Remembering Their Sacrifices Governor Mary Fallin, Mayor Bill Shewey and Woodring Wall of Honor President David Henneke prepare a time capsule at Vietnam Memorial Wall The 5k and Half Marathon is a Run of Honor to remember Oklahoma’s Fallen Heroes and past/present service members. Dog Tags with the names of Oklahoma’s Fallen Heroes or Military veterans, whose names appear on the Wall of Honor, will be provided for each runner. Names can be placed on the Wall of Honor for an additional $25 donation. Apparel and Awards Free Red Dirt Run of Honor T-shirts will be provided to all 5K participants. Free Tech shirts will be given to all Half Marathon participants. Awards will be given to Red Dirt Run Of Honor overall winners and by age group (top 3 per category) as well as awards to the first place team in the Corporate and Military Challenge categories. Dog tags will be awarded to all participants. Awards will The Woodring Wall of Honor is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation be presented at the Post-Race. Brunch provided at the Woodring Wall of Honor Hanger. Location & Parking 5k and Half Marathon will start on Boeing Drive at the entrance to the airport. Parking is available at the terminal building. Directions The goal of the 2015 event is to raise money to benefit the Woodring Wall of Honor Vietnam Memorial Wall and Educational Center. The Red honor our Oklahoma Fallen Heroes and Oklahoma’s Past and Present Service Members. From 1-35: Take Hwy 412 west to 66th St. And then turn south (left) past railroad tracks veering right to airport entrance. From Hwy 81: Take Hwy 412 east to 66th turn south (right) to airport entrance. Inclement Weather There will not be a scheduled rain date. In the case of rain, no refunds will be awarded and all registration and sponsorship fees will be considered a tax-deductible donation. 5K/Half Marathon Dirt Run of Honor is a 5K/Half Marathon Run to For Registration For Information OR CALL: Glenn McDaniel at (580) 747-4414 Elaine W. Johns, Exec. Dir. (580) 233-4530 Ma y 2 3 , 20 1 5 7 :0 0 a .m. Woodring Wall of Honor Vietnam Memorial Wall 1026 S. 66th St. Woodring Regional Airport Enid, Oklahoma M a i n I n s i d e H e a d i n g M a i n Entry Form Page 1 Fees and Registration Registration Fees I n s i d e H e a d i n g Pre-Registration & April 1, 2015 Online Registration through 5K Run $20 $30 ________________________________________________________________________ Half Marathon $60 $75 ________________________________________________________________________ *Pre-Registration ends Monday, May 18, 2015 *Shirt and personalized Dog Tags guaranteed for registrations received prior to May 1, 2015 *Online registration ends Monday, May 18, 2015 Register Online at Please print clearly and fill in all blanks One First Name M a i n I n s i d e H e a d i n g Entry Form Page 2 Tech Shirt Size - Please Circle One Adult: S M L XL XXL M.I. Order Additional TechShirts - $12/shirt Last Name ________________________________________________________________________ Address Adult: S M L XL XXL ________________________________________________________________________ Enter Our Challenge City Half Marathon ________________________________________________________________________ State Zip Code Cost $200 per Five (5) Member Team ________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth Male/Female Age on Race Day ________________________________________________________________________ Race Day Schedule Daytime Telephone 6:00 a.m. — Race day registration ________________________________________________________________________ 7:00 a.m. — Half Marathon E-mail Address Military Challenge_______________________ Payment Information - Checks payable to: Woodring Wall of Honor 8:00 a.m. — 5k start time Clearly Mark Your Event Post Race Celebration Cash_____________________________ Post-Race Breakfast/Awards Ceremony at the 5K Run Woodring Wall of Honor Half Marathon Pre-Registration and Packet Pick-Up Amount Enclosed Check_____________________________ Amount Enclosed Running in honor of: Participants are encouraged to pre-register either on- ________________________________________________________________________ line at or by U.S. mail to Print Name Clearly forms must be post marked no later than Saturday, May 16, 2015. On line registration will be open through Monday, May 18, 2015. Packet pick up and late registration will be Friday, May 22, 2015 from 5 pm ‘til 7:00 pm at Cherry Berry, 610 S. Cleveland, Enid, OK and the morning of the race from 06:00 a.m. ‘til 07:30 a.m. at the Woodring Wall of Honor Hanger, 1066 S. 66th St. Woodring Airport, Enid, OK. Electronic Timing Name of Veteran (Please print clearly) Athlete’s Release and Waiver: DO NOT SIGN WITHOUT READING I understand the nature of the activity of running/volunteering in a 5K/Half Marathon Run. I certify that I am in good health and in proper physical condition to participate in this activity. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs and damages I incur as a result of my participation in the activity. This includes but is not limited to falls, contact with other participants, effects of weather, including high heat or humidity, rain, the condition of the road or traffic on the course, all such risks being known and understood by me. I have read this release and waiver of liability, I understand these terms and understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing this agreement, and have signed it freely. I hereby release, discharge and promise not to sue the Woodring Wall of Honor, Yes We Can Civitan Club, Civitan International, Woodring Airport or members thereof and all further sponsors, their representatives or successors from all claims or liability of any kind arising from my participation in this event even if the liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I also grant permission to all the above groups to use any photograph, motion pictures, video, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. The Red Dirt Run of Honor will be timed using the IPICO timing device. All runners must wear a timing device to receive a finish time. Please pick up your timing device on race day at registration. Place a Name on the Wall of Honor _____________________________________ Woodring Wall of Honor; c/o Elaine Johns; P.O Box 248, Enid, OK 73702. All mailed pre-registration Ck # ____________________________________ Athlete’s Signature Date __________________________________________________________ Branch of Service FOR CREDIT CARD ENTRIES - USE Sponsored By: Yes We Can Civitan Club Triangle Insurance Complete Energy Services Maple Place Bed & Breakfast Ward Petroleum See Me Digital Woodring Regional Airport American Red Cross Cimarron Valley Chapter
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