St. Ann’s Roman Catholic Church Office: (604) 852-5602 / Fax: (604) 852-3007 / Res: (604) 852-5676 33333 Mayfair Avenue, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 1P4 Office Mon Hrs: -Mon-Fri, Fri, 9am -9-1:15pm 1:15pm &/ 2:15-5pm 2:15 - 5pm Carmelite Missionary Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus St. Ann’s Convent - 2018 Ware Street / Tel: (604) 756-8882 Pastor: Rev. Hien Nguyen Assistant Pastor: Rev. David Farfan Guerrero Secretary: Frances McNeil Welcome! If you are new in our parish, registration forms can be found on the table in front of the Sacristy when you enter from the outside doors. You may place your completed form in the collection basket at the weekend Masses or drop it off at the Parish Office. Donation envelopes will be left on that same table for the next weekend, if they are requested. Please join us for refreshments after the 8:00 & 10:00am Sunday Morning Masses in St. Joachim’s Room of the Parish Centre. Please notify the Parish Office if you are moving from the parish. Sacraments Baptism Baptisms usually take place on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 1:15pm. A baptism course is required for parents of their first child & Godparents are welcome to attend. Registration required. Teenagers & adults are asked to contact the RCIA coordinator. Marriage Please contact one of the priests through the Parish Office before making any plans for your wedding. We require at least 6 months advance notice before your wedding date, since a marriage preparation course & paperwork are required. Priesthood or Religious Life Please contact the Vocations Office at: Confession Monday - Friday 20min before Mass Saturdays 10:00am - 11:00am & 4:00pm - 4:35pm Sr. Elizabeth de Guzman, C.M.S.T. * Sr. Mila Dela Pena, C.M.S.T. * Sr. Vicky de Guzman, C.M.S.T. * Mass Times Other Weekends Spanish Mass - Every 2nd Sat 7:00pm Saturday5:00pm Korean Mass - Last Sat of mnth7:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am & 12:00pm (served by St. Andrew Kim Parish) First Fridays 8:00am & 7:00pm Weekdays Saturdays & Holidays 9:00am Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Fridays 8:00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday Evenings 7:00pm First Fridays 8:30am - 6:50pm (Perpetual Novena to St. Ann) Benediction to follow 6:50pm - 7:00pm Important Contact Info Altar Servers Rev. David Guerrero 604-852-5602 Altar Society Linda Harder 604-556-3643 Bookstore Lucy Kaszonyi 604-852-5696 Couples for Christ Pat & Mariz Carlos 604-853-2474 CWL-Catholic Women’s League Linda Harder 604-556-3643 Info Tech Brian McNeil Knights of Columbus Joseph Doyle 604-855-4977 Mayfair Sunshine Club Shirley Hockin 604-859-7265 One Body in Christ Prayer Grp Ken/Mena Beatch 604-855-9701 Outreach Bus Parish Office 604-852-5602 Parish Education Committee Joe Sellinger 604-853-8997 St. John Brebeuf HighSchool Monique Navarro 604-853-3028 Parish Outreach Carl Gomes 604-859-6729 Parish Screening Coordinator Jody Garneau 604-852-5602 Preschool Jo-Ann Nixon 604-852-5602 Prison Ministry Maureen Maureen Donegan 778-241-8164 Project Advance Fundraising Paula Fischer 604-850-3506 Prolife Reps. Anna/Benoit Anna & Benoit Wauthy 604-852-6198 Religious Education Office Extension 227 604-852-5602 RCIA/Adult Faith Formation Jody Garneau PREP - Children’s Catechism Lourdes Louden St. Vincent de Paul George Sweeney 604-852-5602 Stewardship Leo Ilomin 604-832-5802 Young Adults Group Cynthia Widow’s Group Matilde Carrao 604-850-1782 Youth Ministry Kirsten ven der Buhs 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 21ST, 2014 Dearly beloved in Christ, Domestic Church: The Foundation To continue from last week’s sharing, there are two necessary and immediate steps we can take to foster the vocation culture in the family. First, we need to teach our children to pray. Second, we need to help our children to cultivate a spirit of willingness to make a sacrifice and self-denial. Prayer The only way our children can hear God’s call is to know how to listen to God and to talk to God, or simply to pray. How can we expect our children to hear when they are “deaf” and to talk when they are “dumb”? We need to teach them to communicate with God, and an effective way is to gather as a family and pray. There are families that get together every evening, light a candle, say the Confiteor, the Creed, a decade of the Rosary, and conclude with a period of silence. The whole duration only takes about seven minutes which will