Notices and Datesnd Dates - Barnsley, St Edward the Confessor

St Edward the Confessor - Barnsley
You are VERY WELCOME to share with us in our
worship today. St Edward’s is an open, welcoming, and
inclusive church community. If you are new or visiting,
please make yourself known. Refreshments are served
after the service in the Vestry Rooms. Please join us.
A loop system is in place for those who use hearing aids.
Please ensure that your mobile phone is switched off.
If you have any difficulties with access please speak to a
Third Sunday of Lent
Setting : Thorne
Organist : Ray Dawes
Readers today :
2nd :
Intercessions :
Sidespersons : Mrs.R.Beard and Mrs.J.Thorpe
Mrs.J.Thorpe and Mrs.J Denton
Coffee Rota :
Notices and Datesnd Dates
1st :
Every WEDNESDAY : 10am
BCP Communion (Said) – Lady Chapel
Followed by Coffee/Tea
Every THURSDAY – 7pm
Choir Rehearsal - New members welcome
Last FRIDAY of the month
Time & Space – 12.30pm – Lady Chapel
A service of meditation
Second SATURDAY of the month
Breakfast Prayers – 8.30am – Vestry Rooms
Second SUNDAY of the month
Service at 10am with Fun Church for children
Miss.M.Peacock and Miss.M.Brailsford
Please remember the following in your prayers this week …
Worldwide Church : Meru (Kenya)
Spring Cleaning: Kath and Margaret are going to clear
out any rubbish from the vestry on Monday 16th March.
If any of this rubbish is important to you, please label it
clearly (with a reason for keeping it) or take it away to a
safe place before 16th March. Thank you.
On EASTER MONDAY between2 -4 pm(with
permission from the PCC)- the Church is being
opened for the general public to view the Easter
Flowers. I am asking for volunteers for Stewarding
Duties and helping with refreshments. Please sign
the sheets at the back of Church if you are able to
give any time. Offers of sweet items for the
refreshments will be appreciated. Please sign up for
these also. Thank you in advance. Julie Thorpe
We are hoping to relaunch the Parish News as a
bi-monthly magazine and would welcome any ideas or
any short articles/prayers/poems as soon as possible. Ask me
if you’d like to know more. Margaret G.
Deaneries of Leeds Episcopal area
Mara Link: Kirumbi and Bulamba
From our prayer list :
Alex Bird, Norma & John Cooper, Barbara Dunhill, Cicely
Houghton; Daniel Matthewman; Peter Wilkinson, Tom Bates,
Margaret Wordsworth and John Barnes.
Deceased :
If you know someone who is sick, or anyone who is unable to
attend church and would like to receive Communion at home
please speak to Revd Jean Naylor (01226 204767) or Revd
Mark (01226 207140)
Would you like to floodlight the Church? £10 per evening …
switched on from 7pm to 11pm. Please speak to Fred 201264
or Ann
Wanted, please, a deputy church treasurer to count
money and deal with cash. Please speak to John
Gostelow for more information.
JUMBLE SALE – on Friday 24th.April, -6.00pm 7.00pm. Save your jumble and please bring it to the
vestry between 3.00pm and 5.00pm.
A date to save: Monday 15th June, Magna Carta 800th
Anniversary celebrations at St Mary's Church, Barnsley. Please
see 'News from the Pews' for details. Fred
James Hudson Taylor play by Tony Bower at The Lamproom
Theatre Saturday 25th April at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Tickets £10
and £8 (concessions). Booking now. Fred
Priest in Charge : Revd Mark Poskitt
The Vicarage, Church Street, Gawber. S75 2RL
Tel : 01226 207140
Acting Church Wardens : Mr.F.Thompson and Ms A.Wood
WEEKLY PEWSHEET : All contributions to the Pew sheet to
Lorraine please by phone (01226 244504), in person or by email :
Deadline 5pm each Thursday. Thank you.