HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, BIRCHFIELD http://www.holytrinitychurch.co.uk/ 4th January 2015 – Epiphany 11.00 Sung Eucharist Welcome to Holy Trinity! If this is the first time you have visited our church and you are unsure about anything, please ask. Our aim is to assist you and make you feel at home. Parents with small children are invited to use our children’s play area. Toilet facilities are available through the vestry. Please stay for a cup of coffee or tea after the service. To help Holy Trinity with its fund-raising we would ask all visitors to contribute a minimum of £3 to the collection. This morning's service includes THE RENEWAL OF THE COVENANT from the New Year's Day Service READINGS OT – ISAIAH 60: 1-6 Page 748 NT – EPHESIANS 3: 1-12 Page 1174 GOSPEL – MATTHEW 2: 1-12 Page 966 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A big 'thank you' to Gems and the Brotherhood for organising the dance on New Year's Eve. It was a very enjoyable night. Revd Eve ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Brotherhood meets tomorrow in the church hall at 7.30pm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The notice sheet should be back to 'normal' next week. Anthony Pitts *NOTE: If you have any items for the newsletter please give details to Anthony Pitts (tel 0121 356 4241 or email pitts1802@aol.com. COLLECT Today's Collect is on page 3 of the Epiphany Service booklet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FORTHCOMING SERVICES Wednesday 7th January 10.15am Holy Communion Sunday 11th January 11.00am Christingle Service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FUNERAL AT HOLY TRINITY Friday 9th January at 11am Luna Maud Guthrie PLANNED GIVING ENVELOPES Please take your 2015 envelopes, if you have not already done so, from the table at the back of church. Everyone has the same number as in 2014. Many thanks to Lynn Mckie, who has been 'holding the fort' during Cynthia Callender's illness. Revd Eve ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are a few vacant slots on the sheet at the back of church for the PRAYER CHAIN on 13th January. Please pray for those who are in need in our communities, and keep the following names in your prayers this week…… Audrey Coley, Mrs Coley, Hermin Lynch, Norman Pitts, Lorna Brown, Mr & Mrs Sharpe, Marie Smith, Mr Christian, Mr & Mrs Madouri, Mildred Martin, Valerie French, Clive Guthrie, Mrs Laurence, Mrs Douglas. Violet Stoddart, Mrs Stewart, Mrs Lynette Thomas, Mrs E.L. Matthew. FLOOR FUND So far, £16,000 has been donated towards the £43,000 needed to repair the church floor. Many thanks to those who have donated the £300, as requested, and others who have paid amounts towards the £300. Revd Eve *********************** FOOD BOX Mrs Simms has organised a box for your donations of food for Revd Eve and Anthony to give out to the many callers at the vicarage. Please leave your tins and packets in this box, which is at the back of church. Thank you for the food which has been received in recent weeks. Vicar's Hour takes place on Monday evenings, 7-8pm, in the Vicarage for arranging baptisms, weddings and funerals. Tel: 0121 356 4241 THIS WEEK PRAYER CHAIN NEXT SUNDAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There will be a prayer chain on Tuesday 13th January, from 7am until 7pm, with half hour slots. Please sign the list at the back of church if you would like to take part.
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