June 2015 Episcopal Church of the Resurrection CrossRoads 917 Pond Road, Loudon, TN 37774 www.episcopalloudon.com office@episcopalloudon.com Phone: 865-986-2390 Fax: 866-467-2223 From the Priest It’s been a crazy church year, here in our parish neighborhood. At least the rhythms of the year have seemed to me a bit syncopated. We’ve had quite a few deaths and funerals— some of them for long-time members, like Glenn Boyles and Henry and Joan Twiggs, and some for folks we have known only a short time, such as Ann Ludeka. We celebrated and blessed the marriage of Julie Hebble and Milton Arledge in Advent (an occasion we don’t usually celebrate in Advent, but did because it let Milton and Julie honor the late Jan Hebble’s birthday.) We held a doublefuneral for Joan and Henry Twiggs on January 30. We missed Shrove Tuesday pancakes and burning the palms as well as Ash Wednesday services (imposing ashes, instead, on the first Sunday in Lent) because of ice and snow, which also cost us several trees on the property. We postponed our vestry retreat because of bad weather and scheduling conflicts. We built storage in the parish hall during the fall and hired folks to refinish our floors in the spring. We shoved tables and chairs into horse trailers and rubber tips onto the chair and table legs. We invited other ministers and congregations to join us for Stations of the Cross on the Town Creek Greenway on Good Friday, and fifty-plus folks participated. We moved 11 free wooden bookcases, compliments of diocesan house, into our conference room, chapel, and undercroft. Daughters of the King offered a spring retreat focused on Sabbath time. Meanwhile, back on the Keene’s Shaw Ferry ranch, we were glad to note Mike’s retirement and to receive his pre-Medicare present—an electric wheelchair. We hunted for a van to haul that present around and finally were “fitted” for it sometime after REGULAR FEATURES: Calendar 5 Financial Snapshot 8 Lay Ministry Schedule 6 Letters to the Church 2 Thanksgivings and Concerns 6 Vestry Contacts 6 Easter. We did paperwork for Claire’s medical insurance before January 1 and then had to redo it in April. Many of you have had surgery or illness or a trip to the emergency room. Some have rejoiced in the birth of grandchildren. Some have sold houses and moved away to live nearer their children, others have traveled half-way around the world for work or pleasure. We sorely missed Amanda after her mother, Mrs. Barbara Adams, was diagnosed with cancer in January and died May 5. May 17 we dedicated our third Habitat House in Hope Haven, even as we gear up to earn money for another one at this year’s Ribfest, August 8. On Pentecost Sunday, May 24, Claire baptized granddaughter Lucia Claire Nancy Hall at St. John’s Church, Asheville. Then on Trinity Sunday, we hosted the bishop and shared our spring pig-roast meal with him. What a great day that was! Thanks to everyone who had a hand (literally or figuratively) in procuring our pig, preparing our pig, saucing our pig, “pulling” our pig, arranging tables and chairs, setting up and cleaning up, washing dishes, reading lessons, singing songs, acolyting, serving chalices, ushering, greeting, Continued on Page 3 Page 2 CrossRoads Notes to Prayers & Squares and the Church of the Resurrection Dear Monty (Ross), Wow! I was so pleasantly surprised when you delivered the prayer quilts today. First I was appreciative that you were being so kind to think of my sister (Mary Russell). I am convinced that prayers have truly carried her to this point in her journey in spite of all the various major setbacks she has experienced. Now with the start of this new year, she will again be cloaked with prayers as she starts the lengthy real recovery and rehab process. The second prayer quilt really caught me off guard. I felt so unworthy on one hand and so comforted on the other. I had become tired and worn down in my year as a caregiver plus I was just getting over the flu. My “very