Master Bismans Version anglaise 2015-2016

Course Director :
Finance, audit and accounting
2015 - 2016
Professeur Francis BISMANS
Administrative Assistant:
Tél. : 03 54 50 44 39
Master in
Market Finance Engineering
Application form :
downloadable from
The creation of a non-profit Association
Student initiative has recently given rise to the creation of a non-profit Association of the Master in Market Finance Engineering (MMFE), whose objectives
are threefold:
To develop a spirit of solidarity and support between students
To guarantee the promotion of the Master course within university
spheres, businesses and students
To maintain links between the different years thanks to an alumni network
The MMFE is a very important factor for the development of the Master and to
create and consolidate strong links between all those who have chosen to follow this high level course.
Come and join us !!!
Faculté de Droit, Sciences
Economiques et Gestion de Nancy
13, place Carnot - C.O. n°70026
54035 NANCY Cedex
Téléphone : 03 54 50 44 00
Télécopie : 03 54 50 44 02
Février 2015
Master in Market Finance Engineering: the five strong
points of our high quality post graduate degree
1. The course is spread over a period of two
It generally takes students two years to gradually assimilate and master the vast and highly technical field
of market finance. This is why the course is spread
over two years. It is in this way that students benefit
the most from this high level training.
2. The course curriculum offers a thorough
grounding in market finance:
Knowledge in several other subject areas is required
to study market finance:
a). appropriate mathematical and probabilistic techniques.
b). advanced micro and macro economics.
c). in-depth understanding of financial markets and
d). knowledge of specific computer software programs
and tools.
All these subject areas can be found either in lecture
or seminar form in the brochures of the two Master
courses (downloadable).
4. The course has a true international flavor:
An agreement is about to be signed between our
M.F.E master and equivalent masters in the Universities of Poznan (Poland) and Lisbon (Portugal). This
will enable an exchange of students and professors
between these three Universities.
Above all, students will have the opportunity to obtain
a double diploma upon successfully completing the
course. (See below)
5. The course opens the door to the labour
market where many interesting jobs are
All students who successfully complete the M.F.E
master can apply for any post open to economists as
well as jobs directly linked to market finance: traders, financial product developers, portfolio managers, financial managers (front or back office).
The Master also offers avenues to research, leading
to a doctorate (PhD) and to posts in research in general.
What students think of the course…
Gwénolé Hilaire – Master 2
“The classes are very interesting and rewarding from
both a technical and professional point of view. Moreover, practical applications with software such as R or
Gretl enabled us to understand the theoretical courses
more easily. Calling upon teachers and professionals
from outside the University added another valuable dimension to the course. Finally, gradually introducing
classes in English is a further advantage of this Masters
Jean-Gilles Roblot – Master 1
“After completing a bachelor’s degree in Law and Economics, I really appreciated the refresher course in
maths and probability in the first semester. In the second semester, we pass from theory to practice by using
different software. A very positive outcome overall”
Thibaut Di-Fabio – Master 2
“A very thorough schooling in market finance bringing
out the different facets of the subject area. There is an
excellent mixture of university professors and external
consultants, providing the students with high quality
theoretical and practical courses. The teachers are all
very approachable, the classes are small with a pleasant atmosphere, very conducive to work. Theory is illustrated by practical work which enabled us to progress.
The course is very professional and is taught to a very
high standard. Moreover, at the end of the course we
can choose between the job market and further research.”
3. The course combines theory and practice:
The major skill of any financial economist lies in his/her
ability to handle a multitude of theoretical instruments
and to be able to apply them to concrete economic and
financial problems. This link between the “abstract”
and the “concrete” is put into practice in all the classes which combine theory and application.
Double diplomas ?
An agreement is currently being finalized between Poznan, Lisbon and Nancy-Lorraine.
Lorraine. This will enable students to obtain a double
doubl diploma from the University of Lorraine, the
Finance Mathematics department of the University of Lisbon and the University of Economics of Poznan. The agreement also provides
for the exchange of students and teachers
between the Master courses in these three Universities.
An opportunity not to be missed !!!!!!!