1 BENEFICE MAGAZINE – February 2015

Edition for the parishes of Herriard with Winslade, Tunworth,
Upton Grey and Weston Patrick
St Valentine’s Day will soon be upon us, though strangely enough there
is nothing in his story to link him to romantic love. Apparently the link
has grown because birds began to pair up around that date in Italy – that
is, according to my book of saints (every vicar should have one!)
But it is a pity that we largely associate love only with feelings
and romance – though of course all that is in itself very good. And
ancient Greek had five different words to express different aspects of
love, of which Eros is only one.
So the love which Jesus frequently talks of is a different thing
altogether, which is why he says in several places we are not only to
love one another but also our enemies. Clearly that can’t be about
feelings: by definition you can’t feel love for your enemies or those you
dislike, or those who have hurt you. But you can try not only to forgive
them, but care for them and want the best for them – and that is loving
them. It, of course, takes effort and the feeling bit will make it difficult,
but it can be done. There are several relatively public examples in the
last few years, where someone has had a close family member murdered
or attacked and yet they try to forgive and love the person. I am struck
how often (though not I stress invariably) the person concerned has a
Christian faith.
The vicar whom I trained under (back in prehistoric times) told
me to pray for those who have upset me. He would say “It’s easy to pray
for those whom you feel love towards, but the people you really need to
pray for are those who have hurt you.” And he is right and in my
experience it makes a real difference – not in a magical or superficial
point of view (it can still be a struggle), but in that it gets me trying to
see things from their point of view, to understand I don’t know what has
gone on in their lives, and that they are a child of God who loves them
with an infinity of love.
Much of the Christian faith is very practical and most of us need
God’s help with being loving. And on that note I do often end my e
mails “with love” – that does not mean I am trying to invite everyone out
on Valentine’s Day, but it does mean I firmly believe we are called to
love one another! Not a bad resolution for Lent.
Peter Dyson
Lent Course 2015
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday 18th February, with a service in All Saints,
Odiham, at 7.30pm; hopefully we welcome Father Anselm from Alton
Abbey as our preacher.
The Benefice is planning the Lent Course, based on the one prepared
by the Diocese. Bishop Tim is leading us towards a Benedictine rule of life
in our Christian living, summarised as Contemplative Action. So we are
aiming to be people who reflect and act.
Three groups will meet in our parishes throughout Lent starting in
the week of 24th February:
Tuesday 10.30am: Barn Cottage, Upton Grey (Jill and Terry Lestrille)
Tuesday 7.45pm: Lower House, Weston Patrick (Felicity and John
Wednesday 7.45pm: The Vicarage, Upton Grey (Nicola and Peter Dyson).
All you need do is turn up. Each group will be relaxed and informal
yet helping us to look at spirituality in a frenetic world! All are welcome.
Lent Lunches
Once more, we can look forward to another series of highly enjoyable
occasions during Lent when generous hosts around the village offer
hospitality with simple lunches which are totally free, but where donations
are invited for good causes. All lunches start at 12.30pm and finish no later
2.00pm. Do come even if you can only stay a short while. All welcome.
Hosts this year are:
25th Feb: Val Buckley, The Butts 862460 In aid of St. Michael’s Hospice
5th March: Frances Yeowart and Tessa Morrish at the Old Post House
861218 or 862475 in aid of Christian Aid
12th March: The Ladies Group hosted by Sue Scott, Sherborne Cottage
862445 in aid of Alzheimers Research
13th March: Annabel Acheson-Gray, Old Barn House, 861351. In aid of
Charlie Waller Memorial Trust
17th March: Carol Butler Adams, The Old Vicarage, 862319. In aid of St.
Michael’s Hospice
19th March: Jo Adair, Cleves Farm, Cleves Lane, 862005 in aid of
Treloars College
25th March: Judy Janaway, Hound, Dean Lane, 861200. In aid of Cancer
Please make a note of these dates in your diaries and also please telephone
your host by the day before if possible to let her know if you are coming.
Any queries please ring me on 862131.
