JOB VACANCIES The ERA Chairs project "The Creation of the Department of Integrative Plant Biology” (BIOTALENT), realized by the Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences from July 2014 to June 2019, is supported by the EU FP7 Programme. The Director of the Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPG PAS), Poznan, POLAND – prof. Bogdan WOLKO announces an open competition for 2 full-time positions for established researchers (R3) at the Department of Integrative Plant Biology, willing to join the international integrative plant biology team created at IPG PAS as a part of the FP7-ERA Chairs EU funded project (acronym: BIO-TALENT). SENIOR 1 (Code: R3_PHENOMICS) – established researcher (R3) in plant phenomics, biometry and imaging software development The Candidate should have a strong background in computer science, image analysis and plant growth modelling. The selected person should be able to communicate and share the ideas and practical solutions with specialists on bioinformatics and plant molecular and developmental biology in order to develop and implement innovative software solutions for plant growth imaging as well as building new molecular/cellular-based interaction models. The main focus of work should be development and use of cutting-edge imaging solutions having potential for application in analysis of growth changes in crop plants subjected to certain environmental factors or artificially-driven changes in anatomical/physiological mechanisms regulating final plant form. The successful candidate who will join this group will establish interdisciplinary research program focused on the development of new plant imaging software and imaging techniques as well as generation of growth models useful for the engineering of new growth patterns and anatomical/physiological features increasing tolerance to environmental and biotic factors in economically important plants. SENIOR 2 (Code: R3_TRANSCRIPTOMICS): established researcher (R3) in large scale transcriptomics The Candidate should have a substantial experience with a large scale transcriptomics experiments based on sequencing or microarray techniques. Additionally, the knowledge on bioinformatics and reverse genetics (TILLING) will be appreciated. The successful candidate will take part in an interdisciplinary research program focused on the exploration of plant developmental mechanisms for the engineering of new traits increasing tolerance to environmental and abiotic factors in economically important plants. The successful candidate is expected to develop his/her own research as well as cooperate with other BIO-TALENT team members. The BIO-TALENT team will consist of 3 experienced researchers (including the ERA Chair holder) specializing in: molecular and cellular aspects of plant development [ERA Chair holder] phenomics and plant imaging specialist [SENIOR 1] large scale transcriptomics, reverse genetics and data analysis specialist [SENIOR 2] The team will also consist of a junior and senior post doc, 2 PhD students and a broker of innovation. Due to the international character of the team a good English language skill is required and collaborative research at the Institute and international levels is expected. Organizational skills and experience in managing projects are essential. Obligations: According to the BIO-TALENT Project approved by the European Commission, the SENIOR RESEACHER is obliged to: - write grant proposals, - co-organize 20 lectures, 6 one-day workshops, 2 summer schools (two days each) organized within the project. Career Stage: Experienced Researcher Research Profile: Established Researcher (R3) Gross monthly salary: 5 000 € (includes insurance costs paid by the employer) Employment at the IPG PAS will be in the form of a full-time job contract in the period of the project (up to 50 months: May 2015 – June 2019). The payment will include insurance and health care, in agreement with the rules of Polish legislation. Deadline for submission of the applications: 22 March 2015 (midnight) Applications should be submitted by email (pdf format only, attachments up to 10 MB) and addressed to: Please include the relevant code of the job position (R3_PHENOMICS or R3_TRANSCRIPTOMICS). Documents to be submitted 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Cover letter Detailed CV Document confirming the status of PhD Description of scientific career, documenting the fulfillment of job requirements Two letters of support to be submitted separately by the referees sent to 6) Description of research plans including cooperative work in BIO-TALENT team 7) List of all original publications, from the oldest to the most recent, each with the Impact factor and the number of citations (according to the Web of Knowledge/Web of Science) and Impact factor of the journal in the year of publication. The name of the candidate should be in bold type, and underlined if the candidate was a corresponding author. 8) Hirsch index and the overall list of citations (Web of Knowledge/Web of Science). 9) List of national and international projects: a) coordinated, b) participated, including the information on granted funds and project results, publications, commercialization of products or methodologies. 10) List of academic skills, including experience in teaching, research team leadership, administrative duties, PhD and MSc supervision/mentoring. 11) List of foreign fellowships, studies, sabbatical stays, practical and theoretical trainings in a foreign country (mobility). 