18th May - William Colenso College

Term 2: 18th - 29th May 2015
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa - Greetings to you all.
Kia ora koutou
Mana Motuhake – High Expectations
Schools that establish high expectations
for all students, and provide the support to
achieve these expectations have high rates
of academic success. Schools with high
academics, clear expectations, high levels
of student participation, and alternative
resources such as outdoor education and
extracurricular activities. These are all
characteristics of WCC.
Seventeen students went on a trip to Hamilton, to learn and experience a day at Waikato University. For many
students this was the first time they had considered studying at university. We know and believe more of our
students have the ability to be very successful at university.
All Year 10 – 13 students have completed a very successful week of practice exams. These are a very important
part of the preparation for NCEA exams. I was impressed with the level of preparation that both students and
teachers put into the exams.
Conveying positive and high expectations
occurs in several ways. One of the most
powerful is through the personal relationships
in which teachers and whanau communicate
with you/our students, ‘This work is
important; I know you can do it; I won’t give
up on you’.
Student Sporting Success
Congratulations to the following students who have made regional sporting representative teams.
Kimbella Roberts (Year 7) – Napier Netball Reps
Phoebe Mason (Year 12) – Central Regions U19 Futsal Reps
Tina-Rose Dixon (Year 11) – Hawkes Bay U15 Netball Reps
Sport Hawke's Bay coaching development officer
Tim Motu gave these student leaders important
tools to improve their coaching experience.
Watch out for these student coaches leading
school sport on the sidelines this year.
William Colenso Student Coaches 2015
Tilini Tonga - Basketball, Sesala Tonga Volleyball, Tina-Rose Dixon - Netball,
Telesia Faiva - Volleyball, Jessie Rahui Softball, Keisha Rarere – Netball, Softball,
Lee Rangitaawa - Basketball, Rawiri
Rangitaawa – Basketball, Warren Lemoe,
Deprise Whatarau-Tere – Waka Ama
Congratulations to Jade Schofield and Herewini Nicholson-Rolleston who have made it into
the HB Smokefree Rockquest Regional Finals to be held Saturday 23rd May, at the Napier
Municipal Theatre.
Mr Daniel Murfitt (Principal)
Mrs Kate Christensen (Head of Middle School Yrs 7-9)
Mrs Bea Carter-Judd (Year 7 & 8 Dean)
Ms Leah Kersey (Remutupo House Dean Yrs 10-13)
Mrs Virginia Engels (Maropea House Dean Yrs 10-13)
Mr Joshua Badger (HOL Sport/PE/Health)
Ms Tini Williams (Sports Co-ordinator)
Ms Fiona Craven (Head of Senior School Yrs 10-13)
Mrs Jane Beaven (Head of Support Services)
Mr Bryan Adams (Year 9 Dean)
Ms Laura Jackson (Waikamaka House Dean Yrs 10-13)
Mr Simon Mitchell (Tupari House Dean Yrs 10-13)
Mrs Henrietta Hillman (HOL Te Reo Maori)
Mr Phil Robertshaw (Guidance Counsellor)
Students in Year 7-9 in the Middle School have one key teacher who is with them at least twice a day. In the
Senior School (Year 10-13) all students are allocated a tutor teacher who works closely with them setting goals
and monitoring progress. This person should be your first point of contact if have any concerns or queries.
Please do not hesitate to contact any of the above staff, either by telephone or via email. To email - use the
person’s first name then a “dot’ then their surname name, e.g., daniel.murfitt@colenso.school.nz
The use of all personal digital devices in a classroom must be for the purpose of supporting learning. It is
expected that how and when digital devices can be used in a class will be co-constructed between
students and their teacher. The use of digital devices in class for appropriate learning purposes fits with our
school values; Hirangatanga-Excellence in Effort, Manaakitanga-Respect, Matatautanga-Learning and
It is expected that at all times students’ use of digital devices will be in an appropriate manner that
upholds responsible digital citizenship. Responsibility for the safe keeping of digital devices lies with the owner/
user. Where appropriate, the College will support with charging devices and safe keeping.
It is generally accepted that cellphone use in the classroom is a major distraction to students’ learning, as access
to social media and music often distracts them from learning.