Jill Lestrille
Our next Messy Church will take place again in the village hall on 27th
February. Children and families come 3.30–4.00pm for a drink and games,
4.00–5.00pm craft work and messy tables, 5.00–5.15pm short celebration
with songs, stories and prayer and then 5.15–5.45pm tea. There will also be
crèche facilities available for the under 3s.
Upton Grey Family Services which are the 1st Sunday of every month at
10.00am are going to have a 15-minute slot just before the service, ie 9.45–
9.59am (!) geared for young children and their families. It will take place
in the children’s corner in the church with plenty of musical instruments
etc. Families can then stay for the service if they want, but can slip away if
they wish. This will start on 1st February (which happens to be the ancient
church celebration of Candlemas which is both beautiful and thoughtprovoking). At the same time we have regular monthly Family services in
all our churches: 2nd Sunday at Weston Patrick (11.00am); 3rd Sunday at
Tunworth (9.00am) and 4th Sunday at Herriard (10.00 am).
Fourth Sunday service at Upton Grey 10.00am in the New Year
On 22nd February the theme will be the crucifixion in art. We will be
looking at how the crucifixion has been portrayed in art in so many
different ways throughout the ages. It will be a very informal event with
coffee and cake served café style. Prints and pictures will be on show
around the church and we will have an informal discussion about them,
which will be led by Viv Anscombe and Jill Lestrille.
Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to the church’s charity
collections over Christmas. The Upton Grey carol service (collection for
Naomi House) and Christmas morning service (for the Salvation Army)
raised £1367 between them – a tremendous achievement.
Every church in the Diocese is being encouraged to look at its life and how
it relates to its wider community – the p standing for ‘parish’ maps. We are
being asked to listen to God, to the church community and the wider
community and then to put together a practical and achievable programme
based round the priorities we have already agreed as a diocese: growing
authentic disciples, re-imagining the church, supporting community and
helping us care for one another and living generously for others. It all kicks
off this January and we have to have our programmes agreed by the end of
2015 – so in each parish we will be consulting everyone (the church
belongs to everyone and is there for everyone), sometime in the early part
of the year. I do hope everyone will give their views!
The Upton Grey adult choir
The next practice will be before the Sunday morning service on Sunday 8th
February and the choir will help lead worship that morning.
Women’s World Day of Prayer
Please come and share with us this lively, thoughtful service, designed by
the women of the Bahamas. It will take place at All Saints, Odiham, on
Friday 6th March, with soup bread and fellowship at 12.00noon, and
service 1.30–2.30pm. Everyone is invited – men and children are welcome.
For more information contact Eve Baker: eve_baker2003@yahoo.co.uk
(note the underscore between the two names), 01256 702565
Website www.uptongreychurch.info
Please note that our website will have to have two major changes to its
underlying software during the next few weeks. The changes are required
to be coordinated with the hosting company and the timing is not yet
certain. The website is likely to be unavailable for a couple of days,
probably some time in the middle of February.
Kids’ Zone
January Birthdays
Stephen Bellamy
Freddie Slemech
Elspeth Holmes
Claudia Rule
India Del Mar
Victoria Stanway
Miles Yeoman
Poppy Curtis
Archie Saint
James Smith
Georgiana Davy
Christopher Driver
If you would like a child’s birthday put in the magazine and they are not
already on the list, please would you send name and birthday to either
Kate at kate.goddard1@virgin.net or to me. Thank you, Peter
Sunday Club
Sunday Club normally meets on the second Sunday of every month and
is for children aged from 3 to 12. The next meeting will be at The
Vicarage on Sunday 8th February. The Sunday Club is a really friendly
and informal way for children over 3 to begin to learn about the
Christian faith. It starts in the Vicarage and then all the children come
over to church near the end of the service for a blessing.
Junior choir
Junior choir: our next practice will be 9.15am Sunday 1st February, and
the choir will help lead the services that morning and then on 15th
Mothering Sunday
A date for your diary... Mothering Sunday is 15th March and all four of
our churches will be holding Mothering Sunday morning services which
will include the giving of flowers or other gifts to mums.