own” prayer quilt provided refuge and renewal at a most needed time. Thanks for this gift. Clayton Pangle Dear Claire and Church of the Resurrection, Thank you for letting the Board of Directors of the Child Advocacy Center use the church hall for our annual Board retreat. It is such a warm, lovely setting and was enjoyed by all. Karen Keirstead Dear Congregation, Thank you so much for your loving hearts and giving spirits. You helped make our Hoodies for High Schoolers campaign a huge success. Because of you more kids will be warm this winter. Thanks again, Carly Henson & Loudon High School PTO Dear Quilters, Thank you. Thank you for the beautiful, warm quilt, but mostly thank you for the prayers and comfort it represents. It is a lovely thing to have and a reminder that I am not alone. Barbara Adams Dear Prayers & Squares members, We were so touched by the beautiful quilt you made for John and myself. Knowing the prayers that went into it made it a real blessing to us. With cold weather on the way, it will keep John’s legs warm and lift his spirits. Many thanks, Susan Parnell Thanks . . . For Everything Thank you for your support, love, prayers, work, food, quilting & tying, hugs . . . everything. I simply could not have done what I was able to do for my mother without the blessing that is Resurrection and its people. Much love, Amanda Dear Ones in Christ, Thank you for the beautiful prayer quilt. It has been a great comfort during my recovery. My surgery went very well. I am sure my outcome shows a direct reflection of your prayers. I am grateful for the many hands and hearts involved in the quilt assembly. Your support has brightened my convalescence. With Sincere Thanks, Continued on Page 3 Wanda Brown Page 3 CrossRoads Continued from Page 1, From the Priest arranging flowers, washing and ironing linens, and all the behind-the-scenes work that goes with all of our celebrations, from worship to bishop’s visits to weddings and funerals. Thanks to Jerry and Nancy Crook, too, for providing our great bluegrass musicians, led by Vern Lindsey. Thanks to everyone present. Your liveliness makes Resurrection the gift that it is. Of course ,the beat goes on, you know . . . Last weekend our smokers helped the folks at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church celebrate with smoked and pulled pork. This weekend many of us are working with the RAM (Remote Area Medical) clinic at Loudon High School, hoping to help our neighbors get medical, dental, and vision care. Several of us have worked with Good Samaritan Center to provide the local support that’s needed for such a great event. Some of you have had surgery and will be recouping for a while, some have made pilgrimages, some are looking forward to our June 28 all-church picnic. Finally, we’ll have our long-awaited vestry retreat here on the grounds the weekend of June 1920. We will look not only at our budget and other regular operational goals but also try to take a “big picture” view of who our neighbors are, how we can get to know them better, how we can serve God and our communities together visibly, intentionally, and generously. And our ever-busy prayers and squares ladies are preparing around 30 fleece blankets to give to children whose parents are incarcerated. If you haven’t talked with your vestry members lately, or you haven’t chatted with the several new members who have so recently dived into Resurrection life with us, please do so—quick! We want to know what tunes you hear playing in your lives these days, so we can invite everyone into our wonderful, syncopated, all-surprising dance. And may the Lord of all time and space, every song and every season, bless you all. Claire Continued from Page 1, Notes Claire, We are declaring Habitat’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast a success, and that’s in large part because of the welcoming environment of the Parish Hall and church campus. Please share our thanks to your generous church