March 2015 - Council of Graduate Students

March 31, 2015 | V5I8
 Meet the
2015/2016 COGS
Executive Board
 Graduate/
Week 2015
 Diversity,
Inclusion and
Workshop Recap
Full Council
April 8, 2015
Location: Molecular
Plant Science,
Room 1200
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Meet the 2015/2016 COGS Executive Board
President: Sudha Sankar
Vice President Internal Affairs: Lynette Guzman
Lynette Guzman is currently serving as
Sudha Sankar is currently serving as
the Vice President for Internal Affairs of
President of COGS. She is pursuing a
COGS. She is pursuing a PhD in
PhD in the department of Human
mathematics education with a focus on
Development and Family Studies,
mathematics teacher education. Lynette's
specializing in Couple and Family
research interests center on issues related
Therapy. Sudha’s academic interests
to equity in mathematics education with
include mental health services for
regards to power and identity. She holds
couples experiencing intimate partner
a bachelor's degree in mathematics from
violence, mental health services for survivors of sexual
the University of Arizona and was born
assault and identity negotiations in non-traditional
families. Sudha values an adaptive and feedback dependent and raised in San Antonio, Texas. Lynette enjoys
collaborating with early career teachers, visiting new
system of governance. She holds a Master’s degree in
Psychology from Pittsburg State University in Kansas. She places, and teaching K-8 students.
is originally from India and raised in both India and
Treasurer: Maurice Atkinson
Botswana. Sudha aspires to serve in research, advocacy
Maurice W. Atkinson II is currently
and leadership positions in world organizations dedicated
serving as the Treasurer of COGS. He is
to serving vulnerable populations.
pursuing a PhD degree in Accounting.
Vice President External Affairs: Dee Jordan
Maurice’s academic interests include
judgment and decision making,
Dee Jordan is currently serving as Vice
organizational behavior, corporate
President of External Affairs. Dee is a
governance, and public policy. He aspires
University Enrichment Fellow and
to be a full Professor of Accounting at a
Doctoral Student in the Department of
premier research institution. Maurice
Geography, where her concentration is
joined the Accounting Doctoral Program at Michigan State
Spatial Epidemiology and Health/
University in 2013. Prior to joining the PhD program,
Medical Geography with an
Environmental Health and Policy focus. Maurice worked as a tax accountant at a top 20 US
Accounting firm, and as an Instructor in the Accounting
Dee is also a voting member on the
Department at North Carolina Central University and High
Board of Trustees for the Society of Public Health
Point University. Maurice's other professional experience
Education serving as the Student Trustee. She has held
encompasses a wide variety of fields, positions, and skills research fellowships at the NIH, CDC, UT MD Anderson
Cancer Center and Emory University. She aspires to be the including not-for-profit and grant accounting, financial
Director of the National Institutes of Environmental Health analysis, reporting, contract management, and leadership
development. Maurice received his Bachelor of Arts in
Sciences. Dee holds a Masters in Health and Medical
Geography from Georgia State University and a certificate English from North Carolina Central University, his Master
of Accounting from Kenan-Flagler School of Business, and
in Geographic Information Systems. She is from Atlanta,
his Master of Business Administration from Sam Walton
School of Business. Maurice is a CPA in the states of North
Recording Secretary: Charlie Loelius
Carolina and Michigan (forthcoming). Maurice is also an
Charles Loelius is a PhD candidate in
Operation Iraqi Freedom Disabled Veteran 2003. He was
nuclear physics at the National
born and raised in Queens and Brooklyn, New York
Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory respectively.
and is currently serving as Recording
Secretary for COGS. Prior to coming to 2015/2016 Parliamentarian & Director of
Events Planning Needed
Michigan State University, Charles
Loelius received a Bachelor of Science
We are now accepting applications for a Parliamentarian
from Rutgers University with a triple
and Director of Events to serve on our Executive Board for
major in Physics, Philosophy and Mathematics. His
the 2015/2016 academic year. If you are interested, please
professional interests are in nuclear non-proliferation
look over and fill out the application by April 1, 2015.
through both international treaties and scientific
Information on the responsibilities as well as qualifications
development that makes treaty enforcement viable.
of the positions are detailed in the application. Also, if you
Beyond his professional goals, Charles Loelius is a proud know someone who may be interested in serving as
progressive activist, serving as Treasurer for the Graduate parliamentarian or director of events, please pass this
Employees Union and as a volunteer with the AFL-CIO's application along to them. If you have any questions
Workers' Voice program, where he fought for LGBT
regarding the positions, don’t hesitate to ask.
inclusion, women's rights and feminism, and civil rights
Applications can be found online here:
for all.
Below is a list of activities & giveaways for GPSAW2015! Stay up to date on all GPSAW
activities, like our Facebook Page here:
Use Twitter #MSUGPSAW15 to tweet live from events!
Graduate &
Week Certificate
of Proclamation
from Governor
Rick Snyder!