12) List of patents, cooperation with the industry, national and international projects including the cooperation with the industry (please list the granted funds and the result of each project). 13) Other skills, not listed above, but important for the project. The application must contain the following statement: "I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my offer to be processed for the purposes of recruitment, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act dated August, 29,1997 (consolidated text, Dz.U. [ Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland] of 2014, item 1182 with further amendments)". The application should contain the full set of documents, which should be sent by email to by 22 March 2015 All applications will be acknowledged. In the case of any problems or lack of acknowledgement do not hesitate to contact the Administrative Manager ( or the ERA Chair holder ( Selection procedure IPG PAS has been awarded the logo of ‘HR Excellence in Research’, thus the provisions of the Charter and Code will be respected in the selection procedure. The recruitment process will be carried out in a five-step selection procedure: Step 1: the pre-selection of a few top candidates by the team composed of the ERA Chair holder, the Project Coordinator and the Deputy Director for Research at IPG PAS The evaluation procedure will take into account the candidate's overall research activity and research results. Due to the fact that the selected person will work in the multidisciplinary team, a statement describing the future cooperation and vision for the involvement in the BIO-TALENT team is essential. Another important factor will be the experience in teaching and outreach activities. Due to the international character of the project the mobility of the candidate will be taken into account during selection procedure. All candidates will be informed about the results of this pre-selection step by 31 March 2015. Step 2: the on-line interview of shortlisted candidates by the above mentioned team members We will discuss the job qualifications, cooperation with IPG PAS research teams and vision of own research in the Department of Integrative Plant Biology. Step 3: the evaluation by the Committee for the Development of Researchers appointed by the Scientific Board of the Institute* * in the case of failure in undertaking the position in agreed time the Committee reserves the right to choose another Candidate from the shortlist Step 4: the opinion of the Scientific Board of IPG PAS; Step 5: decision of the Director of IPG PAS; the date of the announcement of the final results: 24 April 2015. General information The city of Poznan has 550 thous. inhabitants. It is one of the biggest cities in Poland, with a large academic centre with numerous universities and research institutes. It is located 300 km westwards from Warszawa (Warsaw), the capital of Poland, and 300 km eastwards from Berlin, the capital of Germany. The city is visited by many foreigners participating in numerous fairs organized at the Poznan International Fair Grounds, as well as students, researchers, businessmen, and tourists. The city is friendly and safe. A great number of students makes it lively and full of various events. The city is convenient to work in and to spend leisure time, due to its beautiful surroundings (Wielkopolski National Park with its forests and lakes). Poznan is the capital of a large agricultural plain. Poznan is one of the largest plant science centres in Poland with universities and numerous scientific institutes and research centres hosting annually over 130 thous. students. The Institute of Plant Genetics in Poznan has a strong tradition of research on theoretical and applied aspects of plant biology. Our scientific activity encompasses wide array of scientific disciplines like cytogenetics, metabolomics, molecular biology and bioinformatics. We are in the process of the formation of interdisciplinary research group specialized in integrative plant biology. The main focus of the team is to exploit knowledge from fundamental research in plant biology for development of innovative tools and new strategies in sustainable crop production and protection. The newly created BIO-TALENT team will explore the applicatory value of modification of basic developmental and physiological mechanisms in order to obtain new useful agronomical traits including increased plant tolerance to stress or suitable growth patterns and overall yield increase. The future work of the team will also include modification of plant architecture and plant and organ size and shape for increase in biomass production or improvement of agro-technical methods. Location of the Institute The Institute of Plant Genetics PAS is located at Strzeszynska 34, Poznan, POLAND. To learn more about the Institute and its current departments please watch our promotion film: and visit the website of the Institute: To read basic information on the rules and composition of the BIO-TALENT project please visit the website:, which contains information on objectives, strategy, work packages, contacts and links to information about the project, announced in the mass media. Contact addresses: General address – Robert Malinowski – the ERA Chair holder Malgorzata Jedryczka – the Project Coordinator Anna Stachowiak-Szrejbrowska – the Administrative Manager Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences Strzeszynska 34 60-479 Poznan POLAND Phone: +48-61-6550248 (Project Coordinator) Fax: +48-61-6550301 Email:
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