ADVENTURERS Next Adventurers meeting March 28 at 4pm. The club is looking for a volunteer to be our main cook during the adventurers' camporee on July 24 to 28,2015. Interested people please contact Selma for more details, 905-924-0284. Adventurer Family “On Your Mark” Camporee, Camporee July 2222-26, 2015 (WedSun) at the Brant Park Conservation Area in Brantford, ON. For details, go to SPANISH GROUP HEALTH EVANGELISM Meetings with Ron Meinhardt formerly from Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center. This exciting new seminar series focuses on optimizing immunity and increasing awareness of the efficacy of healthy lifestyle choices and 7pm. Sat., April 11, simple natural April 1010-12 at CPES,7pm. 11 11:00, 3pm, 7pm. Sun., April 12, 2-4pm, 7pm. April 1313-15 at College Park Church Assembly Room, 7pm. All meetings are free and will be translated into Spanish. KINGSWAY COLLEGE Kingsway Preview Weekend. Weekend - “Are you in grade 8-11 and still deciding on what high school to go to in September? Join us on April 1717-19, for a campus tour, a showcase of our touring groups, and the opportunity to mingle with our students, faculty and staff! Food and lodging is free. You must have a parent/adult guardian with you for the weekend. To register, contact 905-433-1144 ext. 211 or Preview Weekend Schedule: Everyone is invited to attend to the following events: Fri., Apr. 17, 8pm. Choir - Sacred Concert at CPC Sat., Apr. 18, Band - Church service Sat., Apr. 18, 8:30pm, Aerials Home Show at the A.E. King Fitness ONTARIO CONFERENCE For Information on all these events go to: www.adventistontario.og Sun., Mar. 29 - Training for Adventist Education Leaders, Crawford. Youth pastors and PTA members are encouraged to attend. Sun., Mar. 29 Central East School of Evangelism— Evangelism—all sessions to be held at the Ontario Conference, on Sunday’s 10am10am-4:30pm. $300.00 Registration Fee. Sat., Apr. 11 - The education and children’s ministries present Fine Arts Festival “Acts of Faith” at Crawford Academy. Join us for an evening of music and art presented by students of the schools in Ontario. Admission is free. Sun., Apr. 12, 10am, 10am Math Olympiad, Crawford Academy. Apr. 17-19 - Marriage Enrichment - Registration closes Mar. 26 Apr. 25 & 26— 26—Men’s Ministry Mission Trip to Camp Frenda to rebuild Chalet. 1 team per church (3-4men) Accommodation and food provided. Arrive by 6pm Apr. 25, Depart Apr. 26 by 3pm. May 10 - Fundraising Gala, Gala 6:30pm at the Markham Convention Centre. $55.00/per person. RSVP by Apr. 22. May 1515-17 -Singles Ministries Retreat. Registration closes May 4. SDA CHURCH IN CANADA JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking a IT Support Specialist. The job description can be found on our web page\employment. Send resume to Joyce Jones, email: Deadline, Mar. 31. ADRA CANADA - GRAB YOUR PASSPORT!! Do you want to minister to others? Then travel with ADRA as we improve lives around the world. Cambodia Sept. 2727-Oct. 11, Setting up hand washing stations, latrines, and learning centres. Peru Oct. 2525-Nov. 8, building smoke-free stoves in the homes of families in the highlands. Go to or call 11-888888-274274-2372. CPC CALENDAR AT A GLANCE Mar. 20 - Apr. 9 - Spring Food Drive Mar. 28 - Bible Study Mar. 28 - Women’s Book Club Apr. 7 - Natural Lifestyle Cooking Apr. 7- Support Group Apr. 8 - Prayer Meeting Mar. 28 - Prayer and Fasting Mar. 30 –Apr. 4 - At the Foot of the Cross Apr. 4 - Evening Communion/Baptism Apr. 10-15 - Spanish Health Evangelism Apr. 11 – Fellowship Lunch Apr. 18 - Freed Up Financial Living Apr. 26 - Church Workbee PULPIT SCHEDULE Apr. 4 - Pastor Chris Holland Apr. 11 - Pastor Paul Antunes SEVENTHSEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH REGULAR EVENTS Kidz4Glory practice each Sabbath, 3-4pm. J.A.Y.C. (Joyful Adventist Youth Choir) Ages—13 -35 years, 4-5:30pm each Sabbath For more info. call Sam Ruales 905-240 2198 Young at Heart Singers Choir - Tues., 10am Pioneer Apts. PBE Practice—Fri., 7-9pm, Primary 11 Room Practice Support groups for Stop Smoking, Depression Recovery and Grief, is each Tues., 7:30 pm, pm in the Earliteen Room Call Frances James 905-432-3204 or Prayer Meeting, each Wednesday, 7pm For more information 1164 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario - L1H 1H9 Telephone 905-725-1121 Church Office Hours Mon. 1:00pm - 3:30pm Tues. 2:00-5pm Wed., & Thurs. 8:30am - 12 noon & 1pm-3:30pm Fri. 8:30am - 12 noon CPC introduction Video ON DUTY THIS WEEK: Lead Pastor Paul Antunes …………………………….. 905-725-1121 Charge Elders: David Bannister, Finnie Flores Duty Elder: Ruth Weidner Deacon: Tonnata Tjhatra Deaconess: Rachael Morae Associate Pastor Jayson Levy……………………………….. 289-388-4722 Youth Pastor Kevin Magdamo……………………………905-914-0594 Head Elder Edwin Sormin …………………….……..905-665-1408 March 28, 2015 Sunset Tonight: 7:38 Next week: 7:47 9:20am-10:35am The Church at Study Welcome and Prayer Praise in Song Lesson Study Women and Wine Special Music Superintendent’s Remarks Albert James Albert James Classes Caitlin Adap Glendon Delisser Sabbath School loose offerings will be allocated 50% to S.S. Expense, 50% to missions, unless specified on a tithe envelope. 10:45 - 12:15 Praise And Adoration We invite you to join with us as we adore our Holy God in Worship. Prelude Greg Foreman Welcome Allen Decena Opening Hymn No. 15 - My Maker and My King Children’s Introit Allen Decena Xamuel Juanata Children’s Story Sarah Mora Baptism of Colin Joseph Pastor Kevin Magdamo Pastor’s Corner Tithes and Offerings Tithe and Ontario Advance Praise Singing Praise Team Congregational Prayer Scripture Reading Justin Winsor Philippians 4: 4-6 Musical Meditation Message Ivor Pitt Adams Babida, Allen Decena, Sharon Foreman Seekers of Your Heart Pastor Paul Antunes Imagine A Life Transformed by Prayer Baptismal Welcome Pastor Paul Antunes Benediction Pastor Paul Antunes Postlude Greg Foreman WELCOME God brought you here for a reason today and we pray that His purpose will be fulfilled in you as you worship with us. May God pour out His blessings on you! PRAYER Lakeridge Oshawa; Marjatta Aakko; Lakeridge, Whitby: Allie Pazitka; Centennial Place, Fosterbrooke, Newcastle: Marg Maracle, Joyce Piggott; Seasons Clarington: Robert Phillips Traditions of Durham: Kay Fairchild, Eunice Ferrell; Fairview Lodge: Lenora Phillips; Hillsdale Estates: Joy Brown, Emma Keys; Hillsdale Terraces: Jill Parchment; Strathaven: Hazel Cross; Valleyview Toronto: Gladys Banks, Emma Feyerabend, Vlasta Sigurdson. St. Joseph Transitional Rehab, Las Vegas: Teresita Quiambao At Home: June Bell, Howard Boutcher, Olga Cook, Lorain Davis, Bonnie and George Clarke, Marie Ghazal, Sam Greer, Gerald Moores, Claude Osborn, Jeannie Johnson, Helen Solomon, John Tarr, Shirley Tarr, Jan Weststrate, Joe Weststrate. Are you in need of prayer, or have a prayer request? A Prayer Request Box is on the Welcome Table in the foyer for intercessory prayer to our Loving Heavenly Father. PRAYER MEETING Please join us as together as we pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. More prayer, more power! Wednesdays, 7pm in the church Sanctuary. FELLOWSHIP LUNCH Next Fellowship Lunch: Apr. 11, Hosts: Jones, Mohns, Toop Visitors Welcome! Church Members are asked to bring buffet-style food to share. Come and enjoy good food and fellowship. BIBLE STUDY— STUDY—3-4pm , JUNIOR BOARD ROOM Come and be a part of our exciting Church Bible study series on the SDA 28 Fundamental