1 BENEFICE MAGAZINE – January 2015 Edition for the parishes of Herriard with Winslade, Tunworth, Upton Grey and Weston Patrick I got annoyed on the road between Upton Grey and South Warnborough the other day. It is narrow in places and I pulled right over and stopped to let three cars going the opposite way, through. Not one said thank you. I don’t think this is just about rudeness or politeness. I think it is about habit. You can work to get into the habit of thinking about others – or conversely of not thinking of them, or even being aware of them. And once the habit is properly formed you do it (whatever it is – for better or worse!) without thinking – for instance thanking the other car driver or using your indicator in good time – or of course not thanking or not indicating! Thinking about others requires imagination (“what does it feel like for them”), a certain moral understanding (“is it right to put others first”) and hard work – getting into the habit. The Christian faith, in the person of Jesus, says it is right to love God and your neighbour as yourself. And he most certainly lives that out. In the Garden of Gethsemane, faced with hard choices (“let me have the strength, God, to do what you want of me, not just what I want”). And most extraordinarily on the cross, as he is being taunted by bystanders (“father forgive them for they know not what they do”) – what an example of imagining where other people are and thinking of them. All of which needs effort: which is why the Christian disciplines of finding time to pray and worship and think about God are important. And what’s all this got to do with the New Year. Well might I suggest we forget resolutions – most of us break them within the week. Think instead about how we form our characters - how we build up good habits and bad – just like in driving so that we do them without thinking – think how God and each of us might help and encourage one another in good habits of caring for one another, being aware of one another, that we might begin in a natural way to love one another as we love ourselves. In days gone by it used to be called the art of Christian formation. It does need work, but it is infinitely worth it. Peter Dyson 2 FROM THE REGISTERS Funeral Carole Sainsbury on 20th October at Basingstoke Crematorium Bill James on 18th December at Basingstoke Crematorium Burial of Ashes Pete Pusey on 6th December at St Mary’s Herriard Graham Sutton on 8th December at St Lawrence, Weston Patrick Baptism Michael Allen and Samuel Turnbull on 7th December at All Saints Tunworth Natasha Woods on 21st December at St Lawrence Weston Patrick CHURCH NEWS AND DIARY Advent and Christmas Thank you for all those – churchwardens, sidesmen, flower arrangers, cleaners – who worked so hard to make our churches beautiful for Advent and Christmas. The Gospel choir and readings at the Advent Carol service in Herriard were warmly appreciated by the 100 people present and my thanks go to Victoria, Sara and Fiona for all their organisation, (especially as the vicar forgot the organisation meeting which just goes to show how superfluous they are!) And thank you also to Lynn Power and of course our licensed lay ministers, Jill Lestrille and Alan Hoar, for all they did to help lead our worship – as well as to our organists, Helen, Nick and Rose and our choirs, and lesson readers, all of whom help to make our worship particularly special at this time of year. It has been a moving and celebratory Christmas Season. …………….and please note the Sunday after Christmas (28th December) the only service in the benefice will be 11.00am Holy Communion at St Andrews South Warnborough. Let’s Play at Being Kings – Family Service 4th January On the 4th January we will celebrate the Epiphany when the three Kings or wise men brought gifts to the Baby Jesus and His Mother. Everyone (including adults) is invited to wear a crown, preferably home made and as elaborate as possible, and the children might like to wear cloaks as well. Please bring gifts for the Joshua Tree Trust which looks after mothers and their children who are experiencing hardship and family breakdown. Particularly welcome are gift of toiletries for women and for little ones – 3 anything from baby wipes to Chanel No. 5. Bring your presents wrapped in bright paper and we will act out the Kings bringing their gifts to the manger. We will sing traditional carols and process around the church. If there hasn’t been time to make a crown beforehand, there will be craft materials in church so arrive early and make one! Any queries please ring Jill on 862131. Stepping Stones for under school age children now meets once a quarter and with some changes. In