NEWSLETTER NO 1 29 JANUARY 2015 Dear Families of St Peter’s, Welcome to the beginning of a new school year at St Peter’s, a special welcome to all of our new students, families and staff. We were very lucky to have a break in the hot weather for our commencement yesterday, it made it a little easier to play outside and for students to be able to reconnect with their friends. Thank you for preparing your children so well for school, a successful start depends on students being ready with all equipment needed. I know those bags and boxes were heavy to carry into school, we appreciate your efforts in ensuring everything came into school for the start of the year! We keep the following people in our prayers especially this week Vienna, Mrs Yvonne Cummings (School Officer 2014) and their family on the arrival of baby Aden last month, 5 February Parent Info Evening 6 February Opening Mass 9.30 9 February Year 3-6 Swimming Starts 12 February Parent Info Evening 18 February Ash Wednesday 20 February Commissioning Ceremony Student Leaders 2 March Year 1-2 Swimming Starts Maintenance During the holidays we continued the repair work on car park drains to ensure proper water run-off occurs during wet weather to minimise the impact of flooding, this was also timely with all the rain we have had. Repairs were completed on the Block C roof as well. Thank you to the OSCH Staff who relocated their unit to the Simon Peter Centre while the roof was repaired. We also began the paperwork necessary to have our electronic sign designed and ordered, we are unable to continue to use the current wind –up sign due to WHS issues. The new digital sign has now been approved through the council and should be installed soon. Pupil Free Days Staff were involved in five days of professional development since Tuesday of last week. We worked through strategies and priorities for teaching and learning in Brisbane Catholic Education schools and the local context of St Peter’s with our new Vision for Teaching and Learning, curriculum planning and differentiation, the Religion Curriculum priorities and Positive Behaviour 4 Learning. These were productive and very full days. An absolute highpoint of our PD days was a presentation on Tuesday from Fr Richard Leonard, a Jesuit Priest who has degrees in arts and education, as well as a Master’s degree in theology. His most recent book Why Bother Praying? Has just been awarded the prestigious Excellence in Publishing Award from the international Association of Catholic Publishers. 3 March Shrove Tuesday Liturgy Staffing 2015 We warmly welcome new staff members to our community, I know that you will join them in welcoming them as well. 4 March School Swimming Carnival Mr Paul Rees joins our staff as Acting APRE. He has been APRE at St Thomas Moore Primary at Sunshine Beach for the past couple of years. 9 March P&F Meeting 19 March Zone 2 Swimming Carnival Miss Bridgette Watson is teaching Yr 4C this year Mrs Jayne Murphy is part time Support Teacher – Inclusive Education and will commence in March. Mrs Felicity Killian is our school based speech pathologist who will be working to support teachers in classrooms to enhance our English program. Weekly School Routines In the morning all students are expected to gather in the Simon Peter Centre where supervision begins from 8.00am. House coloured shirts are to be worn each Wednesday. Newsletter day is Thursday. It is posted onto the school website ( on Thursday afternoon and is usually available from 4.00pm. Assemblies occur on Friday mornings in the Simon Peter Centre at 8.45am. All families are most welcome to join us for prayer, weekly awards and announcements. Parking is available in the church car park only – no parking in the parish / staff car parks. Parents dropping off or picking up children to /from After School Care should not drive into the parking area after 7.30am or before 4pm. Parking in this area restricts staff from accessing the limited car spaces available. Parent Information Evenings An invitation is extended to all Parents/Guardians to attend the Parent Information Nights for your child’s year level. The purpose of the night is to allow you to meet with the other parents as well as to receive a brief outline of the class and school programs for the year. There will be a short address in between the session from Mr Rees and I at 7.00pm in the hall. Thursday 5 February Thursday 12 February 6:30PM Year 5 Library Prep Hall 6:30PM Year 2 and 3 Hall Year 6 Library 7.00 Leadership talk in the Hall 7.00 Leadership talk in the Hall 7:15PM Year 4 Hall Year 1 Library Child Minding will be available in the library meeting room on each of these nights. Uniform Shop During the holidays Mrs Jenny Mehlert was offered a full time position at Chisholm College Cornubia. Jenny has been the Uniform Shop convenor at St Peter’s for a number of years, as well, last year she was in the office as part time secretary. I extend my congratulations and thanks to Jenny for all she has done for St Peter’s students, families and staff and wish her family all the very best for her new position. Mrs Heunerberg (part time secretary) is taking the role of Uniform Shop convenor for us on a temporary basis. Thank you to Natalie for stepping into this position for us. Tuckshop Our tuckshop service will begin next week on Thurrsday, please see the attached menu for details. Specific Heath Related Issues Due to severe (life threatening) allergic reactions of some children in our school, we are trying to make the P- 7 classes peanut, tree nut and egg aware . That means that we ask families to not include these items in children’s lunchboxes as cross contamination can occur and cause a reaction to the students with anaphylaxis. We also have two children with cystic fibrosis who are very susceptible to chest infections and need to be alerted should a child be infected with an illness such as whooping cough, even severe cold and flu. A note is attached to this newsletter to explain this in more detail. It is vital that we have your cooperation in maintaining a safe environment for all students, especially those with medical issues. I look forward to seeing you at the Parent Information night and wish you and your family all the very best for 2015. Carolyn Watson PRINCIPAL Welcome to 2015 Welcome Back to St Peter’s and welcome to new families to St Peter’s 2015. I am also new and will be working in the role of Assistant Principal Religious Education. I am delighted to be working in this excellent community. I have worked in this role at number of Brisbane Catholic Education schools previously. My role is varied and it is to assist Mrs Watson and primarily to the Religious Education Curriculum and the Religious Life of our school. I will write about each of these aspects in upcoming newsletters. 2015 Theme “Unlock Your Potential” In 2015 St Peter’s has a theme that we will refer to throughout the year. St Peter was handed the keys to heaven. Like St Peter parent, teachers and students are called to bring Christ to others. We continue St Peter’s work, making a conscious decision that we can unlock the potential of ourselves and to make our community a place where students, families and the community learn through Christ. We are a Catholic School St Peter’s is a school where Jesus is evident in our education, in our daily prayer and religious life and most importantly in our relationships. Central to our school. We are not a private school, but a Catholic school, part of the Brisbane Archdiocese which has 132 schools in total. Our work is driven by the 3 key aspects of Faith, Hope and Love. Faith, in a loving God who is with each of us. Hope, for each other and in each of us living as Jesus did. Love in our interactions and how we as a community raise our children and relate to each other. There are many reasons that parents choose to send their children to a Catholic school and all good. But for which ever reason you send your child to St Peter’s children are learning through Christ. We are a Community in Faith, A Community in Learning and a Community in Peace. Day 1 Mrs Cridland and Year 3B Beginning School Mass Next Friday 6th of February, we will gather as a community for mass to celebrate the Eucharist and the start of a new year together. All families are welcome to join us in the church at 9:30am. If you haven’t been able to come to mass for a little while, please feel welcome at this opportunity to join us as the St Peter’s school community. Sacramental program Year 3 At this time of the Year, the parish sacramental team are about to start the preparation of Year 3 children for the sacraments of Reconciliation. Parents of baptised children in Year 3 will receive a letter shortly outlining the program for preparation for the Sacraments commencing with Reconciliation this term. This is a parish based program. If there are older children who would like to receive the sacraments, now is the time to contact the parish to let them know that you are interested. May I make a suggestion that this is a very special time in the faith journey of your child and this is an opportunity to prepare for the sacraments with their peer group. Any questions please make contact with the parish office. Morning Supervision and OSHC Morning Supervision commences at 8:00am in the hall. This means that your child will be supervised by a teacher from this time. Children arriving earlier will not be supervised and therefore are not permitted to be on the school grounds unless they are booked and signed in at Outside School Hours Care. We ask parents adhere to this and keep the safety of your children paramount. The OSHC number to book your child in is 3219 7672. Have a great Week Paul Rees Assistant Principal Religious Education