Redevelopment Redevelopmentof ofthe the Former FormerPeel PeelCentre, Centre, Colindale Colindale Statement of Amendments to Application Forms Environmental Statement and NTS – Statement May 2015 of Conformity May 2015 PC14 & 15 Josleen Chug Major Developments Team Development and regulatory services London Borough of Barnet, North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South, London, N11 1NP. th 5 May 2015 Re. PEEL CENTRE, COLINDALE (Application reference H/04753/14) Letter Statement of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Conformity for Changes to the Submitted Design in August 2014 1. Introduction Redrow Homes Ltd (the Applicant) has commissioned AECOM (formerly URS) to provide a Statement of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Conformity to support the proposed design changes following the submission of the Hybrid Application for the Peel Centre on the former Metropolitan Police Service Site in Colindale, Barnet in August 2014 (Application reference H/04753/14), hereafter referred to as the ‘August 2014 Proposed Development’. The August 2014 Proposed Development comprises: “Comprehensive redevelopment of the former Peel Centre site to include the demolition of existing buildings and provision of residential-led mixed use development comprising use classes C3, A1/2/3/4 and D1/2, with associated site preparation/enabling works, transport infrastructure works, landscaping works and provision of car parking” Key elements of the scheme (as set out in the submitted August 2014 Planning Application Specification Document) include: • Up to 2,900 new dwellings across the Site (within Development Zones A – Z) with a mixture of houses, duplexes and apartments; • A new neighbourhood centre around Colindale Avenue with shops, cafes and restaurants, a food store, community and leisure uses, and car parking; • A new three-form entry primary school and nursery; • A minimum of four hectares (ha) of Public Open Space across the Site; and • A network of new streets, pedestrian and cycle routes, including a new pedestrian connection referred to as the ‘Peel Link’. 2 For context, the Hybrid Application sought permission for approximately 276,604m Gross Internal Area (GIA) 2 for the residential units (use class C3) and up to 10,000m for town centre uses (use classes A1-A4, D1 and D2). Since the Application was submitted in August 2014 the Applicant has been in discussion with the planning authorities regarding the information submitted. The result of these discussions is the requirement for a number of minor amendments to the Primary Control Documents and the Stage 1 detailed design proposals. The revisions to the August 2014 Proposed Development have been considered in the context of the EIA and the subsequent Environmental Statement (ES) submitted in August 2014. This review has ascertained whether any likely significant environmental effects will arise as a result of the revisions to the scheme (which are further outlined in the section below) and whether any further information needs to be provided in respect of the revisions. This Letter Statement of EIA Conformity presents the results of this review and is intended to clarify the scheme changes in the context of the submitted ES (August 2014). 1 Format of this Statement of EIA Conformity This Statement of EIA Conformity, which should be read in conjunction with the August 2014 ES, contains a summary of minor changes to the scheme as well as a statement for each topic outlining that the ES chapters remain valid where there is no change in impact assessment. Summary of Changes (May 2015 Revised Submission) There have been no major changes to the bulk, height or massing of the majority of the Proposed Development. The proposed revisions to the scheme are summarised below and further detail can be found in the revised plans, selected revised statements and addendum reports. Development Mix/Area Schedule • Minor increase to the overall allowable site-wide maximum residential floorspace – increase of 209 sqm, from 276,604 sqm to 276,813 sqm (as per Table 1 of the Revised Development Schedule, PC5, May 2015); • Addition of a site-wide minimum for 4-bed units (2%) – previously only included a combined 3 and 4 bed target of 20% (see Table 2 of the Revised Development Schedule, PC5, May 2015); • Addition of a site-wide minimum for 2 bed 4 person units (50% of total 2 beds) (see Table 2 of the Revised Development Schedule, PC5, May 2015); • Addition of a site-wide minimum for houses (99) (see Table 2 of the Revised Development Schedule, PC5, May 2015). • Minor amendments to Stage 1 unit mix to reflect further post-application design development (see Table 3 of the Revised Development Schedule, PC5, May 2015); and • Correction of an error in the allowable uses in Development Zone Y – previously included town centre uses incorrectly and which has now been removed (see Table 4 of the development schedule). Summary of Design Changes: Detailed Component • Block H: o Lowering the massing of the ‘shoulder building’ which is now split into two slender masses by omission of brick above recessed balcony - although note no amendment overall to the heights of this block; o The west and east elevation of the tower have been revised to promote a more slender mass; o A 2m reduction in height of the chimney to 3.6m above the parapet (from an original 5.6m) and a revised approach to the chimney design utilising glazed white bricks, articulated into vertical bands to further reduce the mass. • Block M: o Amendments to the stair/lift core to include glazing to the stair core; o Minor amendments to the housing mix and which is included in the overall updated development schedule. • Blocks R and S: The finished floor levels for these buildings have been adjusted to ensure that the correct floor to floor heights were achieved. The overall height has slightly increased as a result of this. Block R was previously +68.650m and is now +68.975m (325mm higher) and Block S was previously +69.840m and is now +69.420 (420mm lower). o An exit for plot S has been introduced, with a landscape buffer across the remaining frontage as the on curtilage loading bay has been omitted. Loading will now be done by utilising on street parking bays. • Block T: o Massing broken down into three vertical proportions to break the skyline and associated surface amendments – although note no amendment overall to the heights of this block; o East elevation articulation amended to fall in line with other elements of the block; o Revised plans reflect increased landscape space for Block