addition to activities for the children, there will be an informal talk/discussion for adults on topics they might find relevant and interesting. They will all be Mondays 10.30-11.30am and the first will be 19th January in the Vicarage and Nicola will bring her working with families and children experience to lead a discussion on parenting. The other dates for the year will be 20th April, 6th July and 5th October. Our annual service when we remember those whom we love and who have died will be held at 5.00pm on Sunday 25th January at St Mary’s Herriard. Please note we are holding this in Herraird this year, partly because that parish has, sadly, had a number of people who have died this past year. All are welcome and I collect in names for remembering and lighting a candle for each. Could names be given to me in writing or by email by 22nd January. Thank you. Our next Messy Church will take place again in the village hall on 30th January and then 27th February. Children and families come between 3.30 and 4pm for a drink and games, 4-5pm craft work and messy tables, 5-5.15pm short celebration with songs, stories and prayer and then 5.155.45pm tea. There will also be crèche facilities available for the under 3s. Upton Grey Family Services which are the 1st Sunday of every month at 10am are going to have a 15 minute slot just before the service, ie 9.459.59am (!) geared for young children and their families. It will take place in the children’s corner in the church with plenty of musical instruments etc. Families can then stay for the service if they want but should feel free to slip away if they wish. This will start at the Family Service in February (on 1st February which happens to be the ancient church celebration of Candlemas which is both beautiful and thoughtprovoking). At the same time we have regular monthly Family services in all our churches: 2nd Sunday at Weston Patrick (11.00am); 3rd Sunday at Tunworth (9.00am) and 4th Sunday at Herriard (10.00 am) 4 Fourth Sunday services at Upton Grey 10am in the New Year On January 25th at 10.00am we will explore the life of St Paul, saint, man, traveller and Evangelist. This will be led by Paul and Lily Birkbeck and is suitable for both adults and children. On 22nd February the theme will be the crucifixion in art. We will be looking at how the crucifixion has been portrayed in art in so many different ways throughout the ages. It will be a very informal event with coffee and cake served café style. Prints and pictures will be on show around the church and we will have an informal discussion about them, which will be led by Viv Anscombe and Jill Lestrille. pMAPS! Every church in the Diocese is being encouraged to look at its life and how it relates to its wider community – the p standing for parish maps. We are being asked to listen to God, to the church community and the wider community and then to put together a practical and achievable programme based round the priorities we have already agreed as a diocese: growing authentic disciples, re-imagining the church, supporting community and helping us care for one another and living generously for others. It all kicks off this January and we have to have our programmes agreed by the end of 2015 – so in each parish we will be consulting everyone (the church belongs to everyone and is there for everyone), sometime in the early part of the year. I do hope everyone will give their views! Lent Course 2015 Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 18th February, with a service in All Saints at 7.30pm; hopefully we will welcome Father Anselm from Alton Abbey as our preacher. The Benefice is planning the Lent Course, based on the one prepared by the Diocese. Bishop Tim is leading us towards a Benedictine rule of life in our Christian living, summarised as Contemplative Action. So we are aiming to be people who reflect and act. To guide us during the 6 weeks of Lent, each week will have a theme supported by a short video about Benedict, and appropriate readings, and we will visit four rooms in a Benedictine Monastery. In each room will be a choice of one out of four suggested ways of exploring the theme. Starting in the Refectory, (where we may share food,) we discuss what we want to achieve together, socialising with other Christians. Next the Chapel, here we meet God in prayer and follow Jesus into the desert. 