CENTRAL OREGON INTERGROUP, INC MARCH 22, 2015 IGR MEETING MINUTES OPENING: Chairperson called the CO Intergroup meeting to order at 5:30pm with Serenity Prayer. Attendance sheet was passed A quorum was established Introductions were made VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: (IGR’S) (Lauren G-Rec Sec & IGR/WFS) (Diane W-IGR/Tues. Night AA)(Scott H.-IGR/Madras) (Reed K-Vice Chair & IGR/Red Reb) (Lisa H-IGR/MWF DCC) (Teryce K.- IGR/Ent.com-Tumalo) (Tami-IGR/New B)(Dan P-Treasurer & IGR/EER) (Lisa H-IGR/LSR) (Christine B-IGR/LSR) (Mike S-IGR/Safe Harbor)(Charles K-Alt IGR/New Horizons)(Mary B.-IGR/WTGTAL)(Peggy R.Adv.Board/MMD)(BruceL.-IGR/Primary Purpose)(Deak D.-IGR/STS Prine.)(Daniel Y.IGR/Young&Sob.)(Cody M.-Adv.Board/WFS)(Alan S.-IGR/New Horizon)(Lisa M-IGR/SIS) NON VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: (Vickie M- Chair) (Renee H-Office Manager) (Judy W-News Letter/SIS)(Paul N-Alt IGR/Out to lunch)(Joan C-Schedule Chair/EER)(Dave W.-Potluck Chair/Tues. Night)(Sam R.-Hotline Chair/WFS)(Kristel M.-Al-Anon) A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes were read and approved B. C. TREASURER’S R EPORT Treasurer’s report indicates a negative donation caused by a bounced check to IG office. CHAIR REPORT: D. Reed K. (Vice Chair)- Last month went to GSR Assembly and gave a detailed report on IG. COMMITTEE R EPORTS: OFFICE: Books/Lit. – $1,138.06, Coins Etc. - $608.20, Donations - $1,246.01, total deposits $2,992.27. NEWSLETTER: Going good. Will have a whole page of jokes in the newsletter. POTLUCK: DCC is hosted Feb. potluck and collected $47.00. WFS is hosting March potluck. March 28th @ 6:00pm & speaker is @ 7:00pm. SCHEDULES: 1 Updated schedules but were unable to bring to meeting due to mis-communication. 3/24/2015 WEBSITE: Not present. ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE : Corned Beef & Cabbage Feed turned out good. Still on need of events for April & May. May change the day & time of their monthly meeting, will vote @ their next business meeting. Suggestion to have web updates when event tickets are sold out. HOTLINE: All slots are filled. 2 calls per shift- mostly about meetings. AL-ANON: No announcements. E. OLD BUSINESS: Potluck Chair still available. 2 year sobriety/2 year commitment. NEW BUSINESS: Primary Purpose Group: Would like a change in “closed meeting” definition. MOTION: On website & schedules change the definition of a closed meeting to: Closed meeting, problems with alcohol or alcohol problems only”. This motion was rescinded by Bruce. MOTION: The definition of a closed meeting on the website and in the schedules be changed to “Closed meetings are for A.A. members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and have a desire to stop drinking.” MOTION PASSED. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 6:17pm. The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 26th at TEC St. Helens Hall. Lauren Geyer, Recording Secretary 2 3/24/2015
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