ST. FRANCIS XAVIER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 19 Broad Street, Hereford HR4 9AP Parish Priest Telephone (01432) 273485 Dom MICHAEL EVANS Email: Website: Newsletter email: During Advent and Christmastide we are invited to pray for Openess to the word of God, for Migrants and Refugees, and for expectant Mothers. Readings for this week Sunday MASSES and INTENTIONS - Dec 2014 Sat Sat 20th 20th Francis George Trevor (anniv.) 10.30am FERIA 6.00pm (Vigil) 4th Sunday of Advent Patrick Murphy RIP The Parish Sun 21st 8.00am Sun 21st 10.00am 4th Sunday of Advent 11.30am BAPTISM Danny Robert Goggins FERIA Patrick Murphy RIP Sun 21th Mon 22nd 9.15am Tue 23rd NO PUBLIC MASS Wed 24th N.B. NO 1.00pm Mass Wed 24th Thu 25th CHRISTMAS DAY N.B. NO 8.00am Mass Thu 25th 10.00am 11.30pm CHRISTMAS EVE Carols followed by Midnight Mass Payne Intention The Parish CHRISTMAS DAY For peace St. Stephen Fr. Michael Cronin (sick) Fri 26th 10.00am Fri 26th N.B. No other Mass today Sat 27th 10.30am St. John the Evangelist Thomas McCourt Sat 27th 6.00pm (Vigil) Holy Family Donal O’Keeffe RIP Sun 28th 8.00am Holy Family Dec. Rels Arscott fam Sun 28th 10.00am Sun 28th 12.15am 6.00 pm Year B Psalter week 4 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Ministers of the Word Angela Holmes Helen Booth The Parish Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturday 11.00 am - 12.00 noon and at call Lately Dead: Mary Amor 8.00 am Jane Gennard Dorothy Kennedy 10.00am Laura West Stephen Booth Michael Elliott-Smith Offertory for Last Week - Thank you 1st Running of the Parish £571.15 2nd Renovation £429.83 Standing Orders £349.50 PARISH NOTICES We welcome into God’s family Danny Robert Goggins who will be Baptised this Sunday at 11.30am. Annexe Refurbishment During work on the Annexe there will be no access to the disabled W.C. TESCO VOUCHERS Josephine Spencer is unable to continue this fund-raising activity into 2015, so we are looking for a new Organiser to build up this activity. Jo can tell you more or you can contact Paul Williams or Father Michael. NO Lunch Club until the First Monday in April. Brigid Teresa Butcher Josephine French Terry Goldrick Patrick Murphy Bernard Doverman 200 Club Subscriptions for 2015 are now due Please make cheques of £12 payable to Saint Francis Xavier’s 200 Club and leave for Paul and Brenda. Remembrance: Stanley Smith Mary Oakley Gerald Alfred Fussell Jadwiza Angell Francis George Trevor Thomas Morgan Doris Rosina Cripps Bill Mills Patrick Jeffers Please Pray For The Sick: Joan Sheeran Antoinette Perrot Pat Morris Pat Franklin Canon Keane Vince Hanna Peter Gunter Brian Daw Jean Goldrick Maureen Toner Cynthia Barnett Fr Michael Cronin Winnie Doran Flo Brown Fr. Antony Pat Clark Alison Alder Sheila Fawcett Beryl Swain Rhys Clement Angela Rosier Sonia Jones Please let the office know if you wish to be added to the sick list or feel that you no longer need to be included St Francis Xavier’s Church Christmas Services 2014 Weds 24th Dec.12.00 Midnight Mass Preceded by carols at 11.30 pm Thu 25th Dec. 10.00am Mass of Christmas Morning Fri 26th Dec. 10.00am Mass for St Stephen’s Day Telephone Prayer Line Further details from Eileen MacGregor (01432) 352915 or Meg Furber (01432) 264560. Frances Hetterley Helen Nienadowicz Trad Rite Parish Mission - the theme for our Parish Mission, next Lent (14th-28th March), is "Renewing Faith, Spreading Joy". We also have a Mission Prayer, so now is a good time to start praying for the success of the mission - if you haven't already done so. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and Ministers of the Word Please sign up for Christmas Masses. Also let the office know your availability for Jan, Feb, and Mar 2015 rota. Christmas Holly If you have any spare holly please leave in the Narthex for decorating the Church on Christmas Eve morning. Would the following please collect their letter(s) from the Sacristy - Deacon Eddie x2, Pat Cotterell, Justin Snober, Hannah Crowley (via Jo Cole), Fr Roman, Stuart Fox, Nina Fish, Father Richard, Michael Boaden, Paul Messervey and Justina Snober. Parish Mission Prayer Loving God, Creator and Giver of all things, bless our Parish Mission. Send Your Spirit to renew our faith and help us spread the joy of the salvation that Your Son wrought for us. Grant us Your grace, that we may serve our community, glorify You, and be sanctified ourselves. We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Our Lady, Cause of our Joy, pray for us. St. Francis Xavier, pray for us. St. John Kemble, pray for us. Prayer and Bible Study Group Friday, 10-11am Petal’s Place. Ring 344218. 4th Week of Advent. Days moving up to Christmas. Our apologies to our regular readers if we didn’t make it clear to the office last week that the paragraph starting with Fr Polycarp was a short article from a grateful Joan Colley. Years ago, when I helped the Youth in this parish, we arranged with Joan that we would send all our charitable collections to her friend, Fr Polycarp, who works unceasingly with the poorest of the poor in Tanzania. Many older parishioners also sent donations. We will continue to help him. Our longstanding group send you loving greetings as we celebrate the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah. Last week we discussed that the people then were just like the world’s population now — many different hopes from different people. Isn’t this one of the reasons why our forthcoming Mission is so vital? Fr Michael and his hardworking Mission Team will be needing much of the Sunday Newsletter space to keep us aware of this great event. Even after the Mission is over there will be the work of reevangelisation and we will need guidance. We will continue with our prayers. Don’t forget, prayer groups are vital. Drop in, if you wish, or start one of your own. Au revoir! Petal Lift wanted for Midnight Mass from Bobblestock If you are able to do this then please contact Fr. Michael. 273485. OTHER NOTICES NEW YEAR SCOOP! St. Mary’s High School is offering a great opportunity to come and listen to 2 talks by renowned speaker Dr. Anthony Towey, Head of Theology at St. Mary’s University College, London. He is a skilled and lively communicator and he will be giving 2 presentations at the school in Lugwardine. 09:30-10:40 Why God? Why Jesus? 11:05-12:30 Why Church? Why Catholic Schools? Come to either/both: Monday 5th Jan 2015 in Main Hall. Not to be missed!Free admission. ALL WELCOME! Get Creative this Christmas! Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Crib Competition Knit it, Cut it, Carve it, Junk it, Create it, Weld it, Sew it, Mould it, Bake it, Forge oit, Ice it, Hammer it! A competition for all ages! Exhibition in the church hall on Sunday 28th Dec. From 10.30-11.30 All entries to be in the hall by 10.15am. 20p to view the entries and vote. Refreshments available. Prizes for all age categories. Sponsored Walk for ACN See notice in the Narthex. Please see notices in Narthex for times of Christmas Masses at Our Lady’s and Belmont Abbey. WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK Wed 24th Dec 12 midnight Mass preceded by carols at 11.30 Thu 25th Dec 10.00am Mass of Christmas Morning Fri 26th Dec 10.00am Mass for St. Stephen's Day
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