The Beacon Sunday 2nd July 2015 Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Anglican Parish of Rockingham & Safety Bay Dear Friends, A warm welcome to you today. I remarked to our Wednesday study group that finishing our studies in Philippians is like leaving a good friend behind! I hope that you have found as much encouragement (and challenge) from this series as I have. Today’s passage is no exception as Paul (having thanked God – 1:3–6 for their partnership with him in the gospel), now thanks them as they shared in his troubles (4.14) and financial giving (4.15). How wonderfully balanced (and exemplary, 4.9) Paul is in thanking God and his fellows. I ask myself afresh do I have this balance as a habit? Christian giving that is sacrificial is a concrete act of fellowship that is an expression of our gratitude to God for His saving grace toward us in Christ. Not only is it well pleasing to God (18), beneficial to the spread of the gospel (15–16) but of great benefit to the giver (17). Indeed his words “not that I seek the gift, but I seek the profit that accumulates to your account” (17) are counter-cultural and life giving. They reflect: • Jesus’ words: “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20.35); • which in turn will keep us from allowing the money given to us to become a snare to our discipleship (Matthew 6.19-20, 1 Timothy 6.6–10, 6.17–19); • thus reminding us that though we cannot take our money with us we can certainly “send it on ahead of us!”; • as we invest ourselves (prayers and money) in the promotion of the gospel • thus ensuring that people become and grow as Christians, since people who trust Christ are the currency and inhabitants of heaven. What a blessing it is to be blessed by hearing the gospel and then becoming the means (including the prayerful, sacrificial and generous giving of our money) of others becoming followers of Jesus. We will speak more of this joy tonight @ 5pm. With our series on Philippians completed our next series will be The 10 Commandments (from 26/7–27/9). A work book will be available next Sunday. And the next 2 Sundays (12th & 19th) we will look in turn at God’s graciousness in giving us His law in the Old Testament from Deuteronomy 30:11–20, then in the New Testament from Mark 12:28–34. With warmest greetings in Christ, Peter Collect O God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as pass our understanding: pour into our hearts such love toward you, that, loving you above all things, we may obtain your promises which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Hymns Songs of Fellowship 77, 43, 1072 MP (St George 19), 1024 MP (St George 261). Bible Readings (page numbers from church Bibles) 2 Samuel 5:1–10 (p.243) Psalm 48 Philippians 4:14–23 (p.955) Mark 6:1–13 (p.817) Next Sunday (12/7) 2 Samuel 6:1–19 (p.244) Ephesians 1:1–14 (p.949) Psalm 24 Mark 6:14–29 (p.817) “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NOTICES 1. Small Groups Wed. 10.15am St. Nicholas’ Friday 9.30am St. Nicholas’ Friday 7pm Pauline’s home, 9 Otway Place, Shoalwater 2. Perth Women’s Convention 8th August 2015. Save the date! The Book of Ruth “Steadfast Love in Bitter Places” Speaker: Jenny Salt. 3. Parish Council. 22nd July, 7pm. 4. Men’s Breakfast. Sat. 25th July, 8am. Our guest Dr. John Pearman speaking from his experience: “Handling tragedies caused by our own mistakes.” Invitations available to help you invite friends & neighbours. 5. Women’s Breakfast. Sat. 12th July, 8 am. Special guest Rosie Logie — from Midland “Head Space” — will share her challenges & joys working as a Christian to improve the mental health of young people. 6. Thanks from Bernard: “My family and I have difficulty finding sufficient words to express our thanks to our parish family for the love, care and support you gave to Coralie while she was with us and to us when she went home to be with Him. I cannot name everyone, but to: Peter and others who visited us at home; card & flower senders; those who practised Coralie’s songs (our children were particularly thankful for the singing); chair arrangers/removers; cooks & servers; welcomers; cleaners up; huggers & handshakers; prayers & all who loved; to each one of you we give our thanks & love. I hope in due course to have copies of both Nigel’s eulogy & Monty’s sermon if you would like to think again on their words. Above all we give thanks to our God in His love for Coralie and for His gift to us in allowing us to know and love her”. 7. Thanks to all who worked hard at the working bee yesterday. 8. MU Meeting. Wed. 15th July 1pm, St. Nicholas’. Special Guest: Judith Nichols will help us to continue exploring our theme, “Sowing a Future Together”. All welcome, whether an MU member or interested to see what we do. 9. Special Investment Opportunity — following Philippians 4:17. Share with Christians seeking to provide Christian literature in languages that do not have the same rich heritage as we. This is through SparkLit (brochures available today). A wonderful target would be $3000 during July. Why not put money aside and bring it on Sunday 2nd August. PARISH DIRECTORY Sunday Services St Nicholas’ 8am, 10am & 5pm St George’s Weekday Services St Nicholas’ Holy Communion every St Nicholas’ Morning Prayer St George’s Evening Prayer Wednesday 9am Thursday 7.30am Wednesday 5pm 8am Rector The Right Reverend Peter Brain 9439 3793 or 0414 895 791 48 Abingdon Cr, Wellard 6170 (Rector’s day off is Monday) Associate Minister Devan Foster 0466 606 340 17 Bonnydoon Ct, Cooloongup Warden Ted Ansell 9527 8995 Children’s Ministry Christine Brain 9439 3793 Church Postal Address PO Box 799, Rockingham, WA 6968
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