MPC BUDGET FINANCIAL YEAR 2015 – 2016 Finance Committee Recommendation Three Year Comparison – Income in Categories Three Year Comparison – Expenditure in Categories Notes on Income and Expenditure Notes on Legal Basis for Expenditure Expected Balance Sheet as at End of this Financial Year FINAL BUDGET PROPOSALS FOR NEXT FINANCIAL YEAR 2015 – 2016 THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE Minchinhampton Parish Council’s Finance Committee recommends that the sum of £48,235 (£50,000 required less Local Council Tax Support of £1,765) be precepted for in the year 2015 – 2016. The above figure has been obtained by consideration of the projected income, from rent, sales, joint projects and interest, amounting to an estimated £10,905 as detailed in the accompanying sheets. The projected expenditure, again detailed, is £76,870. It is the wish of the Finance Committee that the Precept requested remains the same this year, and the shortfall of £15,965 can be funded from reserves. Sufficient would remain in the reserves to cover contingencies. BUDGET PROPOSALS FOR NEXT FINANCIAL YEAR 2015 – 2016 NOTES ON INCOME IN CATEGORIES: It was the wish of the Finance Committee that in future: Rents from the Vestry Room and Vestry Cottage be itemised separately. Interest from the ringfenced Vosper legacy should in future be added to the legacy and kept separate from other interest/income of the council in order to grow the Vosper fund. . NOTES ON EXPENDITURE IN CATEGORIES Wages spending during 2014-15 had decreased only due to a period without an assistant to the clerk. Training is intended in future for councillors as well as for staff members. General maintenance covers both the Trap House (external painting and possible internal redecoration) and Vestry building Legal costs and contingencies are expected to cover the Vestry Cottage lease renewal Improving the environment is to cover dog and litter bins which are always a concern to the public Community opportunities includes the possible Vosper Field wall repairs and a potential new allotments’ project, the traffic and parking working group initiatives. NOTES ON LEGAL BASIS FOR EXPENDITURE Wages, Tax & N.I. Administration: L.G. Act 1972 s 112 Postage, stationery & sundries L.G. Act 1972 s 111 Insurance, audit & subscriptions Accounts & Audit Regulations 2003 Newsletter L.G. Act 1972 s 142 Chairman's allowance Accounts & Audit Regulations 2003 Training needs L.G. Act 1972 s 111 Loan Repayments L.G. Act 2003 s 1 Buildings: Trap House (Running costs) L.G. Act 1972 ss 111 & 133 Vestry Building (Running costs) L.G. Act 1972 s 133 General Maintenance Fund Dependent upon use (see above) Legal Costs & Contingencies Dependent upon use (see above) Environment Allotments/Seats/Paths Highways Act 1980, L.G. Act 1972, P.C. Act 1957 Grants for Churchyard Maintenance LG. Act 1972 s 137 Smallholdings & Allotments Act 1908 Sports and Recreation Play Areas (Maintenance) & Greens L.G. (Misc. Prov.) Act 1976 s 19, Open Spaces Act 1906 Grants for Sport & Village Halls L.G. (Misc. Prov.) Act 1976 s 19, L.G. Act 1972 s 133 Traffic and Parking Road Safety L.G. & Rating Act 1997 s 26 Community Safety Neighbourhood Warden Scheme L.G. & Rating Act 1997 s 31 Special Projects Community Opportunities Dependent upon use (see above) Localism Act (2011) Lo EXPECTED BALANCE SHEET AS AT END OF THIS FINANCIAL YEAR (31st March 2015) Money in Bank Balance in Business Account (end December 2014) Balance in Current Account (end December 2014) £69,948 £3,753 TOTAL Outstanding cheques £73,701 £1,340 BALANCE as at December 31st, 2015 £72,361 ESTIMATED RESERVES AT YEAR END Balances (above) £72,361 Less est spending (Jan, Feb, March) £19,000 -----------£53,361 ` With three months to go the projected expenditure is based on work already underway or in the advanced planning stage and the amount in reserves represents a “worst case scenario”. The projected income to year-end includes repayment of V.A.T. The figures above do not include the Eric Vosper Legacy. This is ring-fenced in the reserves, to be used for a specific project or projects in his memory. It has been supplemented by the money from the filming of “The Casual Vacancy”. It will not be used in any other category by the Parish Council.
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