Click on the
photo to view
full sized.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Friday, April 10, 2015
• COGS Coupon Day—FREE Starbucks
Time: 9:00am—5:00pm
Time: 9:00am—5:00pm
Location: COGS Office, Chittenden Hall, Room 120
Location: COGS Office, Chittenden Hall, Room 120
Coupon for a FREE Tall (12oz) Beverage at MSU Wells Hall & Broad
Coupon for a Free Single Scoop Ice Cream from MSU Dairy Store, SponBusiness College locations only. Donated by RHS
sored by The Graduate School
• Tickets go on sale to Detroit Tigers Bus Trip!
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, April 10-12, 2015
Detroit Tigers vs. Chicago White Sox
• FREE Movie Nights sponsored by UAB and RHA
Time: On Sale Online Only at 10:00am,
American Sniper Fri, Sat & Sun 115 B Wells Hall 8:00 PM
Detroit Tigers Bus Trip on Sunday, April 19, 2015, Game Time 1:08pm
$18/ticket includes ticket & bus transportation to & from Comerica Park Night at the Museum 3 Thurs 119B Wells Hall 8:30PM Fri, Sat & Sun
7:10 & 9:00
• HopCat Men’s NCAA Basketball Final Viewing Party and
Pre-registration required
Sampling Event
Time: 7pm—9pm
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Location: HopCat East Lansing
• Race for the Place
Purchase tickets for only $10ea. (cash only) in the COGS Office
Time: 1:00pm
For $10 you get 5 different samples and FREE Appetizers
Location: Jenison Fieldhouse
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
15 graduate student teams semi-sponsored by GSLW
• Trivia Night
Registration deadline: March 27th 5:00 p.m. Chittenden Hall Room 130
Time: 6:00pm—9:00pm
More information online: Dublin Square
Free Trivia, Appetizers, & Prizes Cosponsored by LBGT Resource Center the-Place
Diversity, Inclusion & Sensitivity Workshop Recap
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
This past Saturday, the Council of Graduate Students Graduate Welfare Commit• COGS Coupon Day—Mac N Cheez
tee led by Vice President for External Affairs Dee Jordan, hosted a workshop as
Time: 9:00am—5:00pm
the first part of a campaign to promote DIS on campus: Diversity, Inclusion and
Location: COGS Office, Chittenden Hall, Room 120
Sensitivity. Over 50 graduate and professional students met at the International
Coupon for Any Mega Mac for the price of a Mini
Center for a five hour panel, discussion and question and answer on the complex
• $0.49 Small Coffee All Day at Sparty’s
aspects of diversity at Michigan State University. The event brought luminaries
Time: All Day
from around campus and beyond to help provide the intellectual tools to encourLocation: Sparty’s
Sponsored by RHS
age inclusion on campus. The event was moderated by Lansing Councilwoman,
Thursday, April 9, 2015
BEACON Diversity Director and Olympic medalist Judi Brown Clarke, who led
• FREE Chair Massages
participants through a series of discussions around inclusion based on factors
Time: 10:00am—2:00pm
such as race, gender and gender identity, sexuality, national origin, sexual assault
Location: Chittenden Hall Commons Lounge
and other survivors, and many other aspects of our diverse community. Far more
Sponsored by GSLW and Olin. More information here:
than a mere celebration of the steps forward we have already taken as a commu
nity, the event served as a rallying cry to understand that sensitivity was only a
• Eat at State Food Truck Special, $5.00 COGS Burger Combo
first step towards inclusion, and that there remains tremendous work to do. The
Time: 11:30am—2:00pm
keynote speaker, Dr. Lee June from the African American and African Studies
Location: Food Truck Locations TBD
and Psychology program urged all participants to become “fighters for justice.”
Cheeseburger w/ Potato Chips or Cookie & Lemonade,
Recognizing the importance of student activism on campus, Dr. June continued
Sponsored by RHS
• $5 Tickets to Crosstown Showdown (Almost a 60% discount) by explaining that MSU had indeed made tremendous leaps forward over the past
decades, but that each time it had to be pressured to make those leaps by student
Time: 7:05pm
action. Other panelists from the LBGT center on campus, Safe Place and the sexLocation: Cooley Law School Stadium
ual assault center, and various departments on campus served to lead discussions
Tickets are $5 (normally $12ea), Purchase online at http://
with students, leading to the sharing of many personal stories and experiences
with the challenges of racism,
• Phantom of the Opera
sexism, transphobia, and the
Time: 6:30pm
numerous other corrosive
Location: Wharton Center
social influences that affect us
Tickets are only $28ea (normally $52.50ea) Limited tickets
here at MSU and throughout
remaining, contact COGS at 517-353-9189
the world. The COGS ExecuPost Show Q&A with the cast sponsored by Wharton Center
tive Board, nearly all in attendance, expressed their wish
A Publication of the Council of Graduate Students
that DIS become a vital part
of COGS and all graduate and
Michigan State University • Chittenden Hall
professional students’ lives as
466 W. Circle Drive, Room 120
we all work forward to make
Telephone: (517) 353-9189
MSU and the world a better
Web: Email: