Case Study Problem Statement Shell Day 28th March 2015 Cognizance, IIT Roorkee 1. Introduction VishwaOorja Inc. is a large integrated oil and gas company aspiring to expand its business in the country of Telghar which has large undeveloped offshore natural gas resources. VishwaOorja Inc. has partnered with the government on a discovered field named Khazana. The local government sees this as an opportunity to attract investments in the country’s nascent LNG industry through a production sharing contract (PSC). In the production sharing contract there is an agreement between the successful bidder and the host government, whereby the successful bidder bears all the cost associated with exploration, development and production. In return, the bidder receives a stipulated share of the production to sell on the open market. VishwaOorja won an extremely competitive bid for the Khazana gas-condensate field in the latest licensing round. This field is an opportunity for VishwaOorja to establish itself as an operator in the country, opening up opportunities for future expansion. VishwaOorja aims to be the most innovative and competitive energy company in the world, but with a clear focus on safety (no harm to people and no leaks) and sustainability (environmental, economic and social responsibility). 2. Scenario 2.1. Political Scenario Telghar is an under-developed country with a pristine ecology. The country does not have a large domestic gas market mainly due to historical lack of industrial development and the strict regulations around preserving natural habitats. In recent times, Telghar is experiencing a rapid transition with a desire to be set on the path of greater development. The political situation in the country is currently stable with a new democratically elected government with a clear majority. The new government has ridden a populist wave by promising more development, while at the same time, taking steps to conserve the natural ecology of its land and aquatic flora and fauna. The government is keen to develop the necessary skills in country to develop their resources. As a result there is a strong push to use local talent and companies in the engineering, construction and operation of gas development projects. But there is a shortage of skilled labor and reliable quality contractors/suppliers in the country at present. Doordesh is a more developed island-country located 600km south-west of Telghar. There is a nascent domestic gas market but with an estimated potential demand upwards of 4.5 billion m3 of gas per year with the right investment in infrastructure. Doordesh has beautiful coral reefs surrounding the island which are a UNESCO world heritage site. The Doordesh government is aggressively pushing to grow the domestic natural gas market as it is perceived as a cleaner energy alternative. 1 Case Study Problem Statement Shell Day 2.2. 28th March 2015 Cognizance, IIT Roorkee Field Description Khazana is a gas-condensate field located 200km offshore Telghar. The field is within the territory of Telghar. The reservoir is in deep-water and is composed of turbidite sands. It is estimated to contain 6 billion m3 of gas, with a reservoir area of 45 km2. The gas has to be processed to bring it up to market specifications. A feasibility study has established that transporting the gas to mainland by ship is not an efficient options, a subsea pipeline (on seabed/buried) is required. The processed and liquefied gas (LNG) however can be transported using ships. There are currently no existing gas processing facilities in Telghar or Doordesh. Figure 2.1 - Geographical Location of Khazana Field 2 Case Study Problem Statement Shell Day 2.3. 28th March 2015 Cognizance, IIT Roorkee Contractual terms The contract between VishwaOorja and Telghar is a production sharing contract for 12 years. There is a potential for a 6-year extensions, but this is subject to government approval, pending field performance and operator performance. As per this contract, 30% of the Gas from the field has to be sold in the local Telghar market at the prices stipulated by the government (see Table 2.1). The rest of the Gas can be sold wherever VishwaOorja wishes to sell. Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Gas Price Telghar ($/MMBTU) 1.86 3.19 4.31 5.47 5.83 6.25 6.42 5.28 5.19 5.06 4.78 4.36 Table 2.1 - Govt stipulated Gas prices - Telghar Also included in the contract is a clause that within 5 years, 60% of the skilled labor employed by the production facility shall be sourced from local market and within 7 years the plant manager shall be a local person. 2.4. Additional Data The current drilling rig count is 3 in the region. Sourcing a new rig will take long lead time and is uneconomical. VishwaOorja’s Well Engineers estimate that the optimum well for this particular field will be a well with a drainage area of 0.75 km2 each. Time taken to drill one such well is 3 months and the cost of drilling one well is $2 million. 3 Case Study Problem Statement Shell Day 28th March 2015 Cognizance, IIT Roorkee Additional data as below: gas rate per day per well (MMSCFD) 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.80 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.73 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65 Year 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 Table 2.2 – Gas rate per day per well over the years Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Gas Price Doordesh ($/MMBTU) 3.69 5.17 6.28 7.39 8.5 8.22 8.22 7.39 7.11 7.11 6.83 6.28 Table 2.3 – Stipulated Gas prices in Doordesh 4 Case Study Problem Statement Shell Day 28th March 2015 Cognizance, IIT Roorkee Processing capacity (million m 3/d) Capex (million $) 1.3 0.91 0.39 100 73 48 Table 2.4 - Capex for constructing Gas processing plant Surface processing plant operating cost = 1,541 $/million m3 of Gas processed. Pipeline Capacity (million m 3/d) 1.3 0.91 0.39 Subsea pipeline (on seabed) (million $/km) 0.88 0.79 0.44 Subsea Pipeline (buried) (million $/km) 1.10 0.99 0.55 Table 2.5- Pipeline costs ($/km) Additional CAPEX (apart from the normal processing cost) for liquefying the gas - Processing capacity (million m 3/d) Capex (million $) 1.3 0.91 0.39 22 19 9 Table 2.6- Additional CAPEX for liquifying the gas Additional OPEX for a liquefying the gas – 462.3 ($/million m3) 5 Case Study Problem Statement Shell Day 28th March 2015 Cognizance, IIT Roorkee Additional CAPEX for regasification of LNG (assuming the processing rate is equal to the shipping rate)- Shipping capacity (1000 m3 LNG) Capex of regasification plant (mn $) 3.3 11 22 26 10 15 21 24 Table 2.7- CAPEX for regasifying the gas OPEX for the regasification plant – 5 ($/m3 LNG) Transport of LNG via ships – We have four ships with different capacities and different cost/km (see table 2.8). We can use maximum two of them at a time. It takes the ship - 14 days for a round trip from Telghar to Doordesh (600 kms) , 5days for a round trip from Khazana to Telghar (200 km), and 12 days and 17 days for a round trip from Khazana to Doordesh depending on the two routes respectively (500 kms and 700 kms). Ship capacity (1000 m3 LNG) US $/km 3.3 11 20 40 18 45 22 26 50 60 Table 2.8 - LNG Carrier ship costs 2.5. New Technology FLNG is an upcoming revolutionary technology, currently under development by VishwaOorja, which can help unlock new resources of natural gas by processing it to 6 Case Study Problem Statement Shell Day 28th March 2015 Cognizance, IIT Roorkee LNG at sea itself. A giant floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility will produce process and store the gas before it is shipped overseas. The FLNG technology will reduce the use of manual labor as well. For this region, the FLNG Capex costs are given in Table 2.9. The Opex cost is $123,21 per million m3 of Gas processed. Processing capacity (million m 3/d) Capex (billion $) 1.3 0.91 0.39 0.3 0.2 0.08 Table 2.9 - FLNG Capex costs 2.6. Local Environment Telghar has world class flora and fauna, both onshore and offshore. The local environmental NGOs are strongly against development that will damage this pristine environment. The area near the coast of Telghar is of particular importance as it is inhabited by a species of endangered dolphin (shown as light blue color in the map). Any changes in the natural environment may lead to strong repercussions for the government and the responsible company, both locally and internationally. Apart from the seas being habitats for dolphins, they also form a key area for fishing activities for Telghar, which has agriculture, cattle rearing, fishing and forestry as the predominant means of occupation. The local fishing community is concerned about the impact of exploration and production activity on their livelihoods. Note – Assuming any additional data required. Clearly state your assumptions in your final presentation. 3. Deliverables As the Opportunity Manager (OM) for the Khazana field, you are required to prepare a strategy for the optimum development of the field. The strategy should cover the following with suitable technical, economic and social justification: Development plan for the Khazana field that must include at least the well count and development timeline. Plan to transport the gas – by pipeline/ships Surface operating facilities placement and the markets being targeted. Key risks for the field development; and the mitigation steps. Strategy for mitigation of other key risks. 7 Shell Day Case Study Problem Statement 28th March 2015 Cognizance, IIT Roorkee Identify key stakeholders and develop a comprehensive strategy for managing them 4. RULES: Team – Minimum 2 members per team; maximum 5. Screening - Preliminary strategy to be submitted in a one page MS Word document with Arial Font and Font Size -10, Justified. The abstract should also mention the names and email ids of the team member. Send in your entries to both – and with Subject Line – “Cogni2015 Case submission - <Team Name>” For any queries related to the case study, directly contact the above mentioned email ids. Last Date for Submission 23th March 2015, midnight. Selected Teams will be notified latest by 25th March 2015 to make a final presentation before the judging panel on 28th March 2015 (Saturday). Each selected team will be allowed 15 minutes for presentation + 10 minutes for questions and answers. So, limit the main presentation to maximum eight slides. All the Best! 8
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