Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Church Crosby

Anne Brownsell, Wally Reynolds, Paul Garrett, Trish Hodson, George & Wyn Coughlin, Vanessa Hall,
Che Burnley, Ann Sumner, Jonathan Crofts, Mrs Moore, Maria Carragher, Jack Kirby, May Ruxton,
Blair Fowler, John White, Jo Burke, Ann Hughes, Charles Sankey, Joseph Greville, Maura Murphy,
Brian Orford (Jnr), Gerard Tansey, Ian Buchanan, Mary Griffin, Margaret Reynolds, Helen Burgess,
Veronica Duffy, Maureen Hall, Pam McHugh, K Nuss, Annette Hemming, Ken Hemming,
Tommy Carter, Ben Hamill-Hope, Glen Sands, Joseph Forshaw, Sheila Cummins, Tommy O’Brien,
Mary Rimmer, Philip Goodwin, Maureen De Villier Briscoe.
Lately Dead:
Mary Hughes, Mary Halliwell, Frank McCann, Mrs Ward, Ben Herriott, Anne Mullins,
Keith Barrett, George Stuart, Ray Linley, Molly Finnigan, Edith Mitchell, Marjorie Arnold,
Stella Dilworth, Alice Mulcahy, Jim Sheerin, Helen Downie.
Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Church
6th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Year B - 15th February 2015
Parish Priest:
Rev. Mgr. John Furnival
Asst Priest:
Rev. Fr. Roy Cooper
Rev. Tony Johnson
Rev. Terry Rimmer
Rev. Ernest Diggory (retired)
In Residence:
Rev. Fr. John Seddon
Rachel Ashton, Paul Kindelan, Maura & George Carney, Michael Donleavy,
Edmund Coleman, Patricia McDermott, Desmond Rafferty, Steve Morgan,
Fr. Gerard Weston, Doug. Brighouse, Peggy & Joe Walker, David Jones,
Reginald Peters
Baptisms - We welcome into the church:
15th February - Ryan Stanley & Maisie Evans
Address: 161 Liverpool Road
Great Crosby
Liverpool L23 5TE
0151 928 3456
0151 949 1930
Saturday 14 February
5.45 Maura & George Carney & Paul Mercer
Sunday 15 February
9.30 Michael Woods & Dec. Members of Woods & Levins Families
11.30 Frank McGrath, Michael Donleavy, & Ada Brown
14th February - Jake Feeley and Lucy Edwards
Monday 16 February
9.10 Frances & Bill Moore & Fr Fred Matthews
11.00 am Requiem Mass: Stella Dilworth
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tuesday 6.45pm - 7.15pm & Saturday 10.30am - 11.00am
Tuesday 17 February
9.10 Eucharistic Service
7.30 Marie Cadwallader, George Stuart & Edmund Coleman
Exposition & Morning Prayer
Weekdays 8.30am - 9.10am (except Thurs & Sat)
Wednesday 18 February - Ash Wednesday
9.10 Alice Tansey & John Ryder & Padraig Walsh
12.00 noon Requiem Mass: Jim Sheerin
Benediction & Exposition
Tuesday 6.30pm - 7.15pm
1st Sunday of the month 3.30pm
Friday 20 February
9.10 Patricia Mc Dermott, Billy Wright & Desmond Rafferty
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday of Lent at 7.00pm
Saturday 21 February
5.45 Fr. Gerard Weston, Mary Hughes & Steve Morgan
Parish Priest: Mgr. John Furnival
Sunday 22 February
9.30 Frank McCann, Ben Hernott & Sp. Int.
11.30 Doris Brighouse, Peggy & Joe Walker
Liverpool Archdiocesan Trustees Inc.
Registered Charity No. 232709
Engaged Couples Course: Those getting married in our area during 2015 will be
invited to come along for the Marriage Preparation Course, starting on
Tuesday 17th February at 7.30pm, in the Parish Hall at Ss Peter and Paul.