T in place of the previous paved service yard, plus a ramped access from the Primary Route was omitted. • Block U: o Correction to original plan to account for ground datum level error by 750mm on the parameter plans. The ground datum of +47m is correct along the east elevation whilst the 2 o west elevation should state +46.25m. Block U parapet height therefore increases up from +92.875m to +93.625m. Revised plans incorporate a revised ramp and steps arrangement to north elevation of Block U to accommodate the level change. Outline Component Minor amendments to Parameter Plans (PC6) as summarised below. • Development Zone A: Maximum parameter in the south-west corner has been reduced in height by 3.2m. • Development Zone B: o Maximum parameter of the western frontage reduced by 5m to align the frontage of the two storey element with Zone A; and o Illustrative layout amended to remove the residential units fronting Station Plaza. • Development Zone C: reduction in height of the north-east corner of Zone C by approximately 4m. • Development Zone Z: Additional public space added to the east of Zone Z referred to as Rowan Gardens. • Adjustments to the degree of flexibility in the allowable horizontal frontage deviations – Zones A and C northern frontages reduced to +2 metres to avoid conflict with existing trees, Zone Y eastern frontage reduced to +2 metres to retain access, Zone X southern frontage reduced to +3 metres to retain access and on-street parking potential, Zones D and F southern frontage reduced to +2 metres to avoid pinch point. Overall there will not be a reduction in the amount of open/play space. • Addition of small length of tertiary route to north east of Zone Z to allow vehicle access in accordance with the illustrative masterplan. • Minor alteration to the basement zone shape to extend the area in the west and reduce area in the east (no net change to the overall basement area). • Minor amendment to Additional Note no.2 to clarify that the Development Zones include balconies. • Minor amendment to Additional Note no.4 to state that courtyards are subject to a minimum width of 18 metres between facing windows. • Other very minor text and presentational amendments. Revisions to the Design Principles Document to address feedback from LBB and GLA regarding the structure of the document, the level of detail, the addition of new principles to address comments regarding massing, appearance and landscaping. There have been a number of other minor design changes to the detailed component which are amendments/clarification to external finishes, amendments to the glazing whereby window sizes have been increased/amended, the incorporation of detail on private screens between balconies, and reviews on the selection of materials as presented in the Design Principles Document. However none of these revisions will affect the assessments contained within the EIA as so have not been listed herein. Landscape Design There have been minor reductions of between 2m and 5m to the landscaping areas outside Zones A, C, D, E, F, G, V, W, X and Y to allow the retention of existing trees during construction as outlined above. This will not alter the open/play space provision across the Site as outlined in the August 2014 parameter plans. The landscape design for the outline components is indicative, the detail of which is for future reserved matters and therefore amendments within the zones as presented within the August 2014 parameter plans will not affect the August 2014 ES conclusions. There have also been amendments to tertiary Routes (green streets) to incorporate greater planting areas associated with the groupings of ornamental street trees, seating, cycle parking etc. in response to LBB comment requesting ‘further greening’. Block frontages, podium layouts have also been revised where necessary to reflect architectural revisions. Parking and Public Open Space Minor amendments have been made to the parking provision with the revised figures set out in the table below. Category Site Wide (outline and detailed components) Detailed Components Car Parking 0.71 ratio of residential spaces to unit (target of 2,053 spaces for 2,900 642 spaces (reduced 3 Category Site Wide (outline and detailed components) Detailed Components homes). Reduced from 0.73 ratio (2,118 spaces). from 672). 70 spaces for school use (shared with residential). No change. Approximately 150 food and non-food retail spaces. No change. Cycle Parking 1 space per 1 bed unit, 2 spaces for 2-3 bed units and 4 spaces per 4+ bed unit, 1 space per 175 sqm for A2 – A5 uses above 100 sqm (long stay) and 1 space per 40sqm for A2-5 uses above 100sqm (short stay). 1,568 spaces provided (CfSH target of 1,568). Reduced from 1,917. CfSH target of 4,875 spaces (all uses) for 2,900 homes. Public Open Space (including publicly accessible play) 4 hectares (minimum target). No change. 3.3 hectares provided. No change. Energy Strategy An addendum to the energy statement will be provided outlining the amendments to energy strategy and information submitted following discussions with GLA. This will include details that townhouses will be committed to connecting to the heat network, as per the Whole Life Costing modelling. This is consistent with the submitted application but mitigates the flexibility written in for individual boilers and PV Panels. The addendum will also include exemption tests and DER/TER worksheets already sent to the GLA. The addendum will also outline that the Applicant is supportive in principle to helping facilitate and catalyse a Colindale wide network. The loads for the initial phase could be supplied from the plant area planned for within the application. The final area wide network would still need to be supplied from the Graham Park energy centre proposed in the Ramboll Energy Masterplan. The applicant is also open to connecting to surrounding existing and future loads subject to their interest and agreement of commercial terms. These include but not exhaustively, Barnet College, The RAF museum, and future Middlesex University student halls of residence. These commitments will not change the energy centre detailed information as presented in the Energy Statement until such commitments are formalised and as such the August 2014 ES has considered the worst case scenario. Additionally, minor changes to the floor areas will not have a significant impact on total energy demand and peak loads. The indicative engines and energy centre were designed, in the first instance, to serve the maximum quantum of development; therefore there have been no