Messy Church
Our next Messy Church is in the Village Hall starting 3.30–4.00 on
Friday 27th February–and in addition to the creative work tables and
celebrating together, it will end with a meal together for the children. All
are welcome.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent in the Western Christian Church,
and is marked by services of penitence.
This year, Ash Wednesday falls on February 18th. It is the beginning of
Lent, a 40-day liturgical period of prayer and fasting or abstinence.
Ash Wednesday occurs 46 days before Easter. It’s the beginning of
Lent, which represents the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert,
where he endured temptation by Satan. This is a period of prayer and
fasting. Of the 46 days until Easter, six are Sundays. Sundays are not
included in the fasting period and are instead "feast" days during Lent.
Ash Wednesday derives
its name from the practice of
placing ashes on the foreheads
of adherents as a sign of
mourning and repentance to
God. The ashes used are
typically gathered after the
palms from the previous year's
Palm Sunday are burned.
Marking the cross on foreheads, with Ash.
Benefice Quiz Night – Saturday 7th March at Cross Barn, Odiham.
Doors open at 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start. Everyone is very welcome.
Tables of 6 people can be either pre-booked or made up on the night, but
to assist with catering please buy your tickets now. Tickets £12.50 per
person including a fish-and-chips supper (chicken or vegetarian option
by request in advance). There will be a pay bar for wine and soft drinks.
To book your table and order your tickets please contact: Sian Taylor at
All Saints Odiham, Office Administrator & Secretary; tel: 01256 703395
or email:admin@allsaintsodiham.org.uk
Local Police Report from PC Andy Reid
Dear Residents,
Below are the figures for reported crime in the parishes which are part of
my beat area and within this magazine. Overall reported crime increased
across by sixteen crimes from 104 to 120. Below are the main crimes
reported with the 2013 figures shown in brackets.
Dwellings burgalary
2 (8) – man arrested for 1 and sent to prison
Non dwelling burglary
28 (24)
(sheds, outbuildings)
21 (17)
Vehicle crime (includes
6 (11)
theft of / from, damage)
Criminal damage
22 (13)
Weston Patrick
Upton Grey
Weston Corbett
In later editions of this magazine I will break down these figures further.
The significant increase in criminal damage offences was partially
due to an illegal hare coursing (poaching) competition with a £30,000
first prize held across North Hampshire and parts of the Thames Valley
Police area. People involved came from as far as South Wales and
Lincolnshire to hunt illegally for hares – the damage occurred when field
locks were broken and or vehicles were driven across growing crops
looking for hares using a spot lamp or ‘night vision’ then allowing dogs
to be released after the hares. Several people have since been arrested for
conspiracy to commit criminal damage and are on police bail.
As to 2015, I am seeking witnesses / information to two incidents.
The first was on Sunday 11th January between 9.00am and 9.45am and
was an alleged assault that took place in the field behind the Church in
Upton Grey; the field has the Bidden Road on the lower side and Manor
Farm on its top side. We are aware that a man and a woman were
involved and both were out walking their dogs. Can you help?
The second incident took place at 11.40am approx on Friday 16th
January at The Avenue, near Shalden, at the site of road works, where it
is alleged that a mobile phone was damaged during an altercation
between two men. If you can help or assist with information on either
case, please give me a call. All calls are treated in strictest confidence.
I will also keep you all updated on the latest concerning the rural
policing re-organisation and how this will affect the policing of our area
– talks are still taking place.
Andrew REID - Police Constable 3746, Rural Beat Officer.
Police Office at Preston Candover: 01256 389050; HQ: 101;
Mob:07768 776844; email: andrew.reid@hampshire.pnn.police.uk
Upton Grey Village Hall 100 Club February Draw
First Prize of £100: No 6, Mr J Lawson
Second prize No:126, Mr and Mrs Johnson
As ever many thanks to you all who support YOUR village hall and
participate in our main fundraiser. Annual subs remain at £24 p.a. or £2
per month.