not be a burden for the young (babies) and prolong the interest for the old (teenagers). The practice of family praying together will develop a habit for the children to pray and learn how to pray even on their own. The family can also help the members to appreciate and enter more deeply into the Sacred Words of God through sharing stories particularly of the Bible and the Saints. Story telling is an effective way to communicate especially to the young. Their natural curiosity and imagination absorbs what’s being read or told. Pictures books are also a good way to share our faith as they can imprint in them long-lasting memories. I still remember not only stories about my patron saint that my parents told me but also the patron saints of my siblings. Every feast-day in my family, we celebrate our patron saints’ day like a birthday celebration with a special meal, a cake, and Mass. Currently we celebrate birthdays with parties and gifts that teach our children to indulge and consume. I still remember the exciting Bible story of Joseph and how he rescued his brothers and family; Moses’ escape and walk through the Red Sea; the miracle of water being changed into wine; the multiplication of bread and fish; Peter walking on the water, etc. Parents should encourage their children to read by making Catholic Bibles available to them. Parents must provide books and magazines that exemplify the lives of the saints who can inspire the children to follow their footsteps and make them their role models. There are Catholic Bible trivia games that the family can spend time together at recreation for a fun learning experience. (to be continue) Fr. Hien Nguyen ADVENT PENITENIAL SERVICES Sts Joachim & Ann –Monday, Dec 22 St Mary’s Chilliwack– Tuesday, Dec. 23 All Confessions start at 7:00 p.m. except where THIS WEEK AT ST. ANN’S KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CHRISTMAS HAMPERS COLLECTION: Envelopes are available in your pews for their annual collection that helps defray the cost of the purchase of food and gifts for the 48 family hampers. Please make cheques payable to “St. Ann’s Parish” or cash in the envelope with your name, address & envelope # for tax receipt purposes. Tagalog Mass – “Simbang Gabi” on Sunday, December 21st, at 6:00 p.m. A traditional Christmas Filipino Mass with Fr. Jun Reyes as celebrant. There will be a small salo-salo after the mass, so bring your favorite Arroz Caldo or Tinapay dish to share. MASS will be celebrated at the Menno Hospital Chapel on Friday, December 26th at 10:00 a.m. Infant Loss Holy Hour Sunday, December 28th 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. on the Feast of the Holy Innocents (Holy Family Sunday). Reception to follow. For Moms, Dads, Siblings, Family and Friends who have lost babies too soon through miscarriage, stillbirth, pre-term birth, neo-natal loss, and other traumas. Light a Candle • Add your child’s name to our Book of Life • Be Comforted For information phone 604-852-5602 or email The Parish Office will be closed on December 24th, 25th & 26th. CHRISTMAS SEASON MASS SCHEDULE: CHRISTMAS EVE, Wednesday, Dec. 24th Mass with Children Caroling (sing along) Midnight Mass 7:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 12:00 a.m. CHRISTMAS DAY, Thursday, Dec. 25th (Holy Day of Obligation) 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Friday, December 26th 9:00 a.m. FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY Saturday, December 27th - 5:00 p.m. Sunday, December 28th - 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 noon A Special Remembrance (Holy Hour from 2-3pm) for all babies lost to miscarriage, pre-term birth, stillbirth, and infant death. USHERS & VOLUNTEERS: On the table in the church foyer is a sign up sheet for ushers to write your name, phone number and Masses you will be attending over the Christmas season. Anyone wishing to help out are very welcome. Mass Intensions for Dec. 22nd to Dec. 28th, 2014 Monday 8:00am Jack Robinson, rip. Tuesday 7:00pm Marie & Peter Tull, rip. Wednesday 8:00am Mass of Thanksgiving (Navarro Family) 7:00pm Intentions of the Parish Midnight Intentions of the Parish Feast Days & Readings Dec. 22nd to Dec. 28th, 2014 Monday I Samuel 1:24-28; Luke 1:46-56 Tuesday Malachi 3:1-4; 4:5-6; Luke 1:57-66 Wednesday 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12,16; 1:67-79 Christmas Eve Isaiah 62:1-5; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Matthew 1:1-15 Thursday 9:00 & 11:00am