5 In the Library, we read and study a biblical passage to go deeper into God’s word. Finally at the Market, we talk about what message we take with us out into the next week. Our aim is to achieve a simple rule for life in our frenetic world. In the Benefice we hope to meet in smaller groups this year to encourage discussion. I hope there will be groups in at least three of our 4 parishes meeting at different times of day to meet everyone’s needs. They will start the week beginning 23rd February – more details in the February magazine. The Upton Grey adult choir has its next practice will be before the Sunday morning service at 9.15am Sunday 11th January and the choir will help lead worship that morning. The next 10.00am Thursday Holy Communion service in Herriard will be on 22nd January. All are welcome to this informal, friendly and relaxed service which is followed by refreshments. Homegroup – The Lord’s Prayer For the last two years between Christmas and Lent we have followed Jesus around Galilee and up to Jerusalem during his three years of ministry, focussing on what he did and said and his companions, and this year instead we will look at his Prayer – for two thousand years we have said it at every service and on many other occasions – we will focus on a different phrase of this prayer which is so familiar to us each Wednesday evening from 7th January to 11th February, 7.45 for 8 at Frances Yeowart’s home The Old Post Office – please contact Frances 861218, Judy Sutherland 862662 or Caroline 01420 87358 for more details or just turn up for a very warm welcome on any or all of these evenings Lent Lunches The first Lent Lunch will be at Val Buckley’s home on 25th February. Full details in the February Parish magazine. Watch this space! Jill Lestrille Don’t forget we have a website: www.uptongreychurch.info. It carries the monthly Parish Magazine including service times and diary dates, plus details of local groups and organisations and other information relating to the four churches. Also it would be really useful if you can help keep it up to date by telling us when you spot errors 6 Kids’ Zone January Birthdays 1st Elena Simpson and Rainbow Thrussell 6th Harry Ebbs 7th Jai Pearson 8th Oliver Webster and Theo Chevallier 13th Charlotte Warfield, Harry Warfield and Alexander Campbell 15th Dylan Allenby-Ryan 30th Joanna Bellamy If you would like a child’s birthday put in the magazine and they are not already on the list, please would you send name and birthday to either Kate at kate.goddard1@virgin.net or to me. Thank you, Peter Thank you to everyone who made our two Christingle services at Upton Grey and Herriard such a success – especially to Annabel and Fiona and their respective teams. Sunday Club normally meets on the second Sunday of every month and is for children aged from 3 to 12. The next meeting will be at The Vicarage on Sunday 11th January. The Sunday Club is a really friendly and informal way for children over 3 to begin to learn about the Christian faith. It starts in the Vicarage and then all the children come over to church near the end of the service for a blessing. Junior choir: our next practice will be 9.15am Sunday 4th January, and the choir will help lead the services that morning and then on 18th January – and of course on 4th we are having a jamboree celebration of the three kings with songs to match. 7 Stepping Stones in its new format takes place at The Vicarage 10.30 – 11.30 Monday 19th January. In addition to the usual large range of activities for the under 3s, Nicola will lead a discussion with the mums and dads present on the subject of parenting….. ……..and our next Messy Church is in the Village Hall starting 3.30 – 4.00 on Friday 30th January – and in addition to the creative work tables and celebrating together, it will end with a meal together for the children. All are welcome. And a date for your diary……Mothering Sunday is 15th March and all four of our churches will be holding Mothering Sunday morning services which will include the giving of flowers or other gifts to mums. Seed Swap Day - Saturday 31st January All budding gardeners will enjoy Seed Swap Day. Although people have been swapping seeds since time began, nowadays people usually buy seeds and the old skill of swapping seeds is disappearing from our culture. It’s a day where gardeners can come together and swap the seeds from their best plants. Why not have a seed day party with friends and neighbours; or your local allotment group, if you own an allotment? Everyone must bring some of their own seeds to swap, try breaking away from the usual, and swap yours with an heirloom variety instead. Everyone could bring something to share, how about something made from their own produce? January is usually about detoxing, and finding the new you. Well why not refresh your garden, our little bits of the Earth that we cherish and nurture, sharing plants and seeds brings your friends into the garden. When you walk around your garden you remember who gave you a plant, or it may have been planted in memory of someone or an event. 