Village Christmas post box
Thank you so much to all those who used this to post their cards to
friends in the village at Christmas and give donations – we made a total
of £80 and this has been split between St.Michael’s Hospice and Odiham
Cottage Hospital. Also a big thank you to Viv Anscombe, Paul Gray,
David and Sue Scott, Julia Harker and the Bellamy family who all
helped with the deliveries. Our thanks too to Suki for letting us put the
post box in the shop.
Barbara Anderson and Wendy Stanway
A Grand Day Out
The next minibus is to Newbury on Friday February 6th. The bus
operates on the first Friday of every month from The Hodd car park at
9.30am returning at 2.30pm. It is open to all. Under 16s must be
accompanied. Residents £5, non res £7.50. Book latest day prior at the
post office. Friends are welcome but villagers have priority. Book early,
book often. Numbers have been light of late. If you don’t want to lose it
use it.
Safari Supper, 28th March 2015
Reminder: This is the date for the next Safari Supper; please return the
forms sent out last month so that you can join in. This is a popular event
organised to raise funds for St Mary's church, Upton Grey, and to meet
or catch up with fellow village residents.
If you have mislaid, or not received the invitation, it can be
downloaded from the church website www.uptongreychurch.info or can
be emailed to you (requests to clevesfarm@btinternet.com). Any
questions – please call Jo Adair, Cleves Farm, 862005
Spring Show Upton Grey – Saturday 11th April
Yes, believe it or not but spring is not far away so please try and support
this popular village event either by entering it, or by attending between
1.30pm and 3.30pm. The village hall has been booked and there will be
the usual teas and cakes together with the lucky dip box for children and
of course Gordon's sweepstake for the grand national. Plenty of time to
get home and watch the race live on TV as the show finishes about an
hour before the start of the race! The programme of entries is being
prepared and will be delivered to all villagers but please this year try and
enter and remember to put your forcing jars over your rhubarb! The
committee would be pleased to beat last years’ record number of entries
and for children to have a try at entering exhibits in this very friendly
village event.
Hoddington Arms
Our events for February 2015 are as follows:
Tuesday 10th February: French Cinema Love me if you Dare with
English subtitles: £20.00 including meal, starts 6.30pm
13th and 14th February: Valentines weekend special sharing menu
Sunday 22nd Feburary: Quiz Night, starts 7.00pm
Upton Grey Community Information Facebook page
Find the page by following the link
This page is for anything going on in the village so if you want anything
added please send a message on Facebook or email
sajgray59@yahoo.co.uk. Also if you have any interesting photos we can
put those on as well!
Sarah Gray 862440
Viv and Richard Anscombe are kindly hosting our tea on Thursday 19th
February at Christmas Cottage, Weston Road. Please let Viv or Barbara
know if you would like to join us and we shall be happy to arrange a lift
if you need one. We look forward to seeing you!
Barbara 862627 Viv 862455 Jill 862131 Judy 862060
Tennis Coaching
The Upton Grey Tennis Court Committee wish to announce that there
will be more tennis coaching with coach Andrew Ridgers this year.
During the Easter Holidays there will be a children’s coaching
course from 13th–17th April in the mornings at Upton Grey Tennis
Court. Sessions will be for children aged 4–12 years old and will be 45
minutes long and cost £15.00 for the week. Timetables will be available
by the end of March. There will also be the usual Summer tennis
coaching between 3rd–7th August.
Last year we had a terrific response to children’s tennis with over
40 children attending the summer course. Due to the children’s and
parents’ enthusiasm we also ran weekly tennis groups until Autumn half
term. It was great to see the court being used and enjoyed by so many
young members. The summer course makes for a very fun, communitybased week in the summer holidays for those of us who are here! Please
support it and save these dates. Hope to see you there.
Julia Harker – Treasurer of UG Tennis Court (01256 862975 or
Village Fete – Saturday 6th June
This year the village Fete will be held on Saturday 6th June at Upton
Grey Place. We would like to thank Nicholas and Frances Menges for
allowing us to use their beautiful garden. Please add the event to your
diary! There will be more information nearer the time but if you would
like to help in any way please do contact us, Rossella and Gary Sharman
or Rosie and Nick Ralls at uptongreyfete@gmail.com, as we are always
looking for more volunteers. Many thanks.