Intentions of the Parish Thursday-Christmas Day Isaiah 62:11-12; Titus 3:4-7; Luke 2:15-20 Friday 9:00am Bruno Dudzik, rip. Friday-St. Stephen Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Matthew 10:17-22 Saturday 9:00am 5:00pm Roett Family int. Frances & Brian McNeil, int. Sunday 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm Intentions of the Parish Patricia Jantzen, rip. Tessie Foster, int. Saturday-St. John 1 John 1:1-4; John 20:2-8 Sunday-Feast of the Holy Family Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14; Colossians 3:12-21; Luke 2:22-40 New Year’s Eve Dance & Social Wednesday, December 31st St. Ann’s Parish Centre Doors open at 8:00 p.m. Late night Buffet Tickets: $15 pp Music by DJ Children’s Party - $5 per child up to 14 yrs. Movie & games room Late night snack Chaperones provided by St. Ann’s Youth Tickets available after all Masses and at the Parish Office. (Reservations for a table of 8) Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and CWL Needed on Monday to make Christmas Swags for the Church: 3ft or longer pieces of cedar, pine, fir and/or juniper. Thank you. 2015 DONATION ENVELOPES An order form is available for those who would like donation envelopes and are registered parishioners. If you haven’t registered with the parish please fill out a registration form found on the shelf of the white storage unit in the church foyer and drop it into the collection basket. Your envelopes will be placed with the rest of the envelopes the next weekend. If you would like to have your donations come out automatically from your bank account once a month (20th), the PAD forms are also in the Registration Box and require a VOID cheque and need to be filled out and signed on both sides. They can be dropped into the collection plate in envelope provided or brought to the Parish Office. Thank you. *** VOLUNTEERS needed to help out with this year’s New Year’s Eve Celebration. We are having a separate program for the children and are looking for new ideas and help with child care. Please contact the Parish Office at 604-852-5602 if you are interested. The evening will be filled with music, food and drink with a cash bar. Tickets are now on sale. Come and bring in the New Year with family and friends at a very reasonable price. *** Two Retired Men Needed Age 65 or older, willing to serve the Lord on a daily basis. A few parishioners were asking, “What does it entail”? Answer: Serving at the Altar, maximum of one hour per day during the week. Please call Leo at 604.832.5802. 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 21ST, 2014 Dearly beloved in Christ, Domestic Church: The Foundation To continue from last week’s sharing, there are two necessary and immediate steps we can take to foster the vocation culture in the family. First, we need to teach our children to pray. Second, we need to help our children to cultivate a spirit of willingness to make a sacrifice and self-denial. Prayer The only way our children can hear God’s call is to know how to listen to God and to talk to God, or simply to pray. How can we expect our children to hear when they are “deaf” and to talk when they are “dumb”? We need to teach them to communicate with God, and an effective way is to gather as a family and pray. There are families that get together every evening, light a candle, say the Confiteor, the Creed, a decade of the Rosary, and conclude with a period of silence. The whole duration only takes about seven minutes which will not be a burden for the young (babies) and prolong the interest for the old (teenagers). The practice of family praying together will develop a habit for the children to pray and learn how to pray even on their own. The family can also help the members to appreciate and enter more deeply into the Sacred Words of God through sharing stories particularly of the Bible and the Saints. Story telling is an effective way to communicate especially to the young. Their natural curiosity and imagination absorbs what’s being read or told. Pictures books are also a good way to share our faith as they can imprint in them long-lasting memories. I still remember not only stories about my patron saint that my parents told me but also the patron saints of my siblings. Every feast-day in my family, we celebrate our patron saints’ day like a birthday celebration with a special meal, a cake, and Mass. Currently we celebrate birthdays with parties and gifts that teach our children to indulge and consume. I still