8 NEWS FROM THE VILLAGES Local Police Report from PC Andy Reid Dear Residents, First may I wish you all a very Happy New Year. Over the new editions of this magazine I will provide my usual look at crimes that have been reported in your Parish during 2014 with comparable figures for the years previous to that. From a brief look, it appears that crime generally rose during the year, certainly we had several reports of criminal damage to growing crops where 4x4 vehicles were driven over fields as a result of an illegal ‘Hare Coursing’ competition which brought people down from as far as Lincolnshire & Wales to take part for very high prize money. The object being to course hares with dogs, an act banned under The Hunting Act. It has to be said that 2014 was an interesting year concerning the local policing of your area and I can see 2015 being similar, that said I am aware of the hard work being undertaken by your local Parish Council to ensure a dedicated regular police presence in your area and know they will keep you updated. I am pleased to report that (at the time of writing) there have been no reported crimes in the area of this magazine, however slightly further a field I am appealing for any information concerning a unit broken into in Station Road at Cliddesden between November 28th & 30th, we suspect the thieves parked a vehicle along Hackwood Lane between the junction of Station Road and towards the school. If anyone has any information please do give me a call direct. Once again many thanks for your continued support and I wish you all a prosperous and safe 2015. Andrew REID - Police Constable 3746, Rural Beat Officer. Police Office at Preston Candover: 01256 389050; HQ: 101; Mob:07768 776844; email: andrew.reid@hampshire.pnn.police.uk 9 UPTON GREY NEWS www.uptongreychurch.info www.uptongreyparishcouncil.co.uk Upton Grey Village Hall 100 Club December Draw First Prize of £100: No 71 Mr M.Church Second prize No:93 Mr S.Pearson As ever, many thanks to you all who support YOUR village hall and participate in our main fundraiser. Annual subs remain at £24 p.a. or £2 per month. YOUR village hall is a valuable asset to the community and your support is much appreciated. If you are not a subscriber please consider joining by phoning Brian Thrussell on 01256 862819. Parish Council Information regarding the activities of Upton Grey Parish Council, including minutes of meetings and updates on local issues can be found at http://www.uptongreyparishcouncil.co.uk/ Current hot topics covered on the website: notes from the recent public meeting to discuss changes to the Rural Policing Strategy and an update on progress with work to the village pond. A Grand Day Out – Upton Grey Parish Council Minibus, New Year Sales Special The next minibus is to GUILDFORD Friday January 2nd The bus operates on the first Friday of every month from The Hodd car park at 9.30 a.m. returning at 2.30.It is open to all. Under 16s must be accompanied. Residents £5 non res £7.50. Book latest day prior at the post office. Friends are welcome but villagers have priority. Book early, book often. Numbers have been light of late. IF YOU DONT WANT TO LOSE IT USE IT. Music Night At The Hodd The next music night at the Hodd will be taking place on Tuesday 27th January kicking off around 8.00 pm. All welcome, please come along and sing or join in the choruses…or stand up and do a party piece, or just enjoy the great live music that has become the signature of our music nights now. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Dave Peace 10 Upton Grey Villagers you are invited to attend a free WW1 evening of……. Amazing True WW1 Stories Interesting WW1 Facts Singalong to WW1 songs Listen to WW1 Poems Eat WW1 Food Drink WW1 drinks See Handmade Poppies Laugh at WW1 jokes On Tuesday January 20th 2015 7pm at St Mary’s Church Upton Grey. Don't worry about getting something to eat before you come because Maureen is busy trying out WW1 recipes so there will be plenty to eat – and all for FREE! For more info contact Sarah Gray 862440 TEA@3 It was lovely to see so many of you at the Christmas tea party and we think everyone really enjoyed it! Our sincere thanks to Jo Adair for letting us use the wonderful cosy barn at Cleves Farm and for putting up such a lovely tree! Also we must thank Julia Harker for playing carols for us giving us the opportunity for a good sing and getting us into the Christmas spirit. Our next meeting will be for our annual New Year lunch which, we have arranged for Wednesday 21st January at the Fur and Feathers, Herriard. There will be a choice of