Gary, Rosie & Nick
Silent Auction in support of the Fete
The silent auction has proven to be an excellent fundraiser for the fete,
but its success is entirely dependent on the donated items. We need new
items on the list: it can be difficult to gain commitments particularly for
the ‘big ticket’ items or if an individual or company has previously
donated. So, if you are interested in donating an item or a service, or if
you know of someone or an organisation that could, please let us know!
Gary Sharman at uptongreyfete@gmail.com
In 2015 we will continue to publish obituaries of people from Upton
Grey who lost their lives serving in the Great War – here is the latest:
Private Richard James Ridgers (killed in action 1st December 1917)
Richard James Ridgers was born in 1895 in Long Sutton. His
parents, Richard and Christine, aged 30 & 31, were living in South
Warnborough in the 1901 census and Richard senior was described as a
wheelwright. His brother Anthony John was born in 1898 and in the
1911 census we find Richard senior, now an Estate Carpenter, and
Christine in Upton Grey with Anthony and a four year old daughter
Margaret. Richard James is not living at home on the night of the census
and does not appear anywhere else in the census.
He enlisted in the Hampshire Regiment soon after the outbreak of
war and was placed in the 1st/4th Battalion of the Territorial Force,
which mobilised for war on 5th August 1914. Initially it was sent to
India to replace British and Indian regular army units being moved to the
Western Front. Within a few months they were transferred to the 33rd
Indian Brigade, landed at Basra and served in Mesopotamia (now Iraq)
and Persia. They were in action during the retreat from Baghdad to Kutel-Amara in late 1915 and in the siege that ended on the 29th of April
1916, when the Battalion HQ and one Company were captured.
In mid-November, now in the 2nd/4th battalion, he was involved
in an advance to Biddu, but no further move could be made unless the
dominating hill of Nebi Samwil, reckoned to be the key to Jerusalem,
had been secured. The battalion went forward after dark and held the
position despite shelling, which increased in intensity during the day
followed by long counter-attacks. Initially these were repulsed, but the
Turks came on in greater force and, although hard-pressed, the battalion
kept the enemy at bay until reinforcements arrived. Two officers had
been killed and there were 24 men killed or missing. The battalion then
went back into support, but was soon required in the line again, at
Sheikh el Gharwahi. During the night of 30th November, early enemy
patrols were repulsed and then in the early hours of 1st December the
Turks suddenly attacked in strength, forcing the two companies from the
battalion to hang on all day under heavy fire without food or water until
relieved at nightfall. Thirteen men were wounded in that action and nine
were killed, including Pte Ridgers who was aged 22. He is
commemorated in Ramleh War Cemetery south east of Tel Aviv and
was awarded the Victory, British and 15 Star Medals.
Trevor Hart
Local man goes barefoot for bladder cancer
A Herriard man will be going barefoot to raise money for the national
Fight Bladder Cancer charity campaign for greater awareness and to
support those affected by the disease.
Ivor Davies, 52, was diagnosed with bladder cancer in late
October 2014. “I’ve already had successful surgery and I’ll be getting
three-monthly check-ups to spot any recurrences but I now realise how
vital early treatment is in improving survival rates. With bladder cancer
there is a 50% chance that it will come back”.
To raise public awareness, Ivor will be spending the entire month
of chilly February completely barefoot. “Going barefoot in public
places, especially in cold weather, certainly attracts a few stares and
comments so I reply by thrusting a leaflet into their hand and telling
them about the charity. At the very least I’ve raised their awareness
about the disease and quite a few have already given me money to
donate to the cause”.
A key symptom of bladder cancer is blood in your urine. “A lot of
people feel embarrassed or self-conscious about being seen barefoot
anywhere. People have these same feelings when talking about their pee
and this is a major reason why people with symptoms of the disease
don’t tell friends or family or go to their GP quickly enough. Feeling
embarrassed when talking about pee is costing people their lives”.
“The next obstacle to get over in early diagnosis is the medical
profession itself which is reluctant to perform simple ultrasound scans or
visual examinations on people presenting obvious signs of the disease”
says Ivor. “This is what happened to me and by the time they finally got
round to giving me a scan the tumour was completely obvious and far
larger than it should ever have been”.
