March newsletter - Coffin/Gerry Schools

I’d like to thank Ms. Fraser, Ms. D’Amour, Ms. Herchenhahn, and Mrs. McGrath for a
wonderful, although delayed, Winter Concert! It was a fantastic show.
With the recent purchase of more iPads for Coffin and Gerry (thank you Coffin-Gerry
PTO!!), teachers in grades 1-3 can use the iPads in a whole group session with a device for
each child. This has enabled them to use the iPads for many lessons, including math
assessments, enabling instantaneous results on progress that can then be used to target
individual or group instruction. We look forward to using these devices in more and more
classroom applications!
With the weather (hopefully!) getting warmer, please be mindful of school procedures
regarding outside play, especially during after school hours. If you choose to stay on the
grounds with your children after school is released, please be sure to monitor your child’s
play. A parent needs to be present for a child to remain to play on the school
playgrounds after school. If your child is walking home from school, they should leave the
playground right away at dismissal. Also, please be aware of how your child is playing and
with whom, as many conflicts can be avoided by active adult monitoring of playtime.
Children at both schools have been instructed to go to the office if they are not picked up
soon after dismissal. Hopefully, if we are all aware of these procedures, issues outside
during after school hours can be minimized. Finally, dogs are not allowed on school property
at any time. Please contact me if you have questions about these procedures.
We are approaching the Third Grade Reading PARCC at the end of the month (March 23April 2). This year, the format is different. Children will be taking five 60-minute exams in
both Math and Language Arts this year, in what is called the Performance Based
Assessment. The second part of PARCC (End of Year) will be in May with two sessions of
math and one session of Language Arts.
The format and content is different than the MCAS, and teachers have been working with
the students throughout the year to prepare them for the exam. Please be aware of some
of the important things you can do to make the exam easier for your child. Though any
standardized test can be a huge stressor for children and teachers alike, it is important to
understand that everyone benefits and performs better with a good night’s sleep, a good
breakfast, a consistent morning schedule and getting to school on time. A child who arrives
late, without a breakfast and without a good night’s sleep will be physically and mentally
behind to start the school day. These suggestions are appropriate for anytime of the year,
for any child, but most especially so during these PARCC weeks. Taking these stressors out
of a child’s life at the beginning of the day will enable them to focus completely on learning
in the classroom. Content-wise all of our third grade students are ready for the PARCC test
this spring. We have confidence that all of our students will do well. Be sure to tell your
child of the confidence you have in them before the test.
Spring is coming!
Sean Satterfield, Principal
From the Health Office:
Third grade students: Please be sure you have an updated physical for 4th grade.
An updated yearly physical is a requirement. The exam may take place six months before or
after the start of Grade 4.
Thank you- Nurse Tara, RN
Thank you - Mrs. Crosby, RN
Many thanks to the following people for their recent additions to the Gerry Library!
Mike & Leah Rozinsky, Stink and the Shark Attack in honor of Kai
Lauren & Anthony Andriano, Frank Pearl and the Awful Waffle Kerfuffle in honor of Kate,
and The Nutcracker, in honor of Tessa
Stephanie & Shan Franklin, Catch That Cookie! in honor of Jack
John & Kelley Spiridakis, Round Trip in honor of Gus
Dina & P.J. O’Connor, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in honor of Evan
Lisa Quillen & Class, The Animal’s Santa in honor of Stephanie Colby
Cathy & Tom Eidson, One Big Pair of Underwear in honor of Cole
Jenna & Jon Wales, The Super Bowl: All About Pro Football’s Biggest Event in honor of
Holly & Kevin Crosby, Bits and Pieces in honor of Riley
Doug & Stephanie Fischer, Black Beauty in honor of Angie
Beth & Bill Crouch, That Cat Can’t Stay in honor of Will
Kristen Meshulam, The Three Tales of My Father’s Dragon in honor of Joy
Meredith & Todd Burt, Awesome Dawson in honor of Jacob
Mia & Bobby Grubor, Cold Snap in honor of Filip
Vivian & Sam Bennett, Pink Cupcake Magic in honor of Abigail
Keith & Nara Scheib, My Teacher Is a Monster! In honor of Quinn
Lisa Quillen, The Day the Crayons Quit in honor of my wonderful class of 2014-15
Katie & Ron Cooper, Tip Top Cat in honor of Emily
Tom & Maureen Larco, Julia Child in honor of Julia
Upcoming Events:
03/11 Early Release – Noon – Prof. Dev
03/11 Pajama Day
03/11 Community Meeting 11:10 “Respect” Presentation by Mrs. Quillen’s class
03/16 2nd & 3rd Grade enrichment- “Tanglewood Marionettes”
03/17 SBMT -7:30am @Coffin
03/19 Field Trip Mrs. Drummond & Mrs. McGuinnes – PEM 9:30-12:00
03/19 & 3/20 Midnight Ride Presentation-3rd Grade
03/23-04/02- PARCC Testing 3rd Grade
03/24 Field Trip-Mrs. Darci & Mrs. Gay-Harvard Museum 8:30-1:45
03/24 PTO Meeting 7:30-8:30pm @BYC
03/25 Field Trip-Mrs. Hecht –Bird Sanctuary 8:30-10:00
03/27 Report Cards
04/01 Community Meeting 11:20 “Respect” Presentation by Ms. Homan’s class
04/02 Field Trip-3rd Grade – Harvard Museum 8:15-2:00
04/03 Early Release-Noon Dismissal-Good Friday
If absent or tardy please call:
Coffin - 639-3180 ext. 1
Gerry - 639-3185
Sean Satterfield, Principal –
FAX 781-639-3182
L.H. Coffin School – 781-639-3180 – Linda Mills, Secretary – 1 Turner Road
Elbridge Gerry School – 781-639-3185 – JoAnne LeBlanc, Secretary – 50 Elm Street
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