev.19:1-2,11-18; Matt.25:31-end
Topics: The Deanery of Droitwich, Rural Dean Sheila
Banyard, those who worship in St Andrew’s, those who
work in the health services, people with disabilities, the
dying and bereaved
St Augustine’s Church will be open for a ‘drop in’ Quiet Day.
Please put this date in your diary and watch this space for
further details.
Riding Lights Passion Play for Lent
Written by Bridget Foreman Directed by Paul Burbridge,
Readings: Isa.55:10-11; Matt.6:7-15
Designed by Anna Gooch
Topics: The Diocese of Worcester, Nigel Byard, those
Wednesday 4th March, 7.30pm St Mark’s Church, Vicarage
who worship in St Augustine’s, those who work in the
Lane, Pensnett, Brierley Hill, DY5 4JH : Tickets: £10 (cash or
media, the housebound
cheques only) from Mary Joyce on 01384 78987 or
Readings: Jonah 3; Luke 11:29-32
Topics: The Church of England, those who worship in St ♦ On a dusty road leading to Jerusalem, a woman stumbles
towards her judgement. Just weeks later, Jesus will take the
Nicholas’, those who work in education, schools &
same road, leading to the cross. In Capernaum, the town they
training, farming and the food industry
both call home, they are rejected. In the temple where they
Readings: Esther 14:1-5,12-14 or Isa.55:6-9;
worship, they are condemned. The synagogue leader plots to
destroy them both.
Topics: The Anglican Communion, those who worship in
♦ Inheritance weaves the strands of the biblical Passion into a
St Peter’s, Rita Holden, those who work in business and
dramatic new narrative. It evokes the community where Jesus
commerce, local factories and large businesses
lived, the people who knew him best, the powers that brought
Readings: Ezek.18:21-28; Matt.5:20-26
him to execution. And, in the shadow of the cross, it casts light
Topics: Other churches and Christian denominations,
on some of the women who Jesus stands alongside, sharing in
those who worship in the other churches in Droitwich,
their suffering. Echoing through time, it renews our
the Readers of the parish, those who work in leisure
expectations of the kingdom of heaven and who might share
services, refugees and asylum seekers
its inheritance.
♦ Inheritance is a communal experience of theatre and worship.
Readings: Deut.26:16-end; Matt.5:43-end
The performance provides an opportunity to reflect on Christ’s
Topics: Other faith groups and religions, Archbishop
Passion and space for the audience to make their own
Justin, Bishop John, Bishop Graham, Archdeacon Nikki,
the Churchwardens, those who work in government and
response at the foot of the Cross.
public service, politics and politicians
For more information and a full list of tour dates visit our
Through the week
Those ill or in need: Sue Stitson, Peter Mobley, Laurie Hall,
Penny Grange, Margaret Anderson, Beryl Titley, Barbara Smart,
Pat Harrison
Those who have died: Shirley Gandy.
Praying for the Parish: This week we are praying for people
who live and work in Willets Road, Grosvenor Way, Pridzor
Road, Queen Street, Farmers Green, Spa Road
Urgent requests for prayer: Contact Heather Ward on 01905
772837 or 07800 631239
Retreat in Daily Life
The next Retreat in Daily Life support group will be on Thursday
5th March 2015 at 7.30pm at the home of Mary and Jeff Causier,
8 Addenbrooke Road (775265), led by Debbie Prigg, focusing on
John 2: v13-22. All are welcome. Debbie Prigg (771288)
Get Fit for Foodbank!
Do you know anyone who loves to run? Did you know booking a
place for the Worcester City 10K run or 50k run/bike/run is now
open? If you or someone you know would like to enter for this
event to raise funds for Foodbank, Book Now! as places get
snapped up quickly, especially as there may be a chance to run
with Paula Radcliffe. The event is on September 20th in
Worcester so plenty of time for training. For more details and
to book a place go to www.
- but hurry! Foodbank has a wide circle of people we can ask to
be your sponsors if you need more. Contact Foodbank for sponsor forms.
To contact us
A Registered Charity No. 1128487
Women's World Day of Prayer
This interdenominational service is on Friday 6th March at
10.30am in the Baptist Church. It has been prepared by
Christian women of the Bahamas with the title 'Jesus said to
them: Do you know what I have done for you?' All are invited to
the service, men as well as women, and to the refreshments
St Augustine’s Breakfast
& Congregational meeting
Our next breakfast after the 0800 Eucharist at St Augustine's
will be on Sunday 8 March and will be combined with a
congregational meeting. Names to Barbara Stephens would be
appreciated but this is not essential.
Thirty Pieces of Silver
On Saturday 21st March between 10.30am and 3.00pm
Parish Office
01905 794952
Revd Nigel Byard ~ 01905 778265; mob: 07902 217144;
Revd Rita Holden ~ 01905 772787;
Parish Churchwardens:
Hilary Fisher
01905 798 551 ;
(particular responsibility for St Andrew’s & St Nicholas’)
Michael Norris
01905 796 254 ;
(particular responsibility for St Peter’s)
Richard Rose
01905 773 911 ;
(particular responsibility for St Augustine’s)
Director of Music
Mr Roger Gay
01905 770539