ASH WEDNESDAY - 18th February 2015:
Mass with Ashes at 9.10am at Ss Peter & Paul, and at 9.30am at St Helens.
CAFOD: The Lenten Family Fast Day will be held on Friday: 27th
February. Donations following the Fast Day can be brought to church;
envelopes will be provided and Gift Aided contributions can be made.
VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITY: The Crosby Area Food bank project
needs a helper to coordinate the work with a team of volunteers.
See the notice board for details of this job.
Lent Discussion Groups and Resources: Please see the separate notice
giving details of discussion groups taking place during Lent. One relates to a
National Catholic Conference to take place on 11th July in Birmingham and
parish discussions are encouraged in preparation for this event. It has the
theme “Proclaim ’15” and the focus is on the Evangelising mission of the
parish. The second group discussions are based on Lenten themes with other
Christian churches in the Crosby area. There are other groups meeting to
reflect on Marriage and Family Life as we approach the Synod in Rome in
St. Helen’s parish centre, Crosby, is on 19th February at 7.30 pm with
speaker Daniel O’Leary. ALL WELCOME.
LENTEN PRAYER & REFLECTION: will be held at Irenaeus, 32 Great
George’s Road, On Wednesdays in Lent – 18th, 25th Feb, 4th, 11th,18th, March
from 10.30 -12.00 noon.
For more information ring: 0151 949 1199 or contact
FRIDAYS IN LENT: Each Friday in Lent there will be an early Mass at 7.15 am.
A Service of The Word and Communion will follow at 9.10 am after
Morning Prayer. Stations of the Cross will be celebrated each Friday in Lent at
7.00 pm, (please note that there will also be Stations each Friday in St. Helen’s
church and these will also be at 7.00 pm) led by different parish groups.
‘DAY BY DAY’ Booklets with the daily readings in Lent are available for
purchase in our church shop.
Bach Cantarta & Evening Prayer: To be held at Christ Church, Waterloo,
15th February 6.30pm.
“Do you Love Me?” is the title of a by Bishop Brian Noble, who was the bishop of
Shrewsbury. The Pastoral Formation Department and the Irenaeus Project invite
you to the launch of the document on Tuesday 17th February, 6.30pm - 8.30pm at
KEYSTONE: Is a project to help dementia sufferers and their carers.
See the leaflets available in church for more information.
Jospice: A total of £1,030.27 was raised for Jospice at the Christmas Concert 2014.
Thank you to all those who gave their support.
VOCATIONS: Please continue to pray for our 9 Liverpool seminarians currently
training at Oscott College in Birmingham, and at The Beda College in Rome; prayer
cards are available at the back of Church. For anyone interested in becoming a Priest
or considering the Religious life, there is a poster on the notice board with
information about a Vocation Discernment Group, and times of meetings which take
place on the first Saturday of each month. Please contact Fr. James Preston at St.
Charles’ presbytery, 224 Aigburth, Liverpool, for more details on 0151 727 2493.
Please pray for: the repose of Stella Dilworth who died recently, Her Requiem Mass
will be on Monday 16th February at 11.00am. Also for Jim Sheerin, His Requiem
Mass will be on Wednesday 18th February at 12.00 noon.
‘Paying the Price of Faith’: A talk by Lord David Alton MP, on an examination of
the persecuted Church around the word today. To be held at 7.00 pm on 12th March
2015 at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral, in the Gibberd Room. Tickets cost £8.00
(which includes a glass of wine and nibbles) are available from: The Secretary of the
Friends, Cathedral House, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, L3 5TQ.
‘The Priests’: There will be a trip to see ‘The Priests’ on 29th October, at the
Philharmonic in Liverpool. If you are interested please fill in your details on the sign
up sheet at the back of Church.
Sunday Readings:
6th Sunday of the Year: Leviticus 13: 1-2. 45-46 1 Corinthians 10:31 -11:1
Mark 1: 40-45
1st Sunday of Lent: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24-25. 2 Corinthians 1:18-22.
Mark 2: 1-12.