changes to the specifications. Construction Programme There are no material changes to the indicative phasing submitted in the August 2014 ES. The sequence of development and indicative phases (1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A and 3B) has not changed. The start dates have however been pushed back in order to account for delays in the planning application determination to start in Q4 of 2015 rather than Q2 as shown in Figure 1. All other timeframes remain the same other than commencing six months after their original anticipated start date. The orange indicates the August 2014 indicative programme whilst the blue indicates the proposed May 2015 programme. Figure 1: May 2015 Revised Construction Programme As a result of this, the traffic consultants WSP have undertaken a sensitivity test on the traffic flows for one year after the original start date as shown in Appendix A as in practice, transport analysis tends to be undertaken in for year-long blocks. The construction traffic flows have been re-run based on shifting the 4 construction programme by one year as a worst case scenario. The construction traffic has however remained the same volume (with the updated residential floorspace figures) although as the time slices have shifted, there is additional background committed development traffic in each time slice. This therefore reduces the proportional impact of development while the absolute impact of development is the same. Cumulative Schemes Since the Application was submitted, an additional planning permission has been granted within 1km of the Site. This scheme was previously considered (in the August 2014 ES) as a cumulative development as part of the original Beaufort Park application. The Beaufort Park (14/07064/FUL) application consists of construction of a building of six cores of up to 10 storeys to comprise 237 residential homes and 357 sq.m GIA of commercial floorspace (A1 to A4, B1, B2, D1 and D2), including associated car and cycle parking and landscaping). This scheme is part of the overall Beaufort Park Application (ref W/00198/AA/04) which has already been considered as part of the August 2014 ES. However a full application has since been submitted for Buildings D3 to D8 as the construction of the other buildings within the Beaufort Park development exceeded the 2,990 homes approved under the Extant Permission and therefore all of the reserved matters approvals could not lawfully be built out without the submission and approval by LBB of a new planning application for additional homes beyond those consented via the Extant Permission. Therefore, a new full planning application was submitted for Buildings D3 - D8. Other than the increase in the number of housing units associated with the development, there have been relatively few changes to the massing of Buildings D3-D8. As noted in the Beaufort Park D3-D8 ES 2014 “The Proposed Development will stand at a maximum of 10 storeys and up to 81.720 metres (m) Above Ordnance Datum (AOD) in height, which is no taller than the height of the building previously agreed by LBB in the reserved matters permission for Building D (Planning Ref. H/02713/09).” Therefore our August 2014 assessments will have considered this development sufficiently by considering the original plans available for this scheme. EIA Topics for Consideration Waste Management Demolition and Construction Demolition and construction activities will be carried out in accordance with industry best practice / relevant legislation and appropriate mitigation measures will be incorporated in a CEMP that will be agreed with LBB prior to commencement of works. The proposed changes in residential floor area within the detailed component result in a less than 0.5% increase in the estimated volume of construction waste arising per year during construction. This very minor increase is within the bounds of the estimates submitted in the August 2014 ES. There are no proposed changes to the residential floor areas associated with the outline component and therefore there no changes to the construction waste arisings from the outline component. Additionally, the basement zone shape (Revised Parameter Plan 0109) has been altered to extend the area in west and reduce the area in east. This will not result in a net change to the overall basement area and therefore does not affect the volume of materials excavated. Therefore, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to the effects arising from the construction waste and recycling associated with the Proposed Development will remain valid. No further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended. Completed and Occupied Development The basement zone shape (Revised Parameter Plan 0109) has been altered to extend the area in west and reduce the area in east. This will not result in a net change to the overall basement area. Consideration of this and of the revisions to the detailed component blocks have been reviewed and show that there is still adequate space for bin storage and servicing in line with the August 2014 Operational Waste Strategy. Therefore, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to the effects arising from waste management associated with the May 2015 Revised Submission will remain valid. No further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended. 5 Socio-Economics Demolition and Construction The net demolition and construction employment is generated from the estimated demolition and construction cost. This is not anticipated to change significantly from the proposed amendments and therefore the anticipated employment figures will remain the same and so the conclusions remain unchanged. Completed and Occupied Development Local Economy The revised Proposed Development will not result in any changes to the retail and commercial floorspace and as such there will be no change to the operational employment generated on site. With respect to the Proposed Development’s contribution to employment and the local economy, the proposed amendments do not affect the conclusions previously presented in the August 2014 ES. Housing Provision Although the proposed maximum area of residential use has increased, the overall housing unit maximum allowance has not changed from 2,900 units and the same proportion of affordable units is still envisaged, the conclusions previously presented in the August 2014 ES subsequently remain valid. Education Demand The assessment relating to child yield calculations was undertaken on a ‘worst case scenario’ whereby the maximum development scenario has