remember the exciting Bible story of Joseph and how he rescued his brothers and family; Moses’ escape and walk through the Red Sea; the miracle of water being changed into wine; the multiplication of bread and fish; Peter walking on the water, etc. Parents should encourage their children to read by making Catholic Bibles available to them. Parents must provide books and magazines that exemplify the lives of the saints who can inspire the children to follow their footsteps and make them their role models. There are Catholic Bible trivia games that the family can spend time together at recreation for a fun learning experience. (to be continue) Fr. Hien Nguyen ADVENT PENITENIAL SERVICES Sts Joachim & Ann –Monday, Dec 22 St Mary’s Chilliwack– Tuesday, Dec. 23 All Confessions start at 7:00 p.m. except where THIS WEEK AT ST. ANN’S KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CHRISTMAS HAMPERS COLLECTION: Envelopes are available in your pews for their annual collection that helps defray the cost of the purchase of food and gifts for the 48 family hampers. Please make cheques payable to “St. Ann’s Parish” or cash in the envelope with your name, address & envelope # for tax receipt purposes. Tagalog Mass – “Simbang Gabi” on Sunday, December 21st, at 6:00 p.m. A traditional Christmas Filipino Mass with Fr. Jun Reyes as celebrant. There will be a small salo-salo after the mass, so bring your favorite Arroz Caldo or Tinapay dish to share. MASS will be celebrated at the Menno Hospital Chapel on Friday, December 26th at 10:00 a.m. Infant Loss Holy Hour Sunday, December 28th 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. on the Feast of the Holy Innocents (Holy Family Sunday). Reception to follow. For Moms, Dads, Siblings, Family and Friends who have lost babies too soon through miscarriage, stillbirth, pre-term birth, neo-natal loss, and other traumas. Light a Candle • Add your child’s name to our Book of Life • Be Comforted For information phone 604-852-5602 or email The Parish Office will be closed on December 24th, 25th & 26th. CHRISTMAS SEASON MASS SCHEDULE: CHRISTMAS EVE, Wednesday, Dec. 24th Mass with Children Caroling (sing along) Midnight Mass 7:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 12:00 a.m. CHRISTMAS DAY, Thursday, Dec. 25th (Holy Day of Obligation) 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Friday, December 26th 9:00 a.m. FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY Saturday, December 27th - 5:00 p.m. Sunday, December 28th - 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 noon A Special Remembrance (Holy Hour from 2-3pm) for all babies lost to miscarriage, pre-term birth, stillbirth, and infant death. USHERS & VOLUNTEERS: On the table in the church foyer is a sign up sheet for ushers to write your name, phone number and Masses you will be attending over the Christmas season. Anyone wishing to help out are very welcome. Mass Intensions for Dec. 22nd to Dec. 28th, 2014 Monday 8:00am Jack Robinson, rip. Tuesday 7:00pm Marie & Peter Tull, rip. Wednesday 8:00am Mass of Thanksgiving (Navarro Family) 7:00pm Intentions of the Parish Midnight Intentions of the Parish Feast Days & Readings Dec. 22nd to Dec. 28th, 2014 Monday I Samuel 1:24-28; Luke 1:46-56 Tuesday Malachi 3:1-4; 4:5-6; Luke 1:57-66 Wednesday 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12,16; 1:67-79 Christmas Eve Isaiah 62:1-5; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Matthew 1:1-15 Thursday 9:00 & 11:00am Intentions of the Parish Thursday-Christmas Day Isaiah 62:11-12; Titus 3:4-7; Luke 2:15-20 Friday 9:00am Bruno Dudzik, rip. Friday-St. Stephen Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Matthew 10:17-22 Saturday 9:00am 5:00pm Roett Family int. Frances & Brian McNeil, int. Sunday 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm Intentions of the Parish Patricia Jantzen, rip. Tessie Foster, int. Saturday-St. John 1 John 1:1-4; John 20:2-8 Sunday-Feast of the Holy Family Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14; Colossians 3:12-21; Luke 2:22-40 New Year’s Eve Dance & Social Wednesday, December 31st St. Ann’s Parish Centre Doors open at 8:00 p.m. Late night Buffet Tickets: $15 pp Music by DJ Children’s Party - $5 per child up to 14 yrs. Movie & games room Late night snack Chaperones provided by St. Ann’s Youth Tickets available after all Masses and at the Parish Office. (Reservations for a table of 8) Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and CWL Needed on Monday to make Christmas Swags for the Church: 3ft or longer pieces of cedar, pine, fir and/or juniper. Thank you. 2015 DONATION ENVELOPES An order form is available for those who would like donation envelopes and are registered parishioners. If you haven’t registered with the parish please fill out a registration form found on the shelf of the white storage unit in the church foyer and drop it into the collection basket. Your envelopes will be placed with the rest of the envelopes the next weekend. If you would like to have your donations come out automatically from your bank account once a month (20th), the PAD forms are also in the Registration Box and require a VOID cheque and need to be filled out and signed on both sides. They can be dropped into the collection plate in envelope provided or brought to the Parish Office. Thank you. *** VOLUNTEERS needed to help out with this year’s New Year’s Eve Celebration. We are having a separate program for the children and are looking for new ideas and help with child care. Please contact the Parish Office at 604-852-5602 if you are interested. The evening will be filled with music, food and drink with a cash bar. Tickets are now on sale. Come and bring in the New Year with family and friends at a very reasonable price. *** Two Retired Men Needed Age 65 or older, willing to serve the Lord on a daily basis. A few parishioners were asking, “What does it entail”? Answer: Serving at the Altar, maximum of one hour per day during the week. Please call Leo at 604.832.5802. Please support our sponsors McLean’s Henderson’s Funeral Home Funeral Services “Your Catholic Family” 34537 Marshall Road Abbotsford BC V2S 1M1 604-854-5534 Sara Veronica Lawson Tod 604-847-3477 24hrs Stewart McLean Owner 45651 Lark Rd Chilliwack, BC V2R 3N5 The new name for Personal Alternative Funeral Services 2310 Clearbrook Rd. Abbotsford, B.C. 604-853-2643 24hrs. Angelo Rea • Jonathan Chapman Chris Pilla 604.870.0455 2081 Dolphin Crescent Abbotsford, BC 604-857-5779 Final Arrangements made in your home Serving the Catholic community since 1992 We offer Pre-Arrangements R & T Bottle Depot Val Son: 604-852-6092 (w) 604-996-1076 (c) Free Drop Off for: FREE pick up for • Electronics Bottle Drives! • Small Appliances Cash Refunds on • Paint Cans beverage & liquor containers • Car Batteries #23 - 31550 S. Fraser Way, • Milk Jugs Abbotsford EC Echo Contracting Ltd. Serving Abbotsford and area for over 8 years. Building On Your Referrals White Wolfe Restorations Specializing in Commercial and Industrial Installations and Maintenance. 604-309-2130 3634 Nicomen Pl Abbotsford, BC 32144 Mouat Drive Abbotsford, BC 604-854-5854 (604) 835-1609 • Mold Inspections • Asbestos Abatement • Attic Mold • Indoor Air Quality Testing Lu Theberge Mold Remediation 778-552-3940 (removal) 604-381-3940 (f) DD. . LT Jason Schut IEP Applied Microbial Remediation Technician Office 604-614-1908 Toll Free 1-866-645-4500 3175 268 Street Langley, BC V4W 3E4 Corey Sheppard Secure Off-site Data Backup Network Monitoring & Maintenance Linux & Windows Hosting SSL Certificates (604) 756-0334 Mission Dental Clinic Dr Stephen Chow & Associates Offering a full range of Dental Services Mon & Tue 7am - 7pm Wed & Thu 7am - 5pm 7576 Grand St, Mission BC (Corner of Grand & 7th Ave) Emmanuel Tomasi Financial Books Canada • Personal Income Tax • Small & Medium Business Bookkeeping Martene Turra Professional Personal Service Over 20 years experience 604-852-5977 St. James & St. Ann’s Canadian Web Hosting & Data Backup Elementary School ALIGNMENT & BRAKE #108 - 19415 56 Ave Surrey Darryl Trentini 604-530-9160 604-852-1788 2767 Townline Rd, Abbotsford V2T 5E1 C D W ar en ho e f ta le or l Fa th m e ily Alex Kotai, BBA, PFP Professional Whitening System President & Senior Mortgage Advisor, Residential and Commercial Call 604.557.3461 Now accepting new patients 604-826-3805 Your home. Your business. Your trusted Advisors. Balakshin Hargrave Law Corp. Tel 604.859.1220 Toll Free 1.855.375.5025 Fax 604.859.0473 Mark Hargrave ICBC Claims Renovations, New Construction Kitchens, Bathrooms, Additions Residential / Commercial Complete Home Renovations and Repairs #202 - 2955 Gladwin Rd Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4 #101 - 33774 Marshall Rd. Abbotsford, BC V2S 1Y2 604-855-3702 Free Hearing Test simply bonita hair salon 604-850-9441 32126 Debreen Cresc. Abbotsford, BC Hilda Bate Hair Stylist By Appointment Only
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