Beliefs. AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS Meetings with Pastor Chris Holland each evening 7pm, Mon. Mar. 3030Sat. Apr. 4. As we conclude Saturday April 4 at 6pm, 6pm we will celebrate the Communion and witness those giving their lives to Christ through baptism. The program will begin with foot washing downstairs before enjoying the rest of the program in the Sanctuary. Please bring a plate of your favorite finger foods for our fellowship time in the church foyer following the service. Footwashing: 6pm6:30—Communion/Baptism: 6:30-7:30 pm TRANSITIONS –2ND READING Joining College Park Max Aka from Willowdale SDA, Toronto, ON Haromonee Browne from Berrien Springs Pioneer Mem. MI Jared Browne from Berrien Springs Pioneer Mem. MI Micah Browne from Berrien Springs Pioneer Mem. MI Nova Browne from Berrien Springs Pioneer Mem. MI Debra McLean from Belleville SDA, Belleville, ON Scott McLean from Belleville SDA, Belleville, ON Calvin Okello from All Nations SDA, Toronto, ON Alvin Ram from Willowdale SDA, Toronto, ON Leaving College Park Horace Emanuel to Agape Temple SDA, Pickering, ON Sherri-Ann Emanuel to Agape Temple SDA, Pickering, ON Lorna Hall to Queach SDA, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe STEWARDSHIP CHURCH BUDGET - (Personal Giving Plan suggests 3% of income). If you require a receipt please place your offering in a tithe envelope and mark it accordingly. Thank you in advance for remembering your church. Thank you for printing your first and last name clearly on each tithe envelope. Designated Offering for today is for Ontario Advance. Your offering will help plant new churches, operate youth camps and provide Christian education and other youth programs. Next week’s offering: Ontario Advance For your convenience Online Giving is available on our website. Church Budget (as of Mar. 21, 2015 Annual Budget $338,000 Goal to Mar. 21, $75,000 Received to Mar. 21, $51,733 (Received toto-date 2014) $32,078 Building Fund Phase 2 July 2013-Mar. 21, 2015 total raised $340,423. less expenses paid = balance $289,172 HEALTH MINISTRY “Natural Natural lifestyle cooking” Tuesdays 6:45 -7:45 pm. April 7, 14, 21 and 28. DVD presentations by Ernestine Finley. Fee for materials is $10. To register, or for information, email Lila Oliveira at or call 289-274-1804. A Learn to run 12 week program starts this Sun., Mar. 29, 10am in the Earliteen room. The first session will be an introduction to the program and registration. The program will end with a 5km race on June 14, Contact Lila Oliveira for more information at FAMILY MINISTRIES— MINISTRIES—FREED UP FINANCIAL LIVING Sat., April 1818- With Conrad Smith. 2-5pm in the Earliteen Room. Registration Deadline, April 1, Registration fee $20. Contact First five individuals to register will be free. WOMEN’S MINISTRIESMINISTRIES-BOOK CLUB 6:30pm in the Earliteen Room on the following dates: Mar. 28, Apr. 11, 18 & 25. SUPER STORE SPRING FOOD DRIVE (Gibb Street) Volunteers needed to hand out bags at the Superstore, Superstore Gibb St. from Mar. 20— 20—Apr. 9, (2 hr. time slots available). To volunteer at the Superstore, contact Horace Emanuel at 905905-922922-8086, 8086 or register today in the church foyer. A SEASON OF PRAYER AND FASTING There will be a Special Prayer Session for the Outpouring of the Laer Rain aer Church Service today unl 5pm in the Sanctuary to culminate our 50 Days of Prayer. BRIDAL SHOWER Sun., Apr. 5, 1212-4pm, in the Assembly Room, a shower for Katlyn Goodwin and Nick Kaytor. Kaytor RSVP 905-436-3330 or on facebook Registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond and Sears. NOMINATING COMMITTEE MEETING Next Meeting, Sun., Mar. 29, 9:30am in the Earliteen Room. Room
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