dishes on the menu and 2 courses plus coffee or tea - all for £20.00. Nearer the time we will be in touch to find out your menu preference and, of course, to collect the money! Please let one of us know if you would like to come and we will be happy to arrange transport. We wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year Barbara 862627 Viv 862455 Jill 862131 Judy 862060 In 2015 we will continue to publish obituaries of people from Upton Grey who lost their lives serving in the Great War – here is the latest: Private Thomas Frank Warwick Blake (died of wounds 23rd November 1917) Thomas Frank Warwick Blake was born early in1890 in Mapledurwell to George and Martha Blake. George was a gardener from 11 Mapledurwell, who married Martha Green at Buckler’s Marston in Warwickshire in January 1884. After their marriage they moved to Buckland Brewer in Devon where their first son John Green Blake was born. George was soon to return to Mapledurwell with his wife and son where he took on the tenancy of the Queen’s Head (now the Gamekeepers). Martha died in childbirth expecting a third child. In due course George met and married Lucy Church, the landlady of the Hoddington Arms, where they combined running the pub until George bought Bidden Grange farm in 1900. Both boys helped in the pub and then worked on the farm for a while, until John emigrated to Canada in 1910 and Warwick enlisted in The Ninth Queen’s Royal Lancers and is found by the 1911 census at Lydd Camp on Romney Marsh with the Regiment. He was soon amongst the action and on 7 September 1914 at Moncel the Ninth Lancers were successful in the last lance-on-lance charge of the First World War. After that they fought on foot, in the trenches in numerous battles including Mons, Marne, Aisne, Messines, Ypres and the Somme. It was in November 1917 that the Ninth were preparing for the first battle of the new mechanised era, which was to involve a sudden, surprise attack led by a mass of tanks south of Cambrai on 20th November. The plan was that once the tanks and infantry had broken through the German line, the cavalry would surround and isolate the city of Cambrai. Orders to move forward were received on the evening of 19th November and the regiment moved forward just after midnight. Orders to saddle up came at 8.30am but it was not until 11.00am that the regiment was able to move off. They were soon halted when news came that the Germans were still occupying Noyelles and a squadron was dispatched on foot to try to clear the way forward. They managed to clear the route to the centre of the village before withdrawing in the night to a more secure location. Two officers had been killed and twenty men wounded, one of whom was Pte. Blake. He died of wounds received on 23rd November 1917 and was awarded the Victory, British and 14 Star medals. He is commemorated at Rocquigny-Equancourt Road British Cemetery, Mannancourt south west of Cambrai. The limitations of horsed cavalry as an arm of exploitation in modern war were exposed more fully in the battle of Cambrai than elsewhere in the Trevor Hart whole of the war. 12 Upton Grey Bridge Club One of the best Christmas dinners for the bridge club was held at The Hodd with usual quiz and mystery raffle. Numbers were down due partly to a change of date but the evening was enjoyed by all. The next bridge sessions will start on Monday 12th January and will continue on the second and fourth Monday of each month with the last session being on Monday 11th May. We are now seeking some new members and should anyone be interested please just turn up or contact me direct on 01256-862433. It is a very friendly club and the game of bridge is not on the whole taken too seriously so if you are tempted please come along to the Stables room at the Hoddington Arms at 7.30pm. Peter Haynes Upton Grey Tennis Club Reduction in membership to £15 per family for the rest of the year (until May 1st 2015). Hog The Limelight in UG Village hall on 24th Jan. The Hot Potato Syncopators – a trio straight from the 1920s providing hilarious, riproaring musical mayhem! Tickets are £10 each. Doors open 7.15pm with the start at 7.45pm. Tickets are available in the village shop or from Tennis Club members: Charles Holroyd 01256 862127; Julia Harker 01256 862975; Rosie Ralls 01256 862955; Claire Overton 01256 861426; James Acheson-Gray 01256 861351; Paul Gray 01256 862440. HERRIARD NEWS www.herriard-pc.gov.uk www.herriardexservicesclub.co.uk Herriard Christmas Dinner at the Sports Pavilion on Herriard Green We all had a fantastic time for the Herriard Christmas Dinner on Friday 13th December. Nearly 40 residents most in various states of Fancy Dress filled the Sports