LLM News May 2015

Diocese of Worcester
LLM News : May 2015
Celebrating Reader Ministry
You are warmly invited and encouraged to join us for this year’s Celebration of Reader Ministry service
in Worcester Cathedral on Saturday 20th June at 2.30pm. All the details, plus information about the
AGM on the same day, are enclosed in this mailing.
The service is a major occasion for the Reader community in the diocese and we’d love to see you there.
It’s an opportunity to celebrate and reaffirm your own ministry, to encourage fellow ministers in theirs,
and to support the new ministers who will be admitted and licensed on that day. You are also invited to
bring family, friends and supporters from your churches to share the occasion with you.
Holland House weekend – Discipleship or Wayfaring?
Friday 18th – Sunday 20th September 2015
Full details, plus a booking form are enclosed. These will also be available on the website – go to
www.cofe-worcester.org.uk/mission-and-ministry/your-christian-calling/llm-news/ Book soon!
Warden’s new email address
Please note that Sheila Banyard’s email address has now changed to rddroitwich@gmail.com
Funeral ministry training course
Bookings for the next funeral ministry training course close on 31 st August. For full details and an
application form go to the diocesan website at www.cofe-worcester.org.uk/mission-and-ministry/yourchristian-calling/llm-news/
Diocesan Directory
A new diocesan directory has recently been published and is available to LLMs at the reduced rate of £5.
Contact the Old Palace, Worcester.
Study and training opportunities
We would still like to hear any expressions of interest in joining an LLM reading group – contact Sheila
Banyard 01905 773134 rddroitwich@gmail.com – or a training course in leading services of Holy
Communion by Extension – contact Janet Stean 01386 47564 janetstean@btinternet.com
If you haven’t had opportunity to hear about this great diocesan event happening on Saturday 10th
October in Worcester ask your parish clergy for details (information went out to all parishes recently) or
go to the diocesan website at www.cofe-worcester.org.uk/news/2015/04/08/all-together-sharing-wayslive-kingdom/ Or just look on the website home page for the link.
“The aim is to model different ways of being Kingdom People with practical ideas that can be used back
in your own parish. This will include a ministry of hospitality with breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea
available free of charge courtesy of a gift from a charitable trust.” Read more on the website.
More overleaf
New dates for 2016
Please note the changed dates for next year:
Holland House weekend – Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd May
Celebration of Reader Ministry service – Saturday 17th September, 2.30pm, Worcester Cathedral
This will be the annual pattern for these occasions from 2016 onwards.
Reader ministry 150th anniversary 2016
In the diocese we shall be celebrating the anniversary of the re-establishment of Reader ministry in the
Church of England at the cathedral service on Saturday 17th September next year (see above). Please
keep the date for this very special occasion as it would be wonderful to see all our Readers, with their
family, friends, parish clergy and other lay ministers, gathered together to celebrate.
There will also be a national celebration for Readers on Ascension Day, 5th May at 2pm in All Souls’,
Langham Place, in London and dioceses will be invited to send representatives. In addition, there will be
a national event focusing on discipleship open to everyone (and not just Readers) on Saturday 16th July
in Leicester. More information about both these events will be available in due course.
Please contact the Warden of Readers if you cannot access any material on the website and would like a
paper copy:
Sheila Banyard
01905 773134