“There is a charity called Fight Bladder Cancer and it is the only
patient-led bladder cancer charity actively campaigning for greater
awareness amongst the general public and the medical profession and
provides one-to-one support for people affected by the disease. I decided
to support the Fight Bladder Cancer charity because I believe their work
is special. Their expertise and the one-to-one support they offer people
directly affected by this disease is unique”.
Every year in the UK, approximately 10,000 people are diagnosed
with bladder cancer and the number of patients being treated for the
disease is rising. Bladder cancer is the 4th most common cancer in men
and 11th most common in women. Over 5,000 people in this country
lose their lives to this disease every year. That’s more people than are
affected by many better known cancers, including leukaemia, kidney
cancer, ovarian cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer
and brain tumours. Each year more people die in the UK from bladder
cancer than die in road accidents.
Andrew Winterbottom, Founder and Director of the Fight Bladder
Cancer charity, said: “Of the top 10 cancers in the UK, bladder cancer is
the only one where survival rates have been shown to be getting worse.
If caught early, the 5 year survival rates for this disease can be as high as
80%, but if treatment is delayed this can drop to as low as 15% or less
for advanced cases. Fight Bladder Cancer campaigns for greater
awareness both in the general public and amongst the medical profession
and thanks to Ivor we will be a step closer to achieving our goal.”
To donate directly to the campaign please visit
www.justgiving.com/IvorDavies. For more information about bladder
cancer and the Fight Bladder Cancer charity please visit
www.fightbladdercancer.co.uk or email info@fightbladdercancer.co.uk
A mowing legend!
After 19 years of keeping the Churchyard in fantastic condition Frank
has decided to call time – with his hard work and cheerful outlook,
anyone who knows Frank will know that he is an absolute pleasure to
work with.
Being so visible by the road the Churchyard is always much
admired and has attracted many compliments over the years, and those
compliments are down to Frank’s professional approach to the job. He
has kept to a routine which has kept the grass etc in tip-top condition
particularly for weddings, and for the photographs afterwards.
Thank you for all you’ve done Frank – you’re going to be a tough
act to follow!
Herriard Litter Picking – date for your diaries
Herriard litter picking will be on Sunday 22nd March. Please keep the
date free. Full details will appear in next month’s magazine.
Jobs to do in your garden for February
All the signs of Spring approaching are here, bulbs appearing and
wildlife waking up!
1. Prune winter flowering shrubs that have finished flowering.
2. Prune wisteria to two to three buds.
3. Cut back deciduous grasses left uncut over winter.
4. Dahlia tubers stored over winter can be started into growth. Place
them in a light, warm place to sprout before planting.
5. Cut off old leaves of hellebores that produce flowers from ground
level to expose the beautiful flowers.
6. Mulch beds with good compost for soil improvement and feeding.
7. Take the opportunity to dig a new pond - the spring rains will help to
fill it.
8. Prepare your greenhouse for Spring. On sunny days ventilate to
reduce the risk of fungal infections.
9. Prepare vegetable seed beds and sow some vegetables under cover.
10. Chit potato tubers.
Blow the cobwebs away in your garden and don't forget to send your
applications in to enter the Garden competition.
Gill Venning RHS Dip. 01256 381053
Herriard & Lasham with Bentworth W.I:
Tea Party at the Royal British Legion Hall, Herriard Thursday 15th
January: After a very windy night it was a relief to see the sun shining in
the morning. Despite warnings about not traveling unless necessary
making the front page of the newspaper, the weather remained kind for
us during the afternoon as we made our way to Herriard. It was pleasing
to find so many of our members gathered at the hall to enjoy a delicious
array of sandwiches, biscuits and cakes, and catch up on all the local
news and Christmas/New year happenings.
Time passed quickly as usual and the sun was still shining as we
left, all of us looking forward to our February meeting, which will be on
Thursday 5th February. Our guest speaker will be Mr Alan Grace on the
subject of ‘The Story of ENSA’. Venue: the Royal British Legion Hall,
Herriard. Time: 2.30pm. Our competition is for a memento/photograph
that best reflects the 1940s.