Pavilion and were served with a superb three course Christmas Dinner (with several choices for those who don’t like Turkey!) and we all had a very memorable fun evening. Many thanks to the Herriard Sports Club for letting the team use the lovely pavilion and to Di and her fantastic team of Xmas helpers. The great team included Di and her fellow cook Steph Lewis, waiter Ben Thorne, waitress Jess 13 White, ever helpful Tim Knight and Bar Steward Carole Rushton with an amazing ‘joker’ outfit with pink hairdo! Also thanks to the villagers who lent us tables and chairs and to everyone who made such an enjoyable festive evening. Di and Ian. PS: Prize for anyone who can name everyone in the Herriard ‘Nightmare at Christmas!’ photo. Lol. Answers to ian@chalkdell.com (only those on the largest table excluded). Christmas Fayre at RBL Village Hall Herriard on 29th November The lovely stall holders began arriving at 9.00a.m. Being all ladies our first priority was the kettle! Once that was merrily boiling we set to assembling our stalls. What a wonderful array of local goodies! Handmade and costume jewellery, Christmas bunting, lollipops, plants, jams, chutneys, breads, wreaths and retro gifts, paintings, artwork, handmade cards, knitted toys, decorations, natural toiletries and the list goes on! The hall was looking amazing by 11.00a.m. so we all stopped for ploughman’s lunch and a glass or two of mulled wine to get us in the Christmas mood. We put on the Christmas Music and awaited the arrival of our public! Quiet at first and then increasingly busy, the afternoon flew by. As well as all the lovely homemade produce we also had Anita Morley, a qualified, reflexologist, reiki master and Indian head masseuse who was kept busy all afternoon as people treated themselves to a relaxing pamper session. The atmosphere was wonderful, friendly and very relaxed as we were all lulled by the massage music in the background! The reporter from the Alton Herald was really impressed that our village was offering something completely different to the other Fairs he was covering that day! Everyone was busy, we raised £90.50 for Children in Need through a tombola and children’s games and agreed that these enjoyable village events should happen more often! Special thanks to Steph Lewis who kept us fed and watered, Chris Raine for running the Tombola, Tim Knight for all of his help too. Our talented stall holders Debbie White, Sandy Casey, Carole Rushton, Jean Alwright, Ameilia Freeman, Katy Freer, Christine and Megan Davies, Barbara Jeremiah, Diane Southam and Carole of the famous decorated match boxes! What a multitude of local talent we have here in Herriard Village. 14 January 2015 – Your New Year Top 10 Gardening Jobs A belated Happy Christmas to all readers and let's hope we all have an enjoyable and successful gardening New Year! Now is the time to put on our waterproofs and get out in our gardens and think ahead for our Garden Competition (many prizes to be won!) at our annual Herriard Fete. For application forms please contact Gemma Hounsell - tel: 01256 381354 and Gill Venning tel: 01256 381053. In January, your garden may need protecting from frosts, winds and rain. Check stakes, ties, fleeces and supports for damage. Some plants could be moved to sunnier positions to maximise light. You could also start planning next year's flower and vegetable beds. 1. Recycle your Christmas tree by shredding it for mulch. 2. Ventilate the greenhouse on sunny days. 3. Repair and reshape lawn edges. 4. Prune Apple and pear trees. 5. Start forcing rhubarb. 6. Plan your vegetable crop rotations for the coming season. 7. Sweet peas can be sown this month. Place them on a sunny windowsill, or on a high shelf in the greenhouse that gets plenty of light. 8. Plant lily bulbs in pots and in borders during mild spells. 9. Ornamental vines, ivy, Virginia creeper and Boston ivy can be cut back now - it's a good idea to keep them away from windows, doors, gutters and roof tiles. 10. Fuchsias can be started into active growth by re-potting, increasing watering, feeding (slow-release fertiliser such as blood, fish and bone) and placing them in a sunny place. Wrap up warm, enjoy the beautiful sunny, frosty days and look forward to Spring, it's just around the corner! Gill Venning RHS Dip. 01256 381053 Hampshire Science Group The next meeting is on Monday 26th January, but as yet the programme is not available. For further information please contact Sheila Goater on 01420 472917, sheilagoater@oakhanger.org.uk. The group meets at St Gregory's Parish Centre in Alresford at 2.00pm. All people with an interest in Science are welcome. cost (including refreshments) for members is £3.00, (£5.00 for non-members).The annual membership fee is £3.00. 