Prayer for a Parents, Students and Teachers for a New School Year. May you be blessed with the strength and guidance of God’s Spirit. May you be blessed with the wisdom of God’s Spirit. May you be blessed with the love and compassion of God’s Spirit. May you be blessed with joy and peace as you generously attend to the education and the personal and spiritual wellbeing our children and our community. We make this prayer through Jesus, who is our inspiration and guide. Amen SPORTS NEWS Welcome back to another school year at St Peter's. This year will be busy and exciting for us all, so please ensure you "check in" with the newsletter to get any important Sports Information coming out. Grade 2-6 Swimming Please make sure you have returned your permission forms back to your class teacher/school office by Tuesday 3rd February. District Sport We have now been re-zoned from Mount Gravatt District to Logan District. Regular information will come throughout the year regarding district age group trials. Swimming Trials info coming very soon........ Thank you Gayle Dinnen (Sports Co-ordinator) 2015 SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM Enrolments are now being taken for this year’s sacramental program. If your child is in grade 3 or above they will be eligible to receive the sacraments. Please see the school or parish office for an enrolment form. Forms need to be completed and returned to the parish office no later than Thursday 5th February. Parish office hours are 8.15am – 1.15pm Monday – Friday. SCHOOL BANKING School Banking starts on Wednesday 4 February. Students should bring in their weekly deposit (with their deposit book) and give to the School Banking Helpers in the Hall. For every deposit made at school, no matter how big or small, students will receive a cool Dollarmites token. Once students have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for an exclusive School Banking reward item in recognition of their continued savings behaviour. New rewards just released for Term 1 are ET DVD and Planet Handball (available whilst stocks last). Remember our school earns $5 commission on every deposit each week and 5% on every deposit made through the school (to a maximum of $10 per individual deposit). Thank you for supporting the School Banking program at St Peter’s school banking starts next Wednesday. ST THOMAS MORE COLLEGE Troughton Road, Sunnybank. Enrolment Open Day – Tuesday 24 February 9:00am and 4:15pm. Families are invited to meet the Principal, current students and tour the College. Please contact Main Reception to register: 3323 4600. LORETTO COLLEGE Enrolment at Loreto College – Coorparoo Year 7 2018 (Current Year 4 students) – Applications closes Friday 6 February 2015, applications received after this date will be placed on a wait list. Offers will be made during term 1 2015. Year 7 2019 (Current Year 3 students) – Applications are now open. More information please contact Ms Emma Beach, Manager of Enrolments on 3394 999 or email LOST AND FOUND Car key and house key found of key ring outside church, if you have lost any keys please see the school office. 29.1.2015 Dear Parents, We have two children at St Peter’s who have been identified as having Cystic Fibrosis, we would like to make you aware of some important information to enable us to continue to support these children. GOING TO SCHOOL WITH CYSTIC FIBROSIS (CF) An information guide for the parents CF is an inherited genetic condition which mainly affects the lungs, digestive system and sweat glands. In CF there is a problem with the protein that controls the movement of salt in and out of the cells. Too much salt in the cells causes mucus to be very thick and sticky and to build up in organs like the lungs. • • • • • • • Common symptoms of CF may include: Persistent cough, particularly with physical effort Some difficulty with breathing of wheezing with effort Tiredness, lethargy of an impaired exercise ability Frequent visits to the toilet Salt loss in hot weather which may produce muscle cramps of weakness] Poor appetite People with CF tend to develop a range of other associated conditions, the most common being CF related diabetes Almost all children with CF show some symptoms of the disease. Typically they live with mild, moderate or even severe lung disease and gastrointestinal problems. Children with mild or moderate CF usually appear healthy, but this appearance may be misleading. They have to follow a fairly rigorous health regime at home and are required to see physicians frequently. Many children with CF fatigue easily and take a lot of medications to maintain their health. PEOPLE WITH CF HAVE A LOW IMMUNE SYSTEM, THEREFORE OTHER CHILDREN WITH RESPIRATORY ILLNESSES; TUMMY BUGS (GASTROENTERITIS) DO REPRESENT A SIGNIFICANT HEALTH RISK TO THE PERSON WITH CF. CYSTIC FIBROSIS AND THE LUNGS When you have CF, the mucus produced by