been used which calculates the highest number of children likely to be living within the development site. There will be no change to the child yields presented in the August 2014 ES as a consequence of the proposed amendments and as such the conclusions previously presented in the August 2014 ES subsequently remain valid. A number of sensitivity tests have also been conducted to robustly test the likely age profile from the Proposed Development. Whilst these sensitivity tests indicate likely uplift in the child yields at the Proposed Development, it is assessed that these changes would have no material effect to the conclusions presented within the August 2014 ES. Healthcare Demand At present, without the Proposed Development, there is a ratio of residents to GP’s which is above the national guidelines. The Proposed Development includes the potential provision of a health centre in the outline component (through the reservation of an appropriate amount of space for a specified time period) which would be agreed through further discussions with the Local Authority through a Reserved Matters Application. The revisions to the scheme do not change the maximum number of residents significantly and therefore the conclusions of the August 2014 ES remain valid. Open Space and Playspace The August 2014 assessment relating to child play space calculations was undertaken on a ‘worst case scenario’ whereby the maximum development scenario has been used which calculates the highest number of children likely to be living within the development site. There will be no change to the child play space requirements presented in the August 2014 ES as a consequence of the proposed amendments. A number of sensitivity tests have also been conducted to robustly test the likely age profile from the Proposed Development. Whilst these sensitivity tests indicate a likely uplift in the child play space requirements for the Proposed Development, it is assessed that these changes would have no material effect to the conclusions presented within the August 2014 ES. The revised Scheme makes minor amendments to the existing open/play space areas as shown on the parameter plans although taking into account a new area of open space around Zone Z, there will be no change in the overall total minimum provision for these spaces. Therefore the conclusions of the August 2014 ES remain valid. Therefore, overall, the proposed May 2015 revisions to the scheme will not significantly alter the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to the effects upon socio-economics arising from the Proposed Development; all conclusions remain valid. No further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended. 6 Traffic and Transportation Demolition and Construction The indicative construction programme presented in the ES is now expected to be delayed by some six months. In practice, transport analysis tends to be undertaken in for year-long blocks and therefore a review of the implications of a one year change to programme has therefore been undertaken. The effect of this is to delay the construction stage assessment time slices and the operational assessment date of completion by 12 months. The data used in the assessment of effects during demolition and construction would change slightly, but not materially (less than 5% change in the base in each time slice). In the Futures Baseline Construction Timeslice scenarios, the level of traffic included in the baseline in each time slice would change slightly, but not materially or perceptibly. The absolute impact of the development would remain the same and the relative (percentage) impact would change slightly, but not materially/significantly. Therefore the level of change would have no effect on the assessment, mitigation, residual effects and conclusions set out in the August 2014 ES. Completed and Occupied Development The August 2014 indicative construction programme anticipated completion in 2025. However, the assessment of effects once the Proposed Development is completed and occupied presented in the ES was undertaken for 2026 to reflect the Local Plan and available traffic model horizon year (as agreed with LBB and TfL). The August 2014 assessment (including the cumulative development scenario presented in the ES therefore remains valid and the conclusions and assessment of significance would not change. For the assessment of cumulative effects, the ES stated “given the scale of cumulative change between the current operation (2012 to 2014) and the future baseline 2026 (as considered in the effects once the Proposed Development is completed and occupied section), the effects arising during construction are in all instances less significant. No further assessment has therefore been undertaken.” This statement remains valid in the context of the revised indicative construction programme and the conclusions and assessment of significance would not change. Additionally, a number of minor changes to the proposals for the local transport networks have been incorporated into the scheme through ongoing discussion with TfL and LBB, such as slight junction widening at Aerodrome Road/Site access close to Chancellor Place. These modifications do not affect the traffic data presented within the August 2014 ES or its conclusions. Through ongoing discussion with TfL and LBB, a number of sensitivity tests have been considered relative to data considered in the original TA and ES. As confirmed by the WSP Transport Statement Addendum these sensitivity tests do not affect the conclusions of the ES. Therefore, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to the effects upon traffic and transportation arising from the Proposed Development will remain valid. No further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended. Noise and Vibration Demolition and Construction Demolition and construction will be carried out in accordance with industry best practice / relevant legislation and appropriate mitigation measures will be incorporated within a CEMP that will be agreed with LBB prior to commencement of works. The revisions to the scheme will not alter the demolition/construction practices and therefore will not affect the noise and vibration assessment. The delay to the construction programme in relation to the traffic data above has been considered. The August 2014 ES utilises a 2014 baseline year for assessing the noise effects of construction activities. It is considered that, in the intervening period between 2014 and 2015, there have not been significant changes to the soundscape of the