Parental advice re: cell phone use by students:
If you receive a text or call from your child i.e., asking you to come to school or asking for assistance, please
contact the school first to ensure we are working together to support your child.
William Colenso College Book Sale-Volunteers Needed!
This is the Parents’ Association’s big fundraiser for the year and it’s our 25th Book Sale!
If you are able to assist with book sorting, delivering flyers, providing baking for the sale day, volunteering
or assisting over the Book Sale weekend (June 6 & 7th) please let us know!
Email vicki.clarke@colenso.school.nz Phone: Vicki Clarke 8310180 Ext: 868.
Let me know which days or tasks best suit you and we look forward to working together for such a great
cause - Our Kids! Your help is very appreciated.
Pettigrew Green Arena will be holding a Careers Expo, 19th & 20th
Selected students will have the opportunity to attend, Wednesday 20th
May 9.15am-11am. The Arena also has the option of an afternoon
session Tuesday 19th May 4.30pm-7.30pm to enable parents/
caregivers to attend.
The sports department are after any old boots or basketball shoes that you may no
longer use. These can be dropped into the front office at school. Many thanks.
A message from our sports department/coaches: Please arrange for an adult to come
and collect your child after sports games, it is unsafe for students to be unsupervised.
These identification cards are available to all students for a cost of $7.50 (payable at the
Student Office). The cards are great for identification purposes and allow students to receive discounts at various outlets, eg movies.
We have a limited number of size 2XL school uniform polar fleeces to purchase for $20 each. If you
would like to purchase one please call into the main school office.
All students will be released from school at 1.15pm, Friday 26th June due to staff professional
This is a free programme for William Colenso College students who obtained their
Learner Drivers licence in 2014 (or before), at the latest January/February 2015. For
those students who are interested please see Mrs Engels with your Learner Licence
(to establish issue date).
A Learner Licence programme will run in the next school holidays, (students must
be 16 years or over to be eligible to do this programme). Please see Mrs
Engels for an application form (must have an original Birth Certificate and a student
ID OR a current NZ Passport).
Are you over the age of 16? Are you reliable, and able to get transport to and from Whakatu?
If so Mr Apple is interested in students – preferably with an interest in the Horticulture Industry- wishing
to work in the pack house during the July School Holidays.
Please see Mrs Engels ( bring a note of recommendation from your form teacher or Ms Bren stating
that you fulfil the above requirements).
Cape Physio offer a service in school for WCC students on a Thursday. Clinics are for treatment of injuries/
accidents covered by ACC. Please book appointments @ The Attendance Office 8310180 Ext 825/826.
Students in Years 11-13 will be entered in the National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA). NZ
Qualifications Authority (NZQA) has advised that a full Year 11,12 or 13 course will cost $76.70. The College
collects these fees for NZQA.
Benefit Support: If the main caregiver of a Year 11-13 student is receiving a WINZ benefit payment or holds a
Community Services Card their fee can be reduced to $20 per student or $30 per family.
NZQA information and financial application forms have been handed out to students, if your child has not received
one please ask them to see their form teacher. Parents/caregivers who applied for financial support in 2014 will
need to reapply this year.
Wed 20th May:
Fri 22nd May:
Mon 25th May:
Mon 1st June:
Sat 6th June:
Sun 7th June:
Wed 10th June:
Thurs 11th June:
Thurs 18th June:
Tues 23rd - Fri 26th June:
Fri 26th June:
Mon 29th June:
Fri 3rd July:
Sat 4th July:
Mon 20th July:
Selected students to PGA for Careers Expo: 9.15am-11am
Movie Night: Middle School students, screening at 6pm, doors open from 5.30pm
$10 a ticket available from the front office
Board of Trustees Meeting: 5.30pm
Queens Birthday: School Closed
Parents Association Annual Booksale School Hall
Parents Association Annual Booksale School Hall
Middle School Portfolio Evening/Meetings: 2pm-7pm
Middle School Portfolio Evening/Meetings: 2pm-7pm
Years 7-9 will be released from school at 1.15pm
School Cross Country from 1.30pm
School Production: Doors open 6.30pm show starts at 7pm
All students will be released at 1.15pm due to staff professional development
Board of Trustees Meeting: 5.30pm
Term Two Ends, school will finish at 2.30pm
School Ball
Term Three Commences