15 Herriard & Lasham with Bentworth W.I: Christmas Lunch and Tea & Social in January The WI Christmas Lunch on December 4th was at the very welcoming Royal British Legion Hall in – with a brightly decorated tree and the tables adorned with red and green Christmas crackers which gave a very festive air to the room. As always the food was delicious and the time flew by as we chatted to friends, before vowing “we couldn't eat another thing”. Our president, Mrs Sylvia Vine, thanked the McAvoy family for their preparation, cooking and serving of a varied and satisfying Christmas menu. Then the raffle was drawn and all too soon it was time to depart. Our Christmas Carol Concert was on Thursday 11th December at St Lawrence Church in Alton. This year Alton W.I. are hosts to our W.I. and Shalden and Holybourne WIs. Weather permitting our New Year meeting is on 15th January 2015 for Tea and Social at the Royal British Legion Hall, Herriard at the earlier time of 2pm. Jean Spottiswoode Clark New Year’s Day Charity Fun Run around Lasham Airfield The Fun Run is now in its 8th year and starts 11am from the Clubhouse on 1st January 2015. It is running (or walking) once round the airfield (approx. 3 miles). This year it is in aid of a local Wield based charity the Murray Parish Trust – raising money for the children’s Unit (PICU) at Southampton General Hospital. AND OTHER IMPORTANT THINGS… Benefice Quiz Night - Saturday 7th March at Cross Barn, Odiham. Doors open at 6.45pm for a 7pm start. For a chance to win this very prestigious Trophy for your Parish, get together and buy your tickets now. Table groups of 6 can be made up on the night. Tickets £12.50 per person including a fish and chips supper (chicken or vegetarian option by request in advance). There will be a pay bar for wine and soft drinks. To book your table and order your tickets please contact: Sian Taylor at All Saints Odiham Office Administrator & Secretary; tel: 01256 703395 or email:admin@allsaintsodiham.org.uk 16 North Warnborough & District Garden Club Our next meeting will be held on Thursday 22nd January 2015 in the North Warnborough Village Hall at 2:10 PM for a 2:30 PM start. The speaker will be Geoff Hawkins who will talk about “Garden Design”. The competitions for January are: 1. An Arrangement of Twigs with Ivy. 2. Floating Hellebores. Visitors are very welcome to join us. We are a friendly Club whose members share an enthusiasm for gardens and gardening. During the growing season, we always have a plant stall starting at 2:10 pm. For further information, please telephone Jane Day on 01252 843848. Odiham & Old Basing Health Centre Patient Participation Group (Formerly Patient Reference Group) The Practice has recently expanded its Patient Participation Group (PPG). Under the chairmanship of Peter Goddard this Group meets the doctors and the Practice Manager every quarter to give feedback on the way the Practice serves its patients. The names and contact details of its members are listed on the Health Centre’s web site (www.odihamhealthcentre.co.uk). If you have any comments or suggestions for improvements to the service offered by Odiham or Old Basing Health Centres please feel free to contact a member of the PPG. If you want to apply to join the PPG please contact Peter Goddard. At present we are using a selection of local publications, together with the web sites of the Practice, the Parish Council (www.odiham.org.uk) and InOdiham (www.inodiham.co.uk) to inform everyone of general developments. We are exploring other ways in which we can provide more information to our patients and others. There are seven doctors and six nurses in the Practice supported by a Practice Manager and a team of receptionists. In addition a Consultant Dermatologist, Urologist, Psychotherapist and Counsellor are available on an appointment basis. There is also a resident Osteopath. The Practice serves 11,000 patients. In the past year the Practice has introduced the facility for patients to order repeat prescriptions and book telephone appointments with a doctor over the internet. Patients can also now ask for appointment reminders and blood test results via SMS text message. If you wish to take advantage of this facility please visit your Health Centre to obtain your log in details. 