the exocrine glands in the lungs is thick and sticky. It clogs the breathing passage and, if not cleared, can lead to recurrent lung infections and lung damage. Although a person who has CF may cough a lot, it is not contagious. People with CF may become accustomed to coughing and may not even be aware of it. It is important that they do not suppress this coughing. YOU CANNOT CATCH CF, IT IS NOT CONTAGIOUS HAND WASHING AND HYGIENE Viral infections (e.g. the common cold) are the most common cause of chest infection in CF. One of the most important things a person with CF and the people they have contact with can do to is to minimise exposure to harmful germs and bacteria. Coughing and sneezing are common modes of transmission. Simple hand washing and/or using antibacterial hand gel and covering ones mouth when coughing or sneezing prevents transmitting viruses and is the best way to go about this. It is imperative that all students and teachers maintain this level of hygiene. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher, learning support teacher or the school administration. Many thanks, Carolyn Watson Principal Megan Djelovic Learning Support Teacher 29.1.2015 Dear Parents We are settling in well to the New Year, and trust that your child is enjoying the start of the new school year! In our school we have a number of children enrolled who have severe anaphylactic reactions to certain products, such as peanuts. For these children, this reaction can be sudden and life threatening. As parents, we all want the best for our children, and if we can foresee a potential threat to our children we have a moral and legal obligation to eliminate or minimise that threat. With that in mind, we are asking all families to eliminate peanut and tree nut products from their child’s school menu. This would mean eliminating nuts and products containing nuts (peanuts and tree nuts) from your child’s lunch box, such as peanut butter, muesli bars that contain nuts, and nutella. If you have packaged goods that say “may contain traces of peanuts/nuts” these are okay and are considered to be low risk. I realise this places some limitations on your child’s eating choices, but I am hopeful that your child enjoys a wide and varied diet and will still enjoy their lunches even without nut products. This does not mean birthday cakes cannot come to school; allergy free products provided by the individual’s family are stored at school for those occasions so everyone can participate; it is just a matter of letting your child’s teacher know a day in advance. We will be working with the children on this topic as well, so they have a full understanding of what we are trying to achieve and how they can help. With your cooperation and support we can take every precaution possible to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the children in our care. I am sure all members of our community share this same goal. Should you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours in Christ Carolyn Watson Principal You are invited to attend a FOSTER CARER INFORMATION SESSION 6.00-7.30pm on Tuesday 10 February 2015 Ever thought about becoming a Foster Carer in your community? As a foster carer you would be required to provide a level of care consistent with the standards outlined in the Child Protection Act 1999. The session will provide you with further details including: • • • • • How and why children come into foster care The role of the foster carer Training and assessment steps for becoming a foster carer Types of foster care placements Support for foster carers The session will be presented by staff from Kyabra Community Association. It will be an informal presentation and you will have opportunities to ask questions. As becoming a foster carer is a serious decision that impacts on your own family life, it is recommended that family members, if applicable, also attend the information session to learn more about fostering. Following this session if you are then interested in pursuing an application, you are also invited to attend: FOSTER CARER PRESERVICE TRAINING Module 1&2: 9.00am-4.30pm on Saturday 21 February 2015 Module 3&4: 9.00am-4.30pm on Saturday 7 March 2015 If you are interested in becoming a Foster Carer, part of the application process requires that applicants must attend and successfully complete the Quality Care Training modules. You must attend all sessions as a requirement of the training, as well as successfully complete all required homework and worksheets. Upon satisfactory completion of the requirements, you will be provided with a certificate stating your completion. Sessions held at Kyabra Community Association, Kyabra St, Runcorn Please RSVP to Donna on 33739460 or at by 6 February you are able to attend either of these events and advise any dietary requirements.
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