area and 2014 baseline data can be considered equivalent to 2015 baseline data. This is assumption is supported by sensitivity testing of road traffic (the dominant source of noise) data undertaken by WSP. Consequently, the findings of the August 2014 ES can be considered applicable to a construction programme commencing in 2015 and the impacts of the ‘shifted’ timeslices remain the same as reported in the August 2014 ES. 7 Consequently, there is unlikely to be any change to effects from construction or effects from demolition and construction traffic generation that were outlined in the previous assessments and therefore the conclusions remain valid. Completed and Occupied Development The August 2014 road traffic noise impact assessment utilised a future baseline scenario of 2026. Consequently, the revised scheme completion year from 2025 to 2026 will not result in a requirement to reassess changes in road traffic noise and therefore the assessment in the August 2014 ES does not change. Therefore, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to the effects upon noise and vibration arising from the Proposed Development will remain valid. No further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended, other than detailed design work carried out in relation to the interpretation and discharge of planning conditions and building regulations. Air Quality Demolition and Construction Demolition and construction will be carried out in accordance with industry best practice / relevant legislation and appropriate mitigation measures will be incorporated within a CEMP that will be agreed with LBB prior to commencement of works. The revisions to the scheme will not affect the air quality assessment and the delay to the construction programme in relation to the traffic data above has been considered. In relation to the updated traffic data (as shown in Appendix A) with the baseline year and time slices shown as one year after that which was presented in the August 2014 ES, it is considered that the air quality baseline will not have altered significantly to the May 2015 proposed construction programme to change the conclusions of the August 2014 ES in terms of the predicted impacts on air quality from construction vehicle emissions. Consequently, there is unlikely to be any significant change to effects from construction phasing or effects from demolition and construction traffic generation that were outlined in the August 2014 ES and therefore the conclusions remain valid. Completed and Occupied Development The opening year of 2026 was already considered in the air quality assessment presented in the August 2014 ES. In terms of emissions to the air at operation of the proposed development, a minor decrease in car parking spaces is likely to be accompanied by a slight change in traffic attributable to the proposed development. If any, the change in terms of predicted air pollutant concentrations would represent a negligible decrease. As such, it is considered that the conclusions presented in the assessment in the August 2014 ES do not change in regards with road traffic emissions. Additionally, there have been no changes to the energy centre or boiler specifications. However, a stack height of 3 meters above the parapet level of Block H was considered in the assessment in the August 2014 ES, when a stack height of 3.6m above the parapet is now proposed. As the stack height considered in the August 2014 air quality assessment is lower than proposed in the May 2015 design, the previous August 2014 impact assessment presented a worst case scenario as a new increased stack height would represent better dispersion of pollutants in the air. The assessment presented in the August 2014 ES concluded on negligible impacts from the energy centre emissions. These conclusions would remain similar when considering a slight increase in stack height, and therefore the assessment in the August 2014 ES does not change in regards with emissions from the energy centre. Therefore, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to the effects upon air quality arising from the Proposed Development will remain valid. No further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended, other than detailed design work carried out in relation to the interpretation and discharge of planning conditions and building regulations. Ground Conditions Demolition and Construction Demolition and construction will be carried out in accordance with industry best practice / relevant legislation and appropriate mitigation measures will be incorporated within a CEMP that will be agreed with LBB prior to commencement of works. The overall area/volume of the proposed basement will not change which will therefore not alter the level of excavation required. However, there will be an increased basement area to the 8 in west and a reduced area in east although this will not affect the conclusions as presented in the August 2014 ES because the ground conditions are expected to be the same across the site. Additionally, the revisions to the construction programme will not have any bearing on the conclusions as presented in the August 2014 ES. Completed and Occupied Development There is no effect to the assessment on ground conditions from the completed and occupied development as a result of the revised scheme. Additionally, there is no change to the source-pathway-receptor assessment following alterations to the indicative open/play space provision. Therefore, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to the effects arising from ground conditions associated with the Proposed Development will remain valid. No further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended. Water Resources and Flood Risk Demolition and Construction Demolition and construction will be carried out in accordance with industry best practice / relevant legislation and appropriate mitigation measures will be incorporated within a CEMP that will be agreed with LBB prior to commencement of works. The revisions to the construction programme will not have any bearing on the conclusions as presented in the August 2014 ES. The revisions proposed in relation to the basement areas will not alter the depth of piling, the extent of excavation required or the extent of basement floorspace. Completed and Occupied Development Additionally, the revisions will not significantly alter the operational water demand and pressure on foul drainage will not alter significantly as result of these amendments. It is considered that the surface water drainage strategy will remain