family for making your facilities available to Habitat. We are grateful. And, we are looking forward to seeing many of you at the construction site soon. Sammie Shanks Volunteer Coordinator Dear Members of the Women’s Group of the Episcopal Church, On behalf of the Crisis Center for Women – IVAS, I would like to thank you for the very generous $3,000 donation that you have all made to our organization. Your support of our mission and the work we do is greatly appreciated and does not go unnoticed. Sincerely, Sara Frazier, Office Administrator Page 4 CrossRoads A WARM WELCOME In the last year or so, we’ve had plenty of new faces join us at Resurrection. Please show them our famous Resurrection hospitality! A smile and a greeting, an invitation to join you at your table (or in your pew!), sharing conversation over coffee & goodies . . . be sure to make our newcomers feel as welcome as they truly are! GOOD SAM DONATIONS VESTRY RETREAT June 19 & 20 is the vestry retreat and meeting. We’ll meet here at Resurrection, and will discuss People of the Way, by Dwight J. Zscheile, so read and be prepared! Summer tends to be a busy time, with vacations and visits; fun and sun. But don’t forget that Good Sam needs your food donations all year long! Bags are available in the narthex, and filled bags can be brought back to the church. BIBLE CLASS Beginning June 17th, our Bible class will start studying The Good Book, by Peter J. Gomes of Harvard Divinity School. The class is open to all who are interested. We meet at 8:45 on Wednesday mornings in the parish hall. The book is available new and used on Amazon.com. We’d love to have you join us! MASS IN THE GRASS Sunday, June 28 Mark your calendars! We’re having our first Mass-In-The-Grass on the last Sunday of June. After the service are a potluck picnic lunch and the Resurrection Summer Olympic Games. So, bring your lawn chairs and a side dish or dessert to share, dress for outdoor comfort, and join us for relaxed and fun Sunday worship and fellowship! Page 5 CrossRoads June 2015 Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 NOTE: Wednesday 3 10:00 Holy Eucharist/Healing Thursday Look for birthdays & anniversaries in bold! Friday 5 4 9:00 Prayers & Squares Saturday 6 5:30 AA (women’s group) 6:00 Choir 6:00 Prayers & Squares 7:00 AA (open) 11 12 5:30 AA (women’s group) 7:00 AA (open) Holly Pate 7 8:00 Holy Eucharist 10:00 Holy Eucharist 8 9 9:00 Body Awareness for Healthier Living 10:15 Companions in Christ 10 s 10:00 Holy Eucharist/Healing 6:00 Choir David & Holly Pate Tom & Nancy Wart 14 8:00 Holy Eucharist 10:00 Holy Eucharist 13 7:00 AA (open) Judy Egan Peggy Rogers 15 16 9:00 Body Awareness for Healthier Living 10:15 Companions in Christ 17 8:45 Bible Class Noon Holy Eucharist Hannah Parten 18 Office Closed 5:30 AA (women’s group) Drew Hawley 19 Deadline 9:00 Prayers & Squares 6:00 Choir 6:00 Prayers & Squares CrossRoads 20 9:30 Daughters of the King Vestry Retreat 7:00 AA (open) 7:00 AA (open) 21 22 23 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:00 Body 10:00 Holy Awareness for Eucharist Healthier Living 10:15 Companions in Christ Ben & Judith Kubesh Trevor Pate 24 8:45 Bible Class 10:00 Holy Eucharist/Healing 25 26 5:30 AA (women’s group) 7:00 AA (open) 6:00 Choir 7:00 AA (open) Keith Binkley Elizabeth Campbell 28 29 30 Mass In The Grass 9:00 Body 10:00 am Awareness With picnic & games 10:15 Companions in Christ LAMs Collection 7:00 AA (open) Frank & Marie Kinnear Chuck & Ann Murphy Kathleen Bailey Rame & Janey Coombes Mark Montgomery 27 Page 6 CrossRoads Lay Ministry Schedules If you are unable to serve as scheduled, please try to find an alternate and let Amanda know so she can update the schedule. Because schedules may change, please be sure to check the Sunday Bulletin and weekly email updates for the most current version. THANKSGIVINGS AND CONCERNS CONTINUED CONCERNS: Dana & Philip, Keith, Pat M., Cathy, Pat, Chris, Stephanie, Jim, Martha, Walt, Hugh, Mike, Frank, Edward, Eli, Dave & Family, Leslie, Jim, James, Rob & Sherry, Dana, Betty, Jessie, Michelle, Sandy, Chris, Jeanne, Claire, Richard, Ron & Steph SERVING IN HARM’S WAY: Scott, Julie, Jonathan VESTRY CONTACTS NAME Jerry Crook Bob Haldi Kelly Johnson Mark Montgomery Chip Parker Sarah Reynolds Donna Tisdale Wayne Tolbert Ruben Weaver PHONE 865-898-5557 423-884-6208 865-659-9380 865-657-9734 865-466-3314 865-986-4014 865-679-3159 865-986-3333 865-387-5998 E-MAIL jerryandnancycrook@aol.com rhaldi@tds.net kjchurch917@gmail.com markhm88@yahoo.com cfparker267@gmail.com n/a dtisdale6@gmail.com vtolbert@usit.net n/a Page 7 CrossRoads If you’re not receiving emails from us, you can subscribe to the emails you’d like to receive: just go to http://eepurl.co m/NwPJD to subscribe. And if you move or change your phone number or email address, please let the office know, so we can be sure to have correct contact info for you! We’re really smokin’ now! Our Pond Road Smokers team has come to life this month. We had 16 people participate with the preparations for the Pig Roast at Resurrection on May 31. Some were with the team, some just interested parishioners, one a guest who judged at Ribfest last year, and a visiting future son-inlaw. Starting with the traditional Saturday morning breakfast—cheese eggs, cheese grits, sausage gravy, and biscuits—the early comers were well treated. Our hog arrived about 8:30 AM, courtesy of Tom Wart and Frank “The Limp” Mandig. The fire was lit, and after a proper rub down, the hog was laid to rest in the cooker. Paul Fiebke, Jr. mastered the special sauce, and a couple of friendly elves repaired the picnic tables and left our hog to cook just right under Rodney’s careful watch during the night. Jack Parten showed up for first tastings early Sunday morning and the rest, as they say, is history. Thanks to all of you who helped, and to those who graciously ate that hog. The weekend of June 6-7, the Smokers participated at the parish picnic for St. Thomas in Lenoir City. We spent all day Saturday smoking 16 pork butts for pulled pork sandwiches on Sunday. Arriving on site at the church, we set up Old Bailey and proceeded to smoke 180 chicken quarters. If you have questions on how to do this, Paul Fiebke Jr., David Twiggs, Bill Perry, and Bob Cantine have the answers! They not only covered the smoker duties for Pond Road Smokers, but filled in as needed to help our understaffed Catholic brethren. About 800 hungry parishioners showed up to sample the roasted pig, pork sandwiches, chicken quarters, and many other treats. We made some new friends and displayed our smoker banner proudly. We meet again at the Parish Hall on Saturday June 13 to smoke butts for pork sandwiches at the RAM Clinic on Sunday. Our Lutheran brethren from Christ our Savior will join us with “sides” for lunch duty at the Loudon High School to serve food to the hard working RAM staff. Some of our Resurrection folks will also be serving the RAM effort in other capacities both days. That’s three smoking week ends in a row—more than we ever expected when this all began two years ago. “We need more wood—where are the gloves—what’s the temperature--we’re really SMOKIN’ now!” June 18 – Office Closed for staff continuing education June 19 & 20 – Vestry Retreat & Meeting June 28 – Mass In The Grass, with picnic and Resurrection Summer Olympics June 28 – Lovers of Animals Ministry collection day July 3 – Office Closed in observance of July 4 Financial Snapshot 917 Pond Road Loudon, TN 37774 April 2015 Phone: 865-986-2390 Fax: 866-467-2223 Email: office@episcopalloudon.com Operations 917 Pond Road Loudon, TN 37774 Y-T-D $19,223.15 $77,216.26 Expenses $21,359.34 $68,770.31 Balance ($2,136.19) $8,445.95 Actual $14,564.00 $66,086.00 Budgeted $15,667.00 $62,668.00 Difference ($1,103.00) $3,418.00 Pledges Visit us online at www.episcopalloudon.com Episcopal Church of the Resurrection Month Income
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