Jean Spottiswoode Clark
Herriard ex-Services club
We would like to wish all our customers a happy new year.
February events:
Saturday 7th: quiz night with hot buffet £2.50 per person / £5.00 for
buffet. Starts at 7.30pm. To book a team please ring 01420 769246
Saturday 14th: ‘Mr and Mrs’ competition £50 prize
Our Easter Bingo will take place on 7th March. Eyes down at 7.00pm
New Year’s Day Charity Fun Run around Lasham Airfield
Happy New Year!
Despite the weather we had a good turnout this year for our
annual charity event on the airfield, with 38 entrants and many more
visitors to watch and cheer them on. The winner was Oleg Fylypenko in
19.02 minutes – he was quite disappointed that it was only one circuit!
We raised £374.00 from entrants fees, donations and the tombola
for the Murray Parish Trust. The Trust is raising funds for the Paediatric
Intensive Care Unit at Southampton Hospital, for critically ill children
across the whole of the South of England. If anyone would like to send a
donation to them I am sure they would appreciate it – no matter how
small. They can be contacted at info@themurrayparishtrust.com
Marjorie Hobby, Organiser
Candlelit supper
Weston Patrick village hall threw open its doors on Saturday 17th
January and the hall was transformed into a pop-up restaurant for a
candlelit supper organised and catered by Felicity George and Rebecca
Fletcher. Lucky supper guests enjoyed champagne and canapes,
followed by a three course menu including local roast mallard and
specially selected wines, with all proceeds going to St Lawrence,
Weston Patrick. A fantastic evening - we look forward to welcoming
more of you at the next one!
Volunteers needed for the viewings of the Odiham Embroidery
Many of you reading this will have been involved with the Odiham
Embroidery which is to be unveiled for the Magna Carta Festival in
May. Whether you have or haven't, there are still some ways you can
help in the future which will also help the whole community. Would you
like to know more?
We are very pleased to say that, after much research, the
embroidery has finally found a home – in the library in the historic
Bridewell. You will probably know that the library is open six days a
week but not all day. We are expecting visitors from far and wide who
will come to see the embroidery and they will arrive at any time, seven
days a week.
With the full cooperation of the library service, the library can be
open at any time but will have to be manned by volunteers at times when
the library would not normally be open. These extended opening hours
will be extremely useful to the community as they will be able to use the
automatic library service at this time and also pick up local information.
So, we are looking for volunteers who would enjoy working in the
library environment, meeting people and enabling visitors to view our
splendid embroidery. There will be free leaflets about the embroidery
available as well as postcards, brochures and other items to purchase. It
is also hoped that there will be audio visual representation. It is expected
that volunteers would work in pairs on two hour shifts at times to suit.
If you think you would like to be part of a volunteer team, please
email volunteers@odiham-society.org. If you do not have access to the
internet please put your name, address and telephone number into an
envelope marked ‘Odiham Embroidery, c/o Barbara Igra’ and pop it
through the letter box, Kingston House, 126-132 High Street, Odiham
(opposite the opticians). In each case you will be contacted with more
information. There is no commitment at this stage but we would hope to
have a rota in place before the unveiling so we are starting to collect
names now. Please mention this to friends and neighbours as well!
We do hope you would like to take up this exciting new
opportunity in Odiham and look forward to hearing from you soon.
For more information on the Odiham Society see our website:
www.odiham-society.org or phone 01256 704912
Alton Abbey concert
Make a date in your diary for Friday 21st March, when Prof June BoyceTillman with soloists from Winchester University and King Alfred
Consort choir, will perform in the Abbey Church of Our Lady and St
John. The concert starts at 7.30pm, but come at 6.30pm for refreshments
and wine. Tickets £15.00 available from ‘Tickets’, Friends of Alton
Abbey, Alton Abbey, Beech, Alton, GU34 4AP. Cheques should be
made payable to ‘Friends of Alton Abbey’. Please include a SAE & a
telephone number and/or email address
North Warnborough & District Garden Club
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday 26th February in North
Warnborough Village Hall at 2.10pm for a 2.30pm start. The speaker
will be Tim Woodland whose talk will be ‘Planting & Growing Summer
Flowering Bulbs’.
