Term 2: 4th - 15th May 2015 ASPIRE, ACT, ACHIEVE - WAWATATIA, MAHIA, EKEA A MESSAGE FROM PRINCIPAL-DANIEL MURFITT Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa - Greetings to you all. Kia ora koutou Manaakitanga / Demonstrating Respect – ANZAC Day Last weekend we all commemorated and remembered our men and women who have been involved in, and those who have died in wars serving NZ. In particular we remembered those involved in the Gallipoli campaign 100 years ago. Many of you were involved in these services, whether it was in the Army Cadets, representing the school, or as members of the public. Thank you for your involvement and in particular thank you to the students who represented the school, in laying the wreath at the service in Clive Square. From Right: Savanna Hiha, Tom Levy, Kyia Butcher, Kahira Carroll, Matthias Wagner, Ramona Collins, Bobbette Beauchamp (out of picture). We are also saddened by the death of Whalib Chilab’s father in Iraq. He died whilst fighting against ISIS for the Iraqi Army. Whalid was a Year 13 in our school last year and was over in Iraq at the time of this tragedy. Our thoughts go out to Whalid and his family. Hirangatanga / Excellence in effort - Kapa Haka Last week our kapa haka group competed in the Kapa Haka Regionals. They were outstanding and received high praise from the audience and judges. The effort they had to put in to reach such a high level performance was also outstanding, and a credit to them, our whanau and staff. Hirangatanga / Excellence in effort - Drama Congratulations to Carwen Jones for her performance in the theatre production called ‘Over the Top’, commemorating 100 years since Gallipoli. The production was about the lives of six young people who enlisted, and the impact on the families they left behind. Carwen has been involved in a large number of productions both in school and the wider community, and is certainly taking advantage of opportunities available to her. Well done! Tina-Rose Dixon Carwen Jones KAPA HAKA REGIONALS STUDENT SUCCESS Congratulations Tina-Rose Dixon for being selected for the HB U15 netball team. Good luck to the following students who will be trialling for the Regional Futsal team: James Mason - Boys U19 Madison Wallis - Girls U15 Phoebe Mason - Girls U19 and National Futsal team. and Shaye Ngamotu who is trialling for the Year 7 Napier Netball Representative Team. BASKETBALL COACHING In-School-Coaching programme is provided by Basketball HB to assist future team practices for coaches (teachers, students and/or parents). The programme’s Development Coach Clifton Bush and two members of the HB Hawkes team will run the 5 week programme in our school gym Wednesday lunch time 1.15pm – 1.55pm. Please feel free to come and watch or participate, we are always looking for parent coaches or managers. “THE GOAL” is to provide PLAYERS & COACHES with a great learning experience which will result in a higher level of enjoyment and satisfaction in our competitions. The Programme Provides: Game Like Drills Fundamentals Skills (Passing, Ball Handling, Shooting) Coaches Participation Learning the Game of Basketball For Coaches /Players Basic Body Movements (Running, Jumping, etc) Fun based activities and games 3x3 Games WCC PARENTS ASSN BOOKSALE William Colenso College Book Sale-Volunteers Needed! This is the Parents’ Association’s big fundraiser for the year and it’s our 25th Book Sale! If you are able to assist with book sorting, delivering flyers, providing baking for the sale day, volunteering or assisting over the Book Sale weekend (June 6 & 7th) please let us know! Email vicki.clarke@colenso.school.nz Phone: Vicki Clarke 8310180 Ext: 868. Let me know which days or tasks best suit you and we look forward to working together for such a great cause - Our Kids! Your help is very appreciated. CAREERS EXPO Pettigrew Green Arena will be holding a Careers Expo, 19th & 20th May. Selected students will have the opportunity to attend, Wednesday 20th May 9.15am-11am. The Arena also has the option of an afternoon session Tuesday 19th May 4.30pm-7.30pm to enable parents/caregivers to attend. SPORTS SHOES The sports department are after any old boots