Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Church Crosby 4th

Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Church
4th Sunday of Advent
Anne Brownsell, Wally Reynolds, Paul Garrett, Jim Sheerin, Trish Hodson, George & Wyn Coughlin,
Vanessa Hall, Che Burnley, Ann Sumner, Jonathan Crofts, Mrs Moore, Maria Carragher, Jack Kirby,
Alice Tansey, May Ruston, Blair Fowler, John White, Joe Burke, Ann Hughes, Charles Sankey,
Joseph Greville, Maura Murphy, Peggy Brennan, Brian Orford (Jnr), Gerard Tansey, Ian Buchanan,
Mary Rimmer, Mary Griffin, Margaret Reynolds, Helen Burgess, Veronica Duffy, Maureen Hall,
Pam McHugh, K Nuss, Annette Hemming, Ken Hemming, Tommy Carter, Ben Hamill-Hope,
Mollie Finnigan, Glen Sands, Joseph Forshaw, Sheila Cummins.
Lately Dead
Bill Shreenan, Eric Robinson, Vincent Thirwall, Miss N Cruikshank, Marian Murphy,
Fr. Bill Redmond, Joan Sutton, Ann Anderson, Paul Mercer.
Anne Rafferty, George Pugh,
Anne Evans, Jean Corden,
Tess Cropper.
Baptisms - We welcome into the church:
21st December - Lachlan Bryan Robinson
- Anabelle Ruby Unsworth Brown
- Esme Rose Morrison-Wynne
Collections - Many Thanks
Lamp £1,249
Animate Youth £607.50
20th December:
Paul Michael Park & Julie Green,
27th December:
Philip James Robinson & Kizandra Maria Brett
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tuesday 6.45pm - 7.15pm & Saturday 10.30am - 11.00am
Exposition & Morning Prayer
Weekdays 8.30am - 9.10am (except Thurs & Sat)
Benediction & Exposition
Tuesday 6.30pm - 7.15pm
1st Sunday of the month 3.30pm
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday of Lent at 7.00pm
Parish Priest: Mgr. John Furnival
Liverpool Archdiocesan Trustees Inc.
Registered Charity No. 232709
Year B - 21st December 2014
Parish Priest:
Rev. Mgr. John Furnival
Asst Priest:
Rev. Fr. Roy Cooper
Rev. Tony Johnson
Rev. Terry Rimmer
Rev. Ernest Diggory (retired)
In Residence:
Rev. Fr. John Seddon
Address: 161 Liverpool Road
Great Crosby
Liverpool L23 5TE
0151 928 3456
0151 949 1930
Saturday 20 December
5.45 George Pugh,
Intentions of Gomez Family
Thanksgiving (BW)
Thursday 25 December
Christmas Day
9.30 John, Joan & Liam Bird
11.30 John Stack, Carol & Audrey Hoyt
Sunday 21 December
9.30 Don. Peter Callaghan
& Anne Evans
11.30 Irene Murphy (Speedy Rec.)
& Joseph Forshaw
Friday 26 December
Boxing Day
12.00 noon Altar Servers Mass
Monday 22 December
9.10 Peter & Ann Mercer
(40 Wedding Anniv.)
Tuesday 23 December
9.10 Eucharistic Service
7.30 Monica Lovelady, Mary Allen
& Michael Simon
(Reconciliation/Confession at Mass)
Wednesday 24 December
Christmas Eve
9.10 Eucharistic Service
8.00pm Jean Corden & Julie Peters
12.00 Midnight Mass
(Carols from 11.30pm)
Saturday 27 December
5.45 Tess Cropper
& Sisters of Reparation (Burma)
Sunday 28 December
9.30 Catherine Gilmore, Fam. & Friends
11.30 Vincent Thirlwall, Maureen &
Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation Ss Peter & Paul’s at
7.30pm on 23rd December.
PARISH PIETY SHOP Why not make final purchases for Christmas cards
Calendars and gifts at our church piety shop where you will find religious
themed Christmas Cards not so evident in the shops these days. Please
give the shop your custom and support. All proceeds go to church funds .
A bag packing session will take place once again this Christmas on
20th December & 23rd December from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm at
Sainsbury’s, Crosby Village, to raise money for victims of Ebola
through Waterloo Partnership. If you can volunteer for bag packing
contact your parish for details.
Ss Peter and Paul website: Why not visit our new website for all information
and events in our parish and area on
Have a look and follow the links for events and what’s on, local Crosby
churches and other information.
CHRISTIAN UNITY WEEK 2015: We are pleased to be able to welcome
the three main Church Leaders of Merseyside and Region to SS. Peter and
Paul’s on Sunday 18th January 2015 at 3.00 pm to a United Service as we
begin the Week of Prayer. All welcome.
Altar Servers: There will be a special occasion for all our Altar
Servers on 26th December at 12.00noon at Ss Peter & Paul’s as we
enroll new servers in the Guild of St Stephen and thank our servers for
their support during the year. There will also be a chance to go to the
Pantomime in Southport on 17th January 2015, servers & their
families are asked to sign up for this after Christmas.
Please pray for: Paul Mercer and Ann Anderson who have died
recently. Their funerals will be arranged after Christmas and more
details given in due course.
CAFOD FUN RUN: The 30th Cafod Fun Run will take place Saturday
on 27th December at Wavertree Park, Liverpool.
See details at he back of Church and sponsorship forms to sign.
The event aims to raise money for the Ebola crisis.
Fairtrade slide show Wednesday 25th February 2015 at St Luke’s
White Flower Appeal: This will take place on 11th January 2015 in our
Church, in support of SPUC. It was a great disappointment to hear of the
ruling in the Supreme Court recently, going against the midwives who had
refused to assist in Abortion operations.
Please continue to pray for the protection of the Unborn Child. Please note
the next monthly Prayers for SPUC will be on January 9th 2015 at 2.15pm 3.15pm at St Helen’s Church.
Crib Offerings: Please place any donations at the Crib that you wish to give.
Proceeds go to the Asylum Link and Nugent Care.
Abstaining From Meat: If you are someone who usually eats fish on
Fridays, please note that you can decide to suspend this rule if you wish on
Boxing Day this year, following a recent notice from the Bishop’s
Sunday Readings:
4th Sunday of Advent
2 Samuel 7; Romans 16:25-27; Luke 1;26-38.
A message from Mgr John: “I wish everyone a happy and holy Christmas
and a Happy New Year. I am grateful to everyone who contributes so much
during the year to the parish and appreciate the time and effort that many
people give. This makes it possible for us to offer as much pastoral and
spiritual care as possible to parishioners, visitors and families at Ss. Peter &
Paul. We hope and pray that God will continue to bless the parish in
this way.”