The competitions for February are:
1. A Spray of a Flowering Shrub.
2. A Posy of Snowdrops with Greenery.
Visitors are very welcome to join us. We are a friendly Club whose
members share an enthusiasm for gardens and gardening. During the
growing season, we always have a plant stall starting at 2.10pm.
For further information, please telephone 01252 843848.
February 2015 events at the Basingstoke Discovery Centre
As usual the Basingstoke Discovery Centre offers an exciting range of
films, talks and workshops in February. The Second Chance cinema club
will be showing some past British films, such as Shakespeare in Love.
There will be talks on Jane Austen, Basing House and the Hartley
lavender fields, and workshops on photography and singing. There are
also plenty of activities for children, such as films and a movie-making
workshop. Something to suit everyone!
https://www.hants.gov.uk/shop/home.php, visit Basingstoke Discovery
Centre in Festival Place, or call 01256 478670. Advance booking is
strongly recommended.
One day God was looking down at earth and saw all the rascally
behaviour that was going on. So he called one of his angels and sent his
angel to earth for a time.
When the angel returned he told God, “Yes, it is bad on earth. 95%
are misbehaving. Only 5% are not.”
God was not pleased.
He decided to email the 5% who were good, because he wanted to
encourage them, give them a little something to help them keep going.
Do you know what the email said? No?
OK, just wondering... I didn’t get one either!
So far today, God, I’ve done all right. I haven’t gossiped, haven’t lost
my temper, haven’t been greedy, grumpy, nasty or selfish. I’m really
glad about that. But in a few minutes, God, I’m going to get out of bed,
and from then on, I’m going to need a lot more help. Thank you.
One day an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on
inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’
inside us all.
“One is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed,
arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride,
superiority and ego.
“The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, serenity, humility,
kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and
The grandson thought for a minute, and then asked his grandfather
“Which wolf wins?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed”.
Disclaimer: Please note that the views expressed in this magazine are the
contributors’ personal opinions and do not necessarily represent the
views of the editors.
The Handmade Fayre
Saturday 7th February 1.00-5.00pm - Upton Grey Village Hall. Everything
Hand Made from Jewellery to Jams, Bunting to Baking and Wood to Wool
all under one roof. Free public entry, raffle, teas and refreshments and a
light kids buffet supper available too! Come and support crafters and small
businesses. See you there
Villa in Turkey
In leafy quiet area, within minutes’ walk of the village with restaurants,
harbour and beach, no need for car hire. Panoramic views, roof terrace,
gardens with mature exotic plants, shady secluded olive grove. Sleeps 6, 3
bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. 20m pool. Nicola Dyson 07780653588 or
nicolamkdyson@gmail.com www.kalkan-rose-villa-turkey.co.uk
Herriard, Converted Stable Block
Available for short lets, weekends, holidays, wedding guests etc. Beautiful
countryside, walk straight onto foot/bridle paths. Large double bedroom,
bathroom, open plan 26' kitchen/dining/drawing room with log burning
fire. Small garden. 2 night minimum. Breakfast food provided for 2 night
stays. Tricia Neri 07788 585001 or tricianeri@aol.com
Upton Grey Village Hall for hire from £7 per hour. Functions, meetings,
parties, private and commercial. Full kitchen facilities, central heating and
sound system, chairs, tables, crockery and cutlery available. Contact Brian
and Pam Dixey for further information, 01256 862577.
The Royal British Legion Hall, Herriard Available for hire: wedding
receptions, functions, parties, meetings, events. Fully licensed bar, full
kitchen facilities, garden, tables and chairs, sound system, disabled access,
central heating, pool table and darts. Key holder 01256 381403 or email
hall bookings to herriardrblhall@aol.co.uk.
Marquee For Hire: 6m x 12m marquee for private functions only. The
insurance liability is for the hirer with a donation of £275. For details,