unaltered and that there will be sufficient surface water attenuation and storage for any minor change in surface water run-off. Therefore, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to the effects upon water resources and flood risk arising from the Proposed Development will remain valid. No further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended. Cultural Heritage Demolition and Construction The changes in the May 2015 indicative programme do not alter the assessment of effects in the August 2014 ES. Completed and Occupied Development There are no fundamental changes to the bulk, height and massing of the majority of the Proposed Development. There are very minor amendments made to the maximum height parameter of Zone B and a reduction in height by 3.2m and 4m at the corner of Zones A and C respectively which could alter the zone of theoretical visibility only marginally and not enough to significantly change the conclusions as presented in the August 2014 ES. Therefore, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to the effects upon built heritage arising from the Proposed Development will remain valid. No further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended. Ecology and Nature Conservation Demolition and Construction There have been a number of minor amendments to the landscaping strategy in order to pull back the maximum parameter lines in order to avoid and retain existing mature trees during construction. These amendments result in potential minor increases in the extent of landscape planted areas in the vicinity of Zones A, C, D, E, F, G, V, W, X and Y. There is also an additional open space provision surrounding Zone Z and an overall net gain in the extent of potential planted areas. The retention of existing mature trees is also a positive measure. Overall the design changes are unlikely to result in any significant change to the effects on ecological receptors reported in the August 2014 ES. 9 Completed and Occupied Development The revisions to the scheme listed above, including the amendments to the open/play space will not impact the assessment of effects from the occupied development on ecological resources. As the overall extent of open/play space areas will remain the same there will be no change to the effects on ecological receptors reported in the August 2014 ES. Therefore, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to the effects upon ecology and nature conservation arising from the Proposed Development will remain valid (I.e. the amendments will not change the significance level of the effects previously reported). No further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended. Wind Microclimate Demolition and Construction The changes in the May 2015 indicative programme do not alter the assessment of effects in the August 2014 ES. Completed and Occupied Development There are no fundamental changes to the bulk, height and massing to the majority of the Proposed Development (or to cumulative off-site developments) although slight amendments relate to the reduction in height by 3.2m and 4m to the corner of Zones A and C respectively and the maximum parameter for Zone B at the side of Colindale Avenue has been reduced by 5m to align with Zone A. Additionally there has been the provision of screening between balconies in the detailed component and some very minor amendments to the facades which are unlikely to significantly affect the wind modelling which was undertaken for the August 2014 ES. Minor revisions to the landscaping have been included. In the summer season, minor adverse effects are expected to occur in the public space to the north of block T, when Development Stage 1 is built and prior to the construction of Development Stage 2. This could be mitigated by the inclusion of appropriate soft landscaping. Additionally, minor adverse effects would be expected in the proposed public space close to the south-east corner of Zone Z, for the case of existing surroundings only (the conditions are expected to be suitable for the required use once cumulative surrounding schemes are built out). This will be mitigated at the detailed design stage for Zone Z trough design or appropriate soft landscaping. Therefore, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to wind microclimate effects arising from the Proposed Development will remain valid, noting the additional requirements for mitigation above. No further pre-planning assessment needs to be carried out. Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Demolition and Construction The minor changes to the May 2015 indicative construction programme dates do not alter the assessment of effects in the August 2014 ES. Completed and Occupied Development There are no material changes to the bulk, height and massing of the Proposed Development and therefore no material changes to the results of the August 2014 daylight and sunlight impact assessment. The few isolated minor amendments of note relate to reductions in height to the maximum parameter blocks along Colindale Avenue (a reduction of approximately 3.2m and 4m in height to the corner of Zones A and C respectively and the setting back of Zone B by approx. 5m, in order to align with Zone A. Therefore, such revisions will only result in a slight improvement on the proposed daylight and sunlight levels retained by the neighbouring properties. However, these are not deemed material and will not change the overall conclusions as presented in the August 2014 ES. Therefore, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to daylight, sunlight and overshadowing from the Proposed Development will remain valid. No further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended. Electronic Interference Demolition and Construction 10 The changes in the May 2015 indicative programme do not alter the assessment of effects in the August 2014 ES. Completed and Occupied Development There are no fundamental changes to the bulk, height or massing of the majority of the Proposed Development. The revisions to the scheme as listed above will have no bearing on the electronic interference effects outlined in the August 2014 ES. The reduction in the corner of Zone C by 4m is not significant enough to alter the effects outlined in the August 2014 ES. Therefore, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to electronic interference effects arising from the Proposed Development will remain valid. No further pre-planning assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended. Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment Demolition and Construction The changes in the May 2015 indicative programme do not alter the assessment of effects in the August 2014 ES. Completed and Occupied Development There are no fundamental changes to the bulk, height and massing of the majority of the Proposed Development. There are very minor amendments to the maximum parameter of Zone B and a reduction in height by 3.2m and 4m at the corner of Zones A and C respectively which could alter the zone of theoretical visibility, but only marginally and not enough to change the conclusions as presented in the August 2014 ES. The amendments would not result in any significant alterations to the appearance of the Proposed Development, and the levels of effect of the Proposed Development on views and townscape character areas would not change as a result of the amendments. There are minor changes to the appearance and external façades of the Proposed Development, which are outlined in the updated Design Principles Document. However, these amendments have been made following consultation with LBB and would result in minor improvements if anything but not enough to significantly alter previous August 2014 effects and conclusions. There is also an instance where the school has been misrepresented within the photomontage for viewpoint 8 whereby the maximum parameter zone is not shown fully at the western extent. The TVIA has been based on the maximum parameters, however, there is unlikely to be a situation where the whole school site would be built on and as such there will always be open space remaining around the school building. In viewpoint 8 an indicative school building (at the maximum parameter height) is shown at the eastern end of the whole school site with outdoor space (playground etc) represented on the remainder of the site. However, should the school be sited further west within the whole school site, overall the findings of the TVIA would not be affected and the assessment conclusions would remain the same and therefore a worst case has been considered. Therefore, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted August 2014 ES in relation to Townscape and Visual effects arising from the Proposed Development remain valid. No further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended. Effect Interactions and Cumulative Effect Assessment The type 1 and type 2 cumulative effects of proposed changes have been considered. For the type 1 effect interactions assessment, as there have been no changes to the residual effects as presented within the July 2014 ES, there will be no changes to the effects interactions assessment as presented in Chapter 18 in the July 2014 ES. For the type 2 Cumulative effects assessment, the additional Beaufort Park Buildings D3-D8 application has been considered and as outlined above, this application has been considered in relation to the original application and as the massing of the development has not significantly changed, the cumulative effect as presented in the July 2014 ES remains unchanged. 11 Subsequently, it is considered that the conclusions of the submitted July 2014 ES in relation to the type 1 and type 2 cumulative effects arising from the Proposed Development will remain valid. Consequently, no further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended. Residual Effects It is considered that the residual effects, conclusions and summary of the submitted July 2014 ES will remain valid. Consequently, no further assessment needs to be carried out or mitigation measures recommended. ES Non-Technical Summary In line with the conclusions above, there will be no changes to the residual effects or assessments undertaken as part of the EIA and therefore the NTS will remain unchanged. Conclusion Due to the nature of the revised proposals, we consider the EIA undertaken and the subsequent July 2014 ES that accompanied the Hybrid Planning Application (ref. H/04753/14) remains valid and that further assessment will not be necessary for the changes to the Proposed Development. We trust that this is sufficient, however if you require any further information or have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely, Sheenagh Mann Senior Consultant AECOM Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited 6-8 Greencoat Place, London, SW1P 1PL, UK Direct: +44 (0) 202 7821 4230 Email: cc: Chloe Logan (AECOM), Becky Cocker (GVA), Giles Martin (Redrow), Morgan Scott (Redrow) 12 APPENDIX A: May 2015 Revised Submission Traffic Flows Sensitivity Test 13 AADT AND AAWT TRAFFIC FLOWS TIMESLICE WITH CONSTRUCTION Surveyed 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* 2014 24hr AADT Total Veh HGV %HGV 31304 2111 7% 11483 394 3% 16602 337 2% 17671 612 3% 15812 286 2% 8085 115 1% 42299 3396 8% 19112 1338 7% 14099 182 1% 46870 3558 8% 2014 18hr AAWT Total Veh HGV %HGV 29846 1875 6% 11412 400 4% 16557 299 2% 18192 506 3% 16125 205 1% 8167 161 2% 40328 3017 7% 18222 1189 7% 13442 162 1% 44687 3161 7% Average Speed 27 (est) 19 17 21 30 23 41 25 (est) 27 (est) 60 (est) TIME SLICE 1 Quarters 16 2018 Committed Only Do Minimum: Time Slice 1 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 31524 13452 18446 18758 18095 7725 42307 19552 14048 47557 24hr AADT HGV 2126 461 374 649 327 110 3397 1369 181 3610 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 30055 13369 18396 19311 18453 7803 40337 18641 13393 45342 18hr AAWT HGV 1889 468 332 538 234 154 3018 1216 161 3207 %HGV 6% 4% 2% 3% 1% 2% 7% 7% 1% 7% Quarters 3 2018 Committed Only Do Something: Time Slice 1 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 31512 13462 18571 18804 18371 7747 42430 19555 14052 47558 24hr AADT HGV 2124 461 376 649 472 110 3470 1368 181 3610 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 3% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 30048 13384 18532 19369 18791 7830 40487 18648 13397 45343 18hr AAWT HGV 1887 468 333 538 419 154 3111 1216 161 3207 %HGV 6% 3% 2% 3% 2% 2% 8% 7% 1% 7% Quarters 16 2018 AAP Do Minimum: Time Slice 1 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 31113 13491 18749 18855 18167 7707 42539 19595 14045 47560 24hr AADT HGV 2098 463 380 653 328 109 3415 1372 181 3610 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 29664 13407 18699 19411 18525 7786 40557 18682 13391 45345 18hr AAWT HGV 1864 470 337 540 235 153 3034 1219 161 3207 %HGV 6% 4% 2% 3% 1% 2% 7% 7% 1% 7% 2018 AAP Do Something: Time Slice 1 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* 3 24hr AADT Total Veh HGV 31040 2093 13495 462 18968 384 18893 653 18492 474 7725 109 42702 3492 19620 1373 