! ! ! ! ! Volunteer Application Form ! ! ! ! Thank you for your offer to help with at The Colindale Foodbank. In order for us to process your application please would you answer the following questions: Novo)Centre) 12)The)Concourse) Grahame)Park)Estate) (If you have any questions about your application or would like help completing it please contact us) Tel:)0208)3584672) Name: _________________________________ Email:) info@colindale.foodbank.org.uk) )) Web:) http://colindale.foodbank.org.uk/) Address: _______________________________ _______________________________________ Postcode: ______________________________ ) References (please note that neither Email Address: __________________________ referee should be a close family relation) Mobile No: _____________________________ Referee 1 Name: ___________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________________ Address: _________________________ National Insurance No: ___________________ _________________________________ Next of Kin: Name: _________________________________ Tel No: ________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________ Tel No: __________________________ Referee 2 Name: ___________________________ Address: _________________________ _________________________________ Contact in case of emergency (if different from above) Name: _________________________________ Tel No: __________________________ Tel No: ________________________________ Email address: ___________________ Relationship: ___________________________ I would be interested in helping in the following area(s): Food pick-up and delivery/Driving* Helping in the Food Bank centre Maintenance / DIY Help with Fundraising Helping in Warehouse Assisting in the Office I am available for: One off events ie supermarket collections, Warehouse sorting, Delivering food to vulnerable residents 1-4 hours a week Full Day(s) Full Time (Monday-Friday) day __________________ am day(s) ________________ Registered)Charity)No:)1088614))) *Please)note)that)you)need)a)full)UK)driver’s)license)to)assist)us)with)driving)and)delivery)tasks.)Thank)you) pm Do you have any health problems that we should be aware of? If yes, please give the details: Yes No Please tell us your previous work experience or qualifications: Are you willing to complete a form for us to submit for a Disclosure Barring Security (CRB) check? Yes No If you have any criminal convictions (except those ‘spent’ under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act) please give details: Please State your reasons for volunteering: How did you hear about the foodbank? Do you require a work permit to work in the UK? YES/NO If yes, do you have one and (if relevant) when does it expire? YES/NO Expiry date: ) By signing and returning this application form, I consent to the charity obtaining, keeping, using and producing information relating to my application in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. The information contained within this form will be used to consider whether to offer a volunteer position. I confirm that the information given in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. By signing and submitting this application, I signify my own acceptance of The Colindale Foodbanks’ statement of Faith which I have seen and which I am willing to sign in the event of my being offered any voluntary work with The Colindale Foodbank. Signed: Date: Please return this form to The Colindale Foodbank )
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