Paróiste Naomh Oilibhéar Pluincéid Parish Office: 27b Glenveagh Drive, BT11 9HX Telephone: 028 9061 8180 E-mail: Parish Priest: Fr. Aidan Brankin PP Parish Sisters: Sr Claire and Sr Emmanuel (028 9060 2175) Sunday 21st December 2014 “I am the handmaid of the Lord; let what you have said be done to me.” Fourth Sunday of Advent This week’s Mass times: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 6.30pm Family Mass 9.00pm “Midnight Mass” 10.00am Christmas Mass 12.00 noon Christmas Mass 7.30pm 6.30pm (Vigil) 10.00am & 12 noon Confession: Christmas Eve: 12.00 noon Saturday: 5.45pm Mon 29th Dec to Sun 4th January: Masses as normal Rotas for the Christmas Masses are available outside the Sacristy today. Rotas for January will be available from Sunday 28th December. Rotas can always be viewed or downloaded from Dear Parishioners, Christmas can mean many different things to each of us. To many who have suffered bereavement it can be a lonely time. To those who have financial or health problems, it can be a worrying time. Some aren’t looking forward to Christmas due to break-ups or family rows or fall-outs. Please God, may it be a time for all of us to reflect that God came to live among us, so much does he love us and want us all to know the hope, warmth and security of his closeness on our faith journey. We are never alone; he is with us always. So as we celebrate, may we recognise his love in all those who visit us, give us a gift or send us a card. These are signs of God’s love and through the good and difficult times may the love and presence of God help us to live as a people of hope; a people who are truly loved and cherished by God. For God is the source of our true joy and true peace. May you all have a very Happy Christmas and may God bless and support you through 2015. Fr. Aidan Parish Priest Beannachtaí na Nollag agus Athbhliain faoi mhaise! Anniversaries Paddy & Bell McNeill, Kathleen & Seamus McBride, James & Annie Carleton, Charlie & Kathleen Patterson, Paul Hickland, James & Sarah Bell, Mary & Harry Buckle and Brendan Barber Month’s Mind Pat Evans (on Sunday 28th December) Recently Deceased Annie Emmett (in Canada) The Parish Office will close at 1.00pm on Christmas Eve and will re-open at 9.00am on Monday 29th January 2015. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Moving Crib is very grateful for the continued support of parishioners who give to their red boxes every week of the year. They are particularly busy at this time of year when many people find it difficult to make ends meet. Please be extra generous and support St. Vincent de Paul after all Masses this weekend (the last before Christmas). Oh Come Let us Adore Him! A “live crib” is now open at St. Mary’s Church, Chapel Lane, until 6th January 2015. It features a real donkey and goats as well the Holy Family, shepherds and kings. All proceeds will go to Tuesday’s Child “Following Yonder Star Christmas Appeal” for children in Gaza, Kenya and Brazil. Gel Bags PARISH DRAW WINNERS: December 2014 1st: Mary McLaughlin 2nd: John & Pat O’Reilly 3rd: Patricia Hamill (£75 prize) (£25 prize) (£15 prize) If you’re not in - you won’t win! Tickets available from Parish Office The Parish has access to fifty Gel Bags from the Housing Executive over the Christmas period . These are for use in an emergency flooding situation. They will stop water coming in your front door for a couple of hours and can only be used once. If you need one in an emergency, please contact the Parish Office. Please note there will be no Bulletin on Sun 28th Dec. Keep up to date via the Parish website! Tweet from the Pope @Pontifex: “The Lord put it clearly: you cannot serve two masters. You have to choose between God and money.” Children’s Liturgy - 12 o’clock Mass All children from P1 to P7 are welcome. The Catholic Guides are setting up a group in our Parish in the new year. On Tuesday 20th January there will be a family fun evening open for all girls aged 4 upwards (and their families) who are interested in joining. Also any adults who would like to train to be a leader or volunteer with the group should come along. The meeting will last from 7.00 to 8.30pm. Did you know? Fr. Aidan is the Chaplain to the Girl Guides! An amazing £2,750 was raised over two weekends by sales of the Global Gifts. A big thank you to everyone in the Parish who contributed. Due to Safeguarding Regulations only those children whose parents have completed a Parental Agreement Form may be admitted to the Children’s Liturgy. Forms are available every Sunday from a group leader. Our young people will be acting in the Nativity Play as well as singing and reading during the Family Mass on Christmas Eve. Please give them your support and keep them in your prayers. Many thanks to everyone who supported the Christmas Sale last week and bought ballot tickets for the Christmas hampers. The grand total of £524.36 was raised which will go directly to Parish funds. Paddy Barry, Seán McClory and Ann Laird won the hampers. Christmas Mass Bouquets are available from the Parish Office until Christmas Eve from 9.00am to 1.00pm Financial News Weekly collection for 14th December: Collection on Feast of The Immaculate Conception : £ 1,123.16 £ 430.36 . Thank you for your contributions and for your continuing generosity! Remember we accept Sterling and Euros in our collections!
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