14063 182 47565 3611 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 3% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% 18hr AAWT Total Veh HGV 29597 1859 13417 469 18928 340 19460 540 18914 420 7808 153 40747 3130 18710 1220 13408 161 45349 3208 %HGV 6% 3% 2% 3% 2% 2% 8% 7% 1% 7% Workbook: \\Ln-wip-001\ln_ped\Environment\Projects\2013\Colindale Redrow Homes\10 Post submission\Statement of Conformity\150421 Construction Traffic (Issue) Rev 4.xlsx Worksheet: AADT & AAWT Flows Date: 05/05/2015 TIME SLICE 2 Quarters 26 2020 Committed Only Do Minimum: Time Slice 2 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 31661 14683 19599 19437 19522 7499 42313 19826 14016 47987 24hr AADT HGV 2135 503 398 673 353 106 3397 1388 181 3643 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 30187 14592 19546 20011 19908 7576 40342 18903 13363 45751 18hr AAWT HGV 1897 511 353 557 253 149 3018 1233 161 3236 %HGV 6% 4% 2% 3% 1% 2% 7% 7% 1% 7% Quarters 13 2020 Committed Only Do Something: Time Slice 2 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 31572 14646 19983 19479 19813 7534 42422 19800 14033 47990 24hr AADT HGV 2129 502 405 674 393 107 3422 1386 181 3643 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 30103 14558 19934 20058 20222 7612 40456 18879 13379 45755 18hr AAWT HGV 1891 510 359 558 303 150 3047 1231 161 3236 %HGV 6% 4% 2% 3% 1% 2% 8% 7% 1% 7% Quarters 26 2020 AAP Do Minimum: Time Slice 2 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 30994 14746 20092 19595 19638 7471 42689 19897 14011 47992 24hr AADT HGV 2090 506 408 678 355 106 3427 1393 181 3643 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 29550 14654 20038 20173 20026 7547 40700 18970 13359 45756 18hr AAWT HGV 1857 513 361 562 254 149 3045 1238 161 3237 %HGV 6% 4% 2% 3% 1% 2% 7% 7% 1% 7% Quarters 13 2020 AAP Do Something: Time Slice 2 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 30636 14683 20879 19600 20143 7485 42977 19966 14088 48012 24hr AADT HGV 2066 503 423 678 399 106 3466 1397 182 3645 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 29211 14595 20827 20183 20559 7563 40986 19037 13432 45776 18hr AAWT HGV 1835 511 375 561 307 149 3087 1242 162 3238 %HGV 6% 4% 2% 3% 1% 2% 8% 7% 1% 7% Workbook: \\Ln-wip-001\ln_ped\Environment\Projects\2013\Colindale Redrow Homes\10 Post submission\Statement of Conformity\150421 Construction Traffic (Issue) Rev 4.xlsx Worksheet: AADT & AAWT Flows Date: 05/05/2015 TIME SLICE 3 Quarters 32 2022 Committed Only Do Minimum: Time Slice 3 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 31744 15422 20290 19844 20378 7364 42316 19991 13997 48244 24hr AADT HGV 2141 529 412 687 368 105 3397 1400 181 3662 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 30265 15326 20236 20430 20781 7439 40345 19060 13345 45997 18hr AAWT HGV 1902 537 365 569 264 147 3018 1243 161 3254 %HGV 6% 4% 2% 3% 1% 2% 7% 7% 1% 7% Quarters 19 2022 Committed Only Do Something: Time Slice 3 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 31613 15368 20852 19907 20855 7415 42502 19953 14022 48249 24hr AADT HGV 2131 527 423 688 478 105 3459 1396 181 3663 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 30143 15276 20803 20500 21305 7493 40545 19026 13369 46002 18hr AAWT HGV 1894 535 375 570 401 147 3093 1241 161 3254 %HGV 6% 3% 2% 3% 2% 2% 8% 7% 1% 7% Quarters 32 2022 AAP Do Minimum: Time Slice 3 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 30922 15499 20897 20039 20521 7330 42779 20078 13991 48251 24hr AADT HGV 2085 531 424 694 371 104 3435 1406 181 3663 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 29482 15403 20841 20630 20926 7404 40786 19143 13340 46003 18hr AAWT HGV 1853 540 376 574 266 146 3051 1249 160 3254 %HGV 6% 4% 2% 3% 1% 2% 7% 7% 1% 7% Quarters 19 2022 AAP Do Something: Time Slice 3 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 30400 15408 22048 20047 21311 7350 43226 20179 14103 48281 24hr AADT HGV 2050 528 447 693 487 104 3517 1412 182 3665 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 28986 15316 21995 20645 21770 7427 41236 19241 13447 46032 18hr AAWT HGV 1821 536 396 574 407 146 3145 1255 162 3256 %HGV 6% 3% 2% 3% 2% 2% 8% 7% 1% 7% Workbook: \\Ln-wip-001\ln_ped\Environment\Projects\2013\Colindale Redrow Homes\10 Post submission\Statement of Conformity\150421 Construction Traffic (Issue) Rev 4.xlsx Worksheet: AADT & AAWT Flows Date: 05/05/2015 TIME SLICE 4 Quarters 42 2024 Committed Only Do Minimum: Time Slice 4 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 31881 16652 21443 20524 21805 7139 42322 20266 13964 48674 24hr AADT HGV 2150 571 435 710 394 101 3398 1419 180 3695 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 30396 16549 21385 21129 22236 7212 40350 19322 13314 46407 18hr AAWT HGV 1910 580 386 588 282 142 3019 1260 160 3283 %HGV 6% 4% 2% 3% 1% 2% 7% 7% 1% 7% Quarters 29 2024 Committed Only Do Something: Time Slice 4 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 31674 16554 22268 20586 22319 7204 42505 20199 14003 48681 24hr AADT HGV 2136 568 452 712 414 102 3417 1414 181 3696 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 30199 16452 22209 21195 22765 7278 40528 19259 13351 46414 18hr AAWT HGV 1897 576 400 590 303 143 3038 1256 161 3283 %HGV 6% 4% 2% 3% 1% 2% 7% 7% 1% 7% Quarters 42 2024 AAP Do Minimum: Time Slice 4 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 30803 16754 22240 20779 21993 7094 42929 20380 13958 48682 24hr AADT HGV 2077 574 451 719 397 101 3447 1427 180 3696 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 29368 16650 22180 21392 22427 7166 40929 19431 13307 46415 18hr AAWT HGV 1845 583 400 596 285 141 3062 1268 160 3283 %HGV 6% 4% 2% 3% 1% 2% 7% 7% 1% 7% Quarters 29 2024 AAP Do Something: Time Slice 4 1. Edgware Road (north of Colindale Avenue)* 2. Colindale Av (south) 3. Colindale Av (north) 4. Grahame Park Way 5. Aerodrome Road 6. Greyhound Hill 7. Watford Way 8. Edgware Road (south of Colindale Avenue)* 9. Colindeep Lane* 10. M1 Spur* Total Veh 29998 16598 23963 20759 22984 7111 43511 20525 14129 48728 24hr AADT HGV 2023 569 486 718 426 101 3498 1437 182 3699 %HGV 7% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 8% 7% 1% 8% Total Veh 28601 16496 23900 21373 23443 7184 41488 19569 13471 46458 18hr AAWT HGV 1797 578 431 595 312 141 3110 1276 162 3286 %HGV 6% 4% 2% 3% 1% 2% 7% 7% 1% 7% Workbook: \\Ln-wip-001\ln_ped\Environment\Projects\2013\Colindale Redrow Homes\10 Post submission\Statement of Conformity\150421 Construction Traffic (Issue) Rev 4.xlsx Worksheet: AADT & AAWT Flows Date: 05/05/2015
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