or basketball shoes that you may no longer use. These can be dropped into the front office at school. Many thanks. A message from our sports department/coaches: Please arrange for an adult to come and collect your child after sports games, it is unsafe for students to be unsupervised walking home. PRACTICE EXAMS YEARS 10-13 Practice examinations will take place for all Year 10-13 students Monday 4th May - Friday 8th May. Students are expected to be in their normal classes when they are not sitting an exam. There is no study leave. All examinations are in the hall (except the Music classes which will be held in the Music Room). Please encourage your son/daughter to have prepared for these examinations. Period Monday 4/5 Tuesday 5/5 Wednesday 6/5 Thursday 7/5 Friday 8/5 L2 English Snr English (BJ) Year 10 Music L2/L3 Chemistry L2 UE English Year 10 Maths 2 9.40am10.40am L2 History L1 Maths(Line 1) L1 English Year 10 Maori L1 Maths (Line 5) L1 Maths(EV) Snr English (MC) 3 11.15am12.15pm Year 10 Science Year 10 Social Studies Year 10 English Year 10 Dance Snr Dance L1 Comm English L1 Science L1 Music 4 12.15pm1.15pm L3 History Senior Maori L3 Calculus L2 Maths (both classes) L3 Media Studies L2/L3 Physics L2 Biology L1 Up Grade English L1 Maths (PC) L1 History L3 Statistics L1 Maori L1 Up Grade English Snr Performing Arts Snr English L3 English 5 2.00pm3.00pm Year 10 Media Studies STUDENT DRIVER LICENCE PROGRAMME This is a free programme for William Colenso College students who obtained their Learner Drivers licence in 2014 (or before), at the latest January/February 2015. For those students who are interested please see Mrs Engels with your Learner Licence (to establish issue date). A Learner Licence programme will run in the next school holidays, (students must be 16 years or over to be eligible to do this programme). Please see Mrs Engels for an application form (must have an original Birth Certificate and a student ID OR a current NZ Passport). KARATE CLASSES Bay Karate Club run classes every Monday and Wednesday in the school gymnasium, 5.30pm-6.30pm. Beginners classes - the first 3 lessons are free. If you would like to know more about the classes please contact Nicki Walker: 027 408 5822, or information is available on the website: www.baykarateclub.com PHYSIO SERVICE Cape Physio offer a service in school for WCC students on a Thursday. Clinics are for treatment of injuries/ accidents covered by ACC. Please book appointments @ The Attendance Office 8310180 Ext 825/826. NZQA FEES YEARS 11-13 Students in Years 11-13 will be entered in the National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA). NZ Qualifications Authority (NZQA) has advised that a full Year 11,12 or 13 course will cost $76.70. The College collects these fees for NZQA. Benefit Support: If the main caregiver of a Year 11-13 student is receiving a WINZ benefit payment or holds a Community Services Card their fee can be reduced to $20 per student or $30 per family. NZQA information and financial application forms have been handed out to students, if your child has not received one please ask them to see their form teacher. Parents/caregivers who applied for financial support in 2014 will need to reapply this year. KEY DATES Mon 4th - 8th May: Wed 13th May: Wed 20th May: Mon 25th May: Mon 1st June: Sat 6th June: Sun 7th June: Wed 10th June: Thurs 11th June: Thurs 18th June: Tues 23rd - Fri 26th June: Mon 29th June: Fri 3rd July: Sat 4th July: Mon 20th July: Year 10-13 Exams Parents Association Meeting: 7pm in the staffroom all welcome Selected students to PGA for Careers Expo: 9.15am-11am Board of Trustees Meeting: 5.30pm Queens Birthday: School Closed Parents Association Annual Booksale School Hall Parents Association Annual Booksale School Hall Middle School Portfolio Evening/Meetings: 2pm-7pm Middle School Portfolio Evening/Meetings: 2pm-7pm Years 7-9 will be released from school at 1.15pm School Cross Country from 1.30pm School Production: Doors open 6.30pm show starts at 7pm Board of Trustees Meeting: 5.30pm Term Two Ends, school will finish at 2.30pm School Ball Term Three Commences
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