Parish of Preston Plucknett St Peter's St James' Coronation Avenue Preston Road 9.00 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Family Service 6.30 pm Holy Communion 7.30 pm Ash Wednesday Holy Communion 2.30 pm Ladies Group SATURDAY 21st FEBRUARY Cell Leader Breakfast 8-10 am PARISH WEEKEND A leaflet is available today giving all the details and a booking form for the Parish Weekend at Heatree in Devon from 11-13 September. CONTACTS Tony Perris David Keen 429398 422286 414097 Please note amended office hours for this coming week only. Tuesday 9-1, Wednesday 11-1, Thursday 9-11 9.00 am 10.30 am Morning Prayer Family Communion CHILDREN’S SOCIETY Christingle Services throughout the country raised £800,000 over Christmas for the Children’s Society which is very encouraging. LENT BOXES The collecting boxes for our Lent Charities are available today. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (18th Febuary) with a Service of Holy Communion in St. James’ Church at 7.30 pm. The charities chosen by the PCC for this Lent are: 1. Yeovil Street Pastors, 2. CARE (Christian Action Research and Education) 3. Chengelo School in Zambia. Details of these charities can be found on a separate sheet. If you would like to take a box please enter your name and address next to the relevant number on the list. CHURCH ELECTORAL ROLL The annual revision of St. James’ Church Electoral Roll starts today Sunday, 15th February. If you are already on the roll you need do nothing. (Copies of the roll can be seen on the notice board at the back of church) Being on the Electoral Roll enables you to take full part in the life of the church by giving you voting rights, being able to stand for office and having your say in church affairs. Forms are now available. To qualify for inclusion you need to be baptised and over 16, and either live in the parish or have been a regular worshipper at church for 6 months. For more details speak to Chris Harris, Electoral Roll officer. ST. JAMES LADIES GROUP The next meeting is at 2.30 pm on Thursday, 19th February in St. James Church Room when Rita Hedicker will be telling us about ‘Life Beyond the Orphanage’ a follow up to one of her previous talks. New members welcome. A meeting of committee members will be held after the next Coffee Morning on Thursday, 5th March to discuss arrangements for the Ladies Group AGM on 19th March. FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 2015 This runs from 23rd February - 8th March. We are registered as a Fairtrade Church and use FT coffee, tea and sugar when refreshments are served by the church. In addition, to mark the start of FT Fortnight, we will be serving FT biscuits on Sunday, 22nd February. Can you help by either baking biscuits using FT ingredients or donating packets of FT biscuits? Please bring them along next Sunday. Thank you. Fairtrade Fortnight brings together consumers, retailers, licensees, businesses, producers and campaigners nationwide to promote awareness and sales of Fairtrade products and campaign on issues of trade justice. It also gives us an opportunity to think about where our food comes from and how fair trade can make a difference to producers and their communities and maybe make some changes in our own shopping habits make a significant difference to farmers’ and workers’ lives. Look out for the Fairtrade logo on products in your local shops. ST. PETER’S EVENTS Saturday, 28th February: 1. Coffee and cake from 10.30 - 12 noon 2. Worship and prayer at 6 pm. These events are an opportunity for the local community and members of both our churches to come together. CHRISTIAN AID LENT LUNCHES These lunches are held every Friday during Lent at 12 noon at Vicarage Street Methodist Church in the Quedam in Yeovil starting on 27th February and up to and including Good Friday. A three course meal with coffee is served at a cost of £7. BAPTISM EVENING The next Baptism preparation evening will be at 7.30 pm on Monday, 2nd March at St. James’ Church. Contact Revd. David Keen for details (01935 422286) CHRISTIANS AGAINST POVERTY A Charity Day is being held in the GateWay Coffee Shop in Yeovil from 9am to 4.30pm on Monday, 2nd March. All voluntary donations for food and drink will go directly to the amazing work of the Yeovil CAP Debt Centre. During the day there will be debt coaches serving food and drink. Please support this ministry that brings hope and a solution to those faced with unmanageable debt. COACH OUTING TO WIMBORNE On Wednesday, 4th March departing St. James’ Church at 8.45 am and Preston Road Methodist Church at 9 am. Back in Yeovil approx. 5.15. Cost of coach £10 per person. We are hoping to have a coffee break at ‘The Mill’ just outside Wimborne. To book the coach trip contact Pauline Read on 01935 476686 and pay by 28th February. DATE FOR YOUR DIARY The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held on Palm Sunday, 29th March after a Bring and Share Lunch. Please make every effort to attend this important meeting when church officers are elected and we have an overview and update of church life during 2014 and look forward to the future. Please contact Maureen Harris on 476379 or email with items for the next notice sheet by Wednesday, 18th February.
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