17 The Odiham Society Friday, January 9th. At Odiham Cross Barn. Doors open at 7pm to allow time to view the exhibition. Odiham Neighbourhood Plan. Speaker Phillip James. This will be followed by our AGM. Friday, February 13th. 7.30 for 7.45 pm. Why the Town of Fleet Developed as it Did. Speaker Phyl Ralton MBE, The Fleet and Church Crookham Local History Group. Also The History Of Fleet Pond. Speaker Colin Gray, The Fleet Pond Society. To keep up to date with all the events being planned in 2015 to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta see the new website www.odihammagnacarta.com. For more information on any of the above contact barbara.igra@odiham-society.org January 2015 events at the Basingstoke Discovery Centre The following are events occurring at the Basingstoke Discovery Centre. To book a place you can order online from https://www.hants.gov.uk/shop/home.php, visit Basingstoke Discovery Centre in Festival Place, or call 01256 478670. Advance booking is strongly recommended. Astronomy Taster. Thursday 15th January 5pm FREE. Family event. Basingstoke Astronomical Society is a group of like-minded amateurs who meet most months to discuss astronomy. Members have a wide range of experience from absolute beginners to serious observers. They have been a partner to the BBC Stargazing Live event since its inception. As a taster join them for a fun presentation of our solar system and what we can expect to see in our skies this coming March… Make a Basket in a Day. Willow workshop with Judith Needham10.00am-4.00pm £40. Come and spend a fun day learning a new craft and go home with a lovely basket you’ve made yourself. Beginners are welcome to come and make a small round basket. Those with experience can try an oval basket or experiment with different side weaves and borders and add handles. If you have a specific basket in mind call the tutor, Judith Needham, on 07749 852229 so that appropriate materials can be provided. This is an Adult workshop and all equipment will be provided. Spaces are very limited and advance booking is essential. 18 Second Chance Cinema Club ‘Made in Britain’ Season. Thursday 22nd January 1pm & 3:30pm. Inspired by the Chippendales, 6 unemployed steel workers from Sheffield form a male striptease act, except they’re prepared to go ‘the full monty’ and leave nothing to the imagination! Heart-warming 90s comedy starring Robert Carlyle. Beginners Camera Workshop. Suitable for DSLRS and Bridge cameras. Saturday 24th January 10am – 4pm £35. Get off AUTO! Learn to use all your camera settings and functions with confidence. Join experienced photographer, Geoff Read, for a fun and practical session to help you understand ISO, aperture, composition and lighting. Make sure you bring a fully charged battery with your camera, empty memory card and handbook if you have one. Valentine’s Day Cupcake With Kate Aherne from Sugartown Cupcakes Saturday 31st January 1:30pm – 3:30pm £12 What better way to show you care than a gift of delicious cupcakes you have created yourself. Kate will teach you four designs that are achievable yet will wow! Please bring four undecorated cupcakes, all other equipment is provided. Disclaimer: Please note that the views expressed in this magazine are the contributors’ personal opinions and do not necessarily represent the views of the editors. 19 SMALL ADS VILLA IN TURKEY. In leafy quiet area, within minutes’ walk of the village with restaurants, harbour and beach, no need for car hire. Panoramic views, roof terrace, gardens with mature exotic plants, shady secluded olive grove. Sleeps 6, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. 20m pool. Nicola Dyson 07780653588 or nicolamkdyson@gmail.com www.kalkanrose-villa-turkey.co.uk HERRIARD, CONVERTED STABLE BLOCK Available for short lets, weekends, holidays, wedding guests etc. Beautiful countryside, walk straight onto foot/bridle paths. Large double bedroom, bathroom, open plan 26' kitchen/dining/drawing room with log burning fire. Small garden. 2 night minimum. Breakfast food provided for 2 night stays. Tricia Neri 07788 585001 or tricianeri@aol.com HALLS AND MARQUEES FOR HIRE Upton Grey Village Hall for hire from £5 per hour. Functions, meetings, parties, private and commercial. Full kitchen facilities, central heating and sound system, chairs, tables, crockery and cutlery available. Contact Brian and Pam Dixey for further information, 01256 862577. The Royal British Legion Hall, Herriard Available for hire: wedding receptions, functions, parties, meetings, events. Fully licensed bar, full kitchen facilities, garden, tables and chairs, sound system, disabled access, central heating, pool table and darts. Key holder 01256 381403 or email hall bookings to herriardrblhall@aol.co.uk. Marquee For Hire: 6m x 12m marquee for private functions only. The insurance liability is for the hirer with a donation of £275. For details, please contact Sarah Whitcombe